39 research outputs found

    Assessment of trends in the cardiovascular system from time interval measurements using physiological signals obtained at the limbs

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    Cardiovascular diseases are an increasing source of concern in modern societies due to their increasing prevalence and high impact on the lives of many people. Monitoring cardiovascular parameters in ambulatory scenarios is an emerging approach that can provide better medical access to patients while decreasing the costs associated to the treatment of these diseases. This work analyzes systems and methods to measure time intervals between the electrocardiogram (ECG), impedance plethysmogram (IPG), and the ballistocardiogram (BCG), which can be obtained at the limbs in ambulatory scenarios using simple and cost-effective systems, to assess cardiovascular intervals of interest, such as the pulse arrival time (PAT), pulse transit time (PTT), or the pre-ejection period (PEP). The first section of this thesis analyzes the impact of the signal acquisition system on the uncertainty in timing measurements in order to establish the design specifications for systems intended for that purpose. The minimal requirements found are not very demanding yet some common signal acquisition systems do not fulfill all of them while other capabilities typically found in signal acquisition systems could be downgraded without worsening the timing uncertainty. This section is also devoted to the design of systems intended for timing measurements in ambulatory scenarios according to the specifications previously established. The systems presented have evolved from the current state-of-the-art and are designed for adequate performance in timing measurements with a minimal number of active components. The second section is focused on the measurement of time intervals from the IPG measured from limb to limb, which is a signal that until now has only been used to monitor heart rate. A model to estimate the contributions to the time events in the measured waveform of the different body segments along the current path from geometrical properties of the large arteries is proposed, and the simulation under blood pressure changes suggests that the signal is sensitive to changes in proximal sites of the current path rather than in distal sites. Experimental results show that the PAT to the hand-to-hand IPG, which is obtained from a novel four-electrode handheld system, is correlated to changes in the PEP whereas the PAT to the foot-to-foot IPG shows good performance in assessing changes in the femoral PAT. Therefore, limb-to-limb IPG measurements significantly increase the number of time intervals of interest that can be measured at the limbs since the signals deliver information from proximal sites complementary to that of other measurements typically performed at distal sites. The next section is devoted to the measurement of time intervals that involve different waves of the BCG obtained in a standing platform and whose origin is still under discussion. From the relative timing of other physiological signals, it is hypothesized that the IJ interval of the BCG is sensitive to variations in the PTT. Experimental results show that the BCG I wave is a better surrogate of the cardiac ejection time than the widely-used J wave, which is also supported by the good correlation found between the IJ interval and the aortic PTT. Finally, the novel time interval from the BCG I wave to the foot of the IPG measured between feet, which can be obtained from the same bathroom scale than the BCG, shows good performance in assessing the aortic PAT. The results presented reinforce the role of the BCG as a tool for ambulatory monitoring since the main time intervals targeted in this thesis can be obtained from the timing of its waves. Even though the methods described were tested in a small group of subjects, the results presented in this work show the feasibility and potential of several time interval measurements between the proposed signals that can be performed in ambulatory scenarios, provided the systems intended for that purpose fulfill some minimal design requirements.Les malalties cardiovasculars són una tema de preocupació creixent en societats modernes, degut a l’augment de la seva prevalença i l'elevat impacte en les vides dels pacients que les sofreixen. La mesura i monitoratge de paràmetres cardiovasculars en entorns ambulatoris és una pràctica emergent que facilita l’accés als serveis mèdics i permet reduir dràsticament els costos associats al tractament d'aquestes malalties. En aquest treball s’analitzen sistemes i mètodes per la mesura d’intervals temporals entre l’electrocardiograma (ECG), el pletismograma d’impedància (IPG) i el balistocardiograma (BCG), que es poden obtenir de les extremitats i en entorns ambulatoris a partir de sistemes de baix cost, per tal d’avaluar intervals cardiovasculars d’interès com el pulse arrival time (PAT), pulse transit time (PTT) o el pre-ejection period (PEP). En la primera secció d'aquesta tesi s’analitza l’impacte del sistema d’adquisició del senyal en la incertesa de mesures temporals, per tal d’establir els requeriments mínims que s’han de complir en entorns ambulatoris. Tot i que els valors obtinguts de l’anàlisi no són especialment exigents, alguns no són assolits en diversos sistemes habitualment utilitzats mentre que altres solen estar sobredimensionats i es podrien degradar sense augmentar la incertesa en mesures temporals. Aquesta secció també inclou el disseny i proposta de sistemes per la mesura d’intervals en entorns ambulatoris d’acord amb les especificacions anteriorment establertes, a partir de l’estat de l’art i amb l’objectiu de garantir un correcte funcionament en entorns ambulatoris amb un nombre mínim d’elements actius per reduir el cost i el consum. La segona secció es centra en la mesura d’intervals temporals a partir de l’IPG mesurat entre extremitats, que fins al moment només s’ha fet servir per mesurar el ritme cardíac. Es proposa un model per estimar la contribució de cada segment arterial per on circula el corrent a la forma d’ona obtinguda a partir de la geometria i propietats físiques de les artèries, i les simulacions suggereixen que la senyal entre extremitats és més sensible a canvis en arteries proximals que en distals. Els resultats experimentals mostren que el PAT al hand-to-hand IPG, obtingut a partir d’un innovador sistema handheld de quatre elèctrodes, està fortament correlacionat amb els canvis de PEP, mentre que el PAT al foot-to-foot IPG està correlat amb els canvis en PAT femoral. Conseqüentment, l’ILG entre extremitats augmenta de manera significativa els intervals d’interès que es poden obtenir en extremitats degut a que proporciona informació complementària a les mesures que habitualment s’hi realitzen. La tercera secció està dedicada a la mesura d’intervals que inclouen les ones del BCG vertical obtingut en plataformes, de les que encara se’n discuteix l’origen. A partir de la posició temporal relativa respecte altres ones fisiològiques, s’hipostatitza que l’interval IJ del BCG es sensible a variacions del PTT. Els resultats experimentals mostren que la ona I del BCG és un millor indicador de l’ejecció cardíaca que el pic J, tot i que aquest és el més utilitzat habitualment, degut a la bona correlació entre l’interval IJ i el PTT aòrtic. Finalment, es presenta un mètode alternatiu per la mesura del PTT aòrtic a partir de l’interval entre el pic I del BCG i el peu del foot-to-foot IPG, que es pot obtenir de la mateixa plataforma que el BCG i incrementa la robustesa de la mesura. Els resultats presentats reforcen el paper del BCG com a en mesures en entorns ambulatoris, ja que els principals intervals objectiu d’aquesta tesi es poden obtenir a partir de les seves ones. Tot i que els mètodes descrits han estat provats en grups petits de subjectes saludables, els resultats mostren la viabilitat i el potencial de diversos intervals temporals entre les senyals proposades que poden ésser realitzats en entorns ambulatoris, sempre que els sistemes emprats compleixin els requisits mínims de disseny.Postprint (published version

    Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Parameters Assessment using Optoelectronic Devices

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Biomédica, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA grande incidência das doenças cardiovasculares no mundo estimulou a procura de novas soluções que permitam a deteção precoce de processos patológicos associados a este tipo de doenças. Especial ênfase foi dada a métodos que permitem a monitorização da pressão arterial e da forma de onda de pressão arterial, que fornecem uma ferramenta precisa que complementa o diagnóstico baseado em múltiplos parâmetros. Da análise das características da forma de onda da pressão arterial, e da sua velocidade de propagação, podem ser extraídas importantes parâmetros clínicos de modo a avaliar o risco cardiovascular, a adaptação vascular e a eficácia terapêutica. O uso de múltiplos parâmetros permite minimizar erros na estimação de um dos parâmetros. As soluções emergentes para a monitorização cardiovascular têm-se afastado de tecnologias invasivas e caras para soluções não invasivas e sem contacto. Neste sentido, os sistemas ópticos apresentam uma grande vantagem devido ao grande progresso tecnológico sofrido nas últimas décadas. A natureza de não contacto desta tecnologia permite a medição sem distorção da forma da onda arterial ultrapassando as limitações dos aparelhos comerciais usados para este tipo de avaliação. O principal objetivo deste trabalho consistia em demonstrar que é possível adquirir através do uso de uma metodologia óptica, a forma da onda de pressão arterial sem contacto, com uma configuração que permite medir a velocidade onda de pulso (VOP) local e determinar os principais parâmetros usando algoritmos dedicados. Foram desenvolvidos quatro protótipos: três baseados em luz não-coerente e um em luz coerente. As sondas foram desenvolvidas usando uma configuração comum, composta por dois fotodetectores distanciados de 2 cm, o que garante a deteção da onda de pulso em dois pontos distintos e permite uma determinação rigorosa do tempo de trânsito. Nas sondas de luz não-coerente foram testados três fotodetectores: fotodíodos de avalanche, fotodíodos planares, e fotodíodos de efeito lateral (LEP). Os componentes do sistema óptico (protótipos das sondas e caixa de aquisição) foram desenhados com as características físicas que permitem o uso clínico, como a portabilidade, o tamanho compacto, leves, de baixo consumo e com materiais de baixo custo, ergonómicas para o operador e confortáveis para o paciente, de modo a serem consideradas uma solução interessante para a comercialização. Os testes in vivo permitiram a seleção da melhor combinação sonda/algoritmo para a determinação da PWV, usando o método da correlação e a sonda baseada em fotodíodos planares que demonstrou ser mais eficiente para a aquisição de sinais em humanos. O sistema óptico desenvolvido mostrou boa reprodutibilidade na avaliação inter e intra-operador. Um estudo alargado foi desenvolvido em 131 sujeitos jovens, com um valor médio PWV de 33.33±0.72 ms-1, confirmando o seu aumento com a idade. O teste comparativo entre a onda de distensão medida com o sistema óptico na carótida e o perfil da onda de pressão adquirida invasivamente por um cateter intra-arterial mostrou uma grande correlação entre as duas ondas (valor médio de 0.958), validando a capacidade das sondas ópticas para estimar a forma da onda de pulso de modo não-invasivo e sem contacto. A sonda óptica baseada em luz coerente foi testada em combinação com algoritmos de processamento de sinal baseados nos métodos short time Fourier transform e empirical mode decomposition, demonstrando ser capaz de determinar os pontos característicos da forma de onda com baixo erro (menor que 5ms). Uma configuração alternativa foi testada usando um fotodetector com uma maior área que permitiu obter o efeito de self-mixing fora da cavidade laser. Esta característica abriu a possibilidade de construir uma nova sonda adaptada a esta nova técnica de modo a melhorar a qualidade do sinal e permitir uma aplicação biomédica. Globalmente, os resultados obtidos para a metodologias desenvolvidas (protótipos e ferramentas de processamento de sinal associados) mostraram ser possível de medir a onda de pulso arterial na carótida, para determinar vários parâmetros clínicos e avaliar a condição cardiovascular.The world wide incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), has spurred the research efforts targeting new solutions that may be able to perform an early detection of the pathological processes associated with these diseases. Special emphasis has been given to the methods that allow the monitoring of the blood pressure and the arterial pulse waveform, thus providing a more precise tool to complement the diagnosis process based on a multi-parameter assessment approach. From the analysis of arterial pulse pressure waveform features, and its propagation velocity, important clinical parameters can be extracted in order to evaluate the CVD risk, the vascular adaptation and the therapeutic efficacy. The use of multiple parameters allows to minimize the error when compared to the approach where a subject is classified solely based on a single parameter. Emerging trends in cardiovascular monitoring are moving away from invasive and costly technologies towards non-invasive and low-cost solutions. In this sense, optical solutions represent a great advantage due to the immense technological progresses observed in the recent decades. The truly non-contact nature of optical techniques allows measurements without distortion in the shape of the pulse curve, which is one of the main limitations of the current commercial devices used in hemodynamic parameters assessment. The main objective of this work consists in demonstrating that with an optical system it is possible to acquire the arterial pulse waveform with a configuration that allows the local pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurement and the determination of the most important clinical parameters using dedicated algorithms, without physical contact with the skin of the patient. Four prototypes were developed: three based in non-coherent light and one with coherent light. All the developed optical probes have a common design structure. They include two identical photodetectors placed 2 cm apart from each other to guarantee accurate determination of local pulse transit time. Relatively to the non-coherent light probes three different probes base on photodetectors were tested: an avalanche photodiode, a planar photodiode and a lateral effect photodiode (LEP). The optical system components (probe prototypes and acquisition box) were designed to meet specific requirements that allow the clinical use, such as portability, compact size and low weight, low cost, limited power consumption, ergonomics and easy user-interface in order to be considered as an interesting solution for commercial purposes. The in vivo tests allowed the selection of the best algorithm and probe combination to determine PWV: cross-correlation algorithm and the probe with planar photodiodes demonstrated to be the most efficient. This system showed good reproducibility, as evaluated by both inter-operator and intra-operator analysis. A large study was performed in 131 young subjects, obtaining a mean value for PWV of 3.33±0.72 ms-1, thus confirming its significant increase with age. A comparative test between the distension waveform measured with the optical probe at the carotid artery and the invasive profile of the pulse pressure acquired by an intra arterial catheter showed a strong correlation (mean value of 0.958), and validates the ability of this non-invasive device to estimate the arterial pulse waveform. Also a coherent light probe was developed and tested using several processing techniques based on the short time Fourier transform and empirical mode decomposition algorithm. This approach demonstrated the ability to determine the main feature points in the waveform with low error in the pulse transit time determination (less than 5ms). An alternative configuration for the Doppler effect-based probe was tested, using a photodetector with a larger area in order to obtain the self-mixing effect outside the laser cavity. This feature opened the possibility to improve the quality of the signal which may foresee potential future biomedical applications. Globally, the results obtained with the developed methodologies (prototypes and associated algorithmic tools) proved that it is possible to measure the arterial pulse waveform in the carotid artery, to determine several clinical parameters and assess the cardiovascular condition with optical technology.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH / BD / 79334 / 201

    Cuffless Blood Pressure in clinical practice: challenges, opportunities and current limits.

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    Background: Cuffless blood pressure measurement technologies have attracted significant attention for their potential to transform cardiovascular monitoring.Methods: This updated narrative review thoroughly examines the challenges, opportunities, and limitations associated with the implementation of cuffless blood pressure monitoring systems.Results: Diverse technologies, including photoplethysmography, tonometry, and ECG analysis, enable cuffless blood pressure measurement and are integrated into devices like smartphones and smartwatches. Signal processing emerges as a critical aspect, dictating the accuracy and reliability of readings. Despite its potential, the integration of cuffless technologies into clinical practice faces obstacles, including the need to address concerns related to accuracy, calibration, and standardization across diverse devices and patient populations. The development of robust algorithms to mitigate artifacts and environmental disturbances is essential for extracting clear physiological signals. Based on extensive research, this review emphasizes the necessity for standardized protocols, validation studies, and regulatory frameworks to ensure the reliability and safety of cuffless blood pressure monitoring devices and their implementation in mainstream medical practice. Interdisciplinary collaborations between engineers, clinicians, and regulatory bodies are crucial to address technical, clinical, and regulatory complexities during implementation. In conclusion, while cuffless blood pressure monitoring holds immense potential to transform cardiovascular care. The resolution of existing challenges and the establishment of rigorous standards are imperative for its seamless incorporation into routine clinical practice.Conclusion: The emergence of these new technologies shifts the paradigm of cardiovascular health management, presenting a new possibility for non-invasive continuous and dynamic monitoring. The concept of cuffless blood pressure measurement is viable and more finely tuned devices are expected to enter the market, which could redefine our understanding of blood pressure and hypertension

    A wearable blood pressure sensor using oscillometric photoplethysmography and micro accelerometers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 119-124).Monitoring arterial blood pressure (ABP) with a sensor virtually imperceptible to the wearer, for continuous periods of weeks, months, or years, could prove revolutionary in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hypertension and heart failure, as well as a monitoring tool for convalescing individuals, and individuals in hazardous duty (such as firefighters or soldiers). To this end, a miniaturizable, non-invasive blood pressure sensor is designed and validated. A solid, coin-sized cuff-less photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor worn over a palpable artery is utilized to measure arterial blood pressure. Measurements are obtained through a modified oscillometric technique which eliminates the need for a high pressure cuff and instead, takes advantage of natural hydrostatic pressure changes caused by raising and lowering the subject's arm. In this work, the principle of hydrostatic oscillometry is first detailed. To better understand the internal mechanisms of pressure propagation within the tissue, a comprehensive non-linear finite element model of the finger base is constructed and validated using a combination of magnetic resonance imaging and experimental tissue stiffness measurements.(cont.) A prototype finger blood pressure monitor is designed and constructed in combination with a novel accelerometer-based height sensor. The 95% confidence interval for a Bland-Altman comparison between the proposed sensor's mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurements and the simultaneous Finapres MAP measurements is [+919, -283] Pa ([+6.91, -9.04] mmHg). The percent difference between the two methods is shown to be 3.0%. A method for continuous MAP measurements utilizing the sensor system is proposed and is shown to be capable of providing reliable measurements for several minutes.by Phillip Andrew Shaltis.Ph.D

    The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap

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    Photoplethysmography is a key sensing technology which is used in wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. Currently, photoplethysmography sensors are used to monitor physiological parameters including heart rate and heart rhythm, and to track activities like sleep and exercise. Yet, wearable photoplethysmography has potential to provide much more information on health and wellbeing, which could inform clinical decision making. This Roadmap outlines directions for research and development to realise the full potential of wearable photoplethysmography. Experts discuss key topics within the areas of sensor design, signal processing, clinical applications, and research directions. Their perspectives provide valuable guidance to researchers developing wearable photoplethysmography technology

    Acoustic sensing as a novel approach for cardiovascular monitoring at the wrist

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of deaths globally. An increased cardiovascular risk can be detected by a regular monitoring of the vital signs including the heart rate, the heart rate variability (HRV) and the blood pressure. For a user to undergo continuous vital sign monitoring, wearable systems prove to be very useful as the device can be integrated into the user's lifestyle without affecting the daily activities. However, the main challenge associated with the monitoring of these cardiovascular parameters is the requirement of different sensing mechanisms at different measurement sites. There is not a single wearable device that can provide sufficient physiological information to track the vital signs from a single site on the body. This thesis proposes a novel concept of using acoustic sensing over the radial artery to extract cardiac parameters for vital sign monitoring. A wearable system consisting of a microphone is designed to allow the detection of the heart sounds together with the pulse wave, an attribute not possible with existing wrist-based sensing methods. Methods: The acoustic signals recorded from the radial artery are a continuous reflection of the instantaneous cardiac activity. These signals are studied and characterised using different algorithms to extract cardiovascular parameters. The validity of the proposed principle is firstly demonstrated using a novel algorithm to extract the heart rate from these signals. The algorithm utilises the power spectral analysis of the acoustic pulse signal to detect the S1 sounds and additionally, the K-means method to remove motion artifacts for an accurate heartbeat detection. The HRV in the short-term acoustic recordings is found by extracting the S1 events using the relative information between the short- and long-term energies of the signal. The S1 events are localised using three different characteristic points and the best representation is found by comparing the instantaneous heart rate profiles. The possibility of measuring the blood pressure using the wearable device is shown by recording the acoustic signal under the influence of external pressure applied on the arterial branch. The temporal and spectral characteristics of the acoustic signal are utilised to extract the feature signals and obtain a relationship with the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) respectively. Results: This thesis proposes three different algorithms to find the heart rate, the HRV and the SBP/ DBP readings from the acoustic signals recorded at the wrist. The results obtained by each algorithm are as follows: 1. The heart rate algorithm is validated on a dataset consisting of 12 subjects with a data length of 6 hours. The results demonstrate an accuracy of 98.78%, mean absolute error of 0.28 bpm, limits of agreement between -1.68 and 1.69 bpm, and a correlation coefficient of 0.998 with reference to a state-of-the-art PPG-based commercial device. A high statistical agreement between the heart rate obtained from the acoustic signal and the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal is observed. 2. The HRV algorithm is validated on the short-term acoustic signals of 5-minutes duration recorded from each of the 12 subjects. A comparison is established with the simultaneously recorded electrocardiography (ECG) and PPG signals respectively. The instantaneous heart rate for all the subjects combined together achieves an accuracy of 98.50% and 98.96% with respect to the ECG and PPG signals respectively. The results for the time-domain and frequency-domain HRV parameters also demonstrate high statistical agreement with the ECG and PPG signals respectively. 3. The algorithm proposed for the SBP/ DBP determination is validated on 104 acoustic signals recorded from 40 adult subjects. The experimental outputs when compared with the reference arm- and wrist-based monitors produce a mean error of less than 2 mmHg and a standard deviation of error around 6 mmHg. Based on these results, this thesis shows the potential of this new sensing modality to be used as an alternative, or to complement existing methods, for the continuous monitoring of heart rate and HRV, and spot measurement of the blood pressure at the wrist.Open Acces

    Fall detectors for people with dementia

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