1,479 research outputs found

    Statistical Disclosure Control for Micro-Data Using the R Package sdcMicro

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    The demand for data from surveys, censuses or registers containing sensible information on people or enterprises has increased significantly over the last years. However, before data can be provided to the public or to researchers, confidentiality has to be respected for any data set possibly containing sensible information about individual units. Confidentiality can be achieved by applying statistical disclosure control (SDC) methods to the data in order to decrease the disclosure risk of data.The R package sdcMicro serves as an easy-to-handle, object-oriented S4 class implementation of SDC methods to evaluate and anonymize confidential micro-data sets. It includes all popular disclosure risk and perturbation methods. The package performs automated recalculation of frequency counts, individual and global risk measures, information loss and data utility statistics after each anonymization step. All methods are highly optimized in terms of computational costs to be able to work with large data sets. Reporting facilities that summarize the anonymization process can also be easily used by practitioners. We describe the package and demonstrate its functionality with a complex household survey test data set that has been distributed by the International Household Survey Network


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    The success of data mining relies on the availability of high quality data. To ensure quality data mining, effective information sharing between organizations becomes a vital requirement in today’s society. Since data mining often involves sensitive infor- mation of individuals, the public has expressed a deep concern about their privacy. Privacy-preserving data mining is a study of eliminating privacy threats while, at the same time, preserving useful information in the released data for data mining. This dissertation investigates data utility and privacy of randomization-based mod- els in privacy preserving data mining for categorical data. For the analysis of data utility in randomization model, we first investigate the accuracy analysis for associ- ation rule mining in market basket data. Then we propose a general framework to conduct theoretical analysis on how the randomization process affects the accuracy of various measures adopted in categorical data analysis. We also examine data utility when randomization mechanisms are not provided to data miners to achieve better privacy. We investigate how various objective associ- ation measures between two variables may be affected by randomization. We then extend it to multiple variables by examining the feasibility of hierarchical loglinear modeling. Our results provide a reference to data miners about what they can do and what they can not do with certainty upon randomized data directly without the knowledge about the original distribution of data and distortion information. Data privacy and data utility are commonly considered as a pair of conflicting re- quirements in privacy preserving data mining applications. In this dissertation, we investigate privacy issues in randomization models. In particular, we focus on the attribute disclosure under linking attack in data publishing. We propose efficient so- lutions to determine optimal distortion parameters such that we can maximize utility preservation while still satisfying privacy requirements. We compare our randomiza- tion approach with l-diversity and anatomy in terms of utility preservation (under the same privacy requirements) from three aspects (reconstructed distributions, accuracy of answering queries, and preservation of correlations). Our empirical results show that randomization incurs significantly smaller utility loss

    Untangling hotel industry’s inefficiency: An SFA approach applied to a renowned Portuguese hotel chain

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    The present paper explores the technical efficiency of four hotels from Teixeira Duarte Group - a renowned Portuguese hotel chain. An efficiency ranking is established from these four hotel units located in Portugal using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. This methodology allows to discriminate between measurement error and systematic inefficiencies in the estimation process enabling to investigate the main inefficiency causes. Several suggestions concerning efficiency improvement are undertaken for each hotel studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revisiting distance-based record linkage for privacy-preserving release of statistical datasets

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    Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC, for short) studies the problem of privacy-preserving data publishing in cases where the data is expected to be used for statistical analysis. An original dataset T containing sensitive information is transformed into a sanitized version T' which is released to the public. Both utility and privacy aspects are very important in this setting. For utility, T' must allow data miners or statisticians to obtain similar results to those which would have been obtained from the original dataset T. For privacy, T' must significantly reduce the ability of an adversary to infer sensitive information on the data subjects in T. One of the main a-posteriori measures that the SDC community has considered up to now when analyzing the privacy offered by a given protection method is the Distance-Based Record Linkage (DBRL) risk measure. In this work, we argue that the classical DBRL risk measure is insufficient. For this reason, we introduce the novel Global Distance-Based Record Linkage (GDBRL) risk measure. We claim that this new measure must be evaluated alongside the classical DBRL measure in order to better assess the risk in publishing T' instead of T. After that, we describe how this new measure can be computed by the data owner and discuss the scalability of those computations. We conclude by extensive experimentation where we compare the risk assessments offered by our novel measure as well as by the classical one, using well-known SDC protection methods. Those experiments validate our hypothesis that the GDBRL risk measure issues, in many cases, higher risk assessments than the classical DBRL measure. In other words, relying solely on the classical DBRL measure for risk assessment might be misleading, as the true risk may be in fact higher. Hence, we strongly recommend that the SDC community considers the new GDBRL risk measure as an additional measure when analyzing the privacy offered by SDC protection algorithms.Postprint (author's final draft

    VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods: Book of Abstracts

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    The VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM) is going to be held on June 27-29, 2019, in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal and it is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics in general, with particular relevance to the areas of Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques, giving especial emphasis to applications in Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology, Engineering, Industry, Environmental Sciences, Finance, Insurance, Management and Administration. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in Masters and PhD projects are expected. The event is open to the entire scientific community (with or without communication/poster)

    Privacy and security in cyber-physical systems

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    Data privacy has attracted increasing attention in the past decade due to the emerging technologies that require our data to provide utility. Service providers (SPs) encourage users to share their personal data in return for a better user experience. However, users' raw data usually contains implicit sensitive information that can be inferred by a third party. This raises great concern about users' privacy. In this dissertation, we develop novel techniques to achieve a better privacy-utility trade-off (PUT) in various applications. We first consider smart meter (SM) privacy and employ physical resources to minimize the information leakage to the SP through SM readings. We measure privacy using information-theoretic metrics and find private data release policies (PDRPs) by formulating the problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). We also propose noise injection techniques for time-series data privacy. We characterize optimal PDRPs measuring privacy via mutual information (MI) and utility loss via added distortion. Reformulating the problem as an MDP, we solve it using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for real location trace data. We also consider a scenario for hiding an underlying ``sensitive'' variable and revealing a ``useful'' variable for utility by periodically selecting from among sensors to share the measurements with an SP. We formulate this as an optimal stopping problem and solve using DRL. We then consider privacy-aware communication over a wiretap channel. We maximize the information delivered to the legitimate receiver, while minimizing the information leakage from the sensitive attribute to the eavesdropper. We propose using a variational-autoencoder (VAE) and validate our approach with colored and annotated MNIST dataset. Finally, we consider defenses against active adversaries in the context of security-critical applications. We propose an adversarial example (AE) generation method exploiting the data distribution. We perform adversarial training using the proposed AEs and evaluate the performance against real-world adversarial attacks.Open Acces

    Privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid äriprotsesside kaeveks

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    Protsessikaeve tehnikad võimaldavad organisatsioonidel analüüsida protsesside täitmise käigus tekkivaid logijälgi eesmärgiga leida parendusvõimalusi. Nende tehnikate eelduseks on, et nimetatud logijälgi koondavad sündmuslogid on andmeanalüütikutele analüüside läbi viimiseks kättesaadavad. Sellised sündmuslogid võivad sisaldada privaatset informatsiooni isikute kohta kelle jaoks protsessi täidetakse. Sellistel juhtudel peavad organisatsioonid rakendama privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid (PET), et võimaldada analüütikul sündmuslogi põhjal järeldusi teha, samas säilitades isikute privaatsust. Kuigi PET tehnikad säilitavad isikute privaatsust organisatsiooni siseselt, muudavad nad ühtlasi sündmuslogisid sellisel viisil, mis võib viia analüüsi käigus valede järeldusteni. PET tehnikad võivad lisada sündmuslogidesse sellist uut käitumist, mille esinemine ei ole reaalses sündmuslogis võimalik. Näiteks võivad mõned PET tehnikad haigla sündmuslogi anonüümimisel lisada logijälje, mille kohaselt patsient külastas arsti enne haiglasse saabumist. Käesolev lõputöö esitab privaatsust säilitavate lähenemiste komplekti nimetusega privaatsust säilitav protsessikaeve (PPPM). PPPM põhiline eesmärk on leida tasakaal võimaliku sündmuslogi analüüsist saadava kasu ja analüüsile kohaldatavate privaatsusega seonduvate regulatsioonide (näiteks GDPR) vahel. Lisaks pakub käesolev lõputöö lahenduse, mis võimaldab erinevatel organisatsioonidel protsessikaevet üle ühise andmete terviku rakendada, ilma oma privaatseid andmeid üksteisega jagamata. Käesolevas lõputöös esitatud tehnikad on avatud lähtekoodiga tööriistadena kättesaadavad. Nendest tööriistadest esimene on Amun, mis võimaldab sündmuslogi omanikul sündmuslogi anonüümida enne selle analüütikule jagamist. Teine tööriist on Libra, mis pakub täiendatud võimalusi kasutatavuse ja privaatsuse tasakaalu leidmiseks. Kolmas tööriist on Shareprom, mis võimaldab organisatsioonidele ühiste protsessikaartide loomist sellisel viisil, et ükski osapool ei näe teiste osapoolte andmeid.Process Mining Techniques enable organizations to analyze process execution traces to identify improvement opportunities. Such techniques need the event logs (which record process execution) to be available for data analysts to perform the analysis. These logs contain private information about the individuals for whom a process is being executed. In such cases, organizations need to deploy Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to enable the analyst to drive conclusions from the event logs while preserving the privacy of individuals. While PETs techniques preserve the privacy of individuals inside the organization, they work by perturbing the event logs in such a way that may lead to misleading conclusions of the analysis. They may inject new behaviors into the event logs that are impossible to exist in real-life event logs. For example, some PETs techniques anonymize a hospital event log by injecting a trace that a patient may visit a doctor before checking in inside the hospital. In this thesis, we propose a set of privacy-preserving approaches that we call Privacy-Preserving Process Mining (PPPM) approaches to strike a balance between the benefits an analyst can get from analyzing these event logs and the requirements imposed on them by privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR). Also, in this thesis, we propose an approach that enables organizations to jointly perform process mining over their data without sharing their private information. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been proposed as open-source tools. The first tool is Amun, enabling an event log publisher to anonymize their event log before sharing it with an analyst. The second tool is called Libra, which provides an enhanced utility-privacy tradeoff. The third tool is Shareprom, which enables organizations to construct process maps jointly in such a manner that no party learns the data of the other parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552434

    xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI

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    This is an open access book. Statistical machine learning (ML) has triggered a renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI). While the most successful ML models, including Deep Neural Networks (DNN), have developed better predictivity, they have become increasingly complex, at the expense of human interpretability (correlation vs. causality). The field of explainable AI (xAI) has emerged with the goal of creating tools and models that are both predictive and interpretable and understandable for humans. Explainable AI is receiving huge interest in the machine learning and AI research communities, across academia, industry, and government, and there is now an excellent opportunity to push towards successful explainable AI applications. This volume will help the research community to accelerate this process, to promote a more systematic use of explainable AI to improve models in diverse applications, and ultimately to better understand how current explainable AI methods need to be improved and what kind of theory of explainable AI is needed. After overviews of current methods and challenges, the editors include chapters that describe new developments in explainable AI. The contributions are from leading researchers in the field, drawn from both academia and industry, and many of the chapters take a clear interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. The concepts discussed include explainability, causability, and AI interfaces with humans, and the applications include image processing, natural language, law, fairness, and climate science.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/isqafacbooks/1000/thumbnail.jp

    xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI

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    This is an open access book. Statistical machine learning (ML) has triggered a renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI). While the most successful ML models, including Deep Neural Networks (DNN), have developed better predictivity, they have become increasingly complex, at the expense of human interpretability (correlation vs. causality). The field of explainable AI (xAI) has emerged with the goal of creating tools and models that are both predictive and interpretable and understandable for humans. Explainable AI is receiving huge interest in the machine learning and AI research communities, across academia, industry, and government, and there is now an excellent opportunity to push towards successful explainable AI applications. This volume will help the research community to accelerate this process, to promote a more systematic use of explainable AI to improve models in diverse applications, and ultimately to better understand how current explainable AI methods need to be improved and what kind of theory of explainable AI is needed. After overviews of current methods and challenges, the editors include chapters that describe new developments in explainable AI. The contributions are from leading researchers in the field, drawn from both academia and industry, and many of the chapters take a clear interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. The concepts discussed include explainability, causability, and AI interfaces with humans, and the applications include image processing, natural language, law, fairness, and climate science