3,424 research outputs found

    The COMPLETE Survey of Star-Forming Regions: Phase I Data

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    We present an overview of data available for the Ophiuchus and Perseus molecular clouds from ``Phase I'' of the COMPLETE Survey of Star-Forming Regions. This survey provides a range of data complementary to the Spitzer Legacy Program ``From Molecular Cores to Planet Forming Disks.'' Phase I includes: Extinction maps derived from 2MASS near-infrared data using the NICER algorithm; extinction and temperature maps derived from IRAS 60 and 100um emission; HI maps of atomic gas; 12CO and 13CO maps of molecular gas; and submillimetre continuum images of emission from dust in dense cores. Not unexpectedly, the morphology of the regions appears quite different depending on the column-density tracer which is used, with IRAS tracing mainly warmer dust and CO being biased by chemical, excitation and optical depth effects. Histograms of column-density distribution are presented, showing that extinction as derived from 2MASS/NICER gives the closest match to a log-normal distribution as is predicted by numerical simulations. All the data presented in this paper, and links to more detailed publications on their implications are publically available at the COMPLETE website.Comment: Accepted by AJ. Full resolution version available from: http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/COMPLETE/papers/complete_phase1.pd

    GMRT 333 MHz observations of 6 nearby normal galaxies

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    We report Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) continuum observations of six nearby normal galaxies at 333 MHz. The galaxies are observed with angular resolutions better than ~20" (corresponding to a linear scale of about 0.4 - 1 kpc). These observations are sensitive to all the angular scales of interest, since the resolution of the shortest baseline in GMRT is greater than the angular size of the galaxies. Further, for five of these galaxies we show that at 333 MHz, the mean thermal fraction is less than 5%. Using archival data at about 1 GHz, we estimate the mean thermal fraction to be about 10% at that frequency. We also find that the nonthermal spectral index is generally steeper in regions with low thermal fraction and/or located in the outer parts of the galaxy. In regions of high thermal fraction, the nonthermal spectral index is flatter, and has a narrow distribution peaking at ~ -0.78 with a spread of 0.16, putting stringent constraints on the physical conditions for generation, diffusion and energy losses of cosmic ray electrons at scales of ~ 1 kpc.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Perceptual texture similarity estimation

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    This thesis evaluates the ability of computational features to estimate perceptual texture similarity. In the first part of this thesis, we conducted two evaluation experiments on the ability of 51 computational feature sets to estimate perceptual texture similarity using two differ-ent evaluation methods, namely, pair-of-pairs based and retrieval based evaluations. These experiments compared the computational features to two sets of human derived ground-truth data, both of which are higher resolution than those commonly used. The first was obtained by free-grouping and the second by pair-of-pairs experiments. Using these higher resolution data, we found that the feature sets do not perform well when compared to human judgements. Our analysis shows that these computational feature sets either (1) only exploit power spectrum information or (2) only compute higher order statistics (HoS) on, at most, small local neighbourhoods. In other words, they cannot capture aperiodic, long-range spatial relationships. As we hypothesise that these long-range interactions are important for the human perception of texture similarity we carried out two more pair-of-pairs ex-periments, the results of which indicate that long-range interactions do provide humans with important cues for the perception of texture similarity. In the second part of this thesis we develop new texture features that can encode such data. We first examine the importance of three different types of visual information for human perception of texture. Our results show that contours are the most critical type of information for human discrimination of textures. Finally, we report the development of a new set of contour-based features which performed well on the free-grouping data and outperformed the 51 feature sets and another contour type feature set with the pair-of-pairs data

    Texture similarity estimation using contours

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    Methods for Analysing Endothelial Cell Shape and Behaviour in Relation to the Focal Nature of Atherosclerosis

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop automated methods for the analysis of the spatial patterns, and the functional behaviour of endothelial cells, viewed under microscopy, with applications to the understanding of atherosclerosis. Initially, a radial search approach to segmentation was attempted in order to trace the cell and nuclei boundaries using a maximum likelihood algorithm; it was found inadequate to detect the weak cell boundaries present in the available data. A parametric cell shape model was then introduced to fit an equivalent ellipse to the cell boundary by matching phase-invariant orientation fields of the image and a candidate cell shape. This approach succeeded on good quality images, but failed on images with weak cell boundaries. Finally, a support vector machines based method, relying on a rich set of visual features, and a small but high quality training dataset, was found to work well on large numbers of cells even in the presence of strong intensity variations and imaging noise. Using the segmentation results, several standard shear-stress dependent parameters of cell morphology were studied, and evidence for similar behaviour in some cell shape parameters was obtained in in-vivo cells and their nuclei. Nuclear and cell orientations around immature and mature aortas were broadly similar, suggesting that the pattern of flow direction near the wall stayed approximately constant with age. The relation was less strong for the cell and nuclear length-to-width ratios. Two novel shape analysis approaches were attempted to find other properties of cell shape which could be used to annotate or characterise patterns, since a wide variability in cell and nuclear shapes was observed which did not appear to fit the standard parameterisations. Although no firm conclusions can yet be drawn, the work lays the foundation for future studies of cell morphology. To draw inferences about patterns in the functional response of cells to flow, which may play a role in the progression of disease, single-cell analysis was performed using calcium sensitive florescence probes. Calcium transient rates were found to change with flow, but more importantly, local patterns of synchronisation in multi-cellular groups were discernable and appear to change with flow. The patterns suggest a new functional mechanism in flow-mediation of cell-cell calcium signalling

    Vortex Flows in the Solar Chromosphere -- I. Automatic detection method

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    Solar "magnetic tornadoes" are produced by rotating magnetic field structures that extend from the upper convection zone and the photosphere to the corona of the Sun. Recent studies show that such rotating features are an integral part of atmospheric dynamics and occur on a large range of spatial scales. A systematic statistical study of magnetic tornadoes is a necessary next step towards understanding their formation and their role for the mass and energy transport in the solar atmosphere. For this purpose, we have developed a new automatic detection method for chromospheric swirls, i.e. the observable signature of solar tornadoes or, more generally, chromospheric vortex flows and rotating motions. Unlike the previous studies that relied on visual inspections, our new method combines a line integral convolution (LIC) imaging technique and a scalar quantity which represents a vortex flow on a two-dimensional plane. We have tested two detection algorithms, based on the enhanced vorticity and vorticity strength quantities, by applying them to 3D numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere with CO5BOLD. We conclude that the vorticity strength method is superior compared to the enhanced vorticity method in all aspects. Applying the method to a numerical simulation of the solar atmosphere revealed very abundant small-scale, short-lived chromospheric vortex flows that had not been found by visual inspection before.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Retinal vessel segmentation using textons

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    Segmenting vessels from retinal images, like segmentation in many other medical image domains, is a challenging task, as there is no unified way that can be adopted to extract the vessels accurately. However, it is the most critical stage in automatic assessment of various forms of diseases (e.g. Glaucoma, Age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular diseases etc.). Our research aims to investigate retinal image segmentation approaches based on textons as they provide a compact description of texture that can be learnt from a training set. This thesis presents a brief review of those diseases and also includes their current situations, future trends and techniques used for their automatic diagnosis in routine clinical applications. The importance of retinal vessel segmentation is particularly emphasized in such applications. An extensive review of previous work on retinal vessel segmentation and salient texture analysis methods is presented. Five automatic retinal vessel segmentation methods are proposed in this thesis. The first method focuses on addressing the problem of removing pathological anomalies (Drusen, exudates) for retinal vessel segmentation, which have been identified by other researchers as a problem and a common source of error. The results show that the modified method shows some improvement compared to a previously published method. The second novel supervised segmentation method employs textons. We propose a new filter bank (MR11) that includes bar detectors for vascular feature extraction and other kernels to detect edges and photometric variations in the image. The k-means clustering algorithm is adopted for texton generation based on the vessel and non-vessel elements which are identified by ground truth. The third improved supervised method is developed based on the second one, in which textons are generated by k-means clustering and texton maps representing vessels are derived by back projecting pixel clusters onto hand labelled ground truth. A further step is implemented to ensure that the best combinations of textons are represented in the map and subsequently used to identify vessels in the test set. The experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that our proposed method performs well compared to other published work and the results of human experts. A further test of our system on an independent set of optical fundus images verified its consistent performance. The statistical analysis on experimental results also reveals that it is possible to train unified textons for retinal vessel segmentation. In the fourth method a novel scheme using Gabor filter bank for vessel feature extraction is proposed. The ii method is inspired by the human visual system. Machine learning is used to optimize the Gabor filter parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the true positive rate while maintaining a level of specificity that is comparable with other approaches. Finally, we proposed a new unsupervised texton based retinal vessel segmentation method using derivative of SIFT and multi-scale Gabor filers. The lack of sufficient quantities of hand labelled ground truth and the high level of variability in ground truth labels amongst experts provides the motivation for this approach. The evaluation results reveal that our unsupervised segmentation method is comparable with the best other supervised methods and other best state of the art methods

    A practical vision system for the detection of moving objects

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    The main goal of this thesis is to review and offer robust and efficient algorithms for the detection (or the segmentation) of foreground objects in indoor and outdoor scenes using colour image sequences captured by a stationary camera. For this purpose, the block diagram of a simple vision system is offered in Chapter 2. First this block diagram gives the idea of a precise order of blocks and their tasks, which should be performed to detect moving foreground objects. Second, a check mark () on the top right corner of a block indicates that this thesis contains a review of the most recent algorithms and/or some relevant research about it. In many computer vision applications, segmenting and extraction of moving objects in video sequences is an essential task. Background subtraction has been widely used for this purpose as the first step. In this work, a review of the efficiency of a number of important background subtraction and modelling algorithms, along with their major features, are presented. In addition, two background approaches are offered. The first approach is a Pixel-based technique whereas the second one works at object level. For each approach, three algorithms are presented. They are called Selective Update Using Non-Foreground Pixels of the Input Image , Selective Update Using Temporal Averaging and Selective Update Using Temporal Median , respectively in this thesis. The first approach has some deficiencies, which makes it incapable to produce a correct dynamic background. Three methods of the second approach use an invariant colour filter and a suitable motion tracking technique, which selectively exclude foreground objects (or blobs) from the background frames. The difference between the three algorithms of the second approach is in updating process of the background pixels. It is shown that the Selective Update Using Temporal Median method produces the correct background image for each input frame. Representing foreground regions using their boundaries is also an important task. Thus, an appropriate RLE contour tracing algorithm has been implemented for this purpose. However, after the thresholding process, the boundaries of foreground regions often have jagged appearances. Thus, foreground regions may not correctly be recognised reliably due to their corrupted boundaries. A very efficient boundary smoothing method based on the RLE data is proposed in Chapter 7. It just smoothes the external and internal boundaries of foreground objects and does not distort the silhouettes of foreground objects. As a result, it is very fast and does not blur the image. Finally, the goal of this thesis has been presenting simple, practical and efficient algorithms with little constraints which can run in real time
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