221,064 research outputs found

    Proposing A Cyber-Physical Production Systems Framework Linking Factory Planning And Factory Operation

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    The challenges for industrial companies in the area of factory planning and operation are characterised on the one hand by permanently shortening product life cycles and increasing product diversity. Furthermore, the demand for ecologically sustainable processes is growing and the complexity of production systems is increasing due to higher product complexity. This results in a complex decision-making space for companies within factory planning and factory operation which is difficult to plan. The advancing digitalisation can bring a great opportunity here. Modelling and simulation can create greater transparency in the context of planning and operation, and processes can be designed to be ecologically sustainable and efficient. Currently, research approaches in the context of factory planning and operation are focussing on the application and use of digital methods and tools of the Digital Factory (DF). However, the application is limited to individual areas in factory planning or factory operation. For this reason, this paper focuses on the design of a framework that addresses both factory planning and factory operation aspects and links them through modelling and simulation. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) can help here by mapping the individual modules within planning and operation using individual agents in agent-based simulation (AB). By linking planning and real data, the processes from planning and operation can be taken into account. From this, insights gained from planning can be simulated in an early phase and subjected to optimisation during operation. The cycle-oriented CPPS can be used on an ongoing basis by preparing the generic building blocks on the planning and operational sides through structured data acquisition and implementing them in the real world with the help of decision support from the virtual world

    Answer Set Planning Under Action Costs

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    Recently, planning based on answer set programming has been proposed as an approach towards realizing declarative planning systems. In this paper, we present the language Kc, which extends the declarative planning language K by action costs. Kc provides the notion of admissible and optimal plans, which are plans whose overall action costs are within a given limit resp. minimum over all plans (i.e., cheapest plans). As we demonstrate, this novel language allows for expressing some nontrivial planning tasks in a declarative way. Furthermore, it can be utilized for representing planning problems under other optimality criteria, such as computing ``shortest'' plans (with the least number of steps), and refinement combinations of cheapest and fastest plans. We study complexity aspects of the language Kc and provide a transformation to logic programs, such that planning problems are solved via answer set programming. Furthermore, we report experimental results on selected problems. Our experience is encouraging that answer set planning may be a valuable approach to expressive planning systems in which intricate planning problems can be naturally specified and solved

    Constructing Conditional Plans by a Theorem-Prover

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    The research on conditional planning rejects the assumptions that there is no uncertainty or incompleteness of knowledge with respect to the state and changes of the system the plans operate on. Without these assumptions the sequences of operations that achieve the goals depend on the initial state and the outcomes of nondeterministic changes in the system. This setting raises the questions of how to represent the plans and how to perform plan search. The answers are quite different from those in the simpler classical framework. In this paper, we approach conditional planning from a new viewpoint that is motivated by the use of satisfiability algorithms in classical planning. Translating conditional planning to formulae in the propositional logic is not feasible because of inherent computational limitations. Instead, we translate conditional planning to quantified Boolean formulae. We discuss three formalizations of conditional planning as quantified Boolean formulae, and present experimental results obtained with a theorem-prover

    Physical problem solving: Joint planning with symbolic, geometric, and dynamic constraints

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    In this paper, we present a new task that investigates how people interact with and make judgments about towers of blocks. In Experiment~1, participants in the lab solved a series of problems in which they had to re-configure three blocks from an initial to a final configuration. We recorded whether they used one hand or two hands to do so. In Experiment~2, we asked participants online to judge whether they think the person in the lab used one or two hands. The results revealed a close correspondence between participants' actions in the lab, and the mental simulations of participants online. To explain participants' actions and mental simulations, we develop a model that plans over a symbolic representation of the situation, executes the plan using a geometric solver, and checks the plan's feasibility by taking into account the physical constraints of the scene. Our model explains participants' actions and judgments to a high degree of quantitative accuracy

    A Parametric Hierarchical Planner for Experimenting Abstraction Techniques

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    This paper presents a parametric system, devised and implemented to perform hierarchical planning by delegating the actual search to an external planner (the "parameter") at any level of abstraction, including the ground one. Aimed at giving a better insight of whether or not the exploitation of abstract spaces can be used for solving complex planning problems, comparisons have been made between instances of the hierarchical planner and their non hierarchical counterparts. To improve the significance of the results, three different planners have been selected and used while performing experiments. To facilitate the setting of experimental environments, a novel semi-automatic technique, used to generate abstraction hierarchies starting from ground-level domain descriptions, is also described

    A Critical Look at the Abstraction Based on Macro-Operators

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    Abstraction can be an effective technique for dealing with the complexity of planning tasks. This paper is aimed at assessing and identifying in which cases abstraction can actually speed-up the overall search. In fact, it is well known that the impact of abstraction on the time spent to search for a solution of a planning problem can be positive or negative, depending on several factors -including the number of objects defined in the domain, the branching factor, and the plan length. Experimental results highlight the role of such aspects on the overall performance of an algorithm that performs the search at the ground-level only, and compares them with the ones obtained by enforcing abstraction

    Plot-based urbanism and urban morphometrics : measuring the evolution of blocks, street fronts and plots in cities

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    Generative urban design has been always conceived as a creation-centered process, i.e. a process mainly concerned with the creation phase of a spatial transformation. We argue that, though the way we create a space is important, how that space evolves in time is ways more important when it comes to providing livable places gifted by identity and sense of attachment. We are presenting in this paper this idea and its major consequences for urban design under the title of “Plot-Based Urbanism”. We will argue that however, in order for a place to be adaptable in time, the right structure must be provided “by design” from the outset. We conceive urban design as the activity aimed at designing that structure. The force that shapes (has always shaped) the adaptability in time of livable urban places is the restless activity of ordinary people doing their own ordinary business, a kind of participation to the common good, which has hardly been acknowledged as such, that we term “informal participation”. Investigating what spatial components belong to the spatial structure and how they relate to each other is of crucial importance for urban design and that is the scope of our research. In this paper a methodology to represent and measure form-related properties of streets, blocks, plots and buildings in cities is presented. Several dozens of urban blocks of different historic formation in Milan (IT) and Glasgow (UK) are surveyed and analyzed. Effort is posed to identify those spatial properties that are shared by clusters of cases in history and therefore constitute the set of spatial relationships that determine the morphological identity of places. To do so, we investigate the analogy that links the evolution of urban form as a cultural construct to that of living organisms, outlining a conceptual framework of reference for the further investigation of “the DNA of places”. In this sense, we identify in the year 1950 the nominal watershed that marks the first “speciation” in urban history and we find that factors of location/centrality, scale and street permeability are the main drivers of that transition towards the entirely new urban forms of contemporary cities

    A Logic Programming Approach to Knowledge-State Planning: Semantics and Complexity

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    We propose a new declarative planning language, called K, which is based on principles and methods of logic programming. In this language, transitions between states of knowledge can be described, rather than transitions between completely described states of the world, which makes the language well-suited for planning under incomplete knowledge. Furthermore, it enables the use of default principles in the planning process by supporting negation as failure. Nonetheless, K also supports the representation of transitions between states of the world (i.e., states of complete knowledge) as a special case, which shows that the language is very flexible. As we demonstrate on particular examples, the use of knowledge states may allow for a natural and compact problem representation. We then provide a thorough analysis of the computational complexity of K, and consider different planning problems, including standard planning and secure planning (also known as conformant planning) problems. We show that these problems have different complexities under various restrictions, ranging from NP to NEXPTIME in the propositional case. Our results form the theoretical basis for the DLV^K system, which implements the language K on top of the DLV logic programming system.Comment: 48 pages, appeared as a Technical Report at KBS of the Vienna University of Technology, see http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/research/reports