165 research outputs found

    Distributed Linear Quadratic Control and Filtering:a suboptimality approach

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    Design of distributed protocols for multi-agent systems has received extensive attention in the past two decades. A challenging problem in this context is to develop distributed synchronizing protocols that minimize given cost criteria. Recent years have also witnessed an increasing interest in problems of distributed state estimation for large-scale systems. Two challenging problems in this context are the problems of distributed H-2 and H-infinity optimal filtering.In this dissertation, we study both distributed linear quadratic optimal control problems and distributed filtering problems. In the framework of distributed linear quadratic control, both for leaderless and leader-follower multi-agent systems we provide design methods for computing state-feedback-based distributed suboptimal synchronizing protocols. In the framework of distributed H-2 suboptimal control, both for homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-agent systems we establish design methods for computing state-feedback-based and output-feedback-based distributed suboptimal synchronizing protocols.The distributed H-2 and H-infinity optimal filtering problem are the problems of designing local filter gains such that the H-2 or H-infinity norm of the transfer matrix from the disturbance input to the output estimation error is minimized, while all local filters reconstruct the full system state asymptotically. Due to their non-convex nature, it is not clear whether optimal solutions exist. Instead of studying these optimal filtering problems, in this dissertation we therefore address suboptimality versions of these problems and provide conceptual algorithms for obtaining H-2 and H-infinity suboptimal distributed filters, respectively

    A Survey on Formation Control of Small Satellites

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    Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue “Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms”,which was published in Applied Sciences

    Distributed synchronization algorithms for wireless sensor networks

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    The ability to distribute time and frequency among a large population of interacting agents is of interest for diverse disciplines, inasmuch as it enables to carry out complex cooperative tasks. In a wireless sensor network (WSN), time/frequency synchronization allows the implementation of distributed signal processing and coding techniques, and the realization of coordinated access to the shared wireless medium. Large multi-hop WSN\u27s constitute a new regime for network synchronization, as they call for the development of scalable, fully distributed synchronization algorithms. While most of previous research focused on synchronization at the application layer, this thesis considers synchronization at the lowest layers of the communication protocol stack of a WSN, namely the physical and the medium access control (MAC) layer. At the physical layer, the focus is on the compensation of carrier frequency offsets (CFO), while time synchronization is studied for application at the MAC layer. In both cases, the problem of realizing network-wide synchronization is approached by employing distributed clock control algorithms based on the classical concept of coupled phase and frequency locked loops (PLL and FLL). The analysis takes into account communication, signaling and energy consumption constraints arising in the novel context of multi-hop WSN\u27s. In particular, the robustness of the algorithms is checked against packet collision events, infrequent sync updates, and errors introduced by different noise sources, such as transmission delays and clock frequency instabilities. By observing that WSN\u27s allow for greater flexibility in the design of the synchronization network architecture, this work examines also the relative merits of both peer-to-peer (mutually coupled - MC) and hierarchical (master-slave - MS) architectures. With both MC and MS architectures, synchronization accuracy degrades smoothly with the network size, provided that loop parameters are conveniently chosen. In particular, MS topologies guarantee faster synchronization, but they are hindered by higher noise accumulation, while MC topologies allow for an almost uniform error distribution at the price of much slower convergence. For all the considered cases, synchronization algorithms based on adaptive PLL and FLL designs are shown to provide robust and scalable network-wide time and frequency distribution in a WSN

    Coalitional model predictive control for systems of systems

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    An aspect so far rarely contemplated in distributed control problems is the explicit consideration of individual (local) interests of the components of a complex system. Indeed, the focus of the majority of the literature about distributed control has been the overall system performance. While on one hand this permitted to address fundamental properties of centralized control, such as system-wide optimality and stability, one the other hand it implied assuming unrestricted cooperation across local controllers. However, when dealing with multi-agent systems with a strong heterogeneous character, cooperation between the agents cannot be taken for granted (due to, for example, logistics, market competition), and selfish interests may not be neglected. Another critical point that must be kept into consideration is the diversity characterizing systems of systems (SoS), yielding very complex interactions between the agents involved (one example of such system is the smart grid). In order to tackle such inherent aspects of SoS, the research presented in this thesis has been concerned with the development of a novel framework, the coalitional control, that extends the scope of advanced control methods (in particular MPC) by drawing concepts from cooperative game theory that are suited for the inherent heterogeneity of SoS, providing as well an economical interpretation useful to explicitly take into account local selfish interests. Thus, coalitional control aims at governing the association/dissociation dynamics of the agents controlling the system, according to the expected benefits of their possible cooperation. From a control theoretical perspective, this framework is founded on the theory of switched systems and variable structure/topology networked systems, topics that are recently experiencing a renewed interest within the community. The main concepts and challenges in coalitional control, and the links with cooperative network game theory are presented in this document, tracing a path from model partitioning to the control schemes whose principles delineate the idea of coalitional control. This thesis focuses on two basic architectures: (i) a hierarchically supervised evolution of the coalitional structure, and (ii) a protocol for autonomous negotiation between the agents, with specific mechanisms for benefit redistribution, leading to the emergence of cooperating clusters.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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    Topological Aspects of Linear Dynamic Networks: Identifiability and Identification

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    Robust Behavioral-Control of Multi-Agent Systems

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