24 research outputs found

    Формування workflow на прикладі документообігу наукової установи

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    UK: Пропонується методика розробки та формування workflow для систем електронного документообігу (СЕД) в наукових установах. Виявлені основні форми документів. Розроблено узагальнюючу класифікацію документів в залежності від їх типів та підтипів. На основі побудованих архітектур окремих підсистем СЕД запропоновано узагальнену архітектуру систем електронного документообігу наукових установ. RU: Предлагается методика разработки и формирования workflow для систем электронного документооборота (СЭД) в научных учреждениях. Выделены основные формы документов. Разработана обобщающая классификация документов в зависимости от их типов и подтипов. На основе построенных архитектур отдельных подсистем СЭД предложено обобщенную архитектуру систем электронного документооборота научных учреждений

    A Usage Control Model Extension for the Verification of Security Policies in Artifact-Centric Business Process Models

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    Artifact-centric initiatives have been used in business processes whose data management is complex, being the simple activity centric workflow description inadequate. Several artifact-centric initia tives pursue the verification of the structural and data perspectives of the models, but unfortunately uncovering security aspects. Security has become a crucial priority from the business and customer perspectives, and a complete verification procedure should also fulfill it. We propose an extension of artifact-centric process models based on the Usage Control Model which introduces mechanisms to specify security policies. An auto matic transformation is provided to enable the verification of enriched artifact-centric models using existing verification correctness algorithms.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-

    Using a Context Knowledge Base for the Verification of Vehicle Test Processes

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    Формування Workflow на прикладі документообігу наукової установи

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    Development methods of workflow for electronic document management systems (EDMS) in scientific organizations were proposed. The main forms of documents in scientific organizations were discovered. The generalized classification of documents according to their types and subtypes was created.The appropriate keywords for each document category were discovered. EDMS subsystem distribution was completed, their functions and purpose were highlighted. Based on the built architectures of EDMS separate subsystems, the generalized EDMS architecture of scientific institutions was proposed.This is the architecture of the flow (workflow) of scientific and technical papers of electronic document management system that takes into account the use in scientific institutions. Design and implementation of EDM under the proposed architecture and techniques allow more efficient use of EDMS in scientific organizations. It should be noted the following:1. Not all of EDF, present on the market today have sufficient flexibility to implement the proposed techniques and architecture.2. The question of increasing the EDMS efficiency in scientific organizations after implementation of the proposed architecture requires additional study.In addition, the maximum effect can be achieved by implementing a standardized EDMS in scientific organizations of all levels, ranging from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU ). In this case, all the scientific workflow in the country will be paperless, will facilitate scientific cooperation between scientific organizations and all levels of scientific management institutions of NAS and make it transparent for users. Sending e-mails will be performed using standardized procedures and protocols of interactionПредлагается методика разработки и формирования workflow для систем электронного документооборота (СЭД) в научных учреждениях. Выявлены основные формы документов. Разработана обобщающая классификация документов в зависимости от их типов и подтипов. На основе построенных архитектур отдельных подсистем СЭД предложено обобщенную архитектуру систем электронного документооборота научных учреждений.Пропонується методика розробки та формування workflow для систем електронного документообігу (СЕД) в наукових установах. Виявлені основні форми документів. Розроблено узагальнюючу класифікацію документів в залежності від їх типів та підтипів. На основі побудованих архітектур окремих підсистем СЕД запропоновано узагальнену архітектуру систем електронного документообігу наукових установ

    Legal compliance by design (LCbD) and through design (LCtD) : preliminary survey

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    1st Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance co-located with the 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2017). The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) carrying out a preliminary survey of the literature and research projects on Compliance by Design (CbD); and (ii) clarifying the double process of (a) extending business managing techniques to other regulatory fields, and (b) converging trends in legal theory, legal technology and Artificial Intelligence. The paper highlights the connections and differences we found across different domains and proposals. We distinguish three different policydriven types of CbD: (i) business, (ii) regulatory, (iii) and legal. The recent deployment of ethical views, and the implementation of general principles of privacy and data protection lead to the conclusion that, in order to appropriately define legal compliance, Compliance through Design (CtD) should be differentiated from CbD

    Reusing artifact-centric business process models : a behavioral consistent specialization approach

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    Process reuse is one of the important research areas that address efficiency issues in business process modeling. Similar to software reuse, business processes should be able to be componentized and specialized in order to enable flexible process expansion and customization. Current activity/control-flow centric workflow modeling approaches face difficulty in supporting highly flexible process reuse, limited by their procedural nature. In comparison, the emerging artifact-centric workflow modeling approach well fits into these reuse requirements. Beyond the classic class level reuse in existing object-oriented approaches, process reuse faces the challenge of handling synchronization dependencies among artifact lifecycles as parts of a business process. In this article, we propose a theoretical framework for business process specialization that comprises an artifact-centric business process model, a set of methods to design and construct a specialized business process model from a base model, and a set of behavioral consistency criteria to help check the consistency between the two process models. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature

    Automating correctness verification of artifact-centric business process models

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    Context: The artifact-centric methodology has emerged as a new paradigm to support business process management over the last few years. This way, business processes are described from the point of view of the artifacts that are manipulated during the process. Objective: One of the research challenges in this area is the verification of the correctness of this kind of business process models where the model is formed of various artifacts that interact among them. Method: In this paper, we propose a fully automated approach for verifying correctness of artifact-centric business process models, taking into account that the state (lifecycle) and the values of each artifact (numerical data described by pre and postconditions) influence in the values and the state of the others. The lifecycles of the artifacts and the numerical data managed are modeled by using the Constraint Programming paradigm, an Artificial Intelligence technique. Results: Two correctness notions for artifact-centric business process models are distinguished (reachability and weak termination), and novel verification algorithms are developed to check them. The algorithms are complete: neither false positives nor false negatives are generated. Moreover, the algorithms offer precise diagnosis of the detected errors, indicating the execution causing the error where the lifecycle gets stuck. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first verification approach for artifact-centric business process models that integrates pre and postconditions, which define the behavior of the services, and numerical data verification when the model is formed of more than one artifact. The approach can detect errors not detectable with other approaches.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2009-1371