16 research outputs found

    Transforming non textually aligned SPMD programs into textually aligned SPMD programs by using rewriting rules

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    International audienceThe problem of analyzing parallel programs that access shared memory and use barrier synchronization is known to be hard to study. For a special case of those programs with minimal SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) constructs, a formal definition of textually aligned barriers with an operational semantics has been proposed in previous work. Then, the textual alignement of the synchronization barriers that is defined prevents deadlocks. However, the textual alignement property is not verified by all SPMD programs. We propose a set of transformation rules using rewriting techniques which allows to turn a non-textually aligned program to be textually aligned. So, we can benefit of a simple static analysis for deadlock detection. We show that the rewrite rules form a terminating confluent system and we prove that the transformation rules preserve the semantics of the programs

    Barrier elision for production parallel programs

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    Large scientific code bases are often composed of several layers of runtime libraries, implemented in multiple programming languages. In such situation, programmers often choose conservative synchronization patterns leading to suboptimal performance. In this paper, we present context-sensitive dynamic optimizations that elide barriers redundant during the program execution. In our technique, we perform data race detection alongside the program to identify redundant barriers in their calling contexts; after an initial learning, we start eliding all future instances of barriers occurring in the same calling context. We present an automatic on-the-fly optimization and a multi-pass guided optimization. We apply our techniques to NWChem - a 6 million line computational chemistry code written in C/C++/Fortran that uses several runtime libraries such as Global Arrays, ComEx, DMAPP, and MPI. Our technique elides a surprisingly high fraction of barriers (as many as 63%) in production runs. This redundancy elimination translates to application speedups as high as 14% on 2048 cores. Our techniques also provided valuable insight about the application behavior, later used by NWChem developers. Overall, we demonstrate the value of holistic context-sensitive analyses that consider the domain science in conjunction with the associated runtime software stack

    Static Validation of Barriers and Worksharing Constructs in OpenMP Applications

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    International audienceThe OpenMP specification requires that all threads in a team execute the same sequence of worksharing and barrier regions. An improper use of such directive may lead to deadlocks. In this paper we propose a static analysis to ensure this property is verified. The well-defined semantic of OpenMP programs makes compiler analysis more effective. We propose a new compile-time method to identify in OpenMP codes the potential improper uses of barriers and work-sharing constructs, and the execution paths that are responsible for these issues. We implemented our method in a GCC compiler plugin and show the small im-pact of our analysis on performance for NAS-OMP benchmarks and a test case for a production industrial code

    Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation

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    We present Armus, a dynamic verification tool for deadlock detection and avoidance specialised in barrier synchronisation. Barriers are used to coordinate the execution of groups of tasks, and serve as a building block of parallel computing. Our tool verifies more barrier synchronisation patterns than current state-of-the-art. To improve the scalability of verification, we introduce a novel eventbased representation of concurrency constraints, and a graph-based technique for deadlock analysis. The implementation is distributed and fault-tolerant, and can verify X10 and Java programs. To formalise the notion of barrier deadlock, we introduce a core language expressive enough to represent the three most widespread barrier synchronisation patterns: group, split-phase, and dynamic membership. We propose a graph analysis technique that selects from two alternative graph representations: the Wait-For Graph, that favours programs with more tasks than barriers; and the State Graph, optimised for programs with more barriers than tasks. We prove that finding a deadlock in either representation is equivalent, and that the verification algorithm is sound and complete with respect to the notion of deadlock in our core language. Armus is evaluated with three benchmark suites in local and distributed scenarios. The benchmarks show that graph analysis with automatic graph-representation selection can record a 7-fold execution increase versus the traditional fixed graph representation. The performance measurements for distributed deadlock detection between 64 processes show negligible overheads

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMessage passing (MP) has gained a widespread adoption over the years, so much so, that even heterogeneous embedded multicore systems are running programs that are developed using message passing libraries. Such a phenomenon is a shift in computing practices, since, traditionally MP programs have been developed specifically for high performance computing. With growing importance and the complexity of MP programs in today's times, it becomes absolutely imperative to have formal tools and sound methodologies that can help reason about the correctness of the program. It has been demonstrated by many researchers in the area of concurrent program verification that a suitable strategy to verify programs which rely heavily on nondeterminism, is dynamic verification. Dynamic verification integrates the best features of testing and model checking. In the area of MP program verification, however, there have been only a handful of dynamic verifiers. These dynamic verifiers, despite their strengths, suffer from the explosion in execution scenarios. All existing dynamic verifiers, to our knowledge, exhaustively explore the nondeterministic choices in an MP program. It is apparent that an MP program with many nondeterministic constructs will quickly inundate such tools. This dissertation focuses on the problem of containing the exponential space of execution scenarios (or interleavings) while providing a soundness and completeness guarantee over safety properties of MP programs (specifically deadlocks). We present a predictive verification methodology and an associated framework, called MAAPED(Messaging Application Analysis with Predictive Error Discovery), that operates in polynomial time over MP programs to detect deadlocks among other safety property violations. In brief, we collect a single execution trace of an MP program and without re-running other execution schedules, reliably construct the artifacts necessary to predict any mishappening in an unexplored execution schedule with the aforementioned formal guarantee. The main contributions of the thesis are the following: The Functionally Irrelevant Barrier Algorithm to increase program productivity and ease in verification complexity. A sound pragmatic strategy to reduce the interleaving space of existing dynamic verifiers which is complete only for a certain class of MPI programs. A generalized matches-before ordering for MP programs. A predictive polynomial time verification framework as an alternate solution in the dynamic MP verification landscape. A soundness and completeness proof for the predictive framework's deadlock detection strategy for many formally characterized classes of MP programs. In the process of developing solutions that are mentioned above, we also collected important experiences relating to the development of dynamic verification schedulers. We present those experiences as a minor contribution of this thesis

    Strong Memory Consistency For Parallel Programming

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    Correctly synchronizing multithreaded programs is challenging, and errors can lead to program failures (e.g., atomicity violations). Existing memory consistency models rule out some possible failures, but are limited by depending on subtle programmer-defined locking code and by providing unintuitive semantics for incorrectly synchronized code. Stronger memory consistency models assist programmers by providing them with easier-to-understand semantics with regard to memory access interleavings in parallel code. This dissertation proposes a new strong memory consistency model based on ordering-free regions (OFRs), which are spans of dynamic instructions between consecutive ordering constructs (e.g. barriers). Atomicity over ordering-free regions provides stronger atomicity than existing strong memory consistency models with competitive performance. Ordering-free regions also simplify programmer reasoning by limiting the potential for atomicity violations to fewer points in the program’s execution. This dissertation explores both software-only and hardware-supported systems that provide OFR serializability

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on PGAS Programming Models

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    Specification and Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Programs

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    Analyse statique/dynamique pour la validation et l'amélioration des applications parallèles multi-modèles

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    Supercomputing plays an important role in several innovative fields, speeding up prototyping or validating scientific theories. However, supercomputers are evolving rapidly with now millions of processing units, posing the questions of their programmability. Despite the emergence of more widespread and functional parallel programming models, developing correct and effective parallel applications still remains a complex task. Although debugging solutions have emerged to address this issue, they often come with restrictions. However programming model evolutions stress the requirement for a convenient validation tool able to handle hybrid applications. Indeed as current scientific applications mainly rely on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel programming model, new hardwares designed for Exascale with higher node-level parallelism clearly advocate for an MPI+X solutions with X a thread-based model such as OpenMP. But integrating two different programming models inside the same application can be error-prone leading to complex bugs - mostly detected unfortunately at runtime. In an MPI+X program not only the correctness of MPI should be ensured but also its interactions with the multi-threaded model, for example identical MPI collective operations cannot be performed by multiple nonsynchronized threads. This thesis aims at developing a combination of static and dynamic analysis to enable an early verification of hybrid HPC applications. The first pass statically verifies the thread level required by an MPI+OpenMP application and outlines execution paths leading to potential deadlocks. Thanks to this analysis, the code is selectively instrumented, displaying an error and synchronously interrupting all processes if the actual scheduling leads to a deadlock situation.L’utilisation du parallélisme des architectures actuelles dans le domaine du calcul hautes performances, oblige à recourir à différents langages parallèles. Ainsi, l’utilisation conjointe de MPI pour le parallélisme gros grain, à mémoire distribuée et OpenMP pour du parallélisme de thread, fait partie des pratiques de développement d’applications pour supercalculateurs. Des erreurs, liées à l’utilisation conjointe de ces langages de parallélisme, sont actuellement difficiles à détecter et cela limite l’écriture de codes, permettant des interactions plus poussées entre ces niveaux de parallélisme. Des outils ont été proposés afin de palier ce problème. Cependant, ces outils sont généralement focalisés sur un type de modèle et permettent une vérification dite statique (à la compilation) ou dynamique (à l’exécution). Pourtant une combinaison statique/- dynamique donnerait des informations plus pertinentes. En effet, le compilateur est en mesure de donner des informations relatives au comportement général du code, indépendamment du jeu d’entrée. C’est par exemple le cas des problèmes liés aux communications collectives du modèle MPI. Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des analyses statiques/dynamiques permettant la vérification d’une application parallèle mélangeant plusieurs modèles de programmation, afin de diriger les développeurs vers un code parallèle multi-modèles correct et performant. La vérification se fait en deux étapes. Premièrement, de potentielles erreurs sont détectées lors de la phase de compilation. Ensuite, un test au runtime est ajouté pour savoir si le problème va réellement se produire. Grâce à ces analyses combinées, nous renvoyons des messages précis aux utilisateurs et évitons les situations de blocage

    Symbolic Crosschecking of Data-Parallel Floating Point Code

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    In this thesis we present a symbolic execution-based technique for cross-checking programs accelerated using SIMD or OpenCL against an unaccelerated version, as well as a technique for detecting data races in OpenCL programs. Our techniques are implemented in KLEE-CL, a symbolic execution engine based on KLEE that supports symbolic reasoning on the equivalence between expressions involving both integer and floating-point operations. While the current generation of constraint solvers provide good support for integer arithmetic, there is little support available for floating-point arithmetic, due to the complexity inherent in such computations. The key insight behind our approach is that floating-point values are only reliably equal if they are essentially built by the same operations. This allows us to use an algorithm based on symbolic expression matching augmented with canonicalisation rules to determine path equivalence. Under symbolic execution, we have to verify equivalence along every feasible control-flow path. We reduce the branching factor of this process by aggressively merging conditionals, if-converting branches into select operations via an aggressive phi-node folding transformation. To support the Intel Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) instruction set, we lower SSE instructions to equivalent generic vector operations, which in turn are interpreted in terms of primitive integer and floating-point operations. To support OpenCL programs, we symbolically model the OpenCL environment using an OpenCL runtime library targeted to symbolic execution. We detect data races by keeping track of all memory accesses using a memory log, and reporting a race whenever we detect that two accesses conflict. By representing the memory log symbolically, we are also able to detect races associated with symbolically indexed accesses of memory objects. We used KLEE-CL to find a number of issues in a variety of open source projects that use SSE and OpenCL, including mismatches between implementations, memory errors, race conditions and compiler bugs