45 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of Parallel Burnout Fires on Flank Rate of Spread

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    The effects of flank-parallel suppression fires on the local rate of spread (ROS) of freely burning headfires through fully cured homogeneous grass fuels are assessed. Data sets include: one thermal image stack of a prescribed burn recorded by drone, and a suite of simulation experiments carried out in Wildland Urban Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator (WFDS). A new approach to computing ROS, curvature proxy driven normals to convex polylines, was developed to carry out this analysis. ROS time series depicting flank acceleration of the prescribed burn and simulation experiments, observable under coarse and fine directional classification schemes respectively, are the primary results. Pixelwise ROS magnitude and direction sensitivites to combined temperature threshold and curvature proxy localization parameter selection are also included

    Geometric Surface Processing and Virtual Modeling

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    In this work we focus on two main topics "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". The inspiration and coordination for most of the research work contained in the thesis has been driven by the project New Interactive and Innovative Technologies for CAD (NIIT4CAD), funded by the European Eurostars Programme. NIIT4CAD has the ambitious aim of overcoming the limitations of the traditional approach to surface modeling of current 3D CAD systems by introducing new methodologies and technologies based on subdivision surfaces in a new virtual modeling framework. These innovations will allow designers and engineers to transform quickly and intuitively an idea of shape in a high-quality geometrical model suited for engineering and manufacturing purposes. One of the objective of the thesis is indeed the reconstruction and modeling of surfaces, representing arbitrary topology objects, starting from 3D irregular curve networks acquired through an ad-hoc smart-pen device. The thesis is organized in two main parts: "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". During the development of the geometric pipeline in our Virtual Modeling system, we faced many challenges that captured our interest and opened new areas of research and experimentation. In the first part, we present these theories and some applications to Geometric Surface Processing. This allowed us to better formalize and give a broader understanding on some of the techniques used in our latest advancements on virtual modeling and surface reconstruction. The research on both topics led to important results that have been published and presented in articles and conferences of international relevance

    Collection of abstracts of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry

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    International audienceThe 24th European Workshop on Computational Geomety (EuroCG'08) was held at INRIA Nancy - Grand Est & LORIA on March 18-20, 2008. The present collection of abstracts contains the 63 scientific contributions as well as three invited talks presented at the workshop

    Large-scale tree-based unfitted finite elements for metal additive manufacturing

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    This thesis addresses large-scale numerical simulations of partial differential equations posed on evolving geometries. Our target application is the simulation of metal additive manufacturing (or 3D printing) with powder-bed fusion methods, such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) or Electron-Beam Melting (EBM). The simulation of metal additive manufacturing processes is a remarkable computational challenge, because processes are characterised by multiple scales in space and time and multiple complex physics that occur in intricate three-dimensional growing-in-time geometries. Only the synergy of advanced numerical algorithms and high-performance scientific computing tools can fully resolve, in the short run, the simulation needs in the area. The main goal of this Thesis is to design a a novel highly-scalable numerical framework with multi-resolution capability in arbitrarily complex evolving geometries. To this end, the framework is built by combining three computational tools: (1) parallel mesh generation and adaptation with forest-of-trees meshes, (2) robust unfitted finite element methods and (3) parallel finite element modelling of the geometry evolution in time. Our numerical research is driven by several limitations and open questions in the state-of-the-art of the three aforementioned areas, which are vital to achieve our main objective. All our developments are deployed with high-end distributed-memory implementations in the large-scale open-source software project FEMPAR. In considering our target application, (4) temporal and spatial model reduction strategies for thermal finite element models are investigated. They are coupled to our new large-scale computational framework to simplify optimisation of the manufacturing process. The contributions of this Thesis span the four ingredients above. Current understanding of (1) is substantially improved with rigorous proofs of the computational benefits of the 2:1 k-balance (ease of parallel implementation and high-scalability) and the minimum requirements a parallel tree-based mesh must fulfil to yield correct parallel finite element solvers atop them. Concerning (2), a robust, optimal and scalable formulation of the aggregated unfitted finite element method is proposed on parallel tree-based meshes for elliptic problems with unfitted external contour or unfitted interfaces. To the author’s best knowledge, this marks the first time techniques (1) and (2) are brought together. After enhancing (1)+(2) with a novel parallel approach for (3), the resulting framework is able to mitigate a major performance bottleneck in large-scale simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes by powder-bed fusion: scalable adaptive (re)meshing in arbitrarily complex geometries that grow in time. Along the development of this Thesis, our application problem (4) is investigated in two joint collaborations with the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The first contribution is an experimentally-supported thorough numerical assessment of time-lumping methods, the second one is a novel experimentally-validated formulation of a new physics-based thermal contact model, accounting for thermal inertia and suitable for model localisation, the so-called virtual domain approximation. By efficiently exploiting high-performance computing resources, our new computational framework enables large-scale finite element analysis of metal additive manufacturing processes, with increased fidelity of predictions and dramatical reductions of computing times. It can also be combined with the proposed model reductions for fast thermal optimisation of the manufacturing process. These tools open the path to accelerate the understanding of the process-to-performance link and digital product design and certification in metal additive manufacturing, two milestones that are vital to exploit the technology for mass-production.Aquesta tesi tracta la simulació a gran escala d'equacions en derivades parcials sobre geometries variables. L'aplicació principal és la simulació de procesos de fabricació additiva (o impressió 3D) amb metalls i per mètodes de fusió de llit de pols, com ara Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) o Electron-Beam Melting (EBM). La simulació d'aquests processos és un repte computacional excepcional, perquè els processos estan caracteritzats per múltiples escales espaitemporals i múltiples físiques que tenen lloc sobre geometries tridimensionals complicades que creixen en el temps. La sinèrgia entre algorismes numèrics avançats i eines de computació científica d'alt rendiment és la única via per resoldre completament i a curt termini les necessitats en simulació d'aquesta àrea. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és dissenyar un nou marc numèric escalable de simulació amb capacitat de multiresolució en geometries complexes i variables. El nou marc es construeix unint tres eines computacionals: (1) mallat paral·lel i adaptatiu amb malles de boscs d'arbre, (2) mètodes d'elements finits immersos robustos i (3) modelització en paral·lel amb elements finits de geometries que creixen en el temps. Algunes limitacions i problemes oberts en l'estat de l'art, que són claus per aconseguir el nostre objectiu, guien la nostra recerca. Tots els desenvolupaments s'implementen en arquitectures de memòria distribuïda amb el programari d'accés obert FEMPAR. Quant al problema d'aplicació, (4) s'investiguen models reduïts en espai i temps per models tèrmics del procés. Aquests models reduïts s'acoplen al nostre marc computacional per simplificar l'optimització del procés. Les contribucions d'aquesta tesi abasten els quatre punts de dalt. L'estat de l'art de (1) es millora substancialment amb proves riguroses dels beneficis computacionals del 2:1 balancejat (fàcil paral·lelització i alta escalabilitat), així com dels requisits mínims que aquest tipus de mallat han de complir per garantir que els espais d'elements finits que s'hi defineixin estiguin ben posats. Quant a (2), s'ha formulat un mètode robust, òptim i escalable per agregació per problemes el·líptics amb contorn o interface immerses. Després d'augmentar (1)+(2) amb un nova estratègia paral·lela per (3), el marc de simulació resultant mitiga de manera efectiva el principal coll d'ampolla en la simulació de processos de fabricació additiva en llits de pols de metall: adaptivitat i remallat escalable en geometries complexes que creixen en el temps. Durant el desenvolupament de la tesi, es col·labora amb el Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing i la Universitat de Monash de Melbourne, Austràlia, per investigar el problema d'aplicació. En primer lloc, es fa una anàlisi experimental i numèrica exhaustiva dels mètodes d'aggregació temporal. En segon lloc, es proposa i valida experimental una nova formulació de contacte tèrmic que té en compte la inèrcia tèrmica i és adequat per a localitzar el model, l'anomenada aproximació per dominis virtuals. Mitjançant l'ús eficient de recursos computacionals d'alt rendiment, el nostre nou marc computacional fa possible l'anàlisi d'elements finits a gran escala dels processos de fabricació additiva amb metalls, amb augment de la fidelitat de les prediccions i reduccions significatives de temps de computació. Així mateix, es pot combinar amb els models reduïts que es proposen per l'optimització tèrmica del procés de fabricació. Aquestes eines contribueixen a accelerar la comprensió del lligam procés-rendiment i la digitalització del disseny i certificació de productes en fabricació additiva per metalls, dues fites crucials per explotar la tecnologia en producció en massa.Postprint (published version

    Adaptive multiresolution visualization of large multidimensional multivariate scientific datasets

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    The sizes of today\u27s scientific datasets range from megabytes to terabytes, making it impossible to directly browse the raw datasets visually. This presents significant challenges for visualization scientists who are interested in supporting these datasets. In this thesis, we present an adaptive data representation model which can be utilized with many of the commonly employed visualization techniques when dealing with large amounts of data. Our hierarchical design also alleviates the long standing visualization problem due to limited display space. The idea is based on using compactly supported orthogonal wavelets and additional downsizing techniques to generate a hierarchy of fine to coarse approximations of a very large dataset for visualization. An adaptive data hierarchy, which contains authentic multiresolution approximations and the corresponding error, has many advantages over the original data. First, it allows scientists to visualize the overall structure of a dataset by browsing its coarse approximations. Second, the fine approximations of the hierarchy provide local details of the interesting data subsets. Third, the error of the data representation can provide the scientist with information about the authenticity of the data approximation. Finally, in a client-server network environment, a coarse representation can increase the efficiency of a visualization process by quickly giving users a rough idea of the dataset before they decide whether to continue the transmission or to abort it. For datasets which require long rendering time, an authentic approximation of a very large dataset can speed up the visualization process greatly. Variations on the main wavelet-based multiresolution hierarchy described in this thesis also lead to other multiresolution representation mechanisms. For example, we investigate the uses of norm projections and principal components to build multiresolution data hierarchies of large multivariate datasets. This leads to the development of a more flexible dual multiresolution visualization environment for large data exploration. We present the results of experimental studies of our adaptive multiresolution representation using wavelets. Utilizing a multiresolution data hierarchy, we illustrate that information access from a dataset with tens of millions of data values can be achieved in real time. Based on these results, we propose procedures to assist in generating a multiresolution hierarchy of a large dataset. For example, the findings indicate that an ordinary computed tomography volume dataset can be represented effectively for some tasks by an adaptive data hierarchy with less than 1.5% of its original size

    Methods for Real-time Visualization and Interaction with Landforms

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    This thesis presents methods to enrich data modeling and analysis in the geoscience domain with a particular focus on geomorphological applications. First, a short overview of the relevant characteristics of the used remote sensing data and basics of its processing and visualization are provided. Then, two new methods for the visualization of vector-based maps on digital elevation models (DEMs) are presented. The first method uses a texture-based approach that generates a texture from the input maps at runtime taking into account the current viewpoint. In contrast to that, the second method utilizes the stencil buffer to create a mask in image space that is then used to render the map on top of the DEM. A particular challenge in this context is posed by the view-dependent level-of-detail representation of the terrain geometry. After suitable visualization methods for vector-based maps have been investigated, two landform mapping tools for the interactive generation of such maps are presented. The user can carry out the mapping directly on the textured digital elevation model and thus benefit from the 3D visualization of the relief. Additionally, semi-automatic image segmentation techniques are applied in order to reduce the amount of user interaction required and thus make the mapping process more efficient and convenient. The challenge in the adaption of the methods lies in the transfer of the algorithms to the quadtree representation of the data and in the application of out-of-core and hierarchical methods to ensure interactive performance. Although high-resolution remote sensing data are often available today, their effective resolution at steep slopes is rather low due to the oblique acquisition angle. For this reason, remote sensing data are suitable to only a limited extent for visualization as well as landform mapping purposes. To provide an easy way to supply additional imagery, an algorithm for registering uncalibrated photos to a textured digital elevation model is presented. A particular challenge in registering the images is posed by large variations in the photos concerning resolution, lighting conditions, seasonal changes, etc. The registered photos can be used to increase the visual quality of the textured DEM, in particular at steep slopes. To this end, a method is presented that combines several georegistered photos to textures for the DEM. The difficulty in this compositing process is to create a consistent appearance and avoid visible seams between the photos. In addition to that, the photos also provide valuable means to improve landform mapping. To this end, an extension of the landform mapping methods is presented that allows the utilization of the registered photos during mapping. This way, a detailed and exact mapping becomes feasible even at steep slopes

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    Pivotal Visualization:A Design Method to Enrich Visual Exploration

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