11 research outputs found

    Integración de MDT's para intervenciones urbanísticas

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    Desde la implantación de los núcleos habitables primitivos hasta hoy en día se han desarrollado diferentes métodos para poder llevar a cabo el estudio y análisis del territorio. Todos estos estudios han tenido últimamente un aliado imprescindible en los sistemas de representación, e información del territorio a partir de las aplicaciones de sistemas informáticos que han permitido los avances en las tecnologías de la comunicación. Las aportaciones que se han hecho a nivel de usuario genérico, a partir de Google Earth y similares han hecho posible que sea fácilmente accesible la visualización de entornos urbanos y rurales. Las facilidades de acceso a diferentes institutos ligados a las administraciones Territoriales, Autonómicas y del Estado ponen al alcance datos técnicos que permiten adaptarlos a las necesidades de diferentes profesionales en sus labores de planificación y análisis del terreno. Son estas necesidades las que nos han planteado el trabajo que estamos realizando en la formación de los futuros profesionales del planeamiento urbanístico y de la ingeniería en geomática y topografía. En la docencia de Grado y de Máster se debe trabajar con la tecnología e información disponible actualmente para alcanzar una formación cualificada en el campo de la representación y el diseño de espacios urbanos.Peer Reviewe

    Interactive Panorama VR360 for Corporate Communications: An Industrial Scenario Case Study

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    This case study explores interactive panorama implementation for corporate communications virtual reality 360 (VR360) application. Interactive panorama permits spherical panorama digital imagery being presented in three hundred sixty degrees visual experience instead of single angle limitation in conventional static image. The study proposes the use of interactive panorama as a corporate communications tool being considered from three experimental PEP aspects. The exploration of PEP framework seeks the suitability of implementing three key aspects of people, equipment and product for interactive panorama virtual reality 360 experience. With the developing advances of interactive panorama, it has been introduced by online social media providers as essential feature which allows individual and corporate users to post 360 content. This case study takes advantage on the actual on-going marketing experience and technical insight of a participating case company and several industrial scenario use cases. In this paper we describe interactive panorama content creation, PEP framework, a user study and directions for future work

    Multi-user navigation: a 3D mobile device interactive support

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    Multi-User navigation within an environment with the aid of 3D mobile support provides end users with additional mobility thought and improves mobility services’ efficiency. A necessary approach of using mobile device for navigation aid is to display only a section of the view-front and to let users control the portion shown by conceptually moving on the orientation. There is a need for multiple users to be able to interact with themselves when they are within an environment and navigating with the aid of 3D mobile devices support, in order to meet-up with an appointment or to be aware of the locations of each other. Unfortunately, the predominant 3D mobile navigation system does not provide multi-user interactive services. Users cannot be aware of other users navigating within same environment using the same system on their mobile devices at the same time. This paper presents multi-user 3D mobile navigation system for providing multiple user awareness. The analysis of the results provides a unique visualization of multiple users using mobile devices to help them navigate to a target location by being aware of their whereabouts


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    [EN] The urn, recovered in 2013 by the Cultural Heritage's Police Command along with other 21 and with the funeral set of the tomb of the Cacni family at Perugia, was exhibited at the Quirinale and then moved to Perugia, at the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria. 2014. After a first attempt to survey the laser scanner, the survey, aimed at the graphic documentation and implementation of a virtual model for the study and dissemination, has been performed with photographic processed with software modeling structure from motion. 3D model in mesh made with the appropriate software has been cleaned of all its impurities: holes, tips, noise and rough surfaces. To conclude the process, the mapping from photography, with high resolution textures, giving the mesh the appearance next to the real funerary urn. The survey work on the urn of Oenomaus is a case in point, both for research of best practices in the surveys of archaeological objects, both in the ultimate goal of the relief: not only cataloging and knowledge, but also of divulging to a wider public. Key words: virtual archaeology, digital archaeology, 3D reconstruction, etruscan funerary art, photogrammetry, photomodelling, texturing, Mesh managing[ES] La urna, recuperada en 2013 por el Comando de Policía del patrimonio cultural, junto con otros 21 y con el conjunto funerario de la tumba de la familia Cacni en Perugia, fue exhibida en el Quirinale y luego se trasladó a Perugia, en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Umbría. 2014. Después de un primer intento de estudiar el escáner láser, el levantamiento, dirigido a la documentación gráfica e implementación de un modelo virtual para el estudio y la difusión, se ha realizado con procesado fotográfico con software de modelado structure for motion. La malla 3D realizada con el software adecuado se ha limpiado de todas sus impurezas: agujeros, las extremidades, el ruido y superficies rugosas. Para finalizar el proceso, el mapeo de la fotografía, con texturas de alta resolución, dando la malla la apariencia de la urna funeraria real. El trabajo de investigación en la urna de Enomao es un ejemplo emblemático, tanto para la investigación de las mejores prácticas en levantamiento de objetos arqueológicos, tanto en el objetivo final del relieve: no sólo la catalogación y el conocimiento, sino también el difundir a un público más amplio.Calisi, D. (2016). PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY AND 3D MODELING OF THE FUNERARY URN DEPICTING THE MYTH OF OENOMAUS, FOUND INSIDE THE TOMB OF THE ETRUSCAN FAMILY OF CACNI IN PERUGIA (III-I CENTURY BC). En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 95-104. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3318OCS9510

    Sharing high-resolution models and information on web: The web module of bim3dsg system

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    BIM3DSG system is described here. It is an ad hoc designed BIM system created for Cultural Heritage applications. It proposes some solutions to solve some issues related to the use of BIM in this field. First, it tries to resolve the problem of managing huge, complex, high resolution and heterogeneous 3D models, and then it offers a practical, easy and efficient solution for a wide sharing of data and information


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    Abstract. The following research aims to exploit the low-cost technologies, for the survey and mapping of historical archaeology in the Roman context. The main purposes of the research is to implement a large-scale survey campaign to understand the geometry and the materiality of the artefacts examined. Three-dimensional survey from photography, allows an immediate mapping of the materiality, of the degradation and of the architectural elements characteristic of the architecture in question. From the model it is possible to obtain an image that is faithful to the reality that can be the basis for developments in many disciplines such as, for example, in the restoration project, for the material analysis and the mapping of the degradation. The applications for this type of mapping are numerous, one of those proposed in this research concerns the virtual musealisation of historical artifacts. More and more in recent years, museums are exploiting the capabilities of three-dimensional modeling software of architectural elements to interactively convey architectural elements. A methodology of work that in recent archaeological excavations is not based solely on the didactic divulgation of the history of a place, but during the excavation phase on the mapping and cataloging of uncovered finds.</p

    Assessing the usability of tile-based interfaces to visually navigate 3-D parameter domains

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    Navigating 3-D parameter domains, such as color and orientation of an object, is a common task performed in most computer graphics applications. Although 1-D sliders are the most common interface for browsing such domains, they provide a tedious and difficult user experience that hampers finding desirable visual solutions. We present the Rhomb-i slider, a novel and visually enriching tile-based interface to navigate arbitrary 3-D parameter domains. Contrary to 1-D sliders, the Rhomb-i slider supports a sketch-based interface that gives simultaneous access to up to two parameters. We conducted a usability study to ascertain whether the proposed Rhomb-i slider is a more natural interface compared to 1-D sliders and other commonly used widgets for different 3-D parameter domains: HSV color space, super-shape curves, and rotation of a 3-D object. On the one hand, qualitative feedback and performance measures reveal that Rhomb-i sliders have similar results when compared to conventional HSV color interfaces, and are the preferred interface to efficiently explore the super-shapes parameter domain. On the other hand, Rhomb-i revealed to be a less efficient and effective interface to rotate a 3D object, thus paving the way to new design explorations regarding this tile-based interface

    Simbologia em realidade aumentada

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011A representação de símbolos gráficos para transmitir informação levanta questões cognitivas que devem ser tidas em conta para obter resultados compreensíveis em termos de visualização. Quando estes símbolos são representados sobre imagens reais, como acontece na Realidade Aumentada, estas questões tornam-se mais agudas. Sobretudo quando a visualização ocorre em ambientes exteriores: não existindo controlo sobre as características da imagem real do fundo, é necessário ir adaptando dinamicamente os símbolos gráficos que vão sendo sobrepostos. A Realidade Aumentada é uma área de estudo que surgiu no final da década de 1960, contudo, só muito recentemente tem vindo a ser aplicada em larga escala. Tal facto deve-se ao aparecimento também recente, de dispositivos móveis dotados de capacidades que suportam esta tecnologia e têm custos acessíveis ao público em geral. Por seu turno, o estudo de aspectos cognitivos relativos ao uso da cor e de símbolos tem sido tema de variados estudos. No entanto, não há ainda estudos feitos sobre a utilização de símbolos gráficos sobre imagens reais, estáticas ou em movimento, de modo a analisar como melhorar a sua visibilidade sobre o fundo real. O objectivo deste estudo foi, depois da análise do trabalho desenvolvido nesta área, implementar um protótipo que permite criar vários tipos de adaptações em símbolos gráficos e depois testar estas soluções com utilizadores. Com os resultados dos testes, tiraram-se ilações sobre as adaptações mais adequadas para desenvolver aplicações de Realidade Aumentada que vão ao encontro da satisfação do utilizador final.The representation of graphical symbols to convey information raises cognitive issues that must be taken into account to obtain comprehensible results in terms of visualization. When these symbols are drawn over real images, as in Augmented Reality, these issues become more acute. Especially when visualization occurs in outdoor environments: with the absence of control over the characteristics of the real background image, it is necessary to dynamically adapt the graphical symbols that are being overlaid. Augmented Reality is a research area that emerged in the end of the 1960s, however, only recently has been widely applied. This is due to the recent appearance of mobile devices, equipped with capabilities that support this technology, and affordable to the general public. The study of cognition aspects related to the use of color and symbols has been the subject of several studies. However, there are still no studies about the use of graphic symbols over real images, still or in motion, to examine how to improve their visibility over the background. The purpose of this study was, after studying the work developed in this area, the implementation of a prototype that allows the creation of different approaches to symbol adaptation, and then test them, with users. Taking into account the results of the tests, it was possible to identify the most important characteristics that best fulfill the needs of the users of Augmented Reality applications

    Sistemi informativi integrati per la valorizzazione del patrimonio urbano-architettonico, tra 3D GIS, AIS e Web

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    Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential but despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. After a thorough analysis of both types of systems, and a careful study on the state of the art, this study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the deep differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new hybrid system (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal have been studied mainly: - the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; - spatial analysis and 3D topology

    Sistemi informativi integrati per la valorizzazione del patrimonio urbano-architettonico, tra 3D GIS, AIS e Web

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    Currently in the field of management, enhancement, territory and cultural heritage analysis, two types of information systems offer significant tools: GIS (Geographic Information System) and AIS (Architectural Information System). The first one manages urban and territorial scale data, the second one administers architectural scale data. For a complete management and analysis of heritage both scales (territorial-urban and architectural) are essential but despite numerous attempts made in recent years, currently no system is really able to manage them simultaneously. After a thorough analysis of both types of systems, and a careful study on the state of the art, this study aims to create a hybrid system, which is a new interface that allows to simultaneously view an AIS, a GIS and a window for management of spatial queries. Considering the deep differences between the two systems, the ultimate goal is to integrate them by proposing a new hybrid system (HS) to solve the problem of scale change (from analysis to synthesis) using a new data structure and a new interface. To achieve the ultimate goal have been studied mainly: - the possibilities of implementation of the two systems; - spatial analysis and 3D topology