768 research outputs found

    Incremental construction of classifier and discriminant ensembles

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    We discuss approaches to incrementally construct an ensemble. The first constructs an ensemble of classifiers choosing a subset from a larger set, and the second constructs an ensemble of discriminants, where a classifier is used for some classes only. We investigate criteria including accuracy, significant improvement, diversity, correlation, and the role of search direction. For discriminant ensembles, we test subset selection and trees. Fusion is by voting or by a linear model. Using 14 classifiers on 38 data sets. incremental search finds small, accurate ensembles in polynomial time. The discriminant ensemble uses a subset of discriminants and is simpler, interpretable, and accurate. We see that an incremental ensemble has higher accuracy than bagging and random subspace method; and it has a comparable accuracy to AdaBoost. but fewer classifiers.We would like to thank the three anonymous referees and the editor for their constructive comments, pointers to related literature, and pertinent questions which allowed us to better situate our work as well as organize the ms and improve the presentation. This work has been supported by the Turkish Academy of Sciences in the framework of the Young Scientist Award Program (EA-TUBA-GEBIP/2001-1-1), Bogazici University Scientific Research Project 05HA101 and Turkish Scientific Technical Research Council TUBITAK EEEAG 104EO79Publisher's VersionAuthor Pre-Prin

    Time Series classification through transformation and ensembles

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    The problem of time series classification (TSC), where we consider any real-valued ordered data a time series, offers a specific challenge. Unlike traditional classification problems, the ordering of attributes is often crucial for identifying discriminatory features between classes. TSC problems arise across a diverse range of domains, and this variety has meant that no single approach outperforms all others. The general consensus is that the benchmark for TSC is nearest neighbour (NN) classifiers using Euclidean distance or Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). Though conceptually simple, many have reported that NN classifiers are very diffi�cult to beat and new work is often compared to NN classifiers. The majority of approaches have focused on classification in the time domain, typically proposing alternative elastic similarity measures for NN classification. Other work has investigated more specialised approaches, such as building support vector machines on variable intervals and creating tree-based ensembles with summary measures. We wish to answer a specific research question: given a new TSC problem without any prior, specialised knowledge, what is the best way to approach the problem? Our thesis is that the best methodology is to first transform data into alternative representations where discriminatory features are more easily detected, and then build ensemble classifiers on each representation. In support of our thesis, we propose an elastic ensemble classifier that we believe is the first ever to significantly outperform DTW on the widely used UCR datasets. Next, we propose the shapelet-transform, a new data transformation that allows complex classifiers to be coupled with shapelets, which outperforms the original algorithm and is competitive with DTW. Finally, we combine these two works with with heterogeneous ensembles built on autocorrelation and spectral-transformed data to propose a collective of transformation-based ensembles (COTE). The results of COTE are, we believe, the best ever published on the UCR datasets

    Supervised and Ensemble Classification of Multivariate Functional Data: Applications to Lupus Diagnosis

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    abstract: This dissertation investigates the classification of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the presence of non-SLE alternatives, while developing novel curve classification methodologies with wide ranging applications. Functional data representations of plasma thermogram measurements and the corresponding derivative curves provide predictors yet to be investigated for SLE identification. Functional nonparametric classifiers form a methodological basis, which is used herein to develop a) the family of ESFuNC segment-wise curve classification algorithms and b) per-pixel ensembles based on logistic regression and fused-LASSO. The proposed methods achieve test set accuracy rates as high as 94.3%, while returning information about regions of the temperature domain that are critical for population discrimination. The undertaken analyses suggest that derivate-based information contributes significantly in improved classification performance relative to recently published studies on SLE plasma thermograms.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Applied Mathematics 201

    Advances in forecasting with neural networks? Empirical evidence from the NN3 competition on time series prediction

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    This paper reports the results of the NN3 competition, which is a replication of the M3 competition with an extension of the competition towards neural network (NN) and computational intelligence (CI) methods, in order to assess what progress has been made in the 10 years since the M3 competition. Two masked subsets of the M3 monthly industry data, containing 111 and 11 empirical time series respectively, were chosen, controlling for multiple data conditions of time series length (short/long), data patterns (seasonal/non-seasonal) and forecasting horizons (short/medium/long). The relative forecasting accuracy was assessed using the metrics from the M3, together with later extensions of scaled measures, and non-parametric statistical tests. The NN3 competition attracted 59 submissions from NN, CI and statistics, making it the largest CI competition on time series data. Its main findings include: (a) only one NN outperformed the damped trend using the sMAPE, but more contenders outperformed the AutomatANN of the M3; (b) ensembles of CI approaches performed very well, better than combinations of statistical methods; (c) a novel, complex statistical method outperformed all statistical and Cl benchmarks; and (d) for the most difficult subset of short and seasonal series, a methodology employing echo state neural networks outperformed all others. The NN3 results highlight the ability of NN to handle complex data, including short and seasonal time series, beyond prior expectations, and thus identify multiple avenues for future research. (C) 2011 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    Uncertainty is an inevitable and essential aspect of the worldwe live in and a fundamental aspect of human decision-making. It is no different in the realm of machine learning. Just as humans seek out additional information and perspectives when faced with uncertainty, machine learning models must also be able to account for and quantify the uncertainty in their predictions. However, the uncertainty quantification in machine learning models is often neglected. By acknowledging and incorporating uncertainty quantification into machine learning models, we can build more reliable and trustworthy systems that are better equipped to handle the complexity of the world and support clinical decisionmaking. This thesis addresses the broad issue of uncertainty quantification in machine learning, covering the development and adaptation of uncertainty quantification methods, their integration in the machine learning development pipeline, and their practical application in clinical decision-making. Original contributions include the development of methods to support practitioners in developing more robust and interpretable models, which account for different sources of uncertainty across the core components of the machine learning pipeline, encompassing data, the machine learning model, and its outputs. Moreover, these machine learning models are designed with abstaining capabilities, enabling them to accept or reject predictions based on the level of uncertainty present. This emphasizes the importance of using classification with rejection option in clinical decision support systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methods was evaluated across databases with physiological signals from medical diagnosis and human activity recognition. The results support that uncertainty quantification was important for more reliable and robust model predictions. By addressing these topics, this thesis aims to improve the reliability and trustworthiness of machine learning models and contribute to fostering the adoption of machineassisted clinical decision-making. The ultimate goal is to enhance the trust and accuracy of models’ predictions and increase transparency and interpretability, ultimately leading to better decision-making across a range of applications.A incerteza é um aspeto inevitável e essencial do mundo em que vivemos e um aspeto fundamental na tomada de decisão humana. Não é diferente no âmbito da aprendizagem automática. Assim como os seres humanos, quando confrontados com um determinado nível de incerteza exploram novas abordagens ou procuram recolher mais informação, também os modelos de aprendizagem automática devem ter a capacidade de ter em conta e quantificar o grau de incerteza nas suas previsões. No entanto, a quantificação da incerteza nos modelos de aprendizagem automática é frequentemente negligenciada. O reconhecimento e incorporação da quantificação de incerteza nos modelos de aprendizagem automática, irá permitir construir sistemas mais fiáveis, melhor preparados para apoiar a tomada de decisão clinica em situações complexas e com maior nível de confiança. Esta tese aborda a ampla questão da quantificação de incerteza na aprendizagem automática, incluindo o desenvolvimento e adaptação de métodos de quantificação de incerteza, a sua integração no pipeline de desenvolvimento de modelos de aprendizagem automática e a sua aplicação prática na tomada de decisão clínica. Nos contributos originais, inclui-se o desenvolvimento de métodos para apoiar os profissionais de desenvolvimento na criação de modelos mais robustos e interpretáveis, que tenham em consideração as diferentes fontes de incerteza nos diversos componenteschave do pipeline de aprendizagem automática: os dados, o modelo de aprendizagem automática e os seus resultados. Adicionalmente, os modelos de aprendizagem automática são construídos com a capacidade de se abster, o que permite aceitar ou rejeitar uma previsão com base no nível de incerteza presente, o que realça a importância da utilização de modelos de classificação com a opção de rejeição em sistemas de apoio à decisão clínica. A eficácia dos métodos propostos foi avaliada em bases de dados contendo sinais fisiológicos provenientes de diagnósticos médicos e reconhecimento de atividades humanas. As conclusões sustentam a importância da quantificação da incerteza nos modelos de aprendizagem automática para obter previsões mais fiáveis e robustas. Desenvolvendo estes tópicos, esta tese pretende aumentar a fiabilidade e credibilidade dos modelos de aprendizagem automática, promovendo a utilização e desenvolvimento dos sistemas de apoio à decisão clínica. O objetivo final é aumentar o grau de confiança e a fiabilidade das previsões dos modelos, bem como, aumentar a transparência e interpretabilidade, proporcionando uma melhor tomada de decisão numa variedade de aplicações

    Improving binary classification using filtering based on k-NN proximity graphs

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    © 2020, The Author(s). One of the ways of increasing recognition ability in classification problem is removing outlier entries as well as redundant and unnecessary features from training set. Filtering and feature selection can have large impact on classifier accuracy and area under the curve (AUC), as noisy data can confuse classifier and lead it to catch wrong patterns in training data. The common approach in data filtering is using proximity graphs. However, the problem of the optimal filtering parameters selection is still insufficiently researched. In this paper filtering procedure based on k-nearest neighbours proximity graph was used. Filtering parameters selection was adopted as the solution of outlier minimization problem: k-NN proximity graph, power of distance and threshold parameters are selected in order to minimize outlier percentage in training data. Then performance of six commonly used classifiers (Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Neural Network, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree) and one heterogeneous classifiers combiner (DES-LA) are compared with and without filtering. Dynamic ensemble selection (DES) systems work by estimating the level of competence of each classifier from a pool of classifiers. Only the most competent ones are selected to classify a given test sample. This is achieved by defining a criterion to measure the level of competence of base classifiers, such as, its accuracy in local regions of the feature space around the query instance. In our case the combiner is based on the local accuracy of single classifiers and its output is a linear combination of single classifiers ranking. As results of filtering, accuracy of DES-LA combiner shows big increase for low-accuracy datasets. But filtering doesn’t have sufficient impact on DES-LA performance while working with high-accuracy datasets. The results are discussed, and classifiers, which performance was highly affected by pre-processing filtering step, are defined. The main contribution of the paper is introducing modifications to the DES-LA combiner, as well as comparative analysis of filtering impact on the classifiers of various type. Testing the filtering algorithm on real case dataset (Taiwan default credit card dataset) confirmed the efficiency of automatic filtering approach

    Multiple Classifier Fusion using k-Nearest Localized Templates

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    Abstract. This paper presents a method for combining classifiers that uses knearest localized templates. The localized templates are estimated from a training set using C-means clustering algorithm, and matched to the decision profile of a new incoming sample by a similarity measure. The sample is assigned to the class which is most frequently represented among the k most similar templates. The appropriate value of k is determined according to the characteristics of the given data set. Experimental results on real and artificial data sets show that the proposed method performs better than the conventional fusion methods