10 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Branch and Warp Interweaving for Sustained GPU Performance

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    International audienceSingle-Instruction Multiple-Thread (SIMT) micro-architectures implemented in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) run fine-grained threads in lockstep by grouping them into units, referred to as warps, to amortize the cost of instruction fetch, decode and control logic over multiple execution units. As individual threads take divergent execution paths, their processing takes place sequentially, defeating part of the efficiency advantage of SIMD execution. We present two complementary techniques that mitigate the impact of thread divergence on SIMT micro-architectures. Both techniques relax the SIMD execution model by allowing two distinct instructions to be scheduled to disjoint subsets of the the same row of execution units, instead of one single instruction. They increase flexibility by providing more thread grouping opportunities than SIMD, while preserving the affinity between threads to avoid introducing extra memory divergence. We consider (1) co-issuing instructions from different divergent paths of the same warp and (2) co-issuing instructions from different warps. To support (1), we introduce a novel thread reconvergence technique that ensures threads are run back in lockstep at control-flow reconvergence points without hindering their ability to run branches in parallel. We propose a lane shuffling technique to allow solution (2) to benefit from inter-warp correlations in divergence patterns. The combination of all these techniques improves performance by 23% on a set of regular GPGPU applications and by 40% on irregular applications, while maintaining the same instruction-fetch and processing-unit resource requirements as the contemporary Fermi GPU architecture


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    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP.Postprint (published version

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP

    Design of a distributed memory unit for clustered microarchitectures

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    Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which characterized the semiconductor industry for many years. Single–chip multiprocessors allowed the performance growth to continue so far. Yet, Amdahl’s law asserts that the overall performance of future single–chip multiprocessors will depend crucially on single–processor performance. In a multiprocessor a small growth in single–processor performance can justify the use of significant resources. Partitioning the layout of critical components can improve the energy–efficiency and ultimately the performance of a single processor. In a clustered microarchitecture parts of these components form clusters. Instructions are processed locally in the clusters and benefit from the smaller size and complexity of the clusters components. Because the clusters together process a single instruction stream communications between clusters are necessary and introduce an additional cost. This thesis proposes the design of a distributed memory unit and first level cache in the context of a clustered microarchitecture. While the partitioning of other parts of the microarchitecture has been well studied the distribution of the memory unit and the cache has received comparatively little attention. The first proposal consists of a set of cache bank predictors. Eight different predictor designs are compared based on cost and accuracy. The second proposal is the distributed memory unit. The load and store queues are split into smaller queues for distributed disambiguation. The mapping of memory instructions to cache banks is delayed until addresses have been calculated. We show how disambiguation can be implemented efficiently with unordered queues. A bank predictor is used to map instructions that consume memory data near the data origin. We show that this organization significantly reduces both energy usage and latency. The third proposal introduces Dispatch Throttling and Pre-Access Queues. These mechanisms avoid load/store queue overflows that are a result of the late allocation of entries. The fourth proposal introduces Memory Issue Queues, which add functionality to select instructions for execution and re-execution to the memory unit. The fifth proposal introduces Conservative Deadlock Aware Entry Allocation. This mechanism is a deadlock safe issue policy for the Memory Issue Queues. Deadlocks can result from certain queue allocations because entries are allocated out-of-order instead of in-order like in traditional architectures. The sixth proposal is the Early Release of Load Queue Entries. Architectures with weak memory ordering such as Alpha, PowerPC or ARMv7 can take advantage of this mechanism to release load queue entries before the commit stage. Together, these proposals allow significantly smaller and more energy efficient load queues without the need of energy hungry recovery mechanisms and without performance penalties. Finally, we present a detailed study that compares the proposed distributed memory unit to a centralized memory unit and confirms its advantages of reduced energy usage and of improved performance

    Improving multithreading performance for clustered VLIW architectures.

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    Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are very popular in embedded and mobile computing domain. Use of VLIW processors range from Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) found in a plethora of communication and multimedia devices to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) used in gaming and high performance computing devices. The advantage of VLIWs is their low complexity and low power design which enable high performance at a low cost. Scalability of VLIWs is limited by the scalability of register file ports. It is not viable to have a VLIW processor with a single large register file because of area and power consumption implications of the register file. Clustered VLIW solve the register file scalability issue by partitioning the register file into multiple clusters and a set of functional units that are attached to register file of that cluster. Using a clustered approach, higher issue width can be achieved while keeping the cost of register file within reasonable limits. Several commercial VLIW processors have been designed using the clustered VLIW model. VLIW processors can be used to run a larger set of applications. Many of these applications have a good Lnstruction Level Parallelism (ILP) which can be efficiently utilized. However, several applications, specially the ones that are control code dominated do not exibit good ILP and the processor is underutilized. Cache misses is another major source of resource underutiliztion. Multithreading is a popular technique to improve processor utilization. Interleaved MultiThreading (IMT) hides cache miss latencies by scheduling a different thread each cycle but cannot hide unused instructions slots. Simultaneous MultiThread (SMT) can also remove ILP under-utilization by issuing multiple threads to fill the empty instruction slots. However, SMT has a higher implementation cost than IMT. The thesis presents Cluster-level Simultaneous MultiThreading (CSMT) that supports a limited form of SMT where VLIW instructions from different threads are merged at a cluster-level granularity. This lowers the hardware implementation cost to a level comparable to the cheap IMT technique. The more complex SMT combines VLIW instructions at the individual operation-level granularity which is quite expensive especially in for a mobile solution. We refer to SMT at operation-level as OpSMT to reduce ambiguity. While previous studies restricted OpSMT on a VLIW to 2 threads, CSMT has a better scalability and upto 8 threads can be supported at a reasonable cost. The thesis proposes several other techniques to further improve CSMT performance. In particular, Cluster renaming remaps the clusters used by instructions of different threads to reduce resource conflicts. Cluster renaming is quite effective in reducing the issue-slots under-utilization and significantly improves CSMT performance.The thesis also proposes: a hybrid between IMT and CSMT which increases the number of supported threads, heterogeneous instruction merging where some instructions are combined using SMT and CSMT rest, and finally, split-issue, a technique that allows to launch partially an instruction making it easier to be combined with others

    Hill-Climbing SMT Processor Resource Distribution

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    The key to high performance in SMT processors lies in optimizing the shared resources distribution among simultaneously executing threads. Existing resource distribution techniques optimize performance only indirectly. They infer potential performance bottlenecks by observing indicators, like instruction occupancy or cache miss count, and take actions to try to alleviate them. While the corrective actions are designed to improve performance, their actual performance impact is not known since end performance is never monitored. Consequently, opportunities for performance gains are lost whenever the corrective actions do not effectively address the actual performance bottlenecks occurring in the SMT processor pipeline. In this dissertation, we propose a different approach to SMT processor resource distribution that optimizes end performance directly. Our approach observes the impact that resource distribution decisions have on performance at runtime, and feeds this information back to the resource distribution mechanisms to improve future decisions. By successively applying and evaluating different resource distributions, our approach tries to learn the best distribution over time. Because we perform learning on-line, learning time is crucial. We develop a hill-climbing SMT processor resource distribution technique that efficiently learns the best resource distribution by following the performance gradient within the resource distribution space. This dissertation makes three contributions within the context of learning-based SMT processor resource distribution. First, we characterize and quantify the time-varying performance behavior of SMT processors. This analysis provides understanding of the behavior and guides the design of our hill-climbing algorithm. Second, we present a hill-climbing SMT processor resource distribution technique that performs learning on-line. The performance evaluation of our approach shows a 11.4% gain over ICOUNT, 11.5% gain over FLUSH, and 2.8% gain over DCRA across a large set of 63 multiprogrammed workloads. Third, we compare existing resource distribution techniques to an ideal learning-based technique that performs learning off-line to show the potential performance of the existing techniques. This limit study identifies the performance bottleneck of the existing techniques, showing that the performance of ICOUNT, FLUSH, and DCRA is 13.2%, 13.5%, and 6.6%, respectively, lower than the ideal performance. Our hill-climbing based resource distribution, however, handles most of the bottlenecks of the existing techniques properly, achieving 4.1% lower performance than the ideal case

    Conjoined-core Chip Multiprocessing

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) and Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) are two approaches that have been proposed to increase processor efficiency. We believe these two approaches are two extremes of a viable spectrum. Between these two extremes, there exists a range of possible architectures, sharing varying degrees of hardware between processors or threads

    Holistic design for multi-core architectures

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    Increasing design complexity and diminishing marginal utility of monolithic processor designs has resulted in integration of multiple loosely-coupled processing cores on the same die. However, fundamental questions remain about the right form, implementation, and methodology for multi-core designs. This thesis addresses these questions. A popular methodology for designing a multi-core architecture is to replicate an off-the-shelf core design multiple times, and then connect the cores together using an interconnect mechanism. However, this methodology is "multi-core oblivious" as subsystems are designed/ optimized unaware of the overall chip-multiprocessing system they would become parts of. This thesis demonstrates that this methodology is very inefficient in terms of area/power, and recommends a holistic approach where the subsystems are designed from the ground up as different components of a full system. Inefficiency in "multi-core oblivious" multi-core designs comes at different levels. Having multiple replicated cores results in an inability to adapt to the demands of execution workloads, and results in either underutilization or overutilization of processor resources. This thesis proposes single-ISA (instruction-set architecture) heterogeneous multi-core architectures where the die hosts cores of varying power/performance characteristics, but all capable of running the same ISA. Such a processor can result in significant power savings and performance improvements if the applications are mapped to cores judiciously. The thesis also presents holistic design methodologies for such architectures. Another source of inefficiency is blind replication of over-provisioned hardware structures. To that effect, the thesis proposes conjoined-core chip multiprocessing where the adjacent cores of a multi-core architecture share some resources. The thesis shows that this can result in significant area savings without much performance degradation. The thesis also proposes novel optimizations for minimizing the already small degradation. Yet another source of inefficiency is the interconnection. This thesis shows that the interconnection overheads can be very significant for a "multi-core oblivious" multi-core design -- especially as the number of cores increases and the pipelines get deeper. The thesis demonstrates the need to co-design the cores, the memory and the interconnection to obviate the inefficiency problem, and also makes several suggestions regarding co-desig