14 research outputs found

    A Multi-criteria Group Decision Making Method for Selecting Big Data Visualization Tools

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    Big data visualization tools are providing opportunities for businesses to strengthen decision making and achieve competitive advantages. Evaluating and selecting the most suitable big data visualization tool is however challenging. To effectively deal with this issue, this paper presents a multicriteria group decision making method for evaluating and selecting of big data visualization tools. Intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are used to tackle the subjectiveness and imprecision of the decision making process. The concept based on ideal solutions is applied for producing a relative closeness coefficient value for every big data visualization tool alternative across all evaluation criteria. A big data visualization tool selection problem is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the method

    International business negotiation strategies based on bargaining power assessment: the case of attracting investments

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    At present business solutions are used for development and implementation of negotiating strategies for international business, which are not universally suitable for business development in all situations in context of globalization, with current challenges, which are characterized by increasing risk, uncertainty and cultural differences. The purpose of the research is to provide a theoretical model for developing and implementing international business negotiation strategies, based on bargaining power assessment, as well as to conduct an experiment and test the suitability and adaptability of the developed model in an international business negotiation situation – in case of attracting investments. Research methods – scientific literature analysis, comparative, logical analysis and synthesis, comparative and generalisation methods, mathematical and statistic data analysis methods. According to the results, the developed model can be used to reinforce international business negotiations and electronic business negotiations, as an independent systemic unit of the negotiation process (a measure that is autonomous or requires only partial intervention of the negotiator)

    Assessment of bargaining power in preparation of international business negotiations strategies: case of wholesale trade

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    Recently businesses need to find the new ways to ensure business growth and competitiveness in the international market. Cultural diversity of international business brings new challenges in the development and implementation of negotiation strategies of businesses, in cooperation with foreign partners. At present business solutions are used for development and implementation of negotiating strategies for international business, which are not universally suitable for business development in all situations in context of globalization, with current challenges, which are characterized by increasing risk, uncertainty and cultural differences. New challenges in international business negotiations are caused by formation of common cultural and information space in a global scale, the new demands for information technology progress in development of international competition and accelerating innovation processes. International business negotiation strategy development and implementation are setting the essential features and causal relations and is relevant in practice by creating in each negotiation case the unique negotiation strategy, focused on maximizing the effectiveness of the international business with the aim of more efficient use of business negotiation potential - the negotiating power. In scientific problem solving it is necessary to offer such instruments, which would take into account bargaining power of participants in negotiations, and would allow real implementation of business strategies and constitute an appropriate contribution to their development. The article aims - to design a theoretical model for preparing and implementing strategies of international business negotiations, based on evaluations of bargaining powers and to verify experimentally its relevance and applicability

    Multi-objective Optimization Proposal with Fuzzy Coefficients in both Constraints and Objective Functions.

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    Propuesta de optimización multiobjetivo con coeficientes difusos en restricciones y en funciones objetivo.AbstractFuzzy sets, and more specifically, fuzzy numbers can be a very suitable way to include uncertainty within the formulation and solution of linear problems with multiple goals. Goals in a decision problem do not need to be either maximized, or minimized, as in classical mathematical programming, but they are substituted by aspiration levels, and they need to be met in order to satisfy the decision-maker. Experience shows that it is easier for the decision-maker to formulate both objectives and constraints with fuzzy coefficients, rather than specify a defined quantity for the matrices A, b or g. This paper shows the versatility of a methodology that solves multi-objective linear problems, formulated with fuzzy coefficients. This conception becomes an alternative in contrast with the hard methodologies predominant in Operations Research, since the fuzzy approach allows the decision-maker to make uncertain assumptions both for the formulation and solution of optimization problems.Keywords: Fuzzy logic, multi-criteria analysis, triangular fuzzy numbers.ResumenLos conjuntos difusos y específicamente los números difusos constituyen una manera efectiva de incluir la incertidumbre en la formulación y solución de problemas lineales de optimización multiobjetivo. Las metas en un problema de decisión no necesitan ser maximizadas ni minimizadas, como ocurre en las herramientas clásicas de programación matemática, sino que se pueden sustituir por niveles de aspiración, las cuales constituyen las expectativas para un decisor. La experiencia demuestra que es más fácil para el decisor formular los objetivos y las restricciones en un problema con coeficientes difusos, en vez de simplemente especificar un número concreto en las matrices A, b ó g. Este artículo presenta la versatilidad de una formulación metodológica que permite resolver problemas multiobjetivo de tipo lineal, los cuales son formulados con coeficientes difusos. Esta concepción constituye una alternativa a las metodologías duras que dominan la investigación de operaciones, dado que la aproximación difusa permite que los decisores realicen presunciones inciertas en la formulación y solución en los problemas de optimización.Palabras Clave: Lógica difusa, análisis multiobjetivo, números triangulares difusos

    Agente de Suporte à Decisão Multicritério com Soma Ponderada-Fuzzy em Gestão Pública Participativa: Um Estudo de Caso em Gestão Ambiental

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    Este artigo apresenta um agente para suporte à decisão (ASD) em gestão pública participativa. Face aos desafios da gestão ambiental, foi proposto um estudo de caso para analisar as saídas do ASD, com perfil mais sensível às preocupações ambientais, disponibilizando ao gestor ambiental uma interface em linguagem natural com Lógica Fuzzy para atribuição de pesos aos aspectos ambientais. O principal objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar a importância de alterar o método de atribuição de pesos na Soma Ponderada por meio da Lógica Fuzzy, visto que o ser humano está mais condicionado a ranquear problemas em linguagem natural. Experimentos demonstraram que o uso de Fuzzy melhora a usabilidade e, consequentemente, a eficácia do ASD, pois geram ranqueamentos mais próximos ao ideal, segundo a visão de um gestor ambiental

    Multi-criteria group decision making for green supply chain management under uncertainty

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    This paper presents a multi-criteria group decision making model for effectively evaluating the performance of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices under uncertainty in an organization. The subjective assessments of individual decision makers are appropriately represented with the use of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers for better tackling the uncertainty existent. An algorithm is developed to assist individual decision makers in evaluating the performance of alternative GSCM practices across all the evaluation criteria. An example is presented for demonstrating the applicability of the proposed model in solving similar problems in the real-world setting

    A Multicriteria Analysis Approach for Evaluating the Performance of Agriculture Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Agribusiness

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    Agriculture decision support systems (DSSs) play an important role in facilitating evidence-based agricultural decision-making for improving agribusiness productivity. Evaluating and selecting the most appropriate agriculture DSS for sustainable agribusiness is, however, challenging due to the existence of production and marketing alternatives, a variety of objective functions from economic to lifestyle to long-term sustainability, and the subjectiveness and imprecision involved in the evaluation process. To help decision makers effectively deal with these issues, this paper presents a multicriteria analysis approach for evaluating and selecting the most appropriate agriculture DSS for sustainable agribusiness. The subjective assessments of decision makers in the evaluation process are formulated using linguistic variables approximated by fuzzy numbers. The concept based on the positive and the negative ideal solutions is applied for producing a performance index value for every agriculture DSS alternative across all evaluation criteria based on which the most appropriate agriculture DSS is. An empirical study is presented for demonstrating the step-wise process for evaluating and selecting the most appropriate agriculture DSS for sustainable agribusiness. The outcome from the performance evaluation process allows agribusinesses to effectively adopt appropriate agriculture DSSs for achieving competitive advantages

    Diseño de una metodología integrada entre jerarquía analítica y técnicas de consenso. Caso aplicado : protección de riesgos para tenderos

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    Con frecuencia en la toma de decisiones en grupo se utilizan los métodos de decisión multicriterio porque estas metodologías permiten tener en cuenta diversos criterio, alternativas v variables que intervienen en la decisión. En estos casos es importante definir cómo se van a integrar los diversos puntos de vista en, la decisión final. La agregación mediante promedio geométrico o aritmético de los resultados puede ser más sencilla sin embargo, se alcanzan mejores resultados mediante el consenso. En este documento, sé propone una metodología que integra la aplicación de la metodología AHP y el consenso para alcanzar un mejor resultado. Para probar la metodología, se aplicó al diseño de un seguro para tenderos pyme.Often in complex group decision making, multicriteria decision making methods (MCDM) are used? because these methodologies allow to consider the different, criteria, alternatives and variables that must be considered important to define how the different point of view would be integrated in the final decision. The aggregation of individual results through geometric or arithmetic easier, but generally decisions made by consensus are more complete and have more commitment from the group that must implement it. In this document a methodology that integrates the use of AHP and consensus is proposed. To prove the methodology, it was applied to the design of an insurance for mom and pop stores.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Consensus-based decision support for multicriteria group decision making

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    Consensus decision making is complex and challenging in multicriteria group decision making due to the involvement of several decision makers, the presence of multiple, and often conflicting criteria, and the existence of subjectiveness and imprecision in the decision making process. To ensure effective decisions being made, the interest of all the decision makers usually represented by the degree of consensus in the decision making process has to be adequately considered. This paper presents a consensus-based approach for effectively solving the multicriteria group decision making problem. The subjectiveness and imprecision of the decision making process is adequately handled by using intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. An interactive algorithm is developed for consensus building in the group decision making process. A decision support system framework is presented for improving the effectiveness of the consensus building process. An example is presented for demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for solving the multicriteria group decision making problem in real world situations