231,727 research outputs found

    Computing as the 4th “R”: a general education approach to computing education

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    Computing and computation are increasingly pervading our lives, careers, and societies - a change driving interest in computing education at the secondary level. But what should define a "general education" computing course at this level? That is, what would you want every person to know, assuming they never take another computing course? We identify possible outcomes for such a course through the experience of designing and implementing a general education university course utilizing best-practice pedagogies. Though we nominally taught programming, the design of the course led students to report gaining core, transferable skills and the confidence to employ them in their future. We discuss how various aspects of the course likely contributed to these gains. Finally, we encourage the community to embrace the challenge of teaching general education computing in contrast to and in conjunction with existing curricula designed primarily to interest students in the field

    Emergent requirements for supporting introductory programming

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    The problems associated with learning and teaching first year University Computer Science (CS1) programming classes are summarized showing that various support tools and techniques have been developed and evaluated. From this review of applicable support the paper derives ten requirements that a support tool should have in order to improve CS1 student success rate with respect to learning and understanding

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Digital curation and the cloud

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    Digital curation involves a wide range of activities, many of which could benefit from cloud deployment to a greater or lesser extent. These range from infrequent, resource-intensive tasks which benefit from the ability to rapidly provision resources to day-to-day collaborative activities which can be facilitated by networked cloud services. Associated benefits are offset by risks such as loss of data or service level, legal and governance incompatibilities and transfer bottlenecks. There is considerable variability across both risks and benefits according to the service and deployment models being adopted and the context in which activities are performed. Some risks, such as legal liabilities, are mitigated by the use of alternative, e.g., private cloud models, but this is typically at the expense of benefits such as resource elasticity and economies of scale. Infrastructure as a Service model may provide a basis on which more specialised software services may be provided. There is considerable work to be done in helping institutions understand the cloud and its associated costs, risks and benefits, and how these compare to their current working methods, in order that the most beneficial uses of cloud technologies may be identified. Specific proposals, echoing recent work coordinated by EPSRC and JISC are the development of advisory, costing and brokering services to facilitate appropriate cloud deployments, the exploration of opportunities for certifying or accrediting cloud preservation providers, and the targeted publicity of outputs from pilot studies to the full range of stakeholders within the curation lifecycle, including data creators and owners, repositories, institutional IT support professionals and senior manager

    SLA-driven dynamic cloud resource management

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    As the size and complexity of Cloud systems increase, the manual management of these solutions becomes a challenging issue as more personnel, resources and expertise are needed. Service Level Agreement (SLA)- aware autonomic cloud solutions enable managing large scale infrastructure management meanwhile supporting multiple dynamic requirement from users. This paper contributes to these topics by the introduction of Cloudcompaas, a SLA-aware PaaS Cloud platform that manages the complete resource lifecycle. This platform features an extension of the SLA specification WS-Agreement, tailored to the specific needs of Cloud Computing. In particular, Cloudcompaas enables Cloud providers with a generic SLA model to deal with higher-level metrics, closer to end-user perception, and with flexible composition of the requirements of multiple actors in the computational scene. Moreover, Cloudcompaas provides a framework for general Cloud computing applications that could be dynamically adapted to correct the QoS violations by using the elasticity features of Cloud infrastructures. The effectiveness of this solution is demonstrated in this paper through a simulation that considers several realistic workload profiles, where Cloudcompaas achieves minimum cost and maximum efficiency, under highly heterogeneous utilization patterns. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been developed under the support of the program Formacion de Personal Investigador de Caracter Predoctoral grant number BFPI/2009/103, from the Conselleria d'Educacio of the Generalitat Valenciana. Also, the authors wish to thank the financial support received from The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to develop the project 'CodeCloud', with reference TIN2010-17804.García García, A.; Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V. (2014). SLA-driven dynamic cloud resource management. Future Generation Computer Systems. 31:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.10.005S1113

    Language Media: Our Professional Future

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    Cross‐curricular IT tools for university students: Developing an effective model

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    Information technology is now recognized as a key study‐enhancement measure in higher education, and there is increasing demand for the provision of basic IT awareness and skills across the whole range of subject departments. One response to this demand is the central provision of a generic IT course or programme of courses. We draw upon the experience of such courses at the Universities of Glasgow and York to identify some of the significant dimensions in the development and operation of generic IT programmes. These include the policy context, the structure, content and educational stance of the programme, relationship of the programme to existing curricula, and the extent and nature of resourcing, assessment and certification. Operation of such courses raises important issues, such as questions of compulsory IT preparation, study skills, staff development, standardization, institutional policy and evaluation. This discussion is set within current trends in higher education