26 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Process Mining pada E-commerce

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    Organisasi menyimpan rekaman aktivitas proses bisnis yang terjadi pada proses di lapangan dalam log data dengan berbagai format. Rekaman aktivitas ini disimpan dalam rangka menghasilkan sebuah model proses bisnis berdasarkan aktivitas pengguna pada proses nyata di lapangan. Dari proses model yang dihasilkan dapat dilakukan analisis tentang kesesuaian antara proses bisnis yang terjadi pada proses nyata di lapangan dengan proses bisnis yang diharapakan oleh organisasi. Analisis ini disebut sebagai conformance checking yang bertujuan untuk mendeteksi deviasi yang terjadi antara proses bisnis yang diharapkan dengan proses bisnis dari proses nyata di lapangan dan sebaliknya. Suatu proses bisnis dikatakan sudah sesuai dengan regulasi (compliant) apabila tidak ada deviasi/nonconformance dalam eksekusinya dari proses bisnis yang telah didefinisikan mengikuti standar

    Advanced service monitoring configurations with SLA decomposition and selection

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    Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for Software Services aim to clearly identify the service level commitments established between service requesters and providers. The commitments that are agreed however can be expressed in complex notations through a combination of expressions that need to evaluated and monitored efficiently. The dynamic allocation of the responsibility for monitoring SLAs (and often different parts within them) to different monitoring components is necessary as both SLAs and the components available for monitoring them may change dynamically during the operation of a service based system. In this paper we discuss an approach to supporting this dynamic configuration, and in particular, how SLAs expressed in higher-level notations can be efficiently decomposed and appropriate monitoring components dynamically allocated for each part of the agreements. The approach is illustrated with mechanical support in the form of a configuration service which can be incorporated into SLA-based service monitoring infrastructures

    Web Service Reputation Evaluation Based on QoS Measurement

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    In the early service transactions, quality of service (QoS) information was published by service provider which was not always true and credible. For better verification the trust of the QoS information was provided by the Web service. In this paper, the factual QoS running data are collected by our WS-QoS measurement tool; based on these objectivity data, an algorithm compares the difference of the offered and measured quality data of the service and gives the similarity, and then a reputation evaluation method computes the reputation level of the Web service based on the similarity. The initial implementation and experiment with three Web services' example show that this approach is feasible and these values can act as the references for subsequent consumers to select the service