14 research outputs found

    FANET optimization: a destination path flow model

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    Closed-loop routing in flying ad hoc networks (FANET) arises as a result of the quick changes of communication links and topology. As such, causing link breakage during information dissemination. This paper proposed a destination path flow model to improve the communication link in FANET. The models utilized Smell Agent Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms in managing link establishment between communicating nodes. The modeled scenario depicts the practical application of FANET in media and sports coverage where only one vendor is given the license for live coverage and must relay to other vendors. Three different scenarios using both optimization Algorithms were presented. From the result obtained, the SAO optimizes the bandwidth costs much better than PSO with a percentage improvement of 10.46%, 4.04% and 3.66% with respect to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd scenarios respectively. In the case of communication delay between the FANET nodes, the PSO has a much better communication delay over SAO with percentage improvement of 40.89%, 50.26% and 68.85% in the first, second and third scenarios respectively

    A Specific Routing Protocol for Flying Adhoc Network

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    This paper presents a novel data and timed control routing protocol which is Flying Adhoc Network (FANET) specific. The developed FANET specific routing protocol laid emphasis on the route connectivity in the network by considering the captured data size, minimum allowable distance between randomly moving nodes and connection time. The performance of the proposed FANET specific routing protocol was simulated using NS3. The obtained throughput value for the routing protocol fluctuated between 742.064kbps and 755.083kbps as data are exchanged between nodes. This showed that when all the UAVs are on the network and communicating with one another, the throughput is flatline and not plummet. This implies consistency as nodes join and leave the network. The packet delivery ratio obtained for the FSRP during simulation was 96.13%. These results implied that data is successfully transmitted between the UAV acting as server and UAV acting as client on the network

    A survey of electromagnetic influence on uavs from an ehv power converter stations and possible countermeasures

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11872148, U1908217, 61801034).It is inevitable that high-intensity, wide-spectrum electromagnetic emissions are generated by the power electronic equipment of the Extra High Voltage (EHV) power converter station. The surveillance flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is thus, situated in a complex electromagnetic environment. The ubiquitous electromagnetic interference demands higher electromagnetic protection requirements from the UAV construction and operation. This article is related to the UAVs patrol inspections of the power line in the vicinity of the EHV converter station. The article analyzes the electromagnetic interference characteristics of the converter station equipment in the surrounding space and the impact of the electromagnetic emission on the communication circuits of the UAV. The anti-electromagnetic interference countermeasures strive to eliminate or reduce the threats of electromagnetic emissions on the UAV’s hardware and its communication network.publishersversionpublishe

    Involuntary Signal-Based Grounding of Civilian Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Civilian Airspace

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    This thesis investigates the involuntary signal-based grounding of civilian unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in unauthorized air spaces. The technique proposed here will forcibly land unauthorized UAS in a given area in such a way that the UAS will not be harmed, and the pilot cannot stop the landing. The technique will not involuntarily ground authorized drones which will be determined prior to the landing. Unauthorized airspaces include military bases, university campuses, areas affected by a natural disaster, and stadiums for public events. This thesis proposes an early prototype of a hardware-based signal based involuntary grounding technique to handle the problem by immediately grounding unauthorized drones. Research in the development of UAS is in the direction of airspace integration. For the potential of airspace integration three communication protocols were evaluated: LoRa WAN, Bluetooth 5, and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) for their long range capabilities. Of the three technologies, LoRa WAN transmitted the farthest, however the FSK module transmitted a comparable distance at a lower power. The power measurements were taken using existing modules, however, due to LoRa using a higher frequency than the FSK module this outcome was expected

    Unmanned aerial vehicle large scale mapping for coastal erosion assessment

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    Most of the time, many countries in tropical region are covered by cloudwhich obstruct the acquisition of high resolution optical image from satellite. Thus,the application of large scale mapping for coastal erosion assessment is difficult to becarried out. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be used for acquisition of highresolution image due to its ability of flying at low altitudes and under cloud cover.This study aims to improve the methodology of data acquisition for assessing erodedcoastal area by using UAV system designed for large scale mapping. The objectivesof this study are (i) to improve the methodology of data acquisition for large scalecoastal erosion assessment using UAV with rapid and low cost, (ii) to assess theaccuracy of the digital photogrammetric products obtained with different groundcontrol points (GCP) configurations and flying altitude, and (iii) to identify andassess coastal areas due to erosion based on the large-scale orthophoto produced.Two improved methods were introduced in this study: (i) rapid data acquisition andprocessing, low cost and accurate mapping using UAV, and (ii) modification of theend point rate (EPR) and linear regression rate (LRR) calculation methods byincluding two new parameters namely the sea water and wave level to detectcoastline changes. The modified EPR and LRR methods in detecting the coastlinechanges of Crystal Bay, Alai, Melaka and Kampung Seri Pantai, Mersing, Johorwere evaluated through statistical model, namely t-test and compared with otherstudies of similar area for validation and verification. Several configurations of GCP,check points (CP) and flying altitude were used to produce the digital elevationmodel (DEM) and orthophoto which were then processed photogrammetrically.Subsequently, the coastal erosion assessment was performed and the coastlinechanges of private properties, buildings and residential areas was identified. Theresults show that the best GCP configuration to produce coastal erosion mappingscale of 1:14000 is 25 points. Meanwhile, the best flying altitude is 300m withaccuracies of ±0.002m, ±0.004m and ±0.389m in Northing, Easting and Heightrespectively. Furthermore, this study shows that most of the coastline, privateproperties, buildings and residential areas are affected by the coastal erosion. Basedon the modified EPR and LRR calculation methods in determining the coastlinechanges, it is evident that the coastline change rate is significant. In conclusion, thisstudy shows that the UAV system offers many advantages such as its ability to fly atlow altitude, low cost, rapid data acquisition and processing in detecting coastlinechanges and accurate results

    AG Channel Measurement and Modeling Results for Over-Water and Hilly Terrain Conditions

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    This report describes work completed over the past year on our project, entitled "Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Research: The AG Channel, Robust Waveforms, and Aeronautical Network Simulations." This project is funded under the NASA project "Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS)." In this report we provide the following: an update on project progress; a description of the over-freshwater and hilly terrain initial results on path loss, delay spread, small-scale fading, and correlations; complete path loss models for the over-water AG channels; analysis for obtaining parameter statistics required for development of accurate wideband AG channel models; and analysis of an atypical AG channel in which the aircraft flies out of the ground site antenna main beam. We have modeled the small-scale fading of these channels with Ricean statistics, and have quantified the behavior of the Ricean K-factor. We also provide some results for correlations of signal components, both intra-band and inter-band. An updated literature review, and a summary that also describes future work, are also included