56 research outputs found

    The impact of the Geometric Correction Scheme on MEG functional topology at rest

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    Spontaneous activity is correlated across brain regions in large scale networks (RSN) closely resembling those recruited during several behavioral tasks and characterized by functional specialization and dynamic integration. Specifically, MEG studies revealed a set of central regions (dynamic core) possibly facilitating communication among differently specialized brain systems. However, source projected MEG signals, due to the fundamentally ill-posed inverse problem, are affected by spatial leakage, leading to the estimation of spurious, blurred connections that may affect the topological properties of brain networks and their integration. To reduce leakage effects, several correction schemes have been proposed including the Geometric Correction Scheme (GCS) whose theory, simulations and empirical results on topography of a few RSNs were already presented. However, its impact on the estimation of fundamental graph measures used to describe the architecture of interactions among brain regions has not been investigated yet. Here, we estimated dense, MEG band-limited power connectomes in theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bands from 13 healthy subjects (all young adults). We compared the connectivity and topology of MEG uncorrected and GCS-corrected connectomes. The use of GCS considerably reorganized the topology of connectivity, reducing the local, within-hemisphere interactions mainly in the beta and gamma bands and increasing across-hemisphere interactions mainly in the alpha and beta bands. Moreover, the number of hubs decreased in the alpha and beta bands, but the centrality of some fundamental regions such as the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC), Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) and Middle Prefrontal Cortex (MPFC) remained strong in all bands, associated to an increase of the Global Efficiency and a decrease of Modularity. As a comparison, we applied orthogonalization on connectomes and ran the same topological analyses. The correlation values were considerably reduced, and orthogonalization mainly decreased local within-hemisphere interactions in all bands, similarly to GCS. Notably, the centrality of the PCC, SMA and MPFC was preserved in all bands, as for GCS, together with other hubs in the posterior parietal regions. Overall, leakage correction removes spurious local connections, but confirms the role of dynamic hub regions, specifically the anterior and posterior cingulate, in integrating information in the brain at rest

    Comparison of Brain Networks based on Predictive Models of Connectivity

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    In this study we adopt predictive modelling to identify simultaneously commonalities and differences in multi-modal brain networks acquired within subjects. Typically, predictive modelling of functional connectomes from structural connectomes explores commonalities across multimodal imaging data. However, direct application of multivariate approaches such as sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis (sCCA) applies on the vectorised elements of functional connectivity across subjects and it does not guarantee that the predicted models of functional connectivity are Symmetric Positive Matrices (SPD). We suggest an elegant solution based on the transportation of the connectivity matrices on a Riemannian manifold, which notably improves the prediction performance of the model. Randomised lasso is used to alleviate the dependency of the sCCA on the lasso parameters and control the false positive rate. Subsequently, the binomial distribution is exploited to set a threshold statistic that reflects whether a connection is selected or rejected by chance. Finally, we estimate the sCCA loadings based on a de-noising approach that improves the estimation of the coefficients. We validate our approach based on resting-state fMRI and diffusion weighted MRI data. Quantitative validation of the prediction performance shows superior performance, whereas qualitative results of the identification process are promising.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Somatomotor-Visual Resting State Functional Connectivity Increases After Two Years in the UK Biobank Longitudinal Cohort

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and functional connectivity (FC) have been used to follow aging in both children and older adults. Robust changes have been observed in children, where high connectivity among all brain regions changes to a more modular structure with maturation. In older adults, prior work has identified changes in connectivity associated with the default mode network (DMN); other work has used brain age to predict pre-clinical Alzheimer's disease. In this work, we find an increasing connectivity between the Somatomotor (SMT) and Visual (VIS) Networks using the Power264 atlas in a longitudinal cohort of the UK Biobank (UKB). This cohort consists of 2,722 subjects, with scans being taken an average of two years apart. The average connectivity increase between SMT-VIS is 6.8% compared to the younger scan baseline (from ρ=0.39\rho=0.39 to ρ=0.42\rho=0.42), and occurs in male, female, older subject (>65>65 years old), and younger subject (<55<55 years old) groups. Among all inter-network connections, this average SMT-VIS connectivity is the best predictor of relative scan age, accurately predicting which scan is older 57% of the time. Using the full FC and a training set of 2,000 subjects, one is able to predict which scan is older 82.5% of the time when using the difference of FC between the two scans as input to a classifier. This previously under-reported relationship may shed light on normal changes in aging brain FC, identifies a potential confound for longitudinal studies, and proposes a new area for investigation, specifically the SMT-VIS connectivity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    The impact of dopaminergic treatment over cognitive networks in Parkinson's disease: Stemming the tide?

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    Dopamine-replacing therapies are an effective treatment for the motor aspects of Parkinson's disease. However, its precise effect over the cognitive resting-state networks is not clear; whether dopaminergic treatment normalizes their functional connectivity-as in other networks- and the links with cognitive decline are presently unknown. We recruited 35 nondemented PD patients and 16 age-matched controls. Clinical and neuropsychological assessments were performed at baseline, and conversion to dementia was assessed in a 10 year follow-up. Structural and functional brain imaging were acquired in both the ON and practical OFF conditions. We assessed functional connectivity in both medication states compared to healthy controls, connectivity differences within participants related to the ON/OFF condition, and baseline connectivity of PD participants that converted to dementia compared to those who did not convert. PD participants showed and increased frontoparietal connectivity compared to controls: a pattern of higher connectivity between salience (SN) and default-mode (DMN) networks both in the ON and OFF states. Within PD patients, this higher SN-DMN connectivity characterized the participants in the ON state, while within-DMN connectivity prevailed in the OFF state. Interestingly, participants who converted to dementia also showed higher SN-DMN connectivity in their baseline ON scans compared to nonconverters. To conclude, PD patients showed higher frontoparietal connectivity in cognitive networks compared to healthy controls, irrespective of medication status, but dopaminergic treatment specifically promoted SN-DM hyperconnectivity

    Functional connectome differences in individuals with hallucinations across the psychosis continuum

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    Hallucinations may arise from an imbalance between sensory and higher cognitive brain regions, reflected by alterations in functional connectivity. It is unknown whether hallucinations across the psychosis continuum exhibit similar alterations in functional connectivity, suggesting a common neural mechanism, or whether different mechanisms link to hallucinations across phenotypes. We acquired resting-state functional MRI scans of 483 participants, including 40 non-clinical individuals with hallucinations, 99 schizophrenia patients with hallucinations, 74 bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations, 42 bipolar-I disorder patients without hallucinations, and 228 healthy controls. The weighted connectivity matrices were compared using network-based statistics. Non-clinical individuals with hallucinations and schizophrenia patients with hallucinations exhibited increased connectivity, mainly among fronto-temporal and fronto-insula/cingulate areas compared to controls (P < 0.001 adjusted). Differential effects were observed for bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations versus controls, mainly characterized by decreased connectivity between fronto-temporal and fronto-striatal areas (P = 0.012 adjusted). No connectivity alterations were found between bipolar-I disorder patients without hallucinations and controls. Our results support the notion that hallucinations in non-clinical individuals and schizophrenia patients are related to altered interactions between sensory and higher-order cognitive brain regions. However, a different dysconnectivity pattern was observed for bipolar-I disorder patients with hallucinations, which implies a different neural mechanism across the psychosis continuum.publishedVersio

    Sleep State Modulates Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Neonates.

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    The spontaneous cerebral activity that gives rise to resting-state networks (RSNs) has been extensively studied in infants in recent years. However, the influence of sleep state on the presence of observable RSNs has yet to be formally investigated in the infant population, despite evidence that sleep modulates resting-state functional connectivity in adults. This effect could be extremely important, as most infant neuroimaging studies rely on the neonate to remain asleep throughout data acquisition. In this study, we combine functional near-infrared spectroscopy with electroencephalography to simultaneously monitor sleep state and investigate RSNs in a cohort of healthy term born neonates. During active sleep (AS) and quiet sleep (QS) our newborn neonates show functional connectivity patterns spatially consistent with previously reported RSN structures. Our three independent functional connectivity analyses revealed stronger interhemispheric connectivity during AS than during QS. In turn, within hemisphere short-range functional connectivity seems to be enhanced during QS. These findings underline the importance of sleep state monitoring in the investigation of RSNs