28 research outputs found

    A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks

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    Next generation control of transport networks

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    It is widely understood by telecom operators and industry analysts that bandwidth demand is increasing dramatically, year on year, with typical growth figures of 50% for Internet-based traffic [5]. This trend means that the consumers will have both a wide variety of devices attaching to their networks and a range of high bandwidth service requirements. The corresponding impact is the effect on the traffic engineered network (often referred to as the “transport network”) to ensure that the current rate of growth of network traffic is supported and meets predicted future demands. As traffic demands increase and newer services continuously arise, novel network elements are needed to provide more flexibility, scalability, resilience, and adaptability to today’s transport network. The transport network provides transparent traffic engineered communication of user, application, and device traffic between attached clients (software and hardware) and establishing and maintaining point-to-point or point-to-multipoint connections. The research documented in this thesis was based on three initial research questions posed while performing research at British Telecom research labs and investigating control of transport networks of future transport networks: 1. How can we meet Internet bandwidth growth yet minimise network costs? 2. Which enabling network technologies might be leveraged to control network layers and functions cooperatively, instead of separated network layer and technology control? 3. Is it possible to utilise both centralised and distributed control mechanisms for automation and traffic optimisation? This thesis aims to provide the classification, motivation, invention, and evolution of a next generation control framework for transport networks, and special consideration of delivering broadcast video traffic to UK subscribers. The document outlines pertinent telecoms technology and current art, how requirements I gathered, and research I conducted, and by which the transport control framework functional components are identified and selected, and by which method the architecture was implemented and applied to key research projects requiring next generation control capabilities, both at British Telecom and the wider research community. Finally, in the closing chapters, the thesis outlines the next steps for ongoing research and development of the transport network framework and key areas for further study

    Транспортні мережі на основі технології MPLS, принципи, перспективи розвитку

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    Мета роботи – дослідження транспортних мереж на основі технології MPLS. Аналіз напрямків адаптації технології MPLS для досягнення відповідності вимогам транспортних мереж. У даній роботі розглядається транспортна мережа як невід’ємна частина телекомунікаційної системи, аналізуються технічні принципи функціювання мереж MPLS, проводиться огляд основних технічних принципів транспортних мереж MPLS TP та їх відмінностей від принципів MPLS, аналізується питання моніторингу і керування мережами MPLS TP та питання щодо напрямку подальшого розвитку мереж MPLS TP, зокрема, переходу до технології GMPLS.The purpose of the work is to study transport networks based on MPLS technology. Analysis of directions of MPLS technology adaptation to achieve compliance with the requirements of transport networks. This paper considers transport network as an integral part of telecommunication system, analyzes technical principles of MPLS networks operation, reviews main technical principles of MPLS TP transport networks and their differences from MPLS principles, analyzes the issue of monitoring and management of MPLS TP networks and the direction of further development of MPLS TP networks, in particular, the transition to GMPLS technology

    Deliverable JRA1.1: Evaluation of current network control and management planes for multi-domain network infrastructure

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    This deliverable includes a compilation and evaluation of available control and management architectures and protocols applicable to a multilayer infrastructure in a multi-domain Virtual Network environment.The scope of this deliverable is mainly focused on the virtualisation of the resources within a network and at processing nodes. The virtualization of the FEDERICA infrastructure allows the provisioning of its available resources to users by means of FEDERICA slices. A slice is seen by the user as a real physical network under his/her domain, however it maps to a logical partition (a virtual instance) of the physical FEDERICA resources. A slice is built to exhibit to the highest degree all the principles applicable to a physical network (isolation, reproducibility, manageability, ...). Currently, there are no standard definitions available for network virtualization or its associated architectures. Therefore, this deliverable proposes the Virtual Network layer architecture and evaluates a set of Management- and Control Planes that can be used for the partitioning and virtualization of the FEDERICA network resources. This evaluation has been performed taking into account an initial set of FEDERICA requirements; a possible extension of the selected tools will be evaluated in future deliverables. The studies described in this deliverable define the virtual architecture of the FEDERICA infrastructure. During this activity, the need has been recognised to establish a new set of basic definitions (taxonomy) for the building blocks that compose the so-called slice, i.e. the virtual network instantiation (which is virtual with regard to the abstracted view made of the building blocks of the FEDERICA infrastructure) and its architectural plane representation. These definitions will be established as a common nomenclature for the FEDERICA project. Other important aspects when defining a new architecture are the user requirements. It is crucial that the resulting architecture fits the demands that users may have. Since this deliverable has been produced at the same time as the contact process with users, made by the project activities related to the Use Case definitions, JRA1 has proposed a set of basic Use Cases to be considered as starting point for its internal studies. When researchers want to experiment with their developments, they need not only network resources on their slices, but also a slice of the processing resources. These processing slice resources are understood as virtual machine instances that users can use to make them behave as software routers or end nodes, on which to download the software protocols or applications they have produced and want to assess in a realistic environment. Hence, this deliverable also studies the APIs of several virtual machine management software products in order to identify which best suits FEDERICA’s needs.Postprint (published version

    Integrated IT and SDN Orchestration of multi-domain multi-layer transport networks

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    Telecom operators networks' management and control remains partitioned by technology, equipment supplier and networking layer. In some segments, the network operations are highly costly due to the need of the individual, and even manual, configuration of the network equipment by highly specialized personnel. In multi-vendor networks, expensive and never ending integration processes between Network Management Systems (NMSs) and the rest of systems (OSSs, BSSs) is a common situation, due to lack of adoption of standard interfaces in the management systems of the different equipment suppliers. Moreover, the increasing impact of the new traffic flows introduced by the deployment of massive Data Centers (DCs) is also imposing new challenges that traditional networking is not ready to overcome. The Fifth Generation of Mobile Technology (5G) is also introducing stringent network requirements such as the need of connecting to the network billions of new devices in IoT paradigm, new ultra-low latency applications (i.e., remote surgery) and vehicular communications. All these new services, together with enhanced broadband network access, are supposed to be delivered over the same network infrastructure. In this PhD Thesis, an holistic view of Network and Cloud Computing resources, based on the recent innovations introduced by Software Defined Networking (SDN), is proposed as the solution for designing an end-to-end multi-layer, multi-technology and multi-domain cloud and transport network management architecture, capable to offer end-to-end services from the DC networks to customers access networks and the virtualization of network resources, allowing new ways of slicing the network resources for the forthcoming 5G deployments. The first contribution of this PhD Thesis deals with the design and validation of SDN based network orchestration architectures capable to improve the current solutions for the management and control of multi-layer, multi-domain backbone transport networks. These problems have been assessed and progressively solved by different control and management architectures which has been designed and evaluated in real evaluation environments. One of the major findings of this work has been the need of developed a common information model for transport network's management, capable to describe the resources and services of multilayer networks. In this line, the Control Orchestration Protocol (COP) has been proposed as a first contriution towards an standard management interface based on the main principles driven by SDN. Furthermore, this PhD Thesis introduces a novel architecture capable to coordinate the management of IT computing resources together with inter- and intra-DC networks. The provisioning and migration of virtual machines together with the dynamic reconfiguration of the network has been successfully demonstrated in a feasible timescale. Moreover, a resource optimization engine is introduced in the architecture to introduce optimization algorithms capable to solve allocation problems such the optimal deployment of Virtual Machine Graphs over different DCs locations minimizing the inter-DC network resources allocation. A baseline blocking probability results over different network loads are also presented. The third major contribution is the result of the previous two. With a converged cloud and network infrastructure controlled and operated jointly, the holistic view of the network allows the on-demand provisioning of network slices consisting of dedicated network and cloud resources over a distributed DC infrastructure interconnected by an optical transport network. The last chapters of this thesis discuss the management and orchestration of 5G slices based over the control and management components designed in the previous chapters. The design of one of the first network slicing architectures and the deployment of a 5G network slice in a real Testbed, is one of the major contributions of this PhD Thesis.La gestión y el control de las redes de los operadores de red (Telcos), todavía hoy, está segmentado por tecnología, por proveedor de equipamiento y por capa de red. En algunos segmentos (por ejemplo en IP) la operación de la red es tremendamente costosa, ya que en muchos casos aún se requiere con guración individual, e incluso manual, de los equipos por parte de personal altamente especializado. En redes con múltiples proveedores, los procesos de integración entre los sistemas de gestión de red (NMS) y el resto de sistemas (p. ej., OSS/BSS) son habitualmente largos y extremadamente costosos debido a la falta de adopción de interfaces estándar por parte de los diferentes proveedores de red. Además, el impacto creciente en las redes de transporte de los nuevos flujos de tráfico introducidos por el despliegue masivo de Data Centers (DC), introduce nuevos desafíos que las arquitecturas de gestión y control de las redes tradicionales no están preparadas para afrontar. La quinta generación de tecnología móvil (5G) introduce nuevos requisitos de red, como la necesidad de conectar a la red billones de dispositivos nuevos (Internet de las cosas - IoT), aplicaciones de ultra baja latencia (p. ej., cirugía a distancia) y las comunicaciones vehiculares. Todos estos servicios, junto con un acceso mejorado a la red de banda ancha, deberán ser proporcionados a través de la misma infraestructura de red. Esta tesis doctoral propone una visión holística de los recursos de red y cloud, basada en los principios introducidos por Software Defined Networking (SDN), como la solución para el diseño de una arquitectura de gestión extremo a extremo (E2E) para escenarios de red multi-capa y multi-dominio, capaz de ofrecer servicios de E2E, desde las redes intra-DC hasta las redes de acceso, y ofrecer ademas virtualización de los recursos de la red, permitiendo nuevas formas de segmentación en las redes de transporte y la infrastructura de cloud, para los próximos despliegues de 5G. La primera contribución de esta tesis consiste en la validación de arquitecturas de orquestración de red, basadas en SDN, para la gestión y control de redes de transporte troncales multi-dominio y multi-capa. Estos problemas (gestion de redes multi-capa y multi-dominio), han sido evaluados de manera incremental, mediante el diseño y la evaluación experimental, en entornos de pruebas reales, de diferentes arquitecturas de control y gestión. Uno de los principales hallazgos de este trabajo ha sido la necesidad de un modelo de información común para las interfaces de gestión entre entidades de control SDN. En esta línea, el Protocolo de Control Orchestration (COP) ha sido propuesto como interfaz de gestión de red estándar para redes SDN de transporte multi-capa. Además, en esta tesis presentamos una arquitectura capaz de coordinar la gestión de los recursos IT y red. La provisión y la migración de máquinas virtuales junto con la reconfiguración dinámica de la red, han sido demostradas con éxito en una escala de tiempo factible. Además, la arquitectura incorpora una plataforma para la ejecución de algoritmos de optimización de recursos capaces de resolver diferentes problemas de asignación, como el despliegue óptimo de Grafos de Máquinas Virtuales (VMG) en diferentes DCs que minimizan la asignación de recursos de red. Esta tesis propone una solución para este problema, que ha sido evaluada en terminos de probabilidad de bloqueo para diferentes cargas de red. La tercera contribución es el resultado de las dos anteriores. La arquitectura integrada de red y cloud presentada permite la creación bajo demanda de "network slices", que consisten en sub-conjuntos de recursos de red y cloud dedicados para diferentes clientes sobre una infraestructura común. El diseño de una de las primeras arquitecturas de "network slicing" y el despliegue de un "slice" de red 5G totalmente operativo en un Testbed real, es una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis.La gestió i el control de les xarxes dels operadors de telecomunicacions (Telcos), encara avui, està segmentat per tecnologia, per proveïdors d’equipament i per capes de xarxa. En alguns segments (Per exemple en IP) l’operació de la xarxa és tremendament costosa, ja que en molts casos encara es requereix de configuració individual, i fins i tot manual, dels equips per part de personal altament especialitzat. En xarxes amb múltiples proveïdors, els processos d’integració entre els Sistemes de gestió de xarxa (NMS) i la resta de sistemes (per exemple, Sistemes de suport d’operacions - OSS i Sistemes de suport de negocis - BSS) són habitualment interminables i extremadament costosos a causa de la falta d’adopció d’interfícies estàndard per part dels diferents proveïdors de xarxa. A més, l’impacte creixent en les xarxes de transport dels nous fluxos de trànsit introduïts pel desplegament massius de Data Centers (DC), introdueix nous desafiaments que les arquitectures de gestió i control de les xarxes tradicionals que no estan llestes per afrontar. Per acabar de descriure el context, la cinquena generació de tecnologia mòbil (5G) també presenta nous requisits de xarxa altament exigents, com la necessitat de connectar a la xarxa milers de milions de dispositius nous, dins el context de l’Internet de les coses (IOT), o les noves aplicacions d’ultra baixa latència (com ara la cirurgia a distància) i les comunicacions vehiculars. Se suposa que tots aquests nous serveis, juntament amb l’accés millorat a la xarxa de banda ampla, es lliuraran a través de la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa. Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa una visió holística dels recursos de xarxa i cloud, basada en els principis introduïts per Software Defined Networking (SDN), com la solució per al disseny de una arquitectura de gestió extrem a extrem per a escenaris de xarxa multi-capa, multi-domini i consistents en múltiples tecnologies de transport. Aquesta arquitectura de gestió i control de xarxes transport i recursos IT, ha de ser capaç d’oferir serveis d’extrem a extrem, des de les xarxes intra-DC fins a les xarxes d’accés dels clients i oferir a més virtualització dels recursos de la xarxa, obrint la porta a noves formes de segmentació a les xarxes de transport i la infrastructura de cloud, pels propers desplegaments de 5G. La primera contribució d’aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en la validació de diferents arquitectures d’orquestració de xarxa basades en SDN capaces de millorar les solucions existents per a la gestió i control de xarxes de transport troncals multi-domini i multicapa. Aquests problemes (gestió de xarxes multicapa i multi-domini), han estat avaluats de manera incremental, mitjançant el disseny i l’avaluació experimental, en entorns de proves reals, de diferents arquitectures de control i gestió. Un dels principals troballes d’aquest treball ha estat la necessitat de dissenyar un model d’informació comú per a les interfícies de gestió de xarxes, capaç de descriure els recursos i serveis de la xarxes transport multicapa. En aquesta línia, el Protocol de Control Orchestration (COP, en les seves sigles en anglès) ha estat proposat en aquesta Tesi, com una primera contribució cap a una interfície de gestió de xarxa estàndard basada en els principis bàsics de SDN. A més, en aquesta tesi presentem una arquitectura innovadora capaç de coordinar la gestió de els recursos IT juntament amb les xarxes inter i intra-DC. L’aprovisionament i la migració de màquines virtuals juntament amb la reconfiguració dinàmica de la xarxa, ha estat demostrat amb èxit en una escala de temps factible. A més, l’arquitectura incorpora una plataforma per a l’execució d’algorismes d’optimització de recursos, capaços de resoldre diferents problemes d’assignació, com el desplegament òptim de Grafs de Màquines Virtuals (VMG) en diferents ubicacions de DC que minimitzen la assignació de recursos de xarxa entre DC. També es presenta una solució bàsica per a aquest problema, així com els resultats de probabilitat de bloqueig per a diferents càrregues de xarxa. La tercera contribució principal és el resultat dels dos anteriors. Amb una infraestructura de xarxa i cloud convergent, controlada i operada de manera conjunta, la visió holística de la xarxa permet l’aprovisionament sota demanda de "network slices" que consisteixen en subconjunts de recursos d’xarxa i cloud, dedicats per a diferents clients, sobre una infraestructura de Data Centers distribuïda i interconnectada per una xarxa de transport òptica. Els últims capítols d’aquesta tesi tracten sobre la gestió i organització de "network slices" per a xarxes 5G en funció dels components de control i administració dissenyats i desenvolupats en els capítols anteriors. El disseny d’una de les primeres arquitectures de "network slicing" i el desplegament d’un "slice" de xarxa 5G totalment operatiu en un Testbed real, és una de les principals contribucions d’aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version

    Dimensioning and optimizing mobile networks with performance management system

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    Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia suorituskyvyn hallintajärjestelmän käyttöä mobiiliverkkojen mitoituksen ja optimoinnin apuna. Työssä käydään suurpiirteisesti läpi tärkeimmät radioteknologiat ja niiden vaatimukset, sekä erilaiset palvelut, joita ne mahdollistavat. Käsiteltäviä radioteknologioita ovat GSM, GRPS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA ja pintaa raapaistaan myös seuraavan sukupolven radioteknologioiden ympäriltä. Lisäksi käydään läpi tärkeimmät liityntäverkon siirtoteknologit, eli TDM, ATM, Ethernet, IP ja MPLS, ja selvitetään, miten niissä voidaan välittää palvelunlaatua sekä mitä käyttö- ja kunnossapitomenetelmiä ne mahdollistavat. Itse suorituskyvyn hallinta liittyy olennaisena osana verkonhallintaprosessiin virheen hallinnan sekä muiden OAM-menetelmien ohella. Suorituskykykyselyiden tuloksena voidaan laskea erilaisia suorituskykyindikaattoreita, joita voidaan käyttää erilaisiin verkonhallinnan tarpeisiin. Työssä tutkitaan erityisesti, millaisia suorituskykymittauksia liityntäverkoissa kannattaisi tehdä ja etenkin missä verkon osissa niistä voisi olla hyötyä. Työssä käydään läpi myös erilaisten suorituskyvyn hallintajärjestelmien integraatiota, jota monitasoisissa usean valmistajan verkoissa usein saatetaan tarvita. Itse mitoitus- ja optimointiprosessin yhteydessä selvitetään nimenomaan suorituskyvyn hallintajärjestelmän käyttöä liityntäverkoissa. Samalla selvitetään, mitkä mitoitus- ja optimointiratkaisut saattaisivat sopia liityntäverkkoihin. Valitettavasti työssä esitetään erilaisia mitoitus- ja optimointimenetelmiä varsin suppeasti. Tähän on suurimpana syynä se, ettei operaattorien keskuudessa olla menetelmiä juurikaan käytetty. Näihin päiviin asti operaattoreille on riittänyt pelkästään kapasiteetin lisääminen, mutta uusien ja nopeampien radioteknologioiden myötä se ei tule enää riittämään. Toivottavasti tulevaisuudessa tulemmekin näkemään pitkälle kehittyneitä mitoitus- ja optimointiratkaisuja pitkälle kehittyneiden verkon- ja suorituskyvynhallintajärjestelmien ohella.The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate the dimensioning and optimizing of the mobile networks with a performance management system. The thesis discusses at the general level the most important radio technologies, their requirements and different services they provide. The radio technologies studied are GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UTMS, HSPA, and the next generation technologies. Additionally, the most important access transport technologies have been discussed; including TDM, ATM, Ethernet, IP and MPLS, and their abilities to deliver quality of service and what operation and maintenance methods they provide. Performance management system is a major component in the network management process, along with fault management and other OAM methods. Various performance indicators can be calculated from the performance queries, and they can be used for the needs of network management. The thesis examines in particular, what kind of performance measurements should be done in the access networks, focusing on what network segments receive the most benefit from it. Also, the thesis studies the implementation of different performance management systems integration, as it is often needed in multi vendor hierarchical networks. The use of performance management systems in access networks is sorted with the dimensioning and optimizing process to discover, what kind of dimensioning and optimizing solutions would fit in the access networks. Unfortunately, there are relatively few solutions in the thesis, because operators have not yet implemented any such methods. To this date, simply adding more capacity has been enough for operators. However, combined with new and faster radio technologies it will no longer be sufficient anymore. Hopefully, in the future we will see highly sophisticated dimensioning and optimizing solutions built into performance management systems

    Segment Routing: a Comprehensive Survey of Research Activities, Standardization Efforts and Implementation Results

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    Fixed and mobile telecom operators, enterprise network operators and cloud providers strive to face the challenging demands coming from the evolution of IP networks (e.g. huge bandwidth requirements, integration of billions of devices and millions of services in the cloud). Proposed in the early 2010s, Segment Routing (SR) architecture helps face these challenging demands, and it is currently being adopted and deployed. SR architecture is based on the concept of source routing and has interesting scalability properties, as it dramatically reduces the amount of state information to be configured in the core nodes to support complex services. SR architecture was first implemented with the MPLS dataplane and then, quite recently, with the IPv6 dataplane (SRv6). IPv6 SR architecture (SRv6) has been extended from the simple steering of packets across nodes to a general network programming approach, making it very suitable for use cases such as Service Function Chaining and Network Function Virtualization. In this paper we present a tutorial and a comprehensive survey on SR technology, analyzing standardization efforts, patents, research activities and implementation results. We start with an introduction on the motivations for Segment Routing and an overview of its evolution and standardization. Then, we provide a tutorial on Segment Routing technology, with a focus on the novel SRv6 solution. We discuss the standardization efforts and the patents providing details on the most important documents and mentioning other ongoing activities. We then thoroughly analyze research activities according to a taxonomy. We have identified 8 main categories during our analysis of the current state of play: Monitoring, Traffic Engineering, Failure Recovery, Centrally Controlled Architectures, Path Encoding, Network Programming, Performance Evaluation and Miscellaneous...Comment: SUBMITTED TO IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIAL

    Foutbestendige toekomstige internetarchitecturen

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    In-operation planning in flexgrid optical core networks

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    New generation applications, such as cloud computing or video distribution, can run in a telecom cloud infrastructure where the datacenters (DCs) of telecom operators are integrated in their networks thus, increasing connections' dynamicity and resulting in time-varying traffic capacities, which might also entail changes in the traffic direction along the day. As a result, a flexible optical technology able to dynamically set-up variable-capacity connections, such as flexgrid, is needed. Nonetheless, network dynamicity might entail network performance degradation thus, requiring re-optimizing the network while it is in operation. This thesis is devoted to devise new algorithms to solve in-operation network planning problems aiming at enhancing the performance of optical networks and at studying their feasibility in experimental environments. In-operation network planning requires from an architecture enabling the deployment of algorithms that must be solved in stringent times. That architecture can be based on a Path Computation Element (PCE) or a Software Defined Networks controller. In this thesis, we assume the former split in a front-end PCE, in charge of provisioning paths and handling network events, and a specialized planning tool in the form of a back-end PCE responsible for solving in-operation planning problems. After the architecture to support in-operation planning is assessed, we focus on studying the following applications: 1) Spectrum fragmentation is one of the most important problems in optical networks. To alleviate it to some extent without traffic disruption, we propose a hitless spectrum defragmentation strategy. 2) Each connection affected by a failure can be recovered using multiple paths to increase traffic restorability at the cost of poor resource utilization. We propose re-optimizing the network after repairing the failure to aggregate and reroute those connections to release spectral resources. 3) We study two approaches to provide multicast services: establishing a point-to-multipoint connections at the optical layer and using multi-purpose virtual network topologies (VNT) to serve both unicast and multicast connectivity requests. 4) The telecom cloud infrastructure, enables placing contents closer to the users. Based on it, we propose a hierarchical content distribution architecture where VNTs permanently interconnect core DCs and metro DCs periodically synchronize contents to the core DCs. 5) When the capacity of the optical backbone network becomes exhausted, we propose using a planning tool with access to inventory and operation databases to periodically decide the equipment and connectivity to be installed at the minimum cost reducing capacity overprovisioning. 6) In multi-domain multi-operator scenarios, a broker on top of the optical domains can provision multi-domain connections. We propose performing intra-domain spectrum defragmentation when no contiguous spectrum can be found for a new connection request. 7) Packet nodes belonging to a VNT can collect and send incoming traffic monitoring data to a big data repository. We propose using the collected data to predict next period traffic and to adapt the VNT to future conditions. The methodology followed in this thesis consists in proposing a problem statement and/or a mathematical formulation for the problems identified and then, devising algorithms for solving them. Those algorithms are simulated and then, they are experimentally assessed in real test-beds. This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of performing in-operation planning in optical networks, shows that it enhances the performance of the network and validates the feasibility of its deployment in real networks. It shall be mentioned that part of the work reported in this thesis has been done within the framework of several research projects, namely IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) and GEANT (238875) funded by the EC and SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R) funded by the MINECO.Les aplicacions de nova generació, com ara el cloud computing o la distribució de vídeo, es poden executar a infraestructures de telecom cloud (TCI) on operadors integren els seus datacenters (DC) a les seves xarxes. Aquestes aplicacions fan que incrementi tant la dinamicitat de les connexions, com la variabilitat de les seves capacitats en el temps, arribant a canviar de direcció al llarg del dia. Llavors, cal disposar de tecnologies òptiques flexibles, tals com flexgrid, que suportin aquesta dinamicitat a les connexions. Aquesta dinamicitat pot degradar el rendiment de la xarxa, obligant a re-optimitzar-la mentre és en operació. Aquesta tesis està dedicada a idear nous algorismes per a resoldre problemes de planificació sobre xarxes en operació (in-operation network planning) per millorar el rendiment de les xarxes òptiques i a estudiar la seva factibilitat en entorns experimentals. Aquests problemes requereixen d’una arquitectura que permeti desplegar algorismes que donin solucions en temps restrictius. L’arquitectura pot estar basada en un Element de Computació de Rutes (PCE) o en un controlador de Xarxes Definides per Software. En aquesta tesis, assumim un PCE principal encarregat d’aprovisionar rutes i gestionar esdeveniments de la xarxa, i una eina de planificació especialitzada en forma de PCE de suport per resoldre problemes d’in-operation planning. Un cop validada l’arquitectura que dona suport a in-operation planning, estudiarem les següents aplicacions: 1) La fragmentació d’espectre és un dels principals problemes a les xarxes òptiques. Proposem reduir-la en certa mesura, fent servir una estratègia que no afecta al tràfic durant la desfragmentació. 2) Cada connexió afectada per una fallada pot ser recuperada fent servir múltiples rutes incrementant la restaurabilitat de la xarxa, tot i empitjorar-ne la utilització de recursos. Proposem re-optimitzar la xarxa després de reparar una fallada per agregar i re-enrutar aquestes connexions tractant d’alliberar recursos espectrals. 3) Estudiem dues solucions per aprovisionar serveis multicast: establir connexions punt-a-multipunt sobre la xarxa òptica i utilitzar Virtual Network Topologies (VNT) multi-propòsit per a servir peticions de connectivitat tant unicast com multicast. 4) La TCI permet mantenir els continguts a prop dels usuaris. Proposem una arquitectura jeràrquica de distribució de continguts basada en la TCI, on els DC principals s’interconnecten per mitjà de VNTs permanents i els DCs metropolitans periòdicament sincronitzen continguts amb els principals. 5) Quan la capacitat de la xarxa òptica s’exhaureix, proposem utilitzar una eina de planificació amb accés a bases de dades d’inventari i operacionals per decidir periòdicament l’equipament i connectivitats a instal·lar al mínim cost i reduir el sobre-aprovisionament de capacitat. 6) En entorns multi-domini multi-operador, un broker per sobre dels dominis òptics pot aprovisionar connexions multi-domini. Proposem aplicar desfragmentació d’espectre intra-domini quan no es pot trobar espectre contigu per a noves peticions de connexió. 7) Els nodes d’una VNT poden recollir i enviar informació de monitorització de tràfic entrant a un repositori de big data. Proposem utilitzar aquesta informació per adaptar la VNT per a futures condicions. La metodologia que hem seguit en aquesta tesis consisteix en formalitzar matemàticament els problemes un cop aquests son identificats i, després, idear algorismes per a resoldre’ls. Aquests algorismes son simulats i finalment validats experimentalment en entorns reals. Aquesta tesis demostra la factibilitat d’implementar mecanismes d’in-operation planning en xarxes òptiques, mostra els beneficis que aquests aporten i valida la seva aplicabilitat en xarxes reals. Part del treball presentat en aquesta tesis ha estat dut a terme en el marc dels projectes de recerca IDEALIST (FP7-ICT-2011-8) i GEANT (238875), finançats per la CE, i SYNERGY (TEC2014-59995-R), finançat per el MINECO.Postprint (published version

    Distribuição eficiente de IPTV

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs redes de transporte de telecomunica c~oes foram inicialmente concebidas para transportar chamadas telef onicas atrav es de tecnologias baseadas em comuta c~ao de circuitos. A adapta c~ao destas redes para transportar tr afego de dados apresenta ine ci^encias que contribuem para que as receitas geradas pelos operadores n~ao acompanhem a largura de banda fornecida aos clientes. Este facto tem vindo agravar-se com o crescimento de servi cos como o IPTV, servi co que requer elevada largura de banda, varia c~ao acentuada da taxa de transmiss~ao e liga c~oes ponto-multiponto. A tecnologia Ethernet surge como ponto de partida (e chegada, pois mais de 95% do tr afego de dados e gerado ou tem como destino uma porta Ethernet [1]) para novas tecnologias de rede de transporte, chamadas tecnologias Carrier Ethernet. Neste documento e estudada a tecnologia Ethernet, os requisitos de uma tecnologia Carrier Ethernet e a promissora tecnologia MPLS-TP, ainda em processo de normaliza c~ao. Com o prop osito de otimizar a distribui c~ao do servi co IPTV e proposto um cen ario, onde se veri ca que o recurso a transmiss~ao combinada de canais unicast e multicast pode resultar num uso mais e ciente dos recursos da rede.The telecommunication aggregation networks were initially designed to transport phone calls, using technologies based on circuit switching. The adaptation of those networks to transport data trafic has some ineficiencies, which results, that the operator`s revenues do not follow the bandwidth provided to customers. This fact has become a growing problem with the development of services such as IPTV, a service which requires high bandwidth, high transmission rate variation and point-multipoint connections. The Ethernet appears as a starting point (and ending as well, since more than 95 % of the data tra c is generated or is destinated to an Ethernet port [1]) for new aggregation network's technologies, called Carrier Ethernet technologies. This paper, presents a study of the Ethernet technology, requirements for Carrier Ethernet technologies and the promising MPLS-TP, still in the standardization process. In order to optimize IPTV service distribution, there is proposed a scenario, where it was verified that the combined use of unicast and multicast transmission can result in an eficient use of network resources