90 research outputs found

    Self-Timed Periodic Scheduling For Cyclo-Static DataFlow Model

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    International audienceReal-time and time-constrained applications programmed on many-core systems can suffer from unmet timing constraints even with correct-by-construction schedules. Such unexpected results are usually caused by unaccounted for delays due to resource sharing (e.g. the communication medium). In this paper we address the three main sources of unpredictable behaviors: First, we propose to use a deterministic Model of Computation (MoC), more specifically, the well-formed CSDF subset of process networks; Second, we propose a run-time management strategy of shared resources to avoid unpredictable timings; Third, we promote the use of a new scheduling policy, the so-said Self-Timed Periodic (STP) scheduling, to improve performance and decrease synchronization costs by taking into account resource sharing or resource constraints. This is a quantitative improvement above state-of-the-art scheduling policies which assumed fixed delays of inter-processor communication and did not take correctly into account subtle effects of synchronization

    Fleets: Scalable Services in a Factored Operating System

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    Current monolithic operating systems are designed for uniprocessor systems, and their architecture reflects this. The rise of multicore and cloud computing is drastically changing the tradeoffs in operating system design. The culture of scarce computational resources is being replaced with one of abundant cores, where spatial layout of processes supplants time multiplexing as the primary scheduling concern. Efforts to parallelize monolithic kernels have been difficult and only marginally successful, and new approaches are needed. This paper presents fleets, a novel way of constructing scalable OS services. With fleets, traditional OS services are factored out of the kernel and moved into user space, where they are further parallelized into a distributed set of concurrent, message-passing servers. We evaluate fleets within fos, a new factored operating system designed from the ground up with scalability as the first-order design constraint. This paper details the main design principles of fleets, and how the system architecture of fos enables their construction. We describe the design and implementation of three critical fleets (network stack, page allocation, and file system) and compare with Linux. These comparisons show that fos achieves superior performance and has better scalability than Linux for large multicores; at 32 cores, fos's page allocator performs 4.5 times better than Linux, and fos's network stack performs 2.5 times better. Additionally, we demonstrate how fleets can adapt to changing resource demand, and the importance of spatial scheduling for good performance in multicores

    Energy-Aware Data Management on NUMA Architectures

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    The ever-increasing need for more computing and data processing power demands for a continuous and rapid growth of power-hungry data center capacities all over the world. As a first study in 2008 revealed, energy consumption of such data centers is becoming a critical problem, since their power consumption is about to double every 5 years. However, a recently (2016) released follow-up study points out that this threatening trend was dramatically throttled within the past years, due to the increased energy efficiency actions taken by data center operators. Furthermore, the authors of the study emphasize that making and keeping data centers energy-efficient is a continuous task, because more and more computing power is demanded from the same or an even lower energy budget, and that this threatening energy consumption trend will resume as soon as energy efficiency research efforts and its market adoption are reduced. An important class of applications running in data centers are data management systems, which are a fundamental component of nearly every application stack. While those systems were traditionally designed as disk-based databases that are optimized for keeping disk accesses as low a possible, modern state-of-the-art database systems are main memory-centric and store the entire data pool in the main memory, which replaces the disk as main bottleneck. To scale up such in-memory database systems, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hardware architectures are employed that face a decreased bandwidth and an increased latency when accessing remote memory compared to the local memory. In this thesis, we investigate energy awareness aspects of large scale-up NUMA systems in the context of in-memory data management systems. To do so, we pick up the idea of a fine-grained data-oriented architecture and improve the concept in a way that it keeps pace with increased absolute performance numbers of a pure in-memory DBMS and scales up on NUMA systems in the large scale. To achieve this goal, we design and build ERIS, the first scale-up in-memory data management system that is designed from scratch to implement a data-oriented architecture. With the help of the ERIS platform, we explore our novel core concept for energy awareness, which is Energy Awareness by Adaptivity. The concept describes that software and especially database systems have to quickly respond to environmental changes (i.e., workload changes) by adapting themselves to enter a state of low energy consumption. We present the hierarchically organized Energy-Control Loop (ECL), which is a reactive control loop and provides two concrete implementations of our Energy Awareness by Adaptivity concept, namely the hardware-centric Resource Adaptivity and the software-centric Storage Adaptivity. Finally, we will give an exhaustive evaluation regarding the scalability of ERIS as well as our adaptivity facilities

    Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling

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    This thesis introduces the abstraction of the task activity vector to characterize applications by the processor resources they utilize. Based on activity vectors, the thesis introduces scheduling policies for improving the temperature distribution on the processor chip and for increasing energy efficiency by reducing the contention for shared resources of multicore and multithreaded processors

    A Period Graph Throughput Estimator for Multiprocessor Systems

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    (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-2000-49

    RDGC: A Reuse Distance-Based Approach to GPU Cache Performance Analysis

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    In the present paper, we propose RDGC, a reuse distance-based performance analysis approach for GPU cache hierarchy. RDGC models the thread-level parallelism in GPUs to generate appropriate cache reference sequence. Further, reuse distance analysis is extended to model the multi-partition/multi-port parallel caches and employed by RDGC to analyze GPU cache memories. RDGC can be utilized for architectural space exploration and parallel application development through providing hit ratios and transaction counts. The results of the present study demonstrate that the proposed model has an average error of 3.72 % and 4.5 % (for L1 and L2 hit ratios, respectively). The results also indicate that the slowdown of RDGC is equal to 47 000 times compared to hardware execution, while it is 59 times faster than GPGPU-Sim simulator

    Ordonnancement hybride des applications flots de données sur des systèmes embarqués multi-coeurs

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    Les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus présents dans l'industrie comme dans la vie quotidienne. Une grande partie de ces systèmes comprend des applications effectuant du traitement intensif des données: elles utilisent de nombreux filtres numériques, où les opérations sur les données sont répétitives et ont un contrôle limité. Les graphes "flots de données", grâce à leur déterminisme fonctionnel inhérent, sont très répandus pour modéliser les systèmes embarqués connus sous le nom de "data-driven". L'ordonnancement statique et périodique des graphes flot de données a été largement étudié, surtout pour deux modèles particuliers: SDF et CSDF. Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse plus particulièrement à l'ordonnancement périodique des graphes CSDF. Le problème consiste à identifier des séquences périodiques infinies d'actionnement des acteurs qui aboutissent à des exécutions complètes à buffers bornés. L'objectif est de pouvoir aborder ce problème sous des angles différents : maximisation de débit, minimisation de la latence et minimisation de la capacité des buffers. La plupart des travaux existants proposent des solutions pour l'optimisation du débit et négligent le problème d'optimisation de la latence et propose même dans certains cas des ordonnancements qui ont un impact négatif sur elle afin de conserver les propriétés de périodicité. On propose dans cette thèse un ordonnancement hybride, nommé Self-Timed Périodique (STP), qui peut conserver les propriétés d'un ordonnancement périodique et à la fois améliorer considérablement sa performance en terme de latence.One of the most important aspects of parallel computing is its close relation to the underlying hardware and programming models. In this PhD thesis, we take dataflow as the basic model of computation, as it fits the streaming application domain. Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) is particularly interesting because this variant is one of the most expressive dataflow models while still being analyzable at design time. Describing the system at higher levels of abstraction is not sufficient, e.g. dataflow have no direct means to optimize communication channels generally based on shared buffers. Therefore, we need to link the dataflow MoCs used for performance analysis of the programs, the real time task models used for timing analysis and the low-level model used to derive communication times. This thesis proposes a design flow that meets these challenges, while enabling features such as temporal isolation and taking into account other challenges such as predictability and ease of validation. To this end, we propose a new scheduling policy noted Self-Timed Periodic (STP), which is an execution model combining Self-Timed Scheduling (STS) with periodic scheduling. In STP scheduling, actors are no longer strictly periodic but self-timed assigned to periodic levels: the period of each actor under periodic scheduling is replaced by its worst-case execution time. Then, STP retains some of the performance and flexibility of self-timed schedule, in which execution times of actors need only be estimates, and at the same time makes use of the fact that with a periodic schedule we can derive a tight estimation of the required performance metrics

    Real-time operating system support for multicore applications

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2014Plataformas multiprocessadas atuais possuem diversos níveis da memória cache entre o processador e a memória principal para esconder a latência da hierarquia de memória. O principal objetivo da hierarquia de memória é melhorar o tempo médio de execução, ao custo da previsibilidade. O uso não controlado da hierarquia da cache pelas tarefas de tempo real impacta a estimativa dos seus piores tempos de execução, especialmente quando as tarefas de tempo real acessam os níveis da cache compartilhados. Tal acesso causa uma disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e aumenta o tempo de execução das aplicações. Além disso, essa disputa na cache compartilhada pode causar a perda de prazos, o que é intolerável em sistemas de tempo real críticos. O particionamento da memória cache compartilhada é uma técnica bastante utilizada em sistemas de tempo real multiprocessados para isolar as tarefas e melhorar a previsibilidade do sistema. Atualmente, os estudos que avaliam o particionamento da memória cache em multiprocessadores carecem de dois pontos fundamentais. Primeiro, o mecanismo de particionamento da cache é tipicamente implementado em um ambiente simulado ou em um sistema operacional de propósito geral. Consequentemente, o impacto das atividades realizados pelo núcleo do sistema operacional, tais como o tratamento de interrupções e troca de contexto, no particionamento das tarefas tende a ser negligenciado. Segundo, a avaliação é restrita a um escalonador global ou particionado, e assim não comparando o desempenho do particionamento da cache em diferentes estratégias de escalonamento. Ademais, trabalhos recentes confirmaram que aspectos da implementação do SO, tal como a estrutura de dados usada no escalonamento e os mecanismos de tratamento de interrupções, impactam a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real tanto quanto os aspectos teóricos. Entretanto, tais estudos também usaram sistemas operacionais de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real, que afetamos sobre custos de tempo de execução observados e a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real. Adicionalmente, os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real para multiprocessadores atuais não consideram cenários onde tarefas de tempo real acessam as mesmas linhas da cache, o que dificulta a estimativa do pior tempo de execução. Esta pesquisa aborda os problemas supracitados com as estratégias de particionamento da cache e com os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real multiprocessados da seguinte forma. Primeiro, uma infraestrutura de tempo real para multiprocessadores é projetada e implementada em um sistema operacional embarcado. A infraestrutura consiste em diversos algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real, tais como o EDF global e particionado, e um mecanismo de particionamento da cache usando a técnica de coloração de páginas. Segundo, é apresentada uma comparação em termos da taxa de escalonabilidade considerando o sobre custo de tempo de execução da infraestrutura criada e de um sistema operacional de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real. Em alguns casos, o EDF global considerando o sobre custo do sistema operacional embarcado possui uma melhor taxa de escalonabilidade do que o EDF particionado com o sobre custo do sistema operacional de propósito geral, mostrando claramente como diferentes sistemas operacionais influenciam os escalonadores de tempo real críticos em multiprocessadores. Terceiro, é realizada uma avaliação do impacto do particionamento da memória cache em diversos escalonadores de tempo real multiprocessados. Os resultados desta avaliação indicam que um sistema operacional "leve" não compromete as garantias de tempo real e que o particionamento da cache tem diferentes comportamentos dependendo do escalonador e do tamanho do conjunto de trabalho das tarefas. Quarto, é proposto um algoritmo de particionamento de tarefas que atribui as tarefas que compartilham partições ao mesmo processador. Os resultados mostram que essa técnica de particionamento de tarefas reduz a disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e provê garantias de tempo real para sistemas críticos. Finalmente, é proposto um escalonador de tempo real de duas fases para multiprocessadores. O escalonador usa informações coletadas durante o tempo de execução das tarefas através dos contadores de desempenho em hardware. Com base nos valores dos contadores, o escalonador detecta quando tarefas de melhor esforço o interferem com tarefas de tempo real na cache. Assim é possível impedir que tarefas de melhor esforço acessem as mesmas linhas da cache que tarefas de tempo real. O resultado desta estratégia de escalonamento é o atendimento dos prazos críticos e não críticos das tarefas de tempo real.Abstracts: Modern multicore platforms feature multiple levels of cache memory placed between the processor and main memory to hide the latency of ordinary memory systems. The primary goal of this cache hierarchy is to improve average execution time (at the cost of predictability). The uncontrolled use of the cache hierarchy by realtime tasks may impact the estimation of their worst-case execution times (WCET), specially when real-time tasks access a shared cache level, causing a contention for shared cache lines and increasing the application execution time. This contention in the shared cache may leadto deadline losses, which is intolerable particularly for hard real-time (HRT) systems. Shared cache partitioning is a well-known technique used in multicore real-time systems to isolate task workloads and to improve system predictability. Presently, the state-of-the-art studies that evaluate shared cache partitioning on multicore processors lack two key issues. First, the cache partitioning mechanism is typically implemented either in a simulated environment or in a general-purpose OS (GPOS), and so the impact of kernel activities, such as interrupt handlers and context switching, on the task partitions tend to be overlooked. Second, the evaluation is typically restricted to either a global or partitioned scheduler, thereby by falling to compare the performance of cache partitioning when tasks are scheduled by different schedulers. Furthermore, recent works have confirmed that OS implementation aspects, such as the choice of scheduling data structures and interrupt handling mechanisms, impact real-time schedulability as much as scheduling theoretic aspects. However, these studies also used real-time patches applied into GPOSes, which affects the run-time overhead observed in these works and consequently the schedulability of real-time tasks. Additionally, current multicore scheduling algorithms do not consider scenarios where real-time tasks access the same cache lines due to true or false sharing, which also impacts the WCET. This thesis addresses these aforementioned problems with cache partitioning techniques and multicore real-time scheduling algorithms as following. First, a real-time multicore support is designed and implemented on top of an embedded operating system designed from scratch. This support consists of several multicore real-time scheduling algorithms, such as global and partitioned EDF, and a cache partitioning mechanism based on page coloring. Second, it is presented a comparison in terms of schedulability ratio considering the run-time overhead of the implemented RTOS and a GPOS patched with real-time extensions. In some cases, Global-EDF considering the overhead of the RTOS is superior to Partitioned-EDF considering the overhead of the patched GPOS, which clearly shows how different OSs impact hard realtime schedulers. Third, an evaluation of the cache partitioning impacton partitioned, clustered, and global real-time schedulers is performed.The results indicate that a lightweight RTOS does not impact real-time tasks, and shared cache partitioning has different behavior depending on the scheduler and the task's working set size. Fourth, a task partitioning algorithm that assigns tasks to cores respecting their usage of cache partitions is proposed. The results show that by simply assigning tasks that shared cache partitions to the same processor, it is possible to reduce the contention for shared cache lines and to provideHRT guarantees. Finally, a two-phase multicore scheduler that provides HRT and soft real-time (SRT) guarantees is proposed. It is shown that by using information from hardware performance counters at run-time, the RTOS can detect when best-effort tasks interfere with real-time tasks in the shared cache. Then, the RTOS can prevent best effort tasks from interfering with real-time tasks. The results also show that the assignment of exclusive partitions to HRT tasks together with the two-phase multicore scheduler provides HRT and SRT guarantees, even when best-effort tasks share partitions with real-time tasks

    Effective software design and development for the new graph architecture HPC machines.

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    Software applications need to change and adapt as modern architectures evolve. Nowadays advancement in chip design translates to increased parallelism. Exploiting such parallelism is a major challenge in modern software engineering. Multicore processors are about to introduce a significant change in the way we design and use fundamental data structures. In this work we describe the design and programming principles of a software library of highly concurrent scalable and nonblocking data containers. In this project we have created algorithms and data structures for handling fundamental computations in massively multithreaded contexts, and we have incorporated these into a usable library with familiar look and feel. In this work we demonstrate the first design and implementation of a wait-free hash table. Our multiprocessor data structure design allows a large number of threads to concurrently insert, remove, and retrieve information. Non-blocking designs alleviate the problems traditionally associated with the use of mutual exclusion, such as bottlenecks and thread-safety. Lock-freedom provides the ability to share data without some of the drawbacks associated with locks, however, these designs remain susceptible to starvation. Furthermore, wait-freedom provides all of the benefits of lock-free synchronization with the added assurance that every thread makes progress in a finite number of steps. This implies deadlock-freedom, livelock-freedom, starvation-freedom, freedom from priority inversion, and thread-safety. The challenges of providing the desirable progress and correctness guarantees of wait-free objects makes their design and implementation difficult. There are few wait-free data structures described in the literature. Using only standard atomic operations provided by the hardware, our design is portable; therefore, it is applicable to a variety of data-intensive applications including the domains of embedded systems and supercomputers.Our experimental evaluation shows that our hash table design outperforms the most advanced locking solution, provided by Intel's TBB library, by 22%. When compared to more traditional locking designs we show a performance improvement by a factor of 7.92. When compared to alternative non-blocking designs, our hash table demonstrates solid performance gains in a large majority of cases, typically by a factor of 3.44
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