2,725,951 research outputs found

    Neural network-based colonoscopic diagnosis using on-line learning and differential evolution

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    In this paper, on-line training of neural networks is investigated in the context of computer-assisted colonoscopic diagnosis. A memory-based adaptation of the learning rate for the on-line back-propagation (BP) is proposed and used to seed an on-line evolution process that applies a differential evolution (DE) strategy to (re-) adapt the neural network to modified environmental conditions. Our approach looks at on-line training from the perspective of tracking the changing location of an approximate solution of a pattern-based, and thus, dynamically changing, error function. The proposed hybrid strategy is compared with other standard training methods that have traditionally been used for training neural networks off-line. Results in interpreting colonoscopy images and frames of video sequences are promising and suggest that networks trained with this strategy detect malignant regions of interest with accuracy

    On the use of machine learning algorithms in the measurement of stellar magnetic fields

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    Regression methods based in Machine Learning Algorithms (MLA) have become an important tool for data analysis in many different disciplines. In this work, we use MLA in an astrophysical context; our goal is to measure the mean longitudinal magnetic field in stars (H_ eff) from polarized spectra of high resolution, through the inversion of the so-called multi-line profiles. Using synthetic data, we tested the performance of our technique considering different noise levels: In an ideal scenario of noise-free multi-line profiles, the inversion results are excellent; however, the accuracy of the inversions diminish considerably when noise is taken into account. In consequence, we propose a data pre-process in order to reduce the noise impact, which consists in a denoising profile process combined with an iterative inversion methodology. Applying this data pre-process, we have found a considerable improvement of the inversions results, allowing to estimate the errors associated to the measurements of stellar magnetic fields at different noise levels. We have successfully applied our data analysis technique to two different stars, attaining by first time the measurement of H_eff from multi-line profiles beyond the condition of line autosimilarity assumed by other techniques.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Interpretation of overtracing freehand sketching for geometric shapes

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    This paper presents a novel method for interpreting overtracing freehand sketch. The overtracing strokes are interpreted as sketch content and are used to generate 2D geometric primitives. The approach consists of four stages: stroke classification, strokes grouping and fitting, 2D tidy-up with endpoint clustering and parallelism correction, and in-context interpretation. Strokes are first classified into lines and curves by a linearity test. It is followed by an innovative strokes grouping process that handles lines and curves separately. The grouped strokes are fitted with 2D geometry and further tidied-up with endpoint clustering and parallelism correction. Finally, the in-context interpretation is applied to detect incorrect stroke interpretation based on geometry constraints and to suggest a most plausible correction based on the overall sketch context. The interpretation ensures sketched strokes to be interpreted into meaningful output. The interface overcomes the limitation where only a single line drawing can be sketched out as in most existing sketching programs, meanwhile is more intuitive to the user

    Latest developments in mechanical properties and metallurgical features of high strength line pipe steels

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    In response to the increasing demand to improve both transportation efficiency and performance, the steel pipe industry has conducted extensive efforts to develop line pipe steel grades with superior metallurgical and mechanical (strength, toughness and ductility) properties in order to allow exploitation in hostile environments. This paper aims to give an overview of recent developments of high strength pipe steel grades as API 5L X70 and beyond, providing a detailed understanding of the continuous improvements with respect to a strain-based design context. Information regarding the metallurgy and processing, such as chemical composition, microstructural design, thermo-mechanical controlled process (TMCP) and accelerated cooling process (AcC), to achieve the target strength, ductility and toughness properties are discussed

    Kontribusi Kualitas Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Iso 9001:2008 Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Di Smk Negeri 3 Singaraja

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    The study aimed at evaluating the contribution of the implementation quality of quality management system ISO 9001 : 2008 on: (1) context component, (2) Input component, (3) process component, (4) product component and (5) simultaneously context, input, process,, and product component toward the educational management at SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. The study was conducted based on empirical design (an ex-post facto), meaning that the data were collected after all the phenomena in question were taken place or happened and when the data were tested by browsing back to the past all the factors causing the phenomena. In this study, the program effectiveness was analysed by assessing the contribution of every single factor based on the CIPP model (context, input, process, and product) The result indicated that in Implementing Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 at SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, all component like, Context, Input, Process and Product showing Positive (+) category, this means that all these component indicating Effective category. The result of regression test indicated that : (1) there a correlation between context (X1) and product (Y) with a regression equation line of Y = 81,751 + 0,598 X1. Direct contribution of the context towards the product was about 40.9%. (2). There was a correlation between input (X2) and product (Y) with regression equation line Y = 49,067 + 0,744 X2. The direct contribution of input towards the product was about 73.3%. (3) There was a correlation between process (X3) and product (Y) with a regression equation line Y = 33,777 + 0,831 X3. The direct contribution of X3to Y was about 46.3%. (4). There was a correlation between context (X1), Input (X2), and Process (X3) with the product (Y) with a regression equation line Y = 33,405+ 2,832 X1 + 0,6514 X2 + 0,146 X3. Direct Contribution of variables X1, X2 and X3 to Y was about 74.1% Based on the findings it could be concluded that the improvement quality of variables contect, input, and process would be followed by the improvement quality of variable product. Accordingly, in order to improve the quality of product, the quality of context, input and process should be attempted


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    In today's society, characterized by a continuous process of globalization andknowledge-based economy, intellectual property is the central resource that creates the realvalue in all sectors of economic life. In this context, higher education's mission is to providethe highest quality standard representing a main actor in providing highly skilled workforceand creating knowledge. Thus, we say that to meet the new challenges that universities is needto go through the stages of a process of reform and adaptation, in line with the LisbonStrategy.Consequently, our approach is to put in the foreground the need to create a new system ofhigher education to meet the new demands of society.higher education quality reform, knowledge management education.

    PACS and SPIRE range spectroscopy of cool, evolved stars

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    Context: At the end of their lives AGB stars are prolific producers of dust and gas. The details of this mass-loss process are still not understood very well. Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectra offer a unique way of investigating properties of AGB stars in general and the mass-loss process in particular. Methods: The HIPE software with the latest calibration is used to process the available PACS and SPIRE spectra of 40 evolved stars. The spectra are convolved with the response curves of the PACS and SPIRE bolometers and compared to the fluxes measured in imaging data of these sources. Custom software is used to identify lines in the spectra, and to determine the central wavelengths and line intensities. Standard molecular line databases are used to associate the observed lines. Because of the limited spectral resolution of the spectrometers several known lines are typically potential counterparts to any observed line. To help identifications the relative contributions in line intensity of the potential counterpart lines are listed for three characteristic temperatures based on LTE calculations and assuming optically thin emission. Result: The following data products are released: the reduced spectra, the lines that are measured in the spectra with wavelength, intensity, potential identifications, and the continuum spectra, i.e. the full spectra with all identified lines removed. As simple examples of how this data can be used in future studies we have fitted the continuum spectra with three power laws and find that the few OH/IR stars seem to have significantly steeper slopes than the other oxygen- and carbon-rich objects in the sample. As another example we constructed rotational diagrams for CO and fitted a two-component model to derive rotational temperatures.Comment: A&A accepte

    Conformance Checking Based on Multi-Perspective Declarative Process Models

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    Process mining is a family of techniques that aim at analyzing business process execution data recorded in event logs. Conformance checking is a branch of this discipline embracing approaches for verifying whether the behavior of a process, as recorded in a log, is in line with some expected behaviors provided in the form of a process model. The majority of these approaches require the input process model to be procedural (e.g., a Petri net). However, in turbulent environments, characterized by high variability, the process behavior is less stable and predictable. In these environments, procedural process models are less suitable to describe a business process. Declarative specifications, working in an open world assumption, allow the modeler to express several possible execution paths as a compact set of constraints. Any process execution that does not contradict these constraints is allowed. One of the open challenges in the context of conformance checking with declarative models is the capability of supporting multi-perspective specifications. In this paper, we close this gap by providing a framework for conformance checking based on MP-Declare, a multi-perspective version of the declarative process modeling language Declare. The approach has been implemented in the process mining tool ProM and has been experimented in three real life case studies
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