177 research outputs found

    Event-Triggered Distributed Data-Driven Iterative Learning Bipartite Formation Control for Unknown Nonlinear Multiagent Systems

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    In this study, we investigate the event-triggering time-varying trajectory bipartite formation tracking problem for a class of unknown nonaffine nonlinear discrete-time multiagent systems (MASs). We first obtain an equivalent linear data model with a dynamic parameter of each agent by employing the pseudo-partial-derivative technique. Then, we propose an event-triggered distributed model-free adaptive iterative learning bipartite formation control scheme by using the input/output data of MASs without employing either the plant structure or any knowledge of the dynamics. To improve the flexibility and network communication resource utilization, we construct an observer-based event-triggering mechanism with a dead-zone operator. Furthermore, we rigorously prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm, where each agent’s time-varying trajectory bipartite formation tracking error is reduced to a small range around zero. Finally, four simulation studies further validate the designed control approach’s effectiveness, demonstrating that the proposed scheme is also suitable for the homogeneous MASs to achieve time-varying trajectory bipartite formation tracking

    Output Consensus Control for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems

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    We study distributed output feedback control of a heterogeneous multi-agent system (MAS), consisting of N different continuous-time linear dynamical systems. For achieving output consensus, a virtual reference model is assumed to generate the desired trajectory for which the MAS is required to track and synchronize. A full information (FI) protocol is assumed for consensus control. This protocol includes information exchange with the feed-forward signals. In this dissertation we study two different kinds of consensus problems. First, we study the consensus control over the topology involving time delays and prove that consensus is independent of delay lengths. Second, we study the consensus under communication constraints. In contrast to the existing work, the reference trajectory is transmitted to only one or a few agents and no local reference models are employed in the feedback controllers thereby eliminating synchronization of the local reference models. Both significantly lower the communication overhead. In addition, our study is focused on the case when the available output measurements contain only relative information from the neighboring agents and reference signal. Conditions are derived for the existence of distributed output feedback control protocols, and solutions are proposed to synthesize the stabilizing and consensus control protocol over a given connected digraph. It is shown that the H-inf loop shaping and LQG/LTR techniques from robust control can be directly applied to design the consensus output feedback control protocol. The results in this dissertation complement the existing ones, and are illustrated by a numerical example. The MAS approach developed in this dissertation is then applied to the development of autonomous aircraft traffic control system. The development of such systems have already started to replace the current clearance-based operations to trajectory based operations. Such systems will help to reduce human errors, increase efficiency, provide safe flight path, and improve the performance of the future flight

    Sliding mode reference coordination of constrained feedback systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g., linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.) to achieve some desired collective behavior under the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on reference conditioning techniques using geometric set invariance and sliding mode control: the sliding mode reference coordination (SMRCoord). The main idea is to coordinate the systems references. Starting from a general framework, we propose two approaches: a local one through direct interactions between the different systems by sharing and conditioning their own references and a global centralized one, where a central node makes decisions using information coming from the systems references. In particular, in this work we focus in implementation on multivariable systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robustness to external perturbations. To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating UAVs with input constraints is addressed as a particular case of multivariable reference coordination with both global and local configuration.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems

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    [EN] This paper addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g., linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.) to achieve some desired collective behavior under the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on reference conditioning techniques using geometric set invariance and sliding mode control: the sliding mode reference coordination (SMRCoord). The main idea is to coordinate the systems references. Starting from a general framework, we propose two approaches: a local one through direct interactions between the different systems by sharing and conditioning their own references and a global centralized one, where a central node makes decisions using information coming from the systems references. In particular, in this work we focus in implementation on multivariable systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robustness to external perturbations. To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating UAVs with input constraints is addressed as a particular case of multivariable reference coordination with both global and local configuration.Research in this area is partially supported by Argentine government (ANPCyT PICT 2011-0888 and CONICET PIP 112-2011-00361), Spanish government (FEDER-CICYT DPI2011-28112-C04-01), and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant FPI/2009-21)Vignoni, A.; Garelli, F.; Picó, J. (2013). Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/764348S1112013Information consensus in multivehicle cooperative control. (2007). IEEE Control Systems, 27(2), 71-82. doi:10.1109/mcs.2007.338264Cao, Y., Yu, W., Ren, W., & Chen, G. (2013). An Overview of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed Multi-Agent Coordination. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9(1), 427-438. doi:10.1109/tii.2012.2219061Interconnected dynamic systems: An overview on distributed control. (2013). IEEE Control Systems, 33(1), 76-88. doi:10.1109/mcs.2012.2225929Olfati-Saber, R., Fax, J. A., & Murray, R. M. (2007). Consensus and Cooperation in Networked Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 95(1), 215-233. doi:10.1109/jproc.2006.887293He, W., & Cao, J. (2011). Consensus control for high-order multi-agent systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 5(1), 231. doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2009.0191Liu, L. (2012). Robust cooperative output regulation problem for non-linear multi-agent systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 6(13), 2142-2148. doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2011.0575Pitarch, J. L., Sala, A., & Arino, C. V. (2014). Closed-Form Estimates of the Domain of Attraction for Nonlinear Systems via Fuzzy-Polynomial Models. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(4), 526-538. doi:10.1109/tcyb.2013.2258910Nuñez, S., De Battista, H., Garelli, F., Vignoni, A., & Picó, J. (2013). Second-order sliding mode observer for multiple kinetic rates estimation in bioprocesses. Control Engineering Practice, 21(9), 1259-1265. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.03.003Wu, L., Su, X., & Shi, P. (2012). Sliding mode control with bounded gain performance of Markovian jump singular time-delay systems. Automatica, 48(8), 1929-1933. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.05.064Cao, Y., Ren, W., & Meng, Z. (2010). Decentralized finite-time sliding mode estimators and their applications in decentralized finite-time formation tracking. Systems & Control Letters, 59(9), 522-529. doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2010.06.002Cortés, J. (2006). Finite-time convergent gradient flows with applications to network consensus. Automatica, 42(11), 1993-2000. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2006.06.015Rao, S., & Ghose, D. (2011). Sliding mode control-based algorithms for consensus in connected swarms. International Journal of Control, 84(9), 1477-1490. doi:10.1080/00207179.2011.602834Guo, P., Zhang, J., Lyu, M., & Bo, Y. (2013). Sliding Mode Control for Multiagent System with Time-Delay and Uncertainties: An LMI Approach. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2013/805492Garelli, F., Mantz, R. J., & De Battista, H. (2006). Limiting interactions in decentralized control of MIMO systems. Journal of Process Control, 16(5), 473-483. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2005.09.001Garelli, F., Mantz, R. J., & De Battista, H. (2007). Sliding mode compensation to preserve dynamic decoupling of stable systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(17), 4705-4716. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.05.020Picó, J., Garelli, F., De Battista, H., & Mantz, R. J. (2009). Geometric invariance and reference conditioning ideas for control of overflow metabolism. Journal of Process Control, 19(10), 1617-1626. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2009.08.007Revert, A., Garelli, F., Pico, J., De Battista, H., Rossetti, P., Vehi, J., & Bondia, J. (2013). Safety Auxiliary Feedback Element for the Artificial Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(8), 2113-2122. doi:10.1109/tbme.2013.2247602Gracia, L., Sala, A., & Garelli, F. (2012). A supervisory loop approach to fulfill workspace constraints in redundant robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60(1), 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2011.07.008Gracia, L., Garelli, F., & Sala, A. (2013). Integrated sliding-mode algorithms in robot tracking applications. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1), 53-62. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2012.07.007Vignoni, A., Garelli, F., & Picó, J. (2013). Coordinación de sistemas con diferentes dinámicas utilizando conceptos de invarianza geométrica y modos deslizantes. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 10(4), 390-401. doi:10.1016/j.riai.2013.09.001Hanus, R., Kinnaert, M., & Henrotte, J.-L. (1987). Conditioning technique, a general anti-windup and bumpless transfer method. Automatica, 23(6), 729-739. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(87)90029-xMareczek, J., Buss, M., & Spong, M. W. (2002). Invariance control for a class of cascade nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(4), 636-640. doi:10.1109/9.995041Blasco, X., García-Nieto, S., & Reynoso-Meza, G. (2012). Control autónomo del seguimiento de trayectorias de un vehículo cuatrirrotor. Simulación y evaluación de propuestas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 9(2), 194-199. doi:10.1016/j.riai.2012.01.00

    Sliding mode reference coordination of constrained feedback systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g., linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.) to achieve some desired collective behavior under the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on reference conditioning techniques using geometric set invariance and sliding mode control: the sliding mode reference coordination (SMRCoord). The main idea is to coordinate the systems references. Starting from a general framework, we propose two approaches: a local one through direct interactions between the different systems by sharing and conditioning their own references and a global centralized one, where a central node makes decisions using information coming from the systems references. In particular, in this work we focus in implementation on multivariable systems like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robustness to external perturbations. To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating UAVs with input constraints is addressed as a particular case of multivariable reference coordination with both global and local configuration.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue “Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms”,which was published in Applied Sciences