623 research outputs found

    Programmable data gathering for detecting stegomalware

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    The 'arm race' against malware developers requires to collect a wide variety of performance measurements, for instance to face threats leveraging information hiding and steganography. Unfortunately, this process could be time-consuming, lack of scalability and cause performance degradations within computing and network nodes. Moreover, since the detection of steganographic threats is poorly generalizable, being able to collect attack-independent indicators is of prime importance. To this aim, the paper proposes to take advantage of the extended Berkeley Packet Filter to gather data for detecting stegomalware. To prove the effectiveness of the approach, it also reports some preliminary experimental results obtained as the joint outcome of two H2020 Projects, namely ASTRID and SIMARGL

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others

    Tight Arms Race: Overview of Current Malware Threats and Trends in Their Detection

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    Cyber attacks are currently blooming, as the attackers reap significant profits from them and face a limited risk when compared to committing the "classical" crimes. One of the major components that leads to the successful compromising of the targeted system is malicious software. It allows using the victim's machine for various nefarious purposes, e.g., making it a part of the botnet, mining cryptocurrencies, or holding hostage the data stored there. At present, the complexity, proliferation, and variety of malware pose a real challenge for the existing countermeasures and require their constant improvements. That is why, in this paper we first perform a detailed meta-review of the existing surveys related to malware and its detection techniques, showing an arms race between these two sides of a barricade. On this basis, we review the evolution of modern threats in the communication networks, with a particular focus on the techniques employing information hiding. Next, we present the bird's eye view portraying the main development trends in detection methods with a special emphasis on the machine learning techniques. The survey is concluded with the description of potential future research directions in the field of malware detection

    All Your BASE Are Belong To You: Improved Browser Anonymity and Security on Android

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    Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. Android holds a marketshare of 82% with iOS, its nearest rival, managing a distant 13.9%. Android’s unparalleled ubiquity makes it a popular target for malware and malvertising. Specifically, Android browsers have been targeted because many users spend great durations of time browsing the Internet. Unfortunately, as ways to track, fingerprint, and exploit unsuspecting users have increased, Browsing Anonymity and Security (BASE) has contrastingly stalled. Third party apps seeking to displace the oft-maligned stock browser tend to focus on user privacy and defer malware defense to default operating system protections. This thesis introduces a novel browser - Congo. Congo’s recursive definition, Congo’s Obeism Negates Gentile Occurrences, hints at an augmented browser with a hardened sandbox(malware deterrent) and reinforced privacy protection (malvertising deterrent). Importantly, Congo requires no kernel modification thus making it readily available to Android OS versions later than Froyo. A reference mechanism, by the name Kinshasa, underpins the integrity and security of Congo


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    Mobile smart devices (such as smartphones and tablets) emerged to dominant computing platforms for end-users. The capabilities of these convenient mini-computers seem nearly boundless: They feature compelling computing power and storage resources, new interfaces such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), connectivity to cloud services, as well as a vast number and variety of apps. By installing these apps, users can turn a mobile device into a music player, a gaming console, a navigation system, a business assistant, and more. In addition, the current trend of increased screen sizes make these devices reasonable replacements for traditional (mobile) computing platforms such as laptops. On the other hand, mobile platforms process and store the extensive amount of sensitive information about their users, ranging from the user’s location data to credentials for online banking and enterprise Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This raises many security and privacy concerns and makes mobile platforms attractive targets for attackers. The rapid increase in number, variety and sophistication of attacks demonstrate that the protection mechanisms offered by mobile systems today are insufficient and improvements are necessary in order to make mobile devices capable of withstanding modern security and privacy threats. This dissertation focuses on various aspects of security and privacy of mobile platforms. In particular, it consists of three parts: (i) advanced attacks on mobile platforms and countermeasures; (ii) online authentication security for mobile systems, and (iii) secure mobile applications and services. Specifically, the first part of the dissertation concentrates on advanced attacks on mobile platforms, such as code re-use attacks that hijack execution flow of benign apps without injecting malicious code, and application-level privilege escalation attacks that allow malicious or compromised apps to gain more privileges than were initially granted. In this context, we develop new advanced code re-use attack techniques that can bypass deployed protection mechanisms (e.g., Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)) and cannot be detected by any of the existing security tools (e.g., return address checkers). Further, we investigate the problem of application-level privilege escalation attacks on mobile platforms like Android, study and classify them, develop proof of concept exploits and propose countermeasures against these attacks. Our countermeasures can mitigate all types of application-level privilege escalation attacks, in contrast to alternative solutions proposed in literature. In the second part of the dissertation we investigate online authentication schemes frequently utilized by mobile users, such as the most common web authentication based upon the user’s passwords and the recently widespread mobile 2-factor authentication (2FA) which extends the password-based approach with a secondary authenticator sent to a user’s mobile device or generated on it (e.g, a One-time Password (OTP) or Transaction Authentication Number (TAN)). In this context we demonstrate various weaknesses of mobile 2FA schemes deployed for login verification by global Internet service providers (such as Google, Dropbox, Twitter, and Facebook) and by a popular Google Authenticator app. These weaknesses allow an attacker to impersonate legitimate users even if their mobile device with the secondary authenticator is not compromised. We then go one step further and develop a general attack method for bypassing mobile 2FA schemes. Our method relies on a cross-platform infection (mobile-to-PC or PC-to-mobile) as a first step in order to compromise the Personal Computer (PC) and a mobile device of the same user. We develop proof-of-concept prototypes for a cross-platform infection and show how an attacker can bypass various instantiations of mobile 2FA schemes once both devices, PC and the mobile platform, are infected. We then deliver proof-of-concept attack implementations that bypass online banking solutions based on SMS-based TANs and visual cryptograms, as well as login verification schemes deployed by various Internet service providers. Finally, we propose a wallet-based secure solution for password-based authentication which requires no secondary authenticator, and yet provides better security guaranties than, e.g., mobile 2FA schemes. The third part of the dissertation concerns design and development of security sensitive mobile applications and services. In particular, our first application allows mobile users to replace usual keys (for doors, cars, garages, etc.) with their mobile devices. It uses electronic access tokens which are generated by the central key server and then downloaded into mobile devices for user authentication. Our solution protects access tokens in transit (e.g., while they are downloaded on the mobile device) and when they are stored and processed on the mobile platform. The unique feature of our solution is offline delegation: Users can delegate (a portion of) their access rights to other users without accessing the key server. Further, our solution is efficient even when used with constraint communication interfaces like NFC. The second application we developed is devoted to resource sharing among mobile users in ad-hoc mobile networks. It enables users to, e.g., exchange files and text messages, or share their tethering connection. Our solution addresses security threats specific to resource sharing and features the required security mechanisms (e.g., access control of resources, pseudonymity for users, and accountability for resource use). One of the key features of our solution is a privacy-preserving access control of resources based on FoF Finder (FoFF) service, which provides a user-friendly means to configure access control based upon information from social networks (e.g., friendship information) while preserving user privacy (e.g., not revealing their social network identifiers). The results presented in this dissertation were included in several peer-reviewed publications and extended technical reports. Some of these publications had significant impact on follow up research. For example, our publications on new forms of code re-use attacks motivated researchers to develop more advanced forms of ASLR and to re-consider the idea of using Control-Flow Integrity (CFI). Further, our work on application-level privilege escalation attacks was followed by many other publications addressing this problem. Moreover, our access control solution using mobile devices as access tokens demonstrated significant practical impact: in 2013 it was chosen as a highlight of CeBIT – the world’s largest international computer expo, and was then deployed by a large enterprise to be used by tens of thousands of company employees and millions of customers

    Security and Privacy Threats on Mobile Devices through Side-Channels Analysis

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    In recent years, mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets) have become essential tools in everyday life for billions of people all around the world. Users continuously carry such devices with them and use them for daily communication activities and social network interactions. Hence, such devices contain a huge amount of private and sensitive information. For this reason, mobile devices become popular targets of attacks. In most attack settings, the adversary aims to take local or remote control of a device to access user sensitive information. However, such violations are not easy to carry out since they need to leverage a vulnerability of the system or a careless user (i.e., install a malware app from an unreliable source). A different approach that does not have these shortcomings is the side-channels analysis. In fact, side-channels are physical phenomenon that can be measured from both inside or outside a device. They are mostly due to the user interaction with a mobile device, but also to the context in which the device is used, hence they can reveal sensitive user information such as identity and habits, environment, and operating system itself. Hence, this approach consists of inferring private information that is leaked by a mobile device through a side-channel. Besides, side-channel information is also extremely valuable to enforce security mechanisms such as user authentication, intrusion and information leaks detection. This dissertation investigates novel security and privacy challenges on the analysis of side-channels of mobile devices. This thesis is composed of three parts, each focused on a different side-channel: (i) the usage of network traffic analysis to infer user private information; (ii) the energy consumption of mobile devices during battery recharge as a way to identify a user and as a covert channel to exfiltrate data; and (iii) the possible security application of data collected from built-in sensors in mobile devices to authenticate the user and to evade sandbox detection by malware. In the first part of this dissertation, we consider an adversary who is able to eavesdrop the network traffic of the device on the network side (e.g., controlling a WiFi access point). The fact that the network traffic is often encrypted makes the attack even more challenging. Our work proves that it is possible to leverage machine learning techniques to identify user activity and apps installed on mobile devices analyzing the encrypted network traffic they produce. Such insights are becoming a very attractive data gathering technique for adversaries, network administrators, investigators and marketing agencies. In the second part of this thesis, we investigate the analysis of electric energy consumption. In this case, an adversary is able to measure with a power monitor the amount of energy supplied to a mobile device. In fact, we observed that the usage of mobile device resources (e.g., CPU, network capabilities) directly impacts the amount of energy retrieved from the supplier, i.e., USB port for smartphones, wall-socket for laptops. Leveraging energy traces, we are able to recognize a specific laptop user among a group and detect intruders (i.e., user not belonging to the group). Moreover, we show the feasibility of a covert channel to exfiltrate user data which relies on temporized energy consumption bursts. In the last part of this dissertation, we present a side-channel that can be measured within the mobile device itself. Such channel consists of data collected from the sensors a mobile device is equipped with (e.g., accelerometer, gyroscope). First, we present DELTA, a novel tool that collects data from such sensors, and logs user and operating system events. Then, we develop MIRAGE, a framework that relies on sensors data to enhance sandboxes against malware analysis evasion

    Establishing mandatory access control on Android OS

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    Common characteristic of all mobile operating systems for smart devices is an extensive middleware that provides a feature-rich API for the onboard sensors and user’s data (e.g., contacts). To effectively protect the device’s integrity, the user’s privacy, and to ensure non-interference between mutually distrusting apps, it is imperative that the middleware enforces rigid security and privacy policies. This thesis presents a line of work that integrates mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms into the middleware of the popular, open source Android OS. While our early work established a basic understanding for the integration of enforcement hooks and targeted very specific use-cases, such as multi-persona phones, our most recent works adopt important lessons learned and design patterns from established MAC architectures on commodity systems and intertwine them with the particular security requirements of mobile OS architectures like Android. Our most recent work also complemented the Android IPC mechanism with provisioning of better provenance information on the origins of IPC communication. Such information is a crucial building block for any access control mechanism on Android. Lastly, this dissertation outlines further directions of ongoing and future research on access control on modern mobile operating systems.Gemeinsame Charakteristik aller modernen mobilen Betriebssysteme für sog. ”smart devices” ist eine umfangreiche Diensteschicht, die funktionsreiche Programmierschnittstellen zu der Gerätehardware sowie den Endbenutzerdaten (z.B. Adressbuch) bereitstellt. Um die Systemintegrität, die Privatsphäre des Endbenutzers, sowie die Abgrenzung sich gegenseitig nicht vertrauender Apps effektiv zu gewährleisten, ist es unabdingbar, dass diese Diensteschichten rigide Sicherheitspolitiken umsetzen. Diese Dissertation präsentiert mehrere Forschungsarbeiten, die “Mandatory Access Control” (MAC) in die Diensteschicht des weit verbreiteten Android Betriebssystems integrieren. Die ersten dieser Arbeiten schufen ein grundlegendes Verständnis für die Integration von Zugriffsmechanismen in das Android Betriebssystem und waren auf sehr spezielle Anwendungsszenarien ausgerichtet. Neuere Arbeiten haben hingegen wichtige Erkenntnisse und Designprinzipien etablierter MAC Architekturen auf herkömmlichen Betriebssystemen für Android adaptiert und mit den speziellen Sicherheitsanforderungen mobiler Systeme verflochten. Die letzte Arbeit in dieser Reihe hat zudem Androids IPC Mechanismus untersucht und dahingehend ergänzt, dass er bessere Informationen über den Ursprung von IPC Nachrichten bereitstellt. Diese Informationen sind fundamental für jedwede Art von Zugriffskontrolle auf Android. Zuletzt diskutiert diese Dissertation aktuelle und zukünftige Forschungsthemen für Zugriffskontrollen auf modernen, mobilen Endgeräten
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