124 research outputs found

    Finite Time Robust Control of the Sit-to-Stand Movement for Powered Lower Limb Orthoses

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    This study presents a technique to safely control the Sit-to-Stand movement of powered lower limb orthoses in the presence of parameter uncertainty. The weight matrices used to calculate the finite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) gain in the feedback loop are chosen from a pool of candidates as to minimize a robust performance metric involving induced gains that measure the deviation of variables of interest in a linear time-varying (LTV) system, at specific times within a finite horizon, caused by a perturbation signal modeling the variation of the parameters. Two relevant Sit-to-Stand movements are simulated for drawing comparisons with the results documented in a previous work.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, ACC 2018 Submissio

    Optimal Universal Controllers for Roll Stabilization

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    Roll stabilization is an important problem of ship motion control. This problem becomes especially difficult if the same set of actuators (e.g. a single rudder) has to be used for roll stabilization and heading control of the vessel, so that the roll stabilizing system interferes with the ship autopilot. Finding the "trade-off" between the concurrent goals of accurate vessel steering and roll stabilization usually reduces to an optimization problem, which has to be solved in presence of an unknown wave disturbance. Standard approaches to this problem (loop-shaping, LQG, H∞H_{\infty}-control etc.) require to know the spectral density of the disturbance, considered to be a \colored noise". In this paper, we propose a novel approach to optimal roll stabilization, approximating the disturbance by a polyharmonic signal with known frequencies yet uncertain amplitudes and phase shifts. Linear quadratic optimization problems in presence of polyharmonic disturbances can be solved by means of the theory of universal controllers developed by V.A. Yakubovich. An optimal universal controller delivers the optimal solution for any uncertain amplitudes and phases. Using Marine Systems Simulator (MSS) Toolbox that provides a realistic vessel's model, we compare our design method with classical approaches to optimal roll stabilization. Among three controllers providing the same quality of yaw steering, OUC stabilizes the roll motion most efficiently

    A New Procedure for Tuning an Allocator and Designing a Robust High-Level Control Law for Over-Actuated Systems

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    This paper presents a new integrated procedure to tune a control law for overactuated mechanical systems that may encounter singularities. First, the allocator that divides the commands among the actuators is tuned thanks to a genetic optimization algorithm, that computes the optimal values of its parameters. Then, the open-loop system including the allocator is identified and a robust closed-loop controller is computed with the structured H_\infty method. Indeed, near singularities, the system and the allocator may create errors to deviate from these points or create delays to reconfigure the actuators, hence there is a need to create a closed-loop controller robust to these characteristics and to parameter variations. This procedure is carried out on a planar redundant robotic manipulator example. Simulation

    Thrust Expenditure Feasibility Analysis for Rendezvous Operations in Cis-Lunar Space

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    In recent years, Moon exploration has become a primary objective within most space agencies worldwide. The Lunar Space Gateway program ARTEMIS (or LOP-G) is an example of mission proposal for technology feasibility in terms of autonomous (and later manned) operations of a space station orbiting the L2 Earth – Moon Lagrangian point. Rendezvous and docking (berthing) are tasks that are envisioned to be performed fully autonomously. The focus of the paper falls in this category, whereby an active module called Lunar Ascender Element (LAE), returning from the lunar surface, shall be able to operate an automatic rendezvous mission with the LOP-G station. The paper concentrates, in particular, with the feasibility analysis needed to assess the engines’ thrust capabilities to provide appropriate propulsion for open loop and closed loop control during rendezvous. The capability of providing the desired amount of thrust is not only linked to the actual guidance commands, but also to the nature of the motors. The rendezvous maneuver sequence, dynamics and hold points are first defined, and the thrust distribution and configuration detailed for the specific mission. The guidance logics are described, and the implementation of a passively safe trajectory outlined. Based on the dynamic model of the system, and the assumed actuator model, the main causes of unfeasibility are listed. The paper continues by analyzing the sensitivity of the thrust profile at each motor with respect to the control allocation algorithm, the duration of the maneuver, the duration of each impulse (assuming a two-impulse maneuver), and the location of the berthing port within a selected near rectilinear halo orbit around the Moon. The tests take into account how the parameters influence the Delta V required to perform the mission. The authors wish to remark that this analysis is critical to the design of rendezvous and berthing (docking) operations, since feasibility is necessary for the success of the mission, and it provides a structured computation of a realistic parameter space in the relative motion in the presence of a third body perturbation

    An adaptive control allocation algorithm for nonlinear vehicles with parameter uncertainty

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    Evaluation of a sliding mode fault tolerant controller on the MuPAL-α research aircraft

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordThis paper presents piloted flight test results of a sliding mode fault tolerant control scheme implemented on the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's MuPAL-α research aircraft. These results represent unique piloted validation tests of a sliding mode fault tolerant control allocation scheme on a full-scale aircraft operating in the presence of actuator faults. The control law used here does not require the presence of a fault detection and isolation unit and therefore in the event of faults/failures, the actuator effectiveness levels are unknown. In the absence of this information, a fixed control allocation mechanism has been used in order to retain nominal fault-free performance. The control scheme has been implemented on the lateral-directional motion and incorporated within the experimental fly-by-wire system. Piloted flight test results show that close to nominal tracking performance can be maintained despite the presence of unknown actuator faults as well as actuator uncertainties.European UnionJapan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizatio

    Cascade MIMO P-PID controllers applied in an over-actuated quadrotor Tilt-Rotor

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    To map the Virtual Control Actions (VCAs) into Real Control Actions (RCAs), over-actuated systems typically require nonlinear control allocation methods. On embedded robotic platforms, computational efforts are not always available. With this in mind, this work presents the design of a Quadrotor Tilt-Rotor (QTR) through a new concept of control allocation with uncoupled RCAs, where a nonlinear system is divided into partially dependent and linear subsystems with fast and robust convergence. The RCAs are divided into smaller and linearized sets and solved sequentially. Then, the cascade Multipe-Input-Multipe-Output (MIMO) Proportional (P)- Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers tuning were presented with saturation constants and successive loop closure technique, where some open-field environment tests were conducted to validate the respective tuning. In the end, it showed to be reliable, robust, efficient, and applicable when VCAs are overlapped between the subsystems.The authors would like to thank CEFET-MG and Leuphana University of L¨uneburg for their financial support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimizing output regulation for a class of underactuated LPV systems

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    @ 2017 IEEE. Personal use of these materials is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating news collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksIn this paper the problem of optimizing the output regulation of an underactuated LPV system is considered. When the system is underactuated, only a subset of the outputs can be arbitrarily controlled, and the remaining ones are constrained. The problem of finding the input that minimizes a cost function of the overall output tracking error is investigated for a special class of LPV systems that admit steady-states. Moreover, it is shown how such solution is related to the inputs associated to the singularly optimal regulation of each output.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hardware-in-the-loop evaluation of an LPV sliding mode fixed control allocation scheme on the MuPAL-α research aircraft

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThis paper develops a sliding mode fault tolerant control scheme based on an LPV system representation of the plant. The scheme involves a control allocation component, which is capable of fully utilizing the available actuators in the face of actuator faults. In this paper, information about the actuator faults is assumed not to be available and therefore a fixed control allocation structure is utilised in the event of faults. The proposed scheme is validated using the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency's Multi-Purpose Aviation Laboratory (MuPAL-α) research aircraft. This paper describes initial hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests which serve as a precursor to upcoming real flight tests. The validation results show good lateral-directional state tracking performance in the fault free case with no visible performance degradation in the presence of (aileron) faults. Successful HIL tests demonstrate the potential of the proposed scheme which will be flight tested later this year.European CommissionJapan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organizatio
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