29 research outputs found

    Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker in Action

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    We show that the recent technique of computationally complete symbolic attackers proposed by Bana and Comon-Lundh [POST 2012] for computationally sound verification of security protocols is powerful enough to verify actual protocols. In their work, Bana and Comon-Lundh presented only the general framework, but they did not introduce sufficiently many axioms to actually prove protocols. We present a set of axioms -- some generic axioms that are computationally sound for all PPT algorithms, and two specific axioms that are sound for CCA2 secure encryptions -- and illustrate the power of this technique by giving the first computationally sound verification (secrecy and authentication) via symbolic attackers of the NSL Protocol that does not need any further restrictive assumptions about the computational implementation. The axioms are entirely modular, not particular to the NSL protocol

    Automated Unbounded Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR

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    International audienceExclusive-or (XOR) operations are common in cryptographic protocols, in particular in RFID protocols and electronic payment protocols. Although there are numerous applications , due to the inherent complexity of faithful models of XOR, there is only limited tool support for the verification of cryptographic protocols using XOR.The TAMARIN prover is a state-of-the-art verification tool for cryptographic protocols in the symbolic model. In this paper, we improve the underlying theory and the tool to deal with an equational theory modeling XOR operations. The XOR theory can be freely combined with all equational theories previously supported, including user-defined equational theories. This makes TAMARIN the first tool to support simultaneously this large set of equational theories, protocols with global mutable state, an unbounded number of sessions, and complex security properties including observational equivalence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing several protocols that rely on XOR, in particular multiple RFID-protocols, where we can identify attacks as well as provide proofs

    Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR

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    International audienceIn cryptographic protocols, in particular RFID protocols, exclusive-or (XOR) operations are common. Due to the inherent complexity of faithful models of XOR, there is only limited tool support for the verification of cryptographic protocols using XOR. In this paper, we improve the TAMARIN prover and its underlying theory to deal with an equational theory modeling XOR operations. The XOR theory can be combined with all equational theories previously supported, including user-defined equational theories. This makes TAMARIN the first verification tool for cryptographic protocols in the symbolic model to support simultaneously this large set of equational theories, protocols with global mutable state, an unbounded number of sessions, and complex security properties including observational equivalence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by analyzing several protocols that rely on XOR, in particular multiple RFID-protocols, where we can identify attacks as well as provide proofs

    Les preuves de protocoles cryprographiques revisitées

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    With the rise of the Internet the use of cryptographic protocols became ubiquitous. Considering the criticality and complexity of these protocols, there is an important need of formal verification.In order to obtain formal proofs of cryptographic protocols, two main attacker models exist: the symbolic model and the computational model. The symbolic model defines the attacker capabilities as a fixed set of rules. On the other hand, the computational model describes only the attacker's limitations by stating that it may break some hard problems. While the former is quiteabstract and convenient for automating proofs the later offers much stronger guarantees.There is a gap between the guarantees offered by these two models due to the fact the symbolic model defines what the adversary may do while the computational model describes what it may not do. In 2012 Bana and Comon devised a new symbolic model in which the attacker's limitations are axiomatised. In addition provided that the (computational semantics) of the axioms follows from the cryptographic hypotheses, proving security in this symbolic model yields security in the computational model.The possibility of automating proofs in this model (and finding axioms general enough to prove a large class of protocols) was left open in the original paper. In this thesis we provide with an efficient decision procedure for a general class of axioms. In addition we propose a tool (SCARY) implementing this decision procedure. Experimental results of our tool shows that the axioms we designed for modelling security of encryption are general enough to prove a large class of protocols.Avec la généralisation d'Internet, l'usage des protocoles cryptographiques est devenu omniprésent. Étant donné leur complexité et leur l'aspect critique, une vérification formelle des protocoles cryptographiques est nécessaire.Deux principaux modèles existent pour prouver les protocoles. Le modèle symbolique définit les capacités de l'attaquant comme un ensemble fixe de règles, tandis que le modèle calculatoire interdit seulement a l'attaquant derésoudre certain problèmes difficiles. Le modèle symbolique est très abstrait et permet généralement d'automatiser les preuves, tandis que le modèle calculatoire fournit des garanties plus fortes.Le fossé entre les garanties offertes par ces deux modèles est dû au fait que le modèle symbolique décrit les capacités de l'adversaire alors que le modèle calculatoire décrit ses limitations. En 2012 Bana et Comon ont proposé unnouveau modèle symbolique dans lequel les limitations de l'attaquant sont axiomatisées. De plus, si la sémantique calculatoire des axiomes découle des hypothèses cryptographiques, la sécurité dans ce modèle symbolique fournit desgaranties calculatoires.L'automatisation des preuves dans ce nouveau modèle (et l'élaboration d'axiomes suffisamment généraux pour prouver un grand nombre de protocoles) est une question laissée ouverte par l'article de Bana et Comon. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une procédure de décision efficace pour une large classe d'axiomes. De plus nous avons implémenté cette procédure dans un outil (SCARY). Nos résultats expérimentaux montrent que nos axiomes modélisant la sécurité du chiffrement sont suffisamment généraux pour prouver une large classe de protocoles

    DY* : A Modular Symbolic Verification Framework for Executable Cryptographic Protocol Code

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    International audienceWe present DY*, a new formal verification framework for the symbolic security analysis of cryptographic protocol code written in the F* programming language. Unlike automated symbolic provers, our framework accounts for advanced protocol features like unbounded loops and mutable recursive data structures, as well as low-level implementation details like protocol state machines and message formats, which are often at the root of real-world attacks. Our work extends a long line of research on using dependent type systems for this task, but takes a fundamentally new approach by explicitly modeling the global trace-based semantics within the framework, hence bridging the gap between trace-based and type-based protocol analyses. This approach enables us to uniformly, precisely, and soundly model, for the first time using dependent types, long-lived mutable protocol state, equational theories, fine-grained dynamic corruption, and trace-based security properties like forward secrecy and post-compromise security. DY* is built as a library of F* modules that includes a model of low-level protocol execution, a Dolev-Yao symbolic attacker, and generic security abstractions and lemmas, all verified using F*. The library exposes a high-level API that facilitates succinct security proofs for protocol code. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through a detailed symbolic security analysis of the Signal protocol that is based on an interoperable implementation of the protocol from prior work, and is the first mechanized proof of Signal to account for forward and post-compromise security over an unbounded number of protocol rounds

    CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols

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    We introduce CryptoBap, a platform to verify weak secrecy and authentication for the (ARMv8 and RISC-V) machine code of cryptographic protocols. We achieve this by first transpiling the binary of protocols into an intermediate representation and then performing a crypto-aware symbolic execution to automatically extract a model of the protocol that represents all its execution paths. Our symbolic execution resolves indirect jumps and supports bounded loops using the loop-summarization technique, which we fully automate. The extracted model is then translated into models amenable to automated verification via ProVerif and CryptoVerif using a third-party toolchain. We prove the soundness of the proposed approach and used CryptoBap to verify multiple case studies ranging from toy examples to real-world protocols, TinySSH, an implementation of SSH, and WireGuard, a modern VPN protocol

    Union, intersection, and refinement types and reasoning about type disjointness for security protocol analysis

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    In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. The two type systems combine prior work on refinement types with union and intersection types and with the novel ability to reason statically about the disjointness of types. The increased expressivity enables the analysis of important protocol classes that were previously out of scope for the type-based analyses of cryptographic protocols. In particular, our type systems can statically analyze protocols that are based on zero-knowledge proofs, even in scenarios when certain protocol participants are compromised. The analysis is scalable and provides security proofs for an unbounded number of protocol executions. The two type systems come with mechanized proofs of correctness and efficient implementations.In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue Typsysteme vorgestellt, mit denen die Sicherheit kryptographischer Protokolle, modelliert in einem spi-Kalkül, und Protokollimplementierungen, beschrieben in einem nebenläufigen Lambdakalkül, verifiziert werden kann. Die beiden Typsysteme verbinden vorausgehende Arbeiten zu Verfeinerungstypen mit disjunktiven und konjunktiven Typen, und ermöglichen außerdem, statisch zu folgern, dass zwei Typen disjunkt sind. Die Ausdrucksstärke der Systeme erlaubt die Analyse wichtiger Klassen von Protokollen, die bisher nicht durch typbasierte Protokollanalysen behandelt werden konnten. Insbesondere ist mit den vorgestellten Typsystemen auch die statische Analyse von Protokollen möglich, die auf Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen basieren, selbst unter der Annahme, dass einige Protokollteilnehmer korrumpiert sind. Die Analysetechnik skaliert und erlaubt Sicherheitsbeweise für eine unbeschränkte Anzahl von Protokollausführungen. Die beiden Typsysteme sind formal korrekt bewiesen und effizient implementiert