12 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for arbitrary sample rate conversion with application to wave field synthesis

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    Arbitrary sample rate conversion (ASRC) is used in many fields of digital signal processing to alter the sampling rate of discrete-time signals by arbitrary, potentially time-varying ratios. This thesis investigates efficient algorithms for ASRC and proposes several improvements. First, closed-form descriptions for the modified Farrow structure and Lagrange interpolators are derived that are directly applicable to algorithm design and analysis. Second, efficient implementation structures for ASRC algorithms are investigated. Third, this thesis considers coefficient design methods that are optimal for a selectable error norm and optional design constraints. Finally, the performance of different algorithms is compared for several performance metrics. This enables the selection of ASRC algorithms that meet the requirements of an application with minimal complexity. Wave field synthesis (WFS), a high-quality spatial sound reproduction technique, is the main application considered in this work. For WFS, sophisticated ASRC algorithms improve the quality of moving sound sources. However, the improvements proposed in this thesis are not limited to WFS, but applicable to general-purpose ASRC problems.Verfahren zur unbeschränkten Abtastratenwandlung (arbitrary sample rate conversion,ASRC) ermöglichen die Änderung der Abtastrate zeitdiskreter Signale um beliebige, zeitvarianteVerhältnisse. ASRC wird in vielen Anwendungen digitaler Signalverarbeitung eingesetzt.In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung von ASRC-Verfahren in der Wellenfeldsynthese(WFS), einem Verfahren zur hochqualitativen, räumlich korrekten Audio-Wiedergabe, untersucht.Durch ASRC-Algorithmen kann die Wiedergabequalität bewegter Schallquellenin WFS deutlich verbessert werden. Durch die hohe Zahl der in einem WFS-Wiedergabesystembenötigten simultanen ASRC-Operationen ist eine direkte Anwendung hochwertigerAlgorithmen jedoch meist nicht möglich.Zur Lösung dieses Problems werden verschiedene Beiträge vorgestellt. Die Komplexitätder WFS-Signalverarbeitung wird durch eine geeignete Partitionierung der ASRC-Algorithmensignifikant reduziert, welche eine effiziente Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissenermöglicht. Dies erlaubt den Einsatz hochqualitativer Algorithmen zur Abtastratenwandlungmit einer Komplexität, die mit der Anwendung einfacher konventioneller ASRCAlgorithmenvergleichbar ist. Dieses Partitionierungsschema stellt jedoch auch zusätzlicheAnforderungen an ASRC-Algorithmen und erfordert Abwägungen zwischen Performance-Maßen wie der algorithmischen Komplexität, Speicherbedarf oder -bandbreite.Zur Verbesserung von Algorithmen und Implementierungsstrukturen für ASRC werdenverschiedene Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen. Zum Einen werden geschlossene, analytischeBeschreibungen für den kontinuierlichen Frequenzgang verschiedener Klassen von ASRCStruktureneingeführt. Insbesondere für Lagrange-Interpolatoren, die modifizierte Farrow-Struktur sowie Kombinationen aus Überabtastung und zeitkontinuierlichen Resampling-Funktionen werden kompakte Darstellungen hergeleitet, die sowohl Aufschluss über dasVerhalten dieser Filter geben als auch eine direkte Verwendung in Design-Methoden ermöglichen.Einen zweiten Schwerpunkt bildet das Koeffizientendesign für diese Strukturen, insbesonderezum optimalen Entwurf bezüglich einer gewählten Fehlernorm und optionaler Entwurfsbedingungenund -restriktionen. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Ansätzen werden solcheoptimalen Entwurfsmethoden auch für mehrstufige ASRC-Strukturen, welche ganzzahligeÜberabtastung mit zeitkontinuierlichen Resampling-Funktionen verbinden, vorgestellt.Für diese Klasse von Strukturen wird eine Reihe angepasster Resampling-Funktionen vorgeschlagen,welche in Verbindung mit den entwickelten optimalen Entwurfsmethoden signifikanteQualitätssteigerungen ermöglichen.Die Vielzahl von ASRC-Strukturen sowie deren Design-Parameter bildet eine Hauptschwierigkeitbei der Auswahl eines für eine gegebene Anwendung geeigneten Verfahrens.Evaluation und Performance-Vergleiche bilden daher einen dritten Schwerpunkt. Dazu wirdzum Einen der Einfluss verschiedener Entwurfsparameter auf die erzielbare Qualität vonASRC-Algorithmen untersucht. Zum Anderen wird der benötigte Aufwand bezüglich verschiedenerPerformance-Metriken in Abhängigkeit von Design-Qualität dargestellt.Auf diese Weise sind die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nicht auf WFS beschränkt, sondernsind in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen unbeschränkter Abtastratenwandlung nutzbar

    Digital Filters and Signal Processing

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    Digital filters, together with signal processing, are being employed in the new technologies and information systems, and are implemented in different areas and applications. Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability. This book presents advanced developments in digital filters and signal process methods covering different cases studies. They present the main essence of the subject, with the principal approaches to the most recent mathematical models that are being employed worldwide

    Fractional Delay Digital Filters

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    Signal processing with frequency and phase shift keying modulation in telecommunications

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    In this paper represents research improving effectiveness of signal processing in telecommunication devices especially for its part, which relates to providing its noise resistance in conditions of noise and interference. This objective has been achieved through development of methods and means for optimization of filtering devices and semigraphical interpretation of clock synchronization systems in telecommunications with frequency shift keying on the base of stochastic models what determines relevance of the subject. Separately, in an article considered the urgent task is using of modified synchronization methods based on the interference influence of adjacent symbols on the phase criterion tract, in particular the use of the modified synchronization scheme, in order to get a formalized outlook representation of the synchronization schemas based on the polyphase structures with using a bank of filters, that allows to improve the characteristics of digital telecommunication channels. This work is devoted to the examination and modeling of these ways. The proposed ideas and results for the construction of synchronization systems can be used in modern means of telecommunication

    New iterative framework for frequency response mismatch correction in time-interleaved ADCs: Design and performance analysis

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    This paper proposes a new iterative framework for the correction of frequency response mismatch in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters. Based on a general time-varying linear system model for the mismatch, we treat the reconstruction problem as a linear inverse problem and establish a flexible iterative framework for practical implementation. It encumbrances a number of efficient iterative correction algorithms and simplifies their design, implementation, and performance analysis. In particular, an efficient Gauss-Seidel iteration is studied in detail to illustrate how the correction problem can be solved iteratively and how the proposed structure can be efficiently implemented using Farrow-based variable digital filters with few general-purpose multipliers. We also study important issues, such as the sufficient convergence condition and reconstructed signal spectrum, derive new lower bound of signal-to-distortion-and-noise ratio in order to ensure stable operation, and predict the performance of the proposed structure. Furthermore, we propose an extended iterative structure, which is able to cope with systems involving more than one type of mismatches. Finally, the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the proposed approach are validated by means of computer simulations. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Digital Filters

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    The new technology advances provide that a great number of system signals can be easily measured with a low cost. The main problem is that usually only a fraction of the signal is useful for different purposes, for example maintenance, DVD-recorders, computers, electric/electronic circuits, econometric, optimization, etc. Digital filters are the most versatile, practical and effective methods for extracting the information necessary from the signal. They can be dynamic, so they can be automatically or manually adjusted to the external and internal conditions. Presented in this book are the most advanced digital filters including different case studies and the most relevant literature

    Digital modulators with crest factor reduction techniques

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    Many of the modulation methods currently in use suffer from a high Peak-to-Average power Ratio (PAR), also known as the Crest Factor (CF). The Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is a widespread second-generation (2G) system that uses constant envelope Gaussian minimum shift keying modulation. The advantage achieved by constant envelope modulation is the possibility of using power-efficient power amplifiers (PAs). However, it might be beneficial to combine the carriers in a digital intermediate frequency in order to reduce the number of analogue components. The drawback with this is that the signal is no more a constant envelope signal, but it has a strongly fluctuating envelope with a high CF. Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) is an enhancement to the GSM system with the primary objective of tripling the on-air data rate while meeting essentially the same bandwidth occupancy of the original GSM signal. Also in the case of EDGE, if the carriers are combined prior to amplification we would end up with the same high CF problem. Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) has been selected by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute for wideband wireless access to support third-generation (3G) services. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is commonly considered to be a technical solution for fourth-generation (4G) services. In both cases, the transmitted signal is generated by adding together a large number of statistically independent signals, which leads to a signal with a high CF. The high CF sets strict requirements for the linearity of the PA. In order to limit the adjacent channel leakage, it is desirable for the PA to operate in its linear region. High linearity requirements for the PA leads to low power efficiency and therefore to high power consumption. An alternative to the expense of a wide-dynamic-range PA is the use of deliberate clipping to digitally distort the signal so that the signal quality is still maintained at a sufficient level. As an extra advantage, the decreased CF gives rise to the possibility of utilizing the dynamic range of the digital circuitry and digital-to-analog converter efficiently. This thesis discusses digital modulator design, concentrating on CF reduction algorithms. Two modulators, one capable of generating GSM, EDGE and WCDMA signals and one a very wideband OFDM modulator for 4G, are implemented. Several CF reduction algorithms are presented in the literature. Those most essential to this thesis are studied, and their applicability for the above mentioned transmission schemes is tested. The windowing method is developed further, concentrating on the implementational issues. Also, a new method for CDMA-based systems is presented and analysed. The method presented exploits the properties of the CDMA modulation in a way that, despite the high error measured by using error vector magnitude and peak code domain error, the receiving user does not experience any error. A specialised method to compensate the sinc distortion in the OFDM system is also presented.reviewe

    Channelization for Multi-Standard Software-Defined Radio Base Stations

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    As the number of radio standards increase and spectrum resources come under more pressure, it becomes ever less efficient to reserve bands of spectrum for exclusive use by a single radio standard. Therefore, this work focuses on channelization structures compatible with spectrum sharing among multiple wireless standards and dynamic spectrum allocation in particular. A channelizer extracts independent communication channels from a wideband signal, and is one of the most computationally expensive components in a communications receiver. This work specifically focuses on non-uniform channelizers suitable for multi-standard Software-Defined Radio (SDR) base stations in general and public mobile radio base stations in particular. A comprehensive evaluation of non-uniform channelizers (existing and developed during the course of this work) shows that parallel and recombined variants of the Generalised Discrete Fourier Transform Modulated Filter Bank (GDFT-FB) represent the best trade-off between computational load and flexibility for dynamic spectrum allocation. Nevertheless, for base station applications (with many channels) very high filter orders may be required, making the channelizers difficult to physically implement. To mitigate this problem, multi-stage filtering techniques are applied to the GDFT-FB. It is shown that these multi-stage designs can significantly reduce the filter orders and number of operations required by the GDFT-FB. An alternative approach, applying frequency response masking techniques to the GDFT-FB prototype filter design, leads to even bigger reductions in the number of coefficients, but computational load is only reduced for oversampled configurations and then not as much as for the multi-stage designs. Both techniques render the implementation of GDFT-FB based non-uniform channelizers more practical. Finally, channelization solutions for some real-world spectrum sharing use cases are developed before some final physical implementation issues are considered