30 research outputs found

    Changes in resting-state functionally connected parieto-frontal networks after videogame practice

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    Neuroimaging studies provide evidence for organized intrinsic activity under task-free conditions. This activity serves functionally relevant brain systems supporting cognition. Here, we analyze changes in resting-state functional connectivity after videogame practice applying a test–retest design. Twenty young females were selected from a group of 100 participants tested on four standardized cognitive ability tests. The practice and control groups were carefully matched on their ability scores. The practice group played during two sessions per week across 4 weeks (16 h total) under strict supervision in the laboratory, showing systematic performance improvements in the game. A group independent component analysis (GICA) applying multisession temporal concatenation on test–retest resting-state fMRI, jointly with a dual-regression approach, was computed. Supporting the main hypothesis, the key finding reveals an increased correlated activity during rest in certain predefined resting state networks (albeit using uncorrected statistics) attributable to practice with the cognitively demanding tasks of the videogame. Observed changes were mainly concentrated on parietofrontal networks involved in heterogeneous cognitive functions

    The neural correlates of reading impairment in adults with developmental dyslexia:evidence from fMRI between group analyses and an fMRI multiple-case study

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    The goal of this project was to investigate the neural correlates of reading impairment in dyslexia as hypothesised by the main theories – the phonological deficit, visual magnocellular deficit and cerebellar deficit theories, with emphasis on individual differences. This research took a novel approach by: 1) contrasting the predictions in one sample of participants with dyslexia (DPs); 2) using a multiple-case study (and between-group comparisons) to investigate differences in BOLD between each DP and the controls (CPs); 3) demonstrating a possible relationship between reading impairment and its hypothesised neural correlates by using fMRI and a reading task. The multiple-case study revealed that the neural correlates of reading in dyslexia in all cases are not in agreement with the predictions of a single theory. The results show striking individual differences - even, where the neural correlates of reading in two DPs are consistent with the same theory, the areas can differ. A DP can exhibit under-engagement in an area in word, but not in pseudoword reading and vice versa, demonstrating that underactivation in that area cannot be interpreted as a ‘developmental lesion’. Additional analyses revealed complex results. Within-group analyses between behavioural measures and BOLD showed correlations in the predicted regions, areas outside ROI, and lack of correlations in some predicted areas. Comparisons of subgroups which differed on Orthography Composite supported the MDT, but only for Words. The results suggest that phonological scores are not a sufficient predictor of the under-engagement of phonological areas during reading. DPs and CPs exhibited correlations between Purdue Pegboard Composite and BOLD in cerebellar areas only for Pseudowords. Future research into reading in dyslexia should use a more holistic approach, involving genetic and environmental factors, gene by environment interaction, and comorbidity with other disorders. It is argued that multidisciplinary research, within the multiple-deficit model holds significant promise here

    Functional connectivity and alterations in baseline brain state in humans

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    This work examines the influence of changes in baseline activity on the intrinsic functional connectivity fMRI (fc-fMRI) in humans. Baseline brain activity was altered by inducing anesthesia (sevoflurane end-tidal concentration 1%) in human volunteers and fc-fMRI maps between the pre-anesthetized and anesthetized conditions were compared across different brain networks. We particularly focused on low-level sensory areas (primary somatosensory, visual, and auditory cortices), the thalamus, and pain (insula), memory (hippocampus) circuits, and the default mode network (DMN), the latter three to examine higher-order brain regions. The results indicate that, while fc-fMRI patterns did not significantly differ (p<0.005; 20-voxel cluster threshold) in sensory cortex and in the DMN between the pre- and anesthetized conditions, fc-fMRI in high-order cognitive regions (i.e. memory and pain circuits) was significantly altered by anesthesia. These findings provide further evidence that fc-fMRI reflects intrinsic brain properties, while also demonstrating that 0.5 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia preferentially modulates higher-order connections

    Connectivity of the hippocampus and Broca's area during acquisition of a novel grammar

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    Perioperative Medicine: Efficacy, Safety and Outcom

    Neural Correlates of Repetition Priming: Changes in fMRI Activation and Synchrony

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    The neural mechanisms of behavioural priming remain unclear. Recent studies have suggested that category-preferential regions in ventral occipitotemporal cortex (VOTC) play an important role; some have reported increased neural synchrony between prefrontal cortex and temporal cortex associated with stimulus repetition. Based on these results, I hypothesized that increased neural synchrony, as measured by functional connectivity analysis using functional MRI, between category-preferential regions in VOTC and broader category-related networks would underlie behavioural priming. To test this hypothesis, I localized several category-preferential regions in VOTC using an independent functional localizer. Then, Seed Partial Least Squares was used to assess task-related functional connectivity of these regions across repetition of stimuli from multiple categories during an independent semantic classification task. While the results did not show the hypothesized differences in functional connectivity across stimulus repetition, evidence of category-specificity of neural priming and novel insights about the nature of category-related organization of VOTC were revealed

    Resting-state functional connectivity in the brain and its relation to language development in preschool children

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    Human infants have been shown to have an innate capacity to acquire their mother tongue. In recent decades, the advent of the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique has made it feasible to explore the neural basis underlying language acquisition and processing in children, even in newborn infants (for reviews, see Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008; Kuhl, 2010) . Spontaneous low-frequency (< 0.1 Hz) fluctuations (LFFs) in the resting brain have been shown to be physiologically meaningful in the seminal study (Biswal et al., 1995) . Compared to task-based fMRI, resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has some unique advantages in neuroimaging research, especially in obtaining data from pediatric and clinical populations. Moreover, it enables us to characterize the functional organization of the brain in a systematic manner in the absence of explicit tasks. Among brain systems, the language network has been well investigated by analyzing LFFs in the resting brain. This thesis attempts to investigate the functional connectivity within the language network in typically developing preschool children and the covariation of this connectivity with children’s language development by using the rs-fMRI technique. The first study (see Chapter 2.1; Xiao et al., 2016a) revealed connectivity differences in language-related regions between 5-year-olds and adults, and demonstrated distinct correlation patterns between functional connections within the language network and sentence comprehension performance in children. The results showed a left fronto-temporal connection for processing syntactically more complex sentences, suggesting that this connection is already in place at age 5 when it is needed for complex sentence comprehension, even though the whole functional network is still immature. In the second study (see Chapter 2.2; Xiao et al., 2016b), sentence comprehension performance and rs-fMRI data were obtained from a cohort of children at age 5 and a one-year follow-up. This study examined the changes in functional connectivity in the developing brain and their relation to the development of language abilities. The findings showed that the development of intrinsic functional connectivity in preschool children over the course of one year is clearly observable and individual differences in this development are related to the advancement in sentence comprehension ability with age. In summary, the present thesis provides new insights into the relationship between intrinsic functional connectivity in the brain and language processing, as well as between the changes in intrinsic functional connectivity and concurrent language development in preschool children. Moreover, it allows for a better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying language processing and the advancement of language abilities in the developing brain

    Silent versus reading out loud modes: An eye-tracking study

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    The main purpose of this study is to compare the silent and loud reading ability of typical and dyslexic readers, using eye-tracking technology to monitor the reading process. The participants (156 students of normal intelligence) were first divided into three groups based on their school grade, and each subgroup was then further separated into typical readers and students diagnosed with dyslexia. The students read the same text twice, one time silently and one time out loud. Various eye-tracking parameters were calculated for both types of reading. In general, the performance of the typical students was better for both modes of reading - regardless of age. In the older age groups, typical readers performed better at silent reading. The dyslexic readers in all age groups performed better at reading out loud. However, this was less prominent in secondary and upper secondary dyslexics, reflecting a slow shift towards silent reading mode as they age. Our results confirm that the eye-tracking parameters of dyslexics improve with age in both silent and loud reading, and their reading preference shifts slowly towards silent reading. Typical readers, before 4th grade do not show a clear reading mode preference, however, after that age they develop a clear preference for silent reading

    A Quest for Meaning in Spontaneous Brain Activity - From fMRI to Electrophysiology to Complexity Science

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    The brain is not a silent, complex input/output system waiting to be driven by external stimuli; instead, it is a closed, self-referential system operating on its own with sensory information modulating rather than determining its activity. Ongoing spontaneous brain activity costs the majority of the brain\u27s energy budget, maintains the brain\u27s functional architecture, and makes predictions about the environment and the future. I have completed three separate studies on the functional significance and the organization of spontaneous brain activity. The first study showed that strokes disrupt large-scale network coherence in the spontaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging: fMRI) signals, and that the degree of such disruption predicts the behavioral impairment of the patient. This study established the functional significance of coherent patterns in the spontaneous fMRI signals. In the second study, by combining fMRI and electrophysiology in neurosurgical patients, I identified the neurophysiological signal underlying the coherent patterns in the spontaneous fMRI signal, the slow cortical potential: SCP). The SCP is a novel neural correlate of the fMRI signal, most likely underlying both spontaneous fMRI signal fluctuations and task-evoked fMRI responses. Some theoretical considerations have led me to propose a hypothesis on the involvement of the neural activity indexed by the SCP in the emergence of consciousness. In the last study I investigated the temporal organization across a wide range of frequencies in the spontaneous electrical field potentials recorded from the human brain. This study demonstrated that the arrhythmic, scale-free brain activity often discarded in human and animal electrophysiology studies in fact contains rich, complex structures, and further provided evidence supporting the functional significance of such activity

    Cortical Cartography: Mapping Functional Areas Across the Human Brain with Resting State Functional Connectivity MRI

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    Human behavior and cognition are largely supported by the cerebral cortex, a structure organized at many physical scales ranging from individual neurons up to distributed systems of multiple interconnected “functional areas”. Each functional area possesses a unique combination of inputs, outputs, and internal structure, and is thought to make a distinct contribution to information processing. Thus, the study of each area\u27s normal function, developmental trajectory, and modified responses following loss or injury may greatly enhance our understanding of cognition. Indeed, one of the: often unsaid) overarching goals of functional neuroimaging is to use differential activity between conditions to identify specific information processing operations reflected in these functional areas. Unfortunately, delineating a complete collection of functional areas in any mammal, let alone non-invasively in humans, is not straightforward and currently incomplete. Correlations in spontaneous BOLD activity, often referred to as resting state functional connectivity: rs-fcMRI), are especially promising as a way to delineate functional areas since they localize differences in patterns of correlated activity across large expanses of cortex. Presented here is the exploration, development, initial application, and first order validation of rs-fcMRI mapping, the non-invasive delineation of putative functional areas and boundaries across the cortical surface in individual humans using rs-fcMRI. rs-fcMRI ‘contour’ maps can be created in individual subjects which delineate sharp transitions and stable locations in correlation patterns. Several of the strongest and most resilient of these features can be consistently detected both across time within subject, are comparable across subject, independent cohort, and scanner, and appear to represent known functional-anatomical divisions. An initial validation of rs-fcMRI mapping against task-related activity, finds consistency with task-related fMRI results for two separate tasks in two groups of subjects, as well as in individual data. These results provide a proof-of-concept for using rs-fcMRI mapping to describe a putative distribution of functional areas and boundaries within single individuals, as well as to potentially improve functional neuroimaging studies in basic, translational, and clinical settings through the independent delineation of functional areas that can be compared across subjects, groups, and studies