10 research outputs found

    Consistency and Completeness of Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions

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    Adding rewriting to a proof assistant based on the Curry-Howard isomorphism, such as Coq, may greatly improve usability of the tool. Unfortunately adding an arbitrary set of rewrite rules may render the underlying formal system undecidable and inconsistent. While ways to ensure termination and confluence, and hence decidability of type-checking, have already been studied to some extent, logical consistency has got little attention so far. In this paper we show that consistency is a consequence of canonicity, which in turn follows from the assumption that all functions defined by rewrite rules are complete. We provide a sound and terminating, but necessarily incomplete algorithm to verify this property. The algorithm accepts all definitions that follow dependent pattern matching schemes presented by Coquand and studied by McBride in his PhD thesis. It also accepts many definitions by rewriting, containing rules which depart from standard pattern matching.Comment: 20 page

    Narrowing Trees for Syntactically Deterministic Conditional Term Rewriting Systems

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    A narrowing tree for a constructor term rewriting system and a pair of terms is a finite representation for the space of all possible innermost-narrowing derivations that start with the pair and end with non-narrowable terms. Narrowing trees have grammar representations that can be considered regular tree grammars. Innermost narrowing is a counterpart of constructor-based rewriting, and thus, narrowing trees can be used in analyzing constructor-based rewriting to normal forms. In this paper, using grammar representations, we extend narrowing trees to syntactically deterministic conditional term rewriting systems that are constructor systems. We show that narrowing trees are useful to prove two properties of a normal conditional term rewriting system: one is infeasibility of conditional critical pairs and the other is quasi-reducibility

    Computing Constructor Forms with Non Terminating Rewrite Programs

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    In the context of the study of rule-based programming, we focus in this paper on the property of C-reducibility, expressing that every term reduces to a constructor term on at least one of its rewriting derivations. This property implies completeness of function definitions, and enables to stop evaluations of a program on a constructor form, even if the program is not terminating. We propose an inductive procedure proving C-reducibility of rewriting. The rewriting relation on ground terms is simulated through an abstraction mechanism and narrowing. The induction hypothesis allows assuming that terms smaller than the starting terms rewrite into a constructor term. The existence of the induction ordering is checked during the proof process, by ensuring satisfiability of ordering constraints. The proof is constructive, in the sense that the branch leading to a constructor term can be computed from the proof trees establishing C-reducibility for every term

    Term Rewriting with Conditionals and Priority Orderings

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    Conditional rewriting and priority rewriting are two recent generalizations of term rewriting systems. In the former, each rewrite rule is accompanied by an antecedent which must be shown to hold before rewriting can occur. In the latter, rewrite rules can be used only in a particular order. We compare these formalisms: neither formalism encompasses the other in a practical sense, but we give restrictions under which priority and conditional rewriting can be equivalent. We combine the two operational mechanisms, obtaining a natural and expressive formalism called Priority Conditional Rewriting Systems (PCRS). PCRS can be used to “fully-define” data type specifications and function specifications. Towards this goal, restrictions are given that encourage modularity of specifications and ensure properties of termination, confluence, and total reducibility of ground terms. A logical semantics for priority conditional rewriting is described, using equational formulas ε(R) obtained from the rules in the PCRS R; we give conditions under which rewriting with PCRS is sound and complete

    Computing Constructor Forms with Non Terminating Rewrite Programs - Extended version -

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    In the context of the study of rule-based programming, we focus in this paper on the property of C-reducibility, expressing that every term reduces to a constructor term on at least one of its rewriting derivations. This property implies completeness of function definitions, and enables to stop evaluations of a program on a constructor form, even if the program is not terminating. We propose an inductive procedure proving C-reducibility of rewriting. The rewriting relation on ground terms is simulated through an abstraction mechanism and narrowing. The induction hypothesis allows assuming that terms smaller than the starting terms rewrite into a constructor term. The existence of the induction ordering is checked during the proof process, by ensuring satisfiability of ordering constraints. The proof is constructive, in the sense that the branch leading to a constructor term can be computed from the proof trees establishing C-reducibility for every term

    Nondeterminism in algebraic specifications and algebraic programs

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    "Nondeterminism in Algebraic Specifications and Algebraic Programs" presents a mathematical theory for the integration of three concepts: non-determinism, axiomatic specification and term rewriting. For non-deterministic programs, an algebraic specification language is provided which admits the application of automated tools based on term rewriting techniques. This general framework is used to explore connections between logic programming and algebraic programming. Examples from various areas of computer science are given, including results of computer experiments with a prototypical implementation. This book should be of interest to readers working within several fields of theoretical computer science, from algebraic specification theory to formal descriptions of distributed systems

    Nondeterminism in Algebraic Specifications and Algebraic Programs

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