81 research outputs found

    Using Magic in Computing Education and Outreach

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    This special session explores the use of magic tricks based on computer science ideas; magic tricks help grab students\u27 attention and can motivate them to invest more deeply in underlying CS concepts. Error detection ideas long used by computer scientists provide a particularly rich basis for working such magic\u27\u27, with a CS Unplugged parity check activity being a notable example. Prior work has shown that one can perform much more sophisticated tricks than the relatively well-known CS Unplugged activity, and these tricks can motivate analyses across a wide variety of computer science concepts and are relevant to learning objectives across grade levels from 2nd grade through graduate school. These tricks have piqued the interest of past audiences and have been performed with the aid of online implementations; this conference session will demonstrate enhanced implementations used to illuminate the underlying concepts rather than just to perform the tricks. The audience will participate in puzzling out how to apply relevant concepts as we work through a scaffolded series of tricks centering on error detection and correction. The implementations also provide a useful model for incorporating greater interaction than is typically found in current innovative online interactive textbooks. In addition, they are samples for possible programming assignments that can motivate students using CS Unplugged activities to actively pursue deep programming experiences

    Teaching Computational Thinking: are we considering students' socio-cultural context?

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    INTRODUCTION: Research to promote Computational Thinking (CT) has become frequent and carried out with the most different characteristics. Educational researchers argue that learning research needs to consider aspects of students' sociocultural context, regardless of what tools are used and how content is worked. However, it is not known if, and to what extent, these aspects are being considered in research to promote CT. OBJECTIVE: This research investigates whether the literature on initiatives to teach CT is recognizing and exploring aspects of students' sociocultural context and, mainly, how this is occurring. METHOD:A systematic review of the literature covering a decade (2007-2017) of articles published in the main vehicles of Computer Science in Education and Computer Science, considering the national and international scenario. RESULTS: The data indicate the students' sociocultural context is not being considered in the activities, although there is evidence that the scenario may be beginning to change. CONCLUSION: The results show that there is a growing concern and an evident effort by researchers to bring relevant elements of students' lives into the conducted practices. However, although it is possible to identify aspects of students' sociocultural context being considered by the mapped researches, it is still necessary to advance in terms of the rigor of the characterization of these aspects and the theoretical basis of the research

    Adoption of Computer Science in NZ schools

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    In 2011, Programming and Computer Science standards were made available as part of NCEA in New Zealand high schools. Because little guidance and professional development was available initially, teachers have found it challenging to present the content effectively to their students. In response to this, several resources and professional development opportunities have been made available, including the widely used Computer Science Field Guide for Computer Science, and several programming resources specific to the new standards. In this paper we outline the deployment of the new standards and supporting material, and look at the uptake of the new standards over the first three years that they were phased in. This reveals increasing participation at schools, and higher enrolments at university as a flow-on effect. The introduction of Computer Science has also helped to address perception and stereotypes about the industry, with high achievement by female students, although participation rates are not ideal

    Constructionist Attempts at Supporting the Learning of Computer Programming: A Survey

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    Although programming is often seen as a key element of constructionist approaches, the research on learning to program through a constructionist strategy is somewhat limited, mostly focusing on how to bring the abstract and formal nature of programming languages into \u201cconcrete\u201d, possibly tangible objects, graspable even by children with limited abstraction power. We survey the literature in programming education and analyse some programming languages designed to help novices from a constructionist perspective

    Offline situational game for teaching IT systems

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    ANR #CreaMaker workshop : Co-creativity, robotics and maker educationProceedings

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    International audienceWe’re living exciting but also challenging times at the worldwide level. From one side, there are environmental challenges that can compromise our future as humanity and the socio economic tensions generated in a context of mass consumption within a model of fossil and nuclear energy which endangers a sustainable development. From the other side, we have a growing number of citizen-based initiatives aiming to improve the society and the technological infrastructures making possible to cooperate at large scale and not only at a small-group level. Younger becomes empowered for their future. In their initiatives such #FridaysForFuture they are no longer (interactive) media consumers but move forward as creative activists to make older generations change the system in order to save the planet. At the same time, we have observed in the last years the emergence of a wide diversity of third places (makerspace, fablab, living lab…) aiming to empower communities to design and develop their own creative solutions. In this context, maker-based projects have the potential to integrate tinkering, programming and educational robotics to engage the learner in the development of creativity both in individual and collaborative contexts (Kamga, Romero, Komis, & Mirsili, 2016). In this context, the ANR #CreaMaker project aims to analyse the development of creativity in the context of team-based maker activities combining tinkering and digital fabrication (Barma, Romero, & Deslandes, 2017; Fleming, 2015). This first workshop of the ANR #CreaMaker project aims to raise the question on the concept, activities and assessment of creativity in the context of maker education and its different approaches : computational thinking (Class’Code, AIDE), collective innovation (Invent@UCA), game design (Creative Cultures), problem solving (CreaCube), child-robot interactions and sustainable development activities. Researchers from Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Italy and Spain will reunite with LINE researchers and the MSc SmartEdTech students in order to advance in how we can design, orchestrate and evaluate co-creativity in technology enhanced learning (TEL) contexts, and more specifically, in maker based education

    Test for assessing coding skills in early childhood

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    This research aims to develop a valid and reliable test to determine the coding skill levels of 5-7 years old children in early childhood. The study sample consists of children aged 5-7 who attend primary and pre-school education institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Agri and Gaziantep city center in the 2020-2021 academic year. Data were obtained from 308 children, 101 of whom were five years old, 100 were six years old, and 107 were seven. As a data collection tool in research, the "Personal Information Form" containing personal information about children and their parents and the "Early Childhood Coding Skills Assessment Test" developed by the researcher to evaluate the coding skill levels of 5-7-year-old children were used. In the validity analysis to determine the test's validity and reliability, content-structure validity, criterion-based validity analysis, similar scale compatibility validity, tetrachoric factor analysis, and item difficulty analysis; In the reliability analysis, KR-20 reliability analysis was used. As a result of the findings obtained from the research, the "Early Childhood Coding Skills Assessment Test" is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used to determine the skill levels of 5-7-year-old children unplugged coding and robotic coding

    Introducing Computational Thinking in K-12 Education: Historical, Epistemological, Pedagogical, Cognitive, and Affective Aspects

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    Introduction of scientific and cultural aspects of Computer Science (CS) (called "Computational Thinking" - CT) in K-12 education is fundamental. We focus on three crucial areas. 1. Historical, philosophical, and pedagogical aspects. What are the big ideas of CS we must teach? What are the historical and pedagogical contexts in which CT emerged, and why are relevant? What is the relationship between learning theories (e.g., constructivism) and teaching approaches (e.g., plugged and unplugged)? 2. Cognitive aspects. What is the sentiment of generalist teachers not trained to teach CS? What misconceptions do they hold about concepts like CT and "coding"? 3. Affective and motivational aspects. What is the impact of personal beliefs about intelligence (mindset) and about CS ability? What the role of teaching approaches? This research has been conducted both through historical and philosophical argumentation, and through quantitative and qualitative studies (both on nationwide samples and small significant ones), in particular through the lens of (often exaggerated) claims about transfer from CS to other skills. Four important claims are substantiated. 1. CS should be introduced in K-12 as a tool to understand and act in our digital world, and to use the power of computation for meaningful learning. CT is the conceptual sediment of that learning. We designed a curriculum proposal in this direction. 2. The expressions CT (useful to distantiate from digital literacy) and "coding" can cause misconceptions among teachers, who focus mainly on transfer to general thinking skills. Both disciplinary and pedagogical teacher training is hence needed. 3. Some plugged and unplugged teaching tools have intrinsic constructivist characteristics that can facilitate CS learning, as shown with proposed activities. 4. Growth mindset is not automatically fostered by CS, while not studying CS can foster fixed beliefs. Growth mindset can be fostered by creative computing, leveraging on its constructivist aspects

    Constructing Computational Thinking Without Using Computers

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    International audiencePaper type: application.Background(s):computer science; educational research.Approach:Our approach is very practical: we are focusedon pedagogy and improved classroom practices –what Matthews (1997:8) calls “pedagogical constructivism.”Moreover, we discuss the relationships between our work and Papert’s constructionism.Context: The meaning and implications of “computational thinking” (CT) are only now starting to be clarified, and the applications of the Computer Science (CS) Unplugged approach are becoming clearer as research is appearing. Now is a good time to consider how these relate, and what the opportunities and issues are for teachers using this approach.Problem: The goal here is to connect computational thinking explicitly to the CS Unplugged pedagogical approach, and to identify the context where Unplugged can be used effectively. Method: We take a theoretical approach, selecting a representative sample of CS Unplugged activities and mapping them to CT concepts. Results: The CS Unplugged activities map well onto commonly accepted CT concepts, although caution must be taken not to regard CS Unplugged as being a complete approach to CT education. Implications: There is evidence that CS Unplugged activities have a useful role to help students and teachers engage with CT, and to support hands-on activities with digital devices.Constructivist content: A constructivist approach to teaching computer science concepts can be particularly valuable at present because the public (and many teachers who are likely to have to become engaged with the subject) do not see CS as something they are likely to understand. Providing a clear way for anyone to construct this knowledge for themselves gives an opportunity to empower them when it might otherwise have been regarded as a domain that is open to only a select few