238 research outputs found

    A multifunctional dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement

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    Power quality is a major concern in electrical power systems. The power quality disturbances such as sags, swells, harmonic distortion and other interruptions have an impact on the electrical devices and machines and in severe cases can cause serious damages. Therefore it is necessary to recognize and compensate all types of disturbances at an earliest time to ensure normal and efficient operation of the power system. To solve these problems, many types of power devices are used. At the present time, one of those devices, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is the most efficient and effective device used in power distribution systems. In this paper, design and modeling of a new structure and a new control method of multifunctional DVRs for voltage quality correction are presented. The new control method was built in the stationary frame by combining Proportional Resonant controllers and Sequence-Decouple Resonant controllers. The performance of the device and this method under different conditions such as voltage swell, voltage sag due to symmetrical and unsymmetrical short circuit, starting of motors, and voltage distortion are described. Simulation result show the superior capability of the proposed DVR to improve power quality under different operating conditions and the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed new DVR controller is able to detect the voltage disturbances and control the converter to inject appropriate voltages independently for each phase and compensate to load voltage through three single-phase transformers.Web of Science116art. no. 135

    Protection of sensitive loads using sliding mode controlled three-phase DVR with adaptive notch filter

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    This paper introduces a sliding mode control (SMC) strategy for three-phase dynamic voltage restorers (DVRs) with a 12-switch voltage source inverter. The compensating voltage references needed in the SMC strategy are generated by an adaptive notch filter (ANF), which exhibits excellent performance under grid voltage anomalies such as voltage sags, swells, and unbalanced and distorted grid voltage conditions. The consequence of using the ANF eliminates the use of phase-lock loop or frequency-lock loop and low-pass filter, which makes it distinguishable from the existing reference signal generation solutions. In addition, the use of the SMC strategy with its attractive properties makes the control implementation simple. Theoretical results are supported by simulation results as well as realtime laboratory results over a range of grid voltage anomalies. These results show that the proposed control strategy not only offers an excellent dynamic response independent from the parameter variations and disturbances but also compensates the voltage sags, swells, and harmonics on the load terminals under the defined limits of the IEEE-519 standard

    An effective control algorithm for dynamic voltage restorer under symmetrical and asymmetrical grid voltage conditions

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    Introduction. Voltage sag, which is associated to a transitory drop in the root mean square voltage characterizing an electrical source network. During these perturbations, the corresponding electronic customers and devices will suffer from serious operating troubles causing dangerous damages. Purpose. In order to attenuate this disturbance effects, the Controlled Dynamic Voltage Restorer constitutes a very interesting solution among many others that have been proposed. The novelty of the proposed work consists in presenting an enhanced algorithm to control efficiently the dynamic voltage restorer when voltage sag is suddenly occurred. Methods. The proposed algorithm is based on an instantaneous phase locked loop using a multi variable filter to synthesize unitary signals involved in compensation voltages computation relative to the sag apparition. Practical value. A detailed study concerning typical voltage sag, which is consolidated by simulation and experimental results, is conducted to show the used algorithm’s effectiveness to cancel the corresponding voltage sag.Вступ. Провал напруги, який пов’язаний із тимчасовим падінням середньоквадратичної напруги, характеризує мережу джерел електричної енергії. Під час цих збурень відповідні споживачі (електронні прилади та інші пристрої) будуть страждати від серйозних проблем у їхній експлуатації, що спричиняють небезпечні пошкодження. Призначення. Для того, щоб послабити вплив цих збурень, контрольований динамічний відновник напруги видається дуже цікавим рішенням серед багатьох інших, які були запропоновані. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у представленні вдосконаленого алгоритму ефективного управління динамічним відновником напруги, коли раптово відбувається провал напруги. Методи. Запропонований алгоритм базується на миттєвому фазовому замкненому контурі з використанням багатоваріантного фільтра для синтезу унітарних сигналів, що беруть участь у обчисленні напруги компенсації стосовно прояву провалу. Практичне значення. Детальне дослідження стосовно типового провалу напруги, яке узагальнено за допомогою моделювання та експериментальних результатів, проведено, щоб показати ефективність використовуваного алгоритму для ліквідації відповідного провалу напруги

    Voltage Distortion Mitigation in a Distributed Generation-integrated Weak Utility Network Via a Self-tuning Filter-based Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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    The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is mainly used in a utility grid to protect sensitive loads from power quality problems, such as voltage sags and swells. However, the effectiveness of the DVR can wane under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. Recently, DVR control algorithms have been developed that enable the elimination of voltage harmonics in weak and distorted utility networks. This paper presents a modified control method for the DVR, which can (1) compensate the voltage swell and (2) eliminate the voltage harmonics in a combined utility condition consisting of voltage unbalance and harmonic distortion. A self-tuning filter (STF) is used along with the pq controlmethod to increase the control performance of the DVR. One of the advantages of STF is that it eliminates the need to have multiple filters as part of the control method, and thus reduces the controller complexity. Analysis of the fault ride-through capability of the new DVR revealed an improvement in the voltage stability offered to distributed generation-integrated weak utility networks. The proposed DVR control method is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink and tested in both off-line and real-time environments using theOPALRT real-time platform. Results are then presented as a verification of the proposed system

    Advanced Control of the dynamic voltage restorer for mitigating voltage sags in power systems

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    The paper presents a vector control with two cascaded loops to improve the properties of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) to minimize Voltage Sags on the grid. Thereby, a vector controlled structure was built on the rotating dq-coordinate system with the combination of voltage control and the current control. The proposed DVR control method is modelled using MATLAB-Simulink. It is tested using balanced/ unbalanced voltage sags as well as fluctuant and distorted voltages. As a result, by using this controlling method, the dynamic characteristics of the system have been improved significantly. The system performed with higher accuracy, faster response and lower distortion in the voltage sags compensation. The paper presents real time experimental results to verify the performance of the proposed method in real environments

    Performance of Modification of a Three Phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Voltage Quality Improvement in Electrical Distribution System

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    There is growing concern over power quality of ac supply systems. Power quality can be defined as the ability of utilities to provide electric power without interruption. Various power quality problems can be categorized as voltage sags, swells, harmonics, transients and unbalance are considered are the most common power quality problems in electrical distribution systems (Elandy etl., 2006). These types of disturbances can cause fails in the equipments, raising the possibility of an energy interruption.Voltage swells can be defined as a short duration increase in rms of main source with an increase in voltage ranging from 1.1 p.u up to 1.8 p.u. of nominal voltage source. There are various solutions to these problem

    Voltage quality enhancement in distribution system using artificial neural network (ANN) based dynamic voltage restorer

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    Voltage quality issue and invariably power quality has become an important issue in distribution power system operation due to presence of increased use of nonlinear loads (computers, microcontrollers and power electronics systems). Voltage sags and swells as well as harmonics are problems for industrial, commercial and residential customers with sensitive loads, which need urgent attention for their compensation. In this paper, the modeling and simulations of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) was achieved u sing MATLAB/Simulink. The aim was to employ artificial intelligence to provide smart triggering pulses for the DVR to mitigate and to provide compensation against voltage sags and swells. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was trained online by data gener ated via a 3 - phase programmable voltage generator and these were used as inputs to the ANN, fault conditions were simulated to create voltage sags and swells in the source supply, while faultless condition of the system was simulated and the data obtained from it was used as targets of the ANN. A net fitting, feed forward back propagation, Lavenberg - Marquardt training algorithm and mean square error performance were used. ANN Simulink block was used as control for the gate of the full wave 3 - phase Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) inverter employed in constructing the DVR. Three single phase injection transformers were employed to regulate the output amplitude voltage from the DVR, while filters were used to reduce the harmonics from 11.09% to 3.5%. A t the end, voltage sags and swells were effectively mitigated and harmonics in the system reduced to 3.5%, which is within the maximum acceptable IEEE standard 519 of 1992 for harmonic distortion. Key words : Voltage, Distribution System, ANN, Dynamic Volt age Restorer, Voltage quality enhancement, non - linear load

    Mitigation of Power Quality Problems Using Custom Power Devices: A Review

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    Electrical power quality (EPQ) in distribution systems is a critical issue for commercial, industrial and residential applications. The new concept of advanced power electronic based Custom Power Devices (CPDs) mainly distributed static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) and unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) have been developed due to lacking the performance of traditional compensating devices to minimize power quality disturbances. This paper presents a comprehensive review on D-STATCOM, DVR and UPQC to solve the electrical power quality problems of the distribution networks. This is intended to present a broad overview of the various possible DSTATCOM, DVR and UPQC configurations for single-phase (two wire) and three-phase (three-wire and four-wire) networks and control strategies for the compensation of various power quality disturbances. Apart from this, comprehensive explanation, comparison, and discussion on D-STATCOM, DVR, and UPQC are presented. This paper is aimed to explore a broad prospective on the status of D-STATCOMs, DVRs, and UPQCs to researchers, engineers and the community dealing with the power quality enhancement. A classified list of some latest research publications on the topic is also appended for a quick reference

    Adaline-based control of capacitor supported DVR for distribution system

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    In this paper, a new control algorithm for the dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is proposed to regulate the load terminal voltage during various power quality problems that include sag, swell, harmonics and unbalance in the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC). The proposed control strategy is an Adaline (Adaptive linear element) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and is used to control a capacitor supported DVR for power quality improvement. A capacitor supported DVR does not need any active power during steady state because the voltage injected is in quadrature with the feeder current. The control of the DVR is implemented through derived reference load terminal voltages. The proposed control strategy is validated through extensive simulation studies using the MATLAB software with its Simulink and SimPower System (SPS) toolboxes. The DVR is found suitable to support its dc bus voltage through the control under various disturbances

    Time-Varying and Constant Switching Frequency-Based Sliding-Mode Control Methods for Transformerless DVR Employing Half-Bridge VSI

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    This paper presents time-varying and constant switching frequency based sliding-mode control (SMC) methods for three-phase transformerless dynamic voltage restorers (TDVRs) which employ half-bridge voltage source inverter. An equation is derived for the time-varying switching frequency. However, since the time-varying switching frequency is not desired in practice, a smoothing operation is applied to the sliding surface function within a narrow boundary layer with the aim of eliminating the chattering effect and achieving a constant switching frequency operation. The control signal obtained from the smoothing operation is compared with a triangular carrier signal to produce the pulse width modulation signals. The feasibility of both SMC methods has been validated by experimental results obtained from a TDVR operating under highly distorted grid voltages and voltage sags. The results obtained from both methods show excellent performance in terms of dynamic response and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the load voltage. However, the constant switching frequencybased SMC method not only offers a constant switching frequency at all times and preserves the inherent advantages of the SMC, but also leads to smaller THD in the load voltage than that of time-varying switching frequency-based SMC method