3,929 research outputs found

    Algorithmic complexity of isolate secure domination in graphs

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    A dominating set S is an Isolate Dominating Set (IDS) if the induced subgraph G[S] has at least one isolated vertex. In this paper, we initiate the study of new domination parameter called, isolate secure domination. An isolate dominating set S subset of V is an isolate secure dominating set (ISDS), if for each vertex u is an element of V \ S, there exists a neighboring vertex v of u in S such that (S \ {v}) boolean OR {u} is an IDS of G. The minimum cardinality of an ISDS of G is called as an isolate secure domination number, and is denoted by gamma(0s) (G). We give isolate secure domination number of path and cycle graphs. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer k, the ISDM problem is to check whether G has an isolate secure dominating set of size at most k. We prove that ISDM is NP-complete even when restricted to bipartite graphs and split graphs. We also show that ISDM can be solved in linear time for graphs of bounded tree-width.Publisher's Versio

    Recent results and open problems on CIS Graphs

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    A Linear Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Connected Pathwidth

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    International audienceThe graph parameter of {\sl pathwidth} can be seen as a measure of the topological resemblance of a graph to a path. A popular definition of pathwidth is given in terms of {\sl node search} where we are given a system of tunnels (represented by a graph) that is contaminated by some infectious substance and we are looking for a search strategy that, at each step, either places a searcher on a vertex or removes a searcher from a vertex and where an edge is cleaned when both endpoints are simultaneously occupied by searchers. It was proved that the minimum number of searchers required for a successful cleaning strategy is equal to the pathwidth of the graph plus one.Two desired characteristics for a cleaning strategy is to be {\sl monotone} (no recontamination occurs) and {\sl connected} (clean territories always remain connected). Under these two demands, the number of searchers is equivalent to a variant of pathwidth called {\em connected pathwidth}. We prove that connected pathwidth is fixed parameter tractable, in particular we design a 2O(k2)n2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n time algorithm that checks whether the connected pathwidth of GG is at most k.k. This resolves an open question by [{\sl Dereniowski, Osula, and Rz{\k{a}}{\.{z}}ewski, Finding small-width connected path-decompositions in polynomial time. Theor. Comput. Sci., 794:85–100, 2019}\,]. For our algorithm, we enrich the {\sl typical sequence technique} that is able to deal with the connectivity demand. Typical sequences have been introduced in [{\sl Bodlaender and Kloks. Efficient and constructive algorithms for the pathwidth and treewidth of graphs. J. Algorithms, 21(2):358–402, 1996}\,] for the design of linear parameterized algorithms for treewidth and pathwidth. While this technique has been later applied to other parameters, none of its advancements was able to deal with the connectivity demand, as it is a ``global’’ demand that concerns an unbounded number of parts of the graph of unbounded size. The proposed extension is based on an encoding of the connectivity property that is quite versatile and may be adapted so to deliver linear parameterized algorithms for the connected variants of other width parameters as well. An immediate consequence of our result is a 2O(k2)n2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n time algorithm for the monotone and connected version of the edge search number

    Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics

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    This book includes 15 articles published in the Special Issue "Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics" of Symmetry (ISSN 2073-8994). This Special Issue is devoted to original and significant contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. The aim was to bring together research papers linking different areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, as well as applications of discrete mathematics to other areas of science and technology. The Special Issue covers topics in discrete mathematics including (but not limited to) graph theory, cryptography, numerical semigroups, discrete optimization, algorithms, and complexity

    Um problema de dominação eterna : classes de grafos, métodos de resolução e perspectiva prática

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    Orientadores: Cid Carvalho de Souza, Orlando LeeTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O problema do conjunto dominante m-eterno é um problema de otimização em grafos que tem sido muito estudado nos últimos anos e para o qual se têm listado aplicações em vários domínios. O objetivo é determinar o número mínimo de guardas que consigam defender eternamente ataques nos vértices de um grafo; denominamos este número o índice de dominação m-eterna do grafo. Nesta tese, estudamos o problema do conjunto dominante m-eterno: lidamos com aspectos de natureza teórica e prática e abordamos o problema restrito a classes especícas de grafos e no caso geral. Examinamos o problema do conjunto dominante m-eterno com respeito a duas classes de grafos: os grafos de Cayley e os conhecidos grafos de intervalo próprios. Primeiramente, mostramos ser inválido um resultado sobre os grafos de Cayley presente na literatura, provamos que o resultado é válido para uma subclasse destes grafos e apresentamos outros achados. Em segundo lugar, fazemos descobertas em relação aos grafos de intervalo próprios, incluindo que, para estes grafos, o índice de dominação m-eterna é igual à cardinalidade máxima de um conjunto independente e, por consequência, o índice de dominação m-eterna pode ser computado em tempo linear. Tratamos de uma questão que é fundamental para aplicações práticas do problema do conjunto dominante m-eterno, mas que tem recebido relativamente pouca atenção. Para tanto, introduzimos dois métodos heurísticos, nos quais formulamos e resolvemos modelos de programação inteira e por restrições para computar limitantes ao índice de dominação m-eterna. Realizamos um vasto experimento para analisar o desempenho destes métodos. Neste processo, geramos um benchmark contendo 750 instâncias e efetuamos uma avaliação prática de limitantes ao índice de dominação m-eterna disponíveis na literatura. Por m, propomos e implementamos um algoritmo exato para o problema do conjunto dominante m-eterno e contribuímos para o entendimento da sua complexidade: provamos que a versão de decisão do problema é NP-difícil. Pelo que temos conhecimento, o algoritmo proposto foi o primeiro método exato a ser desenvolvido e implementado para o problema do conjunto dominante m-eternoAbstract: The m-eternal dominating set problem is a graph-protection optimization problem that has been an active research topic in the recent years and reported to have applications in various domains. It asks for the minimum number of guards that can eternally defend attacks on the vertices of a graph; this number is called the m-eternal domination number of the graph. In this thesis, we study the m-eternal dominating set problem by dealing with aspects of theoretical and practical nature and tackling the problem restricted to specic classes of graphs and in the general case. We examine the m-eternal dominating set problem for two classes of graphs: Cayley graphs and the well-known proper interval graphs. First, we disprove a published result on the m-eternal domination number of Cayley graphs, show that the result is valid for a subclass of these graphs, and report further ndings. Secondly, we present several discoveries regarding proper interval graphs, including that, for these graphs, the m- eternal domination number equals the maximum size of an independent set and, as a consequence, the m-eternal domination number can be computed in linear time. We address an issue that is fundamental to practical applications of the m-eternal dominating set problem but that has received relatively little attention. To this end, we introduce two heuristic methods, in which we propose and solve integer and constraint programming models to compute bounds on the m-eternal domination number. By performing an extensive experiment to validate the features of these methods, we generate a 750-instance benchmark and carry out a practical evaluation of bounds for the m-eternal domination number available in the literature. Finally, we propose and implement an exact algorithm for the m-eternal dominating set problem and contribute to the knowledge on its complexity: we prove that the decision version of the problem is NP-hard. As far as we know, the proposed algorithm was the first developed and implemented exact method for the m-eternal dominating set problemDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação141964/2013-8CAPESCNP

    Partitioning A Graph In Alliances And Its Application To Data Clustering

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    Any reasonably large group of individuals, families, states, and parties exhibits the phenomenon of subgroup formations within the group such that the members of each group have a strong connection or bonding between each other. The reasons of the formation of these subgroups that we call alliances differ in different situations, such as, kinship and friendship (in the case of individuals), common economic interests (for both individuals and states), common political interests, and geographical proximity. This structure of alliances is not only prevalent in social networks, but it is also an important characteristic of similarity networks of natural and unnatural objects. (A similarity network defines the links between two objects based on their similarities). Discovery of such structure in a data set is called clustering or unsupervised learning and the ability to do it automatically is desirable for many applications in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, behavioral and social sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, medicine, and information theory. In this dissertation, we study a graph theoretical model of alliances where an alliance of the vertices of a graph is a set of vertices in the graph, such that every vertex in the set is adjacent to equal or more vertices inside the set than the vertices outside it. We study the problem of partitioning a graph into alliances and identify classes of graphs that have such a partition. We present results on the relationship between the existence of such a partition and other well known graph parameters, such as connectivity, subgraph structure, and degrees of vertices. We also present results on the computational complexity of finding such a partition. An alliance cover set is a set of vertices in a graph that contains at least one vertex from every alliance of the graph. The complement of an alliance cover set is an alliance free set, that is, a set that does not contain any alliance as a subset. We study the properties of these sets and present tight bounds on their cardinalities. In addition, we also characterize the graphs that can be partitioned into alliance free and alliance cover sets. Finally, we present an approximate algorithm to discover alliances in a given graph. At each step, the algorithm finds a partition of the vertices into two alliances such that the alliances are strongest among all such partitions. The strength of an alliance is defined as a real number p, such that every vertex in the alliance has at least p times more neighbors in the set than its total number of neighbors in the graph). We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on standard data sets