84 research outputs found

    Exponential stabilization of driftless nonlinear control systems using homogeneous feedback

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    This paper focuses on the problem of exponential stabilization of controllable, driftless systems using time-varying, homogeneous feedback. The analysis is performed with respect to a homogeneous norm in a nonstandard dilation that is compatible with the algebraic structure of the control Lie algebra. It can be shown that any continuous, time-varying controller that achieves exponential stability relative to the Euclidean norm is necessarily non-Lipschitz. Despite these restrictions, we provide a set of constructive, sufficient conditions for extending smooth, asymptotic stabilizers to homogeneous, exponential stabilizers. The modified feedbacks are everywhere continuous, smooth away from the origin, and can be extended to a large class of systems with torque inputs. The feedback laws are applied to an experimental mobile robot and show significant improvement in convergence rate over smooth stabilizers

    Control of first order nonholonomic systems

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    Control Of Nonh=holonomic Systems

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    Many real-world electrical and mechanical systems have velocity-dependent constraints in their dynamic models. For example, car-like robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles and hopping robots, etc. Most of these systems can be transformed into a chained form, which is considered as a canonical form of these nonholonomic systems. Hence, study of chained systems ensure their wide applicability. This thesis studied the problem of continuous feed-back control of the chained systems while pursuing inverse optimality and exponential convergence rates, as well as the feed-back stabilization problem under input saturation constraints. These studies are based on global singularity-free state transformations and controls are synthesized from resulting linear systems. Then, the application of optimal motion planning and dynamic tracking control of nonholonomic autonomous underwater vehicles is considered. The obtained trajectories satisfy the boundary conditions and the vehicles\u27 kinematic model, hence it is smooth and feasible. A collision avoidance criteria is set up to handle the dynamic environments. The resulting controls are in closed forms and suitable for real-time implementations. Further, dynamic tracking controls are developed through the Lyapunov second method and back-stepping technique based on a NPS AUV II model. In what follows, the application of cooperative surveillance and formation control of a group of nonholonomic robots is investigated. A designing scheme is proposed to achieves a rigid formation along a circular trajectory or any arbitrary trajectories. The controllers are decentralized and are able to avoid internal and external collisions. Computer simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of these designs

    Robust stabilization of chained systems via hybrid control

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    Practical Stabilization of Uncertain Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Based on Visual Servoing Model with Uncalibrated Camera Parameters

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    The practical stabilization problem is addressed for a class of uncertain nonholonomic mobile robots with uncalibrated visual parameters. Based on the visual servoing kinematic model, a new switching controller is presented in the presence of parametric uncertainties associated with the camera system. In comparison with existing methods, the new design method is directly used to control the original system without any state or input transformation, which is effective to avoid singularity. Under the proposed control law, it is rigorously proved that all the states of closed-loop system can be stabilized to a prescribed arbitrarily small neighborhood of the zero equilibrium point. Furthermore, this switching control technique can be applied to solve the practical stabilization problem of a kind of mobile robots with uncertain parameters (and angle measurement disturbance) which appeared in some literatures such as Morin et al. (1998), Hespanha et al. (1999), Jiang (2000), and Hong et al. (2005). Finally, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller design approach

    Practical convergence of an underactuated H-drive system

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    Global inverse optimal stabilization of stochastic nonholonomic systems

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    Optimality has not been addressed in existing works on control of (stochastic) nonholonomic systems.This paper presents a design of optimal controllers with respect to a meaningful cost function to globally asymptotically stabilize (in probability) nonholonomic systems affine in stochastic disturbances. The design is based on the Lyapunov direct method, the backstepping technique, and the inverse optimal control design. A class of Lyapunov functions, which are not required to be as nonlinearly strong as quadratic or quartic, is proposed for the control design. Thus, these Lyapunov functions can be applied to design of controllers for underactuated (stochastic) mechanical systems, which are usually required Lyapunov functions of a nonlinearly weak form. The proposed control design is illustrated on a kinematic cart, of which wheel velocities are perturbed by stochastic noise

    Exponential Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems by Means of Oscillating Controls

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    This paper is devoted to the stabilization problem for nonlinear driftless control systems by means of a time-varying feedback control. It is assumed that the vector fields of the system together with their first order Lie brackets span the whole tangent space at the equilibrium. A family of trigonometric open-loop controls is constructed to approximate the gradient flow associated with a Lyapunov function. These controls are applied for the derivation of a time-varying feedback law under the sampling strategy. By using Lyapunov's direct method, we prove that the controller proposed ensures exponential stability of the equilibrium. As an example, this control design procedure is applied to stabilize the Brockett integrator.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    On Observer-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems

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    Filtering and reconstruction of signals play a fundamental role in modern signal processing, telecommunications, and control theory and are used in numerous applications. The feedback principle is an important concept in control theory. Many different control strategies are based on the assumption that all internal states of the control object are available for feedback. In most cases, however, only a few of the states or some functions of the states can be measured. This circumstance raises the need for techniques, which makes it possible not only to estimate states, but also to derive control laws that guarantee stability when using the estimated states instead of the true ones. For linear systems, the separation principle assures stability for the use of converging state estimates in a stabilizing state feedback control law. In general, however, the combination of separately designed state observers and state feedback controllers does not preserve performance, robustness, or even stability of each of the separate designs. In this thesis, the problems of observer design and observer-based control for nonlinear systems are addressed. The deterministic continuous-time systems have been in focus. Stability analysis related to the Positive Real Lemma with relevance for output feedback control is presented. Separation results for a class of nonholonomic nonlinear systems, where the combination of independently designed observers and state-feedback controllers assures stability in the output tracking problem are shown. In addition, a generalization to the observer-backstepping method where the controller is designed with respect to estimated states, taking into account the effects of the estimation errors, is presented. Velocity observers with application to ship dynamics and mechanical manipulators are also presented
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