2,652 research outputs found

    Experiments and simulations on short chain fatty acid production in a colonic bacterial community

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    Understanding how production of specific metabolites by gut microbes is modulated by interactions with surrounding species and by environmental nutrient availability is an important open challenge in microbiome research. As part of this endeavor, we explore interactions between F. prausnitzii, a major butyrate producer, and B. thetaiotaomicron, an acetate producer, under three different in vitro media conditions in monoculture and coculture. In silico Genome-scale dynamic flux balance analysis (dFBA) models of metabolism in the system using COMETS (Computation of Microbial Ecosystems in Time and Space) are also tested for explanatory, predictive and inferential power. Experimental findings indicate enhancement of butyrate production in coculture relative to F. prausnitzii monoculture but defy a simple model of monotonic increases in butyrate production as a function of acetate availability in the medium. Simulations recapitulate biomass production curves for monocultures and accurately predict the growth curve of coculture total biomass, using parameters learned from monocultures, suggesting that the model captures some aspects of how the two bacteria interact. However, a comparison of data and simulations for environmental acetate and butyrate changes suggest that the organisms adopt one of many possible metabolic strategies equivalent in terms of growth efficiency. Furthermore, the model seems not to capture subsequent shifts in metabolic activities observed experimentally under low-nutrient regimes. Some discrepancies can be explained by the multiplicity of possible fermentative states for F. prausnitzii. In general, these results provide valuable guidelines for design of future experiments aimed at better determining the mechanisms leading to enhanced butyrate in this ecosystem.https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/444760v1https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/444760v1Othe

    Metabolic network percolation quantifies biosynthetic capabilities across the human oral microbiome

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    The biosynthetic capabilities of microbes underlie their growth and interactions, playing a prominent role in microbial community structure. For large, diverse microbial communities, prediction of these capabilities is limited by uncertainty about metabolic functions and environmental conditions. To address this challenge, we propose a probabilistic method, inspired by percolation theory, to computationally quantify how robustly a genome-derived metabolic network produces a given set of metabolites under an ensemble of variable environments. We used this method to compile an atlas of predicted biosynthetic capabilities for 97 metabolites across 456 human oral microbes. This atlas captures taxonomically-related trends in biomass composition, and makes it possible to estimate inter-microbial metabolic distances that correlate with microbial co-occurrences. We also found a distinct cluster of fastidious/uncultivated taxa, including several Saccharibacteria (TM7) species, characterized by their abundant metabolic deficiencies. By embracing uncertainty, our approach can be broadly applied to understanding metabolic interactions in complex microbial ecosystems.T32GM008764 - NIGMS NIH HHS; T32 GM008764 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R01 DE024468 - NIDCR NIH HHS; R01 GM121950 - NIGMS NIH HHS; DE-SC0012627 - Biological and Environmental Research; RGP0020/2016 - Human Frontier Science Program; NSFOCE-BSF 1635070 - National Science Foundation; HR0011-15-C-0091 - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; R37DE016937 - NIDCR NIH HHS; R37 DE016937 - NIDCR NIH HHS; R01GM121950 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R01DE024468 - NIDCR NIH HHS; 1457695 - National Science FoundationPublished versio

    Advances in constraint-based modelling of microbial communities

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    Abstract Microbial communities are near universally present in nature. A wealth of meta-omics data has been gathered from numerous ecosystems, such as the human gut, ocean or soil. Constraint-based reconstruction and analysis is a valuable tool for the contextualisation of meta-omics data and allows for the mechanistic prediction of metabolic fluxes. Advances in genome-scale reconstruction and multispecies modelling tools have enabled the construction and interrogation of constraint-based multispecies models on the microbiome scale spanning hundreds of organisms. Here, we give a comprehensive overview of the areas of application for these multiscale, strain- and molecule-resolved multispecies models, and discuss key works, in which computational modelling yielded novel biological knowledge. We show that constraint-based microbiome modelling can complement experimental approaches and has valuable applications spanning from ecology, human health, industry to environmental conservation

    The genetic basis for adaptation of model-designed syntrophic co-cultures.

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    Understanding the fundamental characteristics of microbial communities could have far reaching implications for human health and applied biotechnology. Despite this, much is still unknown regarding the genetic basis and evolutionary strategies underlying the formation of viable synthetic communities. By pairing auxotrophic mutants in co-culture, it has been demonstrated that viable nascent E. coli communities can be established where the mutant strains are metabolically coupled. A novel algorithm, OptAux, was constructed to design 61 unique multi-knockout E. coli auxotrophic strains that require significant metabolite uptake to grow. These predicted knockouts included a diverse set of novel non-specific auxotrophs that result from inhibition of major biosynthetic subsystems. Three OptAux predicted non-specific auxotrophic strains-with diverse metabolic deficiencies-were co-cultured with an L-histidine auxotroph and optimized via adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE). Time-course sequencing revealed the genetic changes employed by each strain to achieve higher community growth rates and provided insight into mechanisms for adapting to the syntrophic niche. A community model of metabolism and gene expression was utilized to predict the relative community composition and fundamental characteristics of the evolved communities. This work presents new insight into the genetic strategies underlying viable nascent community formation and a cutting-edge computational method to elucidate metabolic changes that empower the creation of cooperative communities

    Genome-driven evolutionary game theory helps understand the rise of metabolic interdependencies in microbial communities

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    Metabolite exchanges in microbial communities give rise to ecological interactions that govern ecosystem diversity and stability. It is unclear, however, how the rise of these interactions varies across metabolites and organisms. Here we address this question by integrating genome-scale models of metabolism with evolutionary game theory. Specifically, we use microbial fitness values estimated by metabolic models to infer evolutionarily stable interactions in multi-species microbial “games”. We first validate our approach using a well-characterized yeast cheater-cooperator system. We next perform over 80,000 in silico experiments to infer how metabolic interdependencies mediated by amino acid leakage in Escherichia coli vary across 189 amino acid pairs. While most pairs display shared patterns of inter-species interactions, multiple deviations are caused by pleiotropy and epistasis in metabolism. Furthermore, simulated invasion experiments reveal possible paths to obligate cross-feeding. Our study provides genomically driven insight into the rise of ecological interactions, with implications for microbiome research and synthetic ecology.We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Purchase Request No. HR0011515303, Contract No. HR0011-15-C-0091), the U.S. Department of Energy (Grants DE-SC0004962 and DE-SC0012627), the NIH (Grants 5R01DE024468 and R01GM121950), the national Science Foundation (Grants 1457695 and NSFOCE-BSF 1635070), MURI Grant W911NF-12-1-0390, the Human Frontiers Science Program (grant RGP0020/2016), and the Boston University Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Office ARC grant on Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research. We also thank Dr Kirill Korolev and members of the Segre Lab for their invaluable feedback on this work. (HR0011515303 - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; HR0011-15-C-0091 - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; DE-SC0004962 - U.S. Department of Energy; DE-SC0012627 - U.S. Department of Energy; 5R01DE024468 - NIH; R01GM121950 - NIH; 1457695 - national Science Foundation; NSFOCE-BSF 1635070 - national Science Foundation; W911NF-12-1-0390 - MURI; RGP0020/2016 - Human Frontiers Science Program; Boston University Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Office ARC)Published versio

    Integration of host, pathogen and microbiome -omics data for studying infectious diseases

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    In an ever-growing worldwide population, human infectious diseases are an increasingly serious problem for public health. In particular, more than a million deaths and millions of infectious disease cases per year caused by fungal pathogens have been reported globally in recent years. Hence, more investments must be put into fungal research to overcome the problem. The opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans and the airborne Aspergillus fumigatus are the two most prevalent fungal pathogens causing serious issues in medical care units. Despite the recent advances in fungal research, there is little knowledge about the role of fungal metabolism in developing the infection when coexisting within the human body with microbial community members in different organs. This dissertation applied computational tools, and implemented systems biology approaches to uncover key factors in the colonization of the pathogens, especially C. albicans and A. fumigatus, from a systems biology perspective and unseen by wet-lab experiments alone. Next to multi-omics data analysis, a major effort was put into genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) generation and analysis as a promising approach to shed light on the role of metabolism in developing the infection. In brief, this thesis sheds light on key factors leading to the inhibition or promotion of fungal growth. This especially includes the first available GEM reconstruction of C. albicans to theoretically study the intricate interaction of the fungus with the human host and the microbial community members. Lastly, a platform of 252 A. fumigatus GEMs at the strain resolution was generated. It revealed the phenotypic diversity of A. fumigatus strains isolated from different hospitals and farms in Germany and explained the contribution of the fungus to the shaping of the metabolic landscape of the lung microbiome in a favorable manner for fungal growth

    Computational Modeling of the Human Microbiome

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    The impact of microorganisms on human health has long been acknowledged and studied, but recent advances in research methodologies have enabled a new systems-level perspective on the collections of microorganisms associated with humans, the human microbiome. Large-scale collaborative efforts such as the NIH Human Microbiome Project have sought to kick-start research on the human microbiome by providing foundational information on microbial composition based upon specific sites across the human body. Here, we focus on the four main anatomical sites of the human microbiome: gut, oral, skin, and vaginal, and provide information on site-specific background, experimental data, and computational modeling. Each of the site-specific microbiomes has unique organisms and phenomena associated with them; there are also high-level commonalities. By providing an overview of different human microbiome sites, we hope to provide a perspective where detailed, site-specific research is needed to understand causal phenomena that impact human health, but there is equally a need for more generalized methodology improvements that would benefit all human microbiome research

    Coupling metabolic footprinting and flux balance analysis to predict how single gene knockouts perturb microbial metabolism

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2012The model organisms Caenorhabditis elegans and E. coli form one of the simplest gut microbe host interaction models. Interventions in the microbe that increase the host longevity including inhibition of folate synthesis have been reported previously. To find novel single gene knockouts with an effect on lifespan, a screen of the Keio collection of E. coli was undertaken, and some of the genes found are directly involved in metabolism. The next step in those specific cases is to understand how these mutations perturb metabolism systematically, so that hypotheses can be generated. For that, I employed dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (dFBA), a constraint-based modeling technique capable of simulating the dynamics of metabolism in a batch culture and making predictions about changes in intracellular flux distribution. Since the specificities of the C. elegans lifespan experiments demand us to culture microbes in conditions differing from most of the published literature on E. coli physiology, novel data must be acquired to characterize and make dFBA simulations as realistic as possible. To do this exchange fluxes were measured using quantitative H NMR Time-Resolved Metabolic Footprinting. Furthermore, I also investigate the combination of TReF and dFBA as a tool in microbial metabolism studies. These approaches were tested by comparing wild type E. coli with one of the knockout strains found, ΔmetL, a knockout of the metL gene which encodes a byfunctional enzyme involved in aspartate and threonine metabolism. I found that the strain exhibits a slower growth rate than the wild type. Model simulation results revealed that reduced homoserine and methionine synthesis, as well as impaired sulfur and folate metabolism are the main effects of this knockout and the reasons for the growth deficiency. These results indicate that there are common mechanisms of the lifespan extension between ΔmetL and inhibition of folate biosynthesis and that the flux balance analysis/metabolic footprinting approach can help us understand the nature of these mechanisms.Os organismos modelo Caenorhabditis elegans e E. coli formam um dos modelos mais simples de interacções entre micróbio do tracto digestivo e hospedeiro. Intervenções no micróbio capazes de aumentar a longevidade do hospedeiro, incluindo inibição de síntese de folatos, foram reportadas previamente. Para encontrar novas delecções génicas do micróbio capazes de aumentar a longevidade do hospedeiro, a colecção Keio de deleções génicas de E. coli foi rastreada. Alguns dos genes encontrados participam em processos metabólicos, e nesses casos, o próximpo passo é perceber como as deleções perturbam o metabolismo sistémicamente, para gerar hipóteses. Para isso, utilizo dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (dFBA), uma técnica de modelação metabólica capaz de fazer previsões sobre alterações na distribuição intracelular de fluxos. As especificidades das experiências de tempo de vida em C.elegans obrigam-nos a trabalhar em condições diferentes das usadas na maioria da literatura publicada em fisiologia de E. coli, e para dar o máximo realismo às simulações de dFBA novos dados foram adquiridos, utilizando H NMR Time-Resolved Metabolic Footprinting para medir fluxos de troca de metabolitos entre microorganismo e meio de cultura. A combinação de TReF e dFBA como ferramenta de estudo do metabolism microbiano é também investigada. Estas abordagens foram testadas ao comparar E. coli wild-type com uma das estirpes encontradas no rastreio, ΔmetL, knockout do gene metL, que codifica um enzima bifunctional participante no metabolismo de aspartato e treonina, e que exibe uma taxa de crescimento reduzida comparativamente ao wild-type. Os resultados das simulações revelaram que os principais efeitos da deleção deste gene, e as razões para a menor taxa de crescimento observada, são a produção reduzida de homoserina e metionina e os efeitos que provoca no metabolismo de folatos e enxofre. Estes resultados indicam que há mecanismos comuns na extensão da longevidade causada por esta deleção e inibição de síntese de folatos, e que a combinação metabolic footprinting/flux balance analysis pode ajudar-nos a compreender a natureza desses mecanismos