2,614 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Visual and Textual Information Fusion in Multimedia Retrieval - A Graph-based Point of View

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    Multimedia collections are more than ever growing in size and diversity. Effective multimedia retrieval systems are thus critical to access these datasets from the end-user perspective and in a scalable way. We are interested in repositories of image/text multimedia objects and we study multimodal information fusion techniques in the context of content based multimedia information retrieval. We focus on graph based methods which have proven to provide state-of-the-art performances. We particularly examine two of such methods : cross-media similarities and random walk based scores. From a theoretical viewpoint, we propose a unifying graph based framework which encompasses the two aforementioned approaches. Our proposal allows us to highlight the core features one should consider when using a graph based technique for the combination of visual and textual information. We compare cross-media and random walk based results using three different real-world datasets. From a practical standpoint, our extended empirical analysis allow us to provide insights and guidelines about the use of graph based methods for multimodal information fusion in content based multimedia information retrieval.Comment: An extended version of the paper: Visual and Textual Information Fusion in Multimedia Retrieval using Semantic Filtering and Graph based Methods, by J. Ah-Pine, G. Csurka and S. Clinchant, submitted to ACM Transactions on Information System

    Recuperação multimodal e interativa de informação orientada por diversidade

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os métodos de Recuperação da Informação, especialmente considerando-se dados multimídia, evoluíram para a integração de múltiplas fontes de evidência na análise de relevância de itens em uma tarefa de busca. Neste contexto, para atenuar a distância semântica entre as propriedades de baixo nível extraídas do conteúdo dos objetos digitais e os conceitos semânticos de alto nível (objetos, categorias, etc.) e tornar estes sistemas adaptativos às diferentes necessidades dos usuários, modelos interativos que consideram o usuário mais próximo do processo de recuperação têm sido propostos, permitindo a sua interação com o sistema, principalmente por meio da realimentação de relevância implícita ou explícita. Analogamente, a promoção de diversidade surgiu como uma alternativa para lidar com consultas ambíguas ou incompletas. Adicionalmente, muitos trabalhos têm tratado a ideia de minimização do esforço requerido do usuário em fornecer julgamentos de relevância, à medida que mantém níveis aceitáveis de eficácia. Esta tese aborda, propõe e analisa experimentalmente métodos de recuperação da informação interativos e multimodais orientados por diversidade. Este trabalho aborda de forma abrangente a literatura acerca da recuperação interativa da informação e discute sobre os avanços recentes, os grandes desafios de pesquisa e oportunidades promissoras de trabalho. Nós propusemos e avaliamos dois métodos de aprimoramento do balanço entre relevância e diversidade, os quais integram múltiplas informações de imagens, tais como: propriedades visuais, metadados textuais, informação geográfica e descritores de credibilidade dos usuários. Por sua vez, como integração de técnicas de recuperação interativa e de promoção de diversidade, visando maximizar a cobertura de múltiplas interpretações/aspectos de busca e acelerar a transferência de informação entre o usuário e o sistema, nós propusemos e avaliamos um método multimodal de aprendizado para ranqueamento utilizando realimentação de relevância sobre resultados diversificados. Nossa análise experimental mostra que o uso conjunto de múltiplas fontes de informação teve impacto positivo nos algoritmos de balanceamento entre relevância e diversidade. Estes resultados sugerem que a integração de filtragem e re-ranqueamento multimodais é eficaz para o aumento da relevância dos resultados e também como mecanismo de potencialização dos métodos de diversificação. Além disso, com uma análise experimental minuciosa, nós investigamos várias questões de pesquisa relacionadas à possibilidade de aumento da diversidade dos resultados e a manutenção ou até mesmo melhoria da sua relevância em sessões interativas. Adicionalmente, nós analisamos como o esforço em diversificar afeta os resultados gerais de uma sessão de busca e como diferentes abordagens de diversificação se comportam para diferentes modalidades de dados. Analisando a eficácia geral e também em cada iteração de realimentação de relevância, nós mostramos que introduzir diversidade nos resultados pode prejudicar resultados iniciais, enquanto que aumenta significativamente a eficácia geral em uma sessão de busca, considerando-se não apenas a relevância e diversidade geral, mas também o quão cedo o usuário é exposto ao mesmo montante de itens relevantes e nível de diversidadeAbstract: Information retrieval methods, especially considering multimedia data, have evolved towards the integration of multiple sources of evidence in the analysis of the relevance of items considering a given user search task. In this context, for attenuating the semantic gap between low-level features extracted from the content of the digital objects and high-level semantic concepts (objects, categories, etc.) and making the systems adaptive to different user needs, interactive models have brought the user closer to the retrieval loop allowing user-system interaction mainly through implicit or explicit relevance feedback. Analogously, diversity promotion has emerged as an alternative for tackling ambiguous or underspecified queries. Additionally, several works have addressed the issue of minimizing the required user effort on providing relevance assessments while keeping an acceptable overall effectiveness. This thesis discusses, proposes, and experimentally analyzes multimodal and interactive diversity-oriented information retrieval methods. This work, comprehensively covers the interactive information retrieval literature and also discusses about recent advances, the great research challenges, and promising research opportunities. We have proposed and evaluated two relevance-diversity trade-off enhancement work-flows, which integrate multiple information from images, such as: visual features, textual metadata, geographic information, and user credibility descriptors. In turn, as an integration of interactive retrieval and diversity promotion techniques, for maximizing the coverage of multiple query interpretations/aspects and speeding up the information transfer between the user and the system, we have proposed and evaluated a multimodal learning-to-rank method trained with relevance feedback over diversified results. Our experimental analysis shows that the joint usage of multiple information sources positively impacted the relevance-diversity balancing algorithms. Our results also suggest that the integration of multimodal-relevance-based filtering and reranking was effective on improving result relevance and also boosted diversity promotion methods. Beyond it, with a thorough experimental analysis we have investigated several research questions related to the possibility of improving result diversity and keeping or even improving relevance in interactive search sessions. Moreover, we analyze how much the diversification effort affects overall search session results and how different diversification approaches behave for the different data modalities. By analyzing the overall and per feedback iteration effectiveness, we show that introducing diversity may harm initial results whereas it significantly enhances the overall session effectiveness not only considering the relevance and diversity, but also how early the user is exposed to the same amount of relevant items and diversityDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da ComputaçãoP-4388/2010140977/2012-0CAPESCNP

    Temporal multimodal video and lifelog retrieval

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    The past decades have seen exponential growth of both consumption and production of data, with multimedia such as images and videos contributing significantly to said growth. The widespread proliferation of smartphones has provided everyday users with the ability to consume and produce such content easily. As the complexity and diversity of multimedia data has grown, so has the need for more complex retrieval models which address the information needs of users. Finding relevant multimedia content is central in many scenarios, from internet search engines and medical retrieval to querying one's personal multimedia archive, also called lifelog. Traditional retrieval models have often focused on queries targeting small units of retrieval, yet users usually remember temporal context and expect results to include this. However, there is little research into enabling these information needs in interactive multimedia retrieval. In this thesis, we aim to close this research gap by making several contributions to multimedia retrieval with a focus on two scenarios, namely video and lifelog retrieval. We provide a retrieval model for complex information needs with temporal components, including a data model for multimedia retrieval, a query model for complex information needs, and a modular and adaptable query execution model which includes novel algorithms for result fusion. The concepts and models are implemented in vitrivr, an open-source multimodal multimedia retrieval system, which covers all aspects from extraction to query formulation and browsing. vitrivr has proven its usefulness in evaluation campaigns and is now used in two large-scale interdisciplinary research projects. We show the feasibility and effectiveness of our contributions in two ways: firstly, through results from user-centric evaluations which pit different user-system combinations against one another. Secondly, we perform a system-centric evaluation by creating a new dataset for temporal information needs in video and lifelog retrieval with which we quantitatively evaluate our models. The results show significant benefits for systems that enable users to specify more complex information needs with temporal components. Participation in interactive retrieval evaluation campaigns over multiple years provides insight into possible future developments and challenges of such campaigns

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR

    Evaluation campaigns and TRECVid

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    The TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation (TRECVid) is an international benchmarking activity to encourage research in video information retrieval by providing a large test collection, uniform scoring procedures, and a forum for organizations interested in comparing their results. TRECVid completed its fifth annual cycle at the end of 2005 and in 2006 TRECVid will involve almost 70 research organizations, universities and other consortia. Throughout its existence, TRECVid has benchmarked both interactive and automatic/manual searching for shots from within a video corpus, automatic detection of a variety of semantic and low-level video features, shot boundary detection and the detection of story boundaries in broadcast TV news. This paper will give an introduction to information retrieval (IR) evaluation from both a user and a system perspective, highlighting that system evaluation is by far the most prevalent type of evaluation carried out. We also include a summary of TRECVid as an example of a system evaluation benchmarking campaign and this allows us to discuss whether such campaigns are a good thing or a bad thing. There are arguments for and against these campaigns and we present some of them in the paper concluding that on balance they have had a very positive impact on research progress

    Why People Search for Images using Web Search Engines

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    What are the intents or goals behind human interactions with image search engines? Knowing why people search for images is of major concern to Web image search engines because user satisfaction may vary as intent varies. Previous analyses of image search behavior have mostly been query-based, focusing on what images people search for, rather than intent-based, that is, why people search for images. To date, there is no thorough investigation of how different image search intents affect users' search behavior. In this paper, we address the following questions: (1)Why do people search for images in text-based Web image search systems? (2)How does image search behavior change with user intent? (3)Can we predict user intent effectively from interactions during the early stages of a search session? To this end, we conduct both a lab-based user study and a commercial search log analysis. We show that user intents in image search can be grouped into three classes: Explore/Learn, Entertain, and Locate/Acquire. Our lab-based user study reveals different user behavior patterns under these three intents, such as first click time, query reformulation, dwell time and mouse movement on the result page. Based on user interaction features during the early stages of an image search session, that is, before mouse scroll, we develop an intent classifier that is able to achieve promising results for classifying intents into our three intent classes. Given that all features can be obtained online and unobtrusively, the predicted intents can provide guidance for choosing ranking methods immediately after scrolling