454 research outputs found

    Privacy-knowledge modeling for the Internet of Things: a look back

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    Together, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing give us the ability to gather, process, and even trade data to better understand users' behaviors, habits, and preferences. However, future IoT applications must address the significant potential threats to privacy posed by such knowledge-discovery activities

    User-centered visual analysis using a hybrid reasoning architecture for intensive care units

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    One problem pertaining to Intensive Care Unit information systems is that, in some cases, a very dense display of data can result. To ensure the overview and readability of the increasing volumes of data, some special features are required (e.g., data prioritization, clustering, and selection mechanisms) with the application of analytical methods (e.g., temporal data abstraction, principal component analysis, and detection of events). This paper addresses the problem of improving the integration of the visual and analytical methods applied to medical monitoring systems. We present a knowledge- and machine learning-based approach to support the knowledge discovery process with appropriate analytical and visual methods. Its potential benefit to the development of user interfaces for intelligent monitors that can assist with the detection and explanation of new, potentially threatening medical events. The proposed hybrid reasoning architecture provides an interactive graphical user interface to adjust the parameters of the analytical methods based on the users' task at hand. The action sequences performed on the graphical user interface by the user are consolidated in a dynamic knowledge base with specific hybrid reasoning that integrates symbolic and connectionist approaches. These sequences of expert knowledge acquisition can be very efficient for making easier knowledge emergence during a similar experience and positively impact the monitoring of critical situations. The provided graphical user interface incorporating a user-centered visual analysis is exploited to facilitate the natural and effective representation of clinical information for patient care

    Foundations of Human-Aware Planning -- A Tale of Three Models

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    abstract: A critical challenge in the design of AI systems that operate with humans in the loop is to be able to model the intentions and capabilities of the humans, as well as their beliefs and expectations of the AI system itself. This allows the AI system to be "human- aware" -- i.e. the human task model enables it to envisage desired roles of the human in joint action, while the human mental model allows it to anticipate how its own actions are perceived from the point of view of the human. In my research, I explore how these concepts of human-awareness manifest themselves in the scope of planning or sequential decision making with humans in the loop. To this end, I will show (1) how the AI agent can leverage the human task model to generate symbiotic behavior; and (2) how the introduction of the human mental model in the deliberative process of the AI agent allows it to generate explanations for a plan or resort to explicable plans when explanations are not desired. The latter is in addition to traditional notions of human-aware planning which typically use the human task model alone and thus enables a new suite of capabilities of a human-aware AI agent. Finally, I will explore how the AI agent can leverage emerging mixed-reality interfaces to realize effective channels of communication with the human in the loop.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Contributions to presence-based systems for deploying ubiquitous communication services

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    Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) will converge the existing fixed and wireless networks. These networks rely on the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), introduced by the 3GPP. The presence service came into being in instant messaging applications. A user¿s presence information consists in any context that is necessary for applications to handle and adapt the user's communications. The presence service is crucial in the IMS to deploy ubiquitous services. SIMPLE is the standard protocol for handling presence and instant messages. This protocol disseminates users' presence information through subscriptions, notifications and publications. SIMPLE generates much signaling traffic for constantly disseminating presence information and maintaining subscriptions, which may overload network servers. This issue is even more harmful to the IMS due to its centralized servers. A key factor in the success of NGNs is to provide users with always-on services that are seamlessly part of their daily life. Personalizing these services according to the users' needs is necessary for the success of these services. To this end, presence information is considered as a crucial tool for user-based personalization. This thesis can be briefly summarized through the following contributions: We propose filtering and controlling the rate of presence publications so as to reduce the information sent over access links. We probabilistically model presence information through Markov chains, and analyzed the efficiency of controlling the rate of publications that are modeled by a particular Markov chain. The reported results show that this technique certainly reduces presence overload. We mathematically study the amount of presence traffic exchanged between domains, and analyze the efficiency of several strategies for reducing this traffic. We propose an strategy, which we call Common Subscribe (CS), for reducing the presence traffic exchanged between federated domains. We compare this strategy traffic with that generated by other optimizations. The reported results show that CS is the most efficient at reducing presence traffic. We analyze the load in the number of messages that several inter-domain traffic optimizations cause to the IMS centralized servers. Our proposed strategy, CS, combined with an RLS (i.e., a SIMPLE optimization) is the only optimization that reduces the IMS load; the others increase this load. We estimate the efficiency of the RLS, thereby concluding that the RLS is not efficient under certain circumstances, and hence this optimization is discouraged. We propose a queuing system for optimizing presence traffic on both the network core and access link, which is capable to adapt the publication and notification rate based on some quality conditions (e.g, maximum delay). We probabilistically model this system, and validate it in different scenarios. We propose, and implement a prototype of, a fully-distributed platform for handling user presence information. This approach allows integrating Internet Services, such as HTTP or VoIP, and optimizing these services in an easy, user-personalized way. We have developed SECE (Sense Everything, Control Everything), a platform for users to create rules that handle their communications and Internet Services proactively. SECE interacts with multiple third-party services for obtaining as much user context as possible. We have developed a natural-English-like formal language for SECE rules. We have enhanced SECE for discovering web services automatically through the Web Ontology Language (OWL). SECE allows composing web services automatically based on real-world events, which is a significant contribution to the Semantic Web. The research presented in this thesis has been published through 3 book chapters, 4 international journals (3 of them are indexed in JCR), 10 international conference papers, 1 demonstration at an international conference, and 1 national conferenceNext-Generation Networks (NGNs) son las redes de próxima generación que soportaran la convergencia de redes de telecomunicación inalámbricas y fijas. La base de NGNs es el IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), introducido por el 3GPP. El servicio de presencia nació de aplicaciones de mesajería instantánea. La información de presencia de un usuario consiste en cualquier tipo de información que es de utilidad para manejar las comunicaciones con el usuario. El servicio de presencia es una parte esencial del IMS para el despliegue de servicios ubicuos. SIMPLE es el protocolo estándar para manejar presencia y mensajes instantáneos en el IMS. Este protocolo distribuye la información de presencia de los usuarios a través de suscripciones, notificaciones y publicaciones. SIMPLE genera mucho tráfico por la diseminación constante de información de presencia y el mantenimiento de las suscripciones, lo cual puede saturar los servidores de red. Este problema es todavía más perjudicial en el IMS, debido al carácter centralizado de sus servidores. Un factor clave en el éxito de NGNs es proporcionar a los usuarios servicios ubicuos que esten integrados en su vida diaria y asi interactúen con los usuarios constantemente. La personalización de estos servicios basado en los usuarios es imprescindible para el éxito de los mismos. Para este fin, la información de presencia es considerada como una herramienta base. La tesis realizada se puede resumir brevemente en los siguientes contribuciones: Proponemos filtrar y controlar el ratio de las publicaciones de presencia para reducir la cantidad de información enviada en la red de acceso. Modelamos la información de presencia probabilísticamente mediante cadenas de Markov, y analizamos la eficiencia de controlar el ratio de publicaciones con una cadena de Markov. Los resultados muestran que este mecanismo puede efectivamente reducir el tráfico de presencia. Estudiamos matemáticamente la cantidad de tráfico de presencia generada entre dominios y analizamos el rendimiento de tres estrategias para reducir este tráfico. Proponemos una estrategia, la cual llamamos Common Subscribe (CS), para reducir el tráfico de presencia entre dominios federados. Comparamos el tráfico generado por CS frente a otras estrategias de optimización. Los resultados de este análisis muestran que CS es la estrategia más efectiva. Analizamos la carga en numero de mensajes introducida por diferentes optimizaciones de tráfico de presencia en los servidores centralizados del IMS. Nuestra propuesta, CS, combinada con un RLS (i.e, una optimización de SIMPLE), es la unica optimización que reduce la carga en el IMS. Estimamos la eficiencia del RLS, deduciendo que un RLS no es eficiente en ciertas circunstancias, en las que es preferible no usar esta optimización. Proponemos un sistema de colas para optimizar el tráfico de presencia tanto en el núcleo de red como en la red de acceso, y que puede adaptar el ratio de publicación y notificación en base a varios parametros de calidad (e.g., maximo retraso). Modelamos y analizamos este sistema de colas probabilísticamente en diferentes escenarios. Proponemos una arquitectura totalmente distribuida para manejar las información de presencia del usuario, de la cual hemos implementado un prototipo. Esta propuesta permite la integracion sencilla y personalizada al usuario de servicios de Internet, como HTTP o VoIP, asi como la optimizacón de estos servicios. Hemos desarrollado SECE (Sense Everything, Control Everything), una plataforma donde los usuarios pueden crear reglas para manejar todas sus comunicaciones y servicios de Internet de forma proactiva. SECE interactúa con una multitud de servicios para conseguir todo el contexto possible del usuario. Hemos desarollado un lenguaje formal que parace como Ingles natural para que los usuarios puedan crear sus reglas. Hemos mejorado SECE para descubrir servicios web automaticamente a través del lenguaje OWL (Web Ontology Language)

    Explaining quality attribute tradeoffs in automated planning for self-adaptive systems

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    Self-adaptive systems commonly operate in heterogeneous contexts and need to consider multiple quality attributes. Human stakeholders often express their quality preferences by defining utility functions, which are used by self-adaptive systems to automatically generate adaptation plans. However, the adaptation space of realistic systems is large and it is obscure how utility functions impact the generated adaptation behavior, as well as structural, behavioral, and quality constraints. Moreover, human stakeholders are often not aware of the underlying tradeoffs between quality attributes. To address this issue, we present an approach that uses machine learning techniques (dimensionality reduction, clustering, and decision tree learning) to explain the reasoning behind automated planning. Our approach focuses on the tradeoffs between quality attributes and how the choice of weights in utility functions results in different plans being generated. We help humans understand quality attribute tradeoffs, identify key decisions in adaptation behavior, and explore how differences in utility functions result in different adaptation alternatives. We present two systems to demonstrate the approach\u27s applicability and consider its potential application to 24 exemplar self-adaptive systems. Moreover, we describe our assessment of the tradeoff between the information reduction and the amount of explained variance retained by the results obtained with our approach

    Integration of social values in a multi-agent platform running in a supercomputer

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    Agent-based modelling is one of the most suitable ways to simulate and analyse complex problems and scenarios, especially those involving social interactions. Multi-agent systems, consisting of multiple agents in a simulation environment, are widely used to understand emergent behaviour in various fields such as sociology, economics and policy. However, existing multi-agent platforms often face challenges in terms of scalability and reasoning capacity. Some platforms can scale well in terms of computation, but lack sophisticated reasoning mechanisms. On the other hand, some platforms employ complex reasoning systems, but this can compromise their scalability. In this work, we have extended an existing platform developed at UPC that enables scalable, parallel HTN planning for complex agents. Our main goal has been to improve the analysis of social relationships between agents by incorporating moral values. Building on previous work done by David Marín on the implementation of the platform, we have made extensions and modifications both formally and in the implementation. We have formalised the additions to the system model and provided an updated implementation. Finally, we have presented a complex example scenario that demonstrates all the additions we have made. This scenario allows us to show how agents' preferences and moral values influence their decisions and actions in a simulated environment. Through this work, we have sought to improve the existing platform and fulfil the spirit and purpose of the platform

    Shibboleth and the challenge of authentication in multiple servers on a e-learning environment

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    L' objectiu d’aquest treball és l’estudi, implementació i prova d'un sistema de autentificació compartida per a múltiples servidors. Encara que des d'un principi es sabia que es treballaria amb Shibboleth també s’han tingut en compte altres possibles solucions. Shibboleth és un projecte desenvolupat per els membres de les universitats que formen el consorci Internet2 amb l’ objectiu de desenvolupar un nou middleware per a realitzar les funcions d’autentificació compartida en múltiples servidors i pensat específicament per facilitar la col·laboració entre institucions i l’accés a continguts digitals. Shibboleth és una solució complerta ja que contempla des de l’autentificació , autorització i accounting, fins al sistema de login i els atributs a emprar. La qual cosa fa que es converteixi en un entorn de treball molt segur però amb l’avantatge d’aportar privacitat als usuaris. El primer objectiu ha estat identificar les peculiaritats i requeriments dels entorns de elearning distribuïts, per això s’ha estudiat conceptes específics de seguretat així com la manera d’adaptar-los a l’entorn requerit. Desprès s’ha fet una comparativa de les solucions existents al mercat amb una funcionalitat similar a Shibboleth, per tal de presentar els avantatges i desavantatges de Shibboleth vers aquests. Posteriorment, el treball ha consistit en entendre la estructura i els principis de funcionament de Shibboleth, quin tipus de requeriments tenia, el funcionament i objectius de cada part, estudiar els requeriments de l’entorn específic per al qual ha estat dissenyat (e-learning) i donar una idea general de com s’ hauria de fer la implementació. També s’han estudiat totes les tecnologies i requeriments necessaris per desenvolupar Shibboleth. Una vegada estudiat Shibboleth i l'entorn específic en el que s’hauria d’integrar, s’ha muntat un escenari per a la posada en marxa i proves d’aquest, provant específicament cada part i entenent amb les proves reals el funcionament. Amb l’escenari en funcionament, la idea era integrar Shibboleth amb Sakai i Blackboard, els CMS (Course Management System) utilitzats a on-campus, el campus virtual de la Fachhochschule Lübeck. Per a finalitzar i a mode de conclusions s'ha fet una petita explicació dels resultats obtinguts, una valoració de com Shibboleth resoldria les necessitats plantejades i algunes propostes de millora