63 research outputs found

    Rancangan Strategi Marketing Komprehensif Melalui Instagram untuk Pengelolaan Akun Organik (Studi Kasus: UD. Daging Sapi Asli)

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    Pandemi COVID-19 telah meningkatkan kebiasaan baru masyarakat untuk membeli online barang kebutuhannya, bahkan untuk produk daging sapi. Penjual merespon kebutuhan konsumen dengan berjualan melalui Instagram. UD. Daging Sapi Asli juga memanfaatkan pemasaran di Instagram, namun terdapat permasalahan yaitu penjualan di Instagram mengalami stagnasi yang diakibatkan reach dan engagement pada Bulan Agustus – November 2022 yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan strategi marketing komprehensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode design thinking dan menggunakan testing yang melihat terkait matriks TOFU (awareness), MOFU (engagement) serta BOFU (conversion). Hasil penelitian berupa 12 prototype yang sesuai define yaitu menghasilkan konten dari cara memasak daging, promo, serta informasi yang detail. Tahapan testing menunjukkan tren positif pada matriks TOFU (reach, impresi, Instagram profil visit serta followers). Pada MOFU (engagement) juga mengalami peningkatan interaksi dan pada BOFU (conversion) diukur dari jumlah vote pada story Instagram dimana sebesar 70% audience memilih konten promo penyelamat tanggal tua. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan guideline untuk membantu UD. Daging Sapi Asli dalam penerapan pemasarannya. Guideline tersebut berisi cara implementasi konten mulai dari penentuan logo, warna, font, teknik foto, user persona, idea communication sheet, implementasi serta template

    The passion and pleasure of information sharing in pottery practice

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    The paper reports selective findings from a broader study about information behaviour in the context of the pottery hobby as a form of serious leisure. Among all the information activities in this context, the paper focuses on the affective and emotional aspects of information sharing. The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP) is the theoretical framework of the study. The required data were collected via a purposeful and criteria-based sampling method. A sample of user-generated content (UGC) on YouTube was collected to form the dataset. The collected data were analysed through inductive content analysis to identify patterns of embedded concepts and themes in the dataset.Results. Seven categories were identified. These categories summarise the major emotional reactions that viewers expressed and shared in their comments: (1) amazement, (2) excitement, (3) gratitude, (4) joyfulness, (5) admiration, (6) serenity, (7) inspiration. The overall ambience of the videos and commenters’ reactions were positive and joyful. The paper concludes that information sharing on a popular hobby via a publicly available platform, like YouTube, can evoke a range of positive emotions and establish social bonds. These social ties are the building blocks to form communities of interest and communities of practice to produce and share information on the chosen activity.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Edmodo Adoption as Learning Media Using Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2)

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    Electronic-based learning media is essential in the industrial revolution 4.0 era for the advancement of education. Electronic learning (E-Learning) like Edmodo has an important role to support the practice of teaching and learning at universities. Edmodo was chosen as the one of the most effective User Generated Content (UGC) to directly represent users between lecturers and students. The ease and benefits of using Edmodo have never been measured at Ciputra University, Indonesia. Edmodo must be analyzed in order to determine the acceptance and benefits perceived by users. Distribution of samples was conducted using an online questionnaire as the data collection method. The data analyzed were obtained from 94 respondents using descriptive statistics and path analysis. Respondent data were processed using the SPSS software. Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2) is the most suitable method in analyzing the user acceptance adoption based on its constructs. This study used 10 constructs which had been adjusted to answer problems and focus on explanatory research to measure user acceptance with a quantitative approach. The result indicated that the relationship of the highest indicator with a value of 35% is on the Output Quality (X4) which had a significant effect on Perceived Usefulness (Y1); the lowest indicator has a value of 3.1% on the Perceived Ease of Use (Y2) which does not have a significant effect on Perceived Usefulness (Y1). The overall result also showed that Edmodo can be accepted by users as a reference in education, especially at the university leve

    Tourists' Engagement on Tourism Organizations' Facebook Pages: The Role of User-Generated Content

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    Tourism industry prospects are presented by digital marketing and consumer travel behaviour changes. Given this fact, digital content marketing (DCM) assumes greater significance for enhancing social media user engagement. Providing valuable and relevant information that differentiates the company and catches the consumers' attention has been one of the current challenges in this area. The wide availability of information on the Internet changes how consumers engage with it. Therefore, creating and disseminating educational and pertinent content is now mandatory. To ensure the effectiveness of the process, it is crucial to understand with whom, how, when, and where communication will be carried out. Thus, tourism organisations must offer targeted, tailored, and appealing information to interest customers more about the destinations. Social media is a commonly used strategy for tourism promotion initiatives, where User Generated Content (UGC) has emerged as one of the most popular means to achieve this goal. “Turismo Centro de Portugal” is responsible for publicizing the Centre region of Portugal, including cities such as Coimbra, Aveiro, Viseu, and Leiria. Turismo Centro de Portugal has won several communication-related awards, having already been recognized internationally for its advertising campaigns. Numerous studies analyzing user-generated content and digital content are available, but they invariably look at businesses rather than tourism-related institutions. Hence, conducting a study to identify follower engagement and involvement in digital content marketing posts versus user-generated content posts applied to the Turismo Centro de Portugal was considered pertinent. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis of the existing content and its results on Turismo Centro de Portugal's Facebook page was developed based on a social media content analysis framework adapted from other authors. The results revealed the importance of using user-generated content in a social media communication strategy for tourism organisations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pemanfaatan Platform Digital Delivery Dkampus Pada Komunitas UMKM F&B Footy Bandung

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    Pembangunan ekonomi nasional sangat tergantung pada peran penting Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Dalam konteks ini, bisnis pembelian makanan secara online telah menjadi tren yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Meskipun banyak platform online yang tersedia, namun terdapat beberapa keterbatasan yang menghambat pemilik bisnis untuk mencapai pasar yang lebih luas. UMKM F&B Footy Bandung, sebuah komunitas UMKM yang berfokus pada bidang F&B, menghadapi tantangan dalam meningkatkan awareness dan penjualan produk mereka. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat menggunakan platform DKampus sebagai sarana penguatan dan pemasaran produk UMKM F&B Footy Bandung. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pendampingan dalam implementasi dan penggunaan platform DKampus. Hasilnya, kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi UMKM F&B Footy Bandung dalam mendorong bisnis mereka dan memperluas pasar. Para pelaku UMKM F&B Footy Bandung merasa kegiatan ini sesuai dengan tujuan dan kebutuhan UMKM, membantu mereka untuk bersaing dalam era bisnis online yang semakin kompetitif. Dengan demikian, penerapan platform DKampus menjadi solusi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan penjualan produk UMKM F&B Footy Bandung serta mendukung pembangunan ekonomi nasional secara lebih luas


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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa apakah Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) dipilih sebagai User Generated Content (UGC) efektif untuk memberikan Kemudahan dan manfaat penggunaan bagi Nasabah Pegadaian pada PT. Pegadaian Unit Siwa, Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuisioner secara online yang disebarkan kepada 94 responden untuk mengeetahui persepsi nasabah atas Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) melalui pendekatan Tecchnology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM-2). analisa data dlakukan dengan menggunakann statistik deskriptif dan analisis jalur . Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan indikator tertinggi dengan nilai sebesar 35% pada variabel Kualitas Hasil (X4) yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kegunaan Penggunaan (Y1); Indikator terendah memiliki nilai sebesar 7,7% pada variabel Persepsi Pandangan (X2) yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Persepsi Kegunaan Penggunaan (Y1). Keseluruhan hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) dapat diterima oleh pengguna sebagai platform yang berguna untuk memudahkan dalam bertransaksi gadai secara online. Kata kunci : Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS), E-Service, Technology Acceptance Model 2, Persepsi pengguna

    Entrepreneurial Orientation Studies on Food And Beverage MSMEs To Examine The Effects of Social Media Marketing and Digital Content Marketing Activity on Business Performance

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    The Indonesian government is encouraging the MSME sector to go digital following recent technological advancements to optimize its potential and productivity. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of social media marketing (SMM) and digital content marketing activities (DCMAs) on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and business performance (BP) of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the food and beverage industry. Entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industries who are located in the JABODETABEK area have used social media and prepared digital content as a marketing tool to make up the study's demographic. This study used a quantitative method with 272 MSME respondents who had responded to statements in the online questionnaire, which were collected over two months. SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), a data analysis technique, was employed with Lisrel 12. The findings demonstrated that Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance are stronger directly influenced by digital marketing content activities than the influence of social media marketing. In addition, Entrepreneurial Orientation also affects Business Performance. This research found that MSMEs in the food and beverage industry may focus on developing DCMAs and building an entrepreneurial mindset in recognizing the desires of modern customers in shifting marketing to be more digital-based to improve its business performance Keywords: social media marketing (SMM), digital content marketing activity (DCMA’s), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), business performance (BP), food and beverage MSM


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    Društvene mreže u značajnoj su mjeri promijenile način poslovanja poslovnih organizacija. Potrošači su zahvaljujući razvoju tehnologije u mogućnosti putem društvenih mreža razmjenjivati informacije o proizvodima i uslugama, davati preporuke, širiti brojne sadržaje velikom broju korisnika i to vrlo brzo. S druge strane poslovne organizacije putem društvenih mreža, za razliku od klasičnih medija, mogu svoje ciljne skupine potrošača doseći puno kvalitetnije svojim sadržajima i uz niže troškove. U tom smislu neophodno je da u svojim marketinškim strategijama poslovne organizacije posebnu pažnju posvete planiranju strategija društvenih medija. Kako postoji velik broj različitih društvenih mreža koje se razlikuju po sadržajima koji se razmjenjuju, vrsti korisnika koje ih prate itd., potrebno je u planiranju strategije voditi računa o posebnostima pojedine društvene mreže. Iako postoje brojna znanstvena istraživanja društvenih mreža, ona se u većoj mjeri odnose na razvijena tržišta zapadnih zemalja. Ovaj rad fokusira se na društvenu mrežu Instagram te se na temelju empirijskog istraživanja na odabranom uzorku hrvatskih korisnika iznose zaključci o navikama i stavovima mladih potrošača koji Instagram najviše koriste. Posebno se u radu analizira utjecaj društvene mreže Instagram putem influencera na kupovinu proizvoda i usluga. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da mladi potrošači provode dosta vremena na društvenoj mreži instagram te prate kako prijatelje tako i poznate osobe mikro i makro influencere. Osim toga, rezultati ukazuju na to kako manji broj ispitanika kupuje proizvode ili usluge na preporuku influencera, pri čemu influenceri imaju veći utjecaj na kupnju proizvoda nego na korištenje usluge si čime je povezana i vjerojatnost davanja preporuka. Poslovne organizacije moraju voditi računa o kvaliteti sadržaja - slika kako bi mogli iskoristiti potencijal Instagrama i utjecati time na ponašanje korisnika

    Factors influencing consumer attitudes towards web series content marketing

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    Content marketing is growing and nowadays many companies and brands create short movies/series as their content marketing strategies and this practice is becoming a trend. Unfortunately, there’s a lack of research on short movies/series as a content marketing tool since it is a new trend, previous research for a product/brand in a movie is research on product placement. Thus to fill in the research gap, the present study examines the factors influencing consumer attitudes towards the short movie/series created by a company to shed the light on short movies/series as content marketing. The population in this study is comprised of social media users who have watched short movies/series created by a brand as an ad.  225 respondents were selected using a non-probability sampling and main data were collected through a self-administered online questionnaire which was distributed for Indonesian social media users. Structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the data.  The results indicate that narrative enjoyment and attitudes toward the actor positively affect attitudes toward the short movie/series. Persuasion awareness negatively influences attitudes toward the short movie/series and attitudes toward the brand. Attitudes toward the short movie/series positively affect attitudes toward the brand. These findings are expected to contribute to content marketing literature and are useful to managers, marketers, and business people utilizing online media