794 research outputs found

    A Review of Platforms for the Development of Agent Systems

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    Agent-based computing is an active field of research with the goal of building autonomous software of hardware entities. This task is often facilitated by the use of dedicated, specialized frameworks. For almost thirty years, many such agent platforms have been developed. Meanwhile, some of them have been abandoned, others continue their development and new platforms are released. This paper presents a up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms and also a historical perspective of this domain. It aims to serve as a reference point for people interested in developing agent systems. This work details the main characteristics of the included agent platforms, together with links to specific projects where they have been used. It distinguishes between the active platforms and those no longer under development or with unclear status. It also classifies the agent platforms as general purpose ones, free or commercial, and specialized ones, which can be used for particular types of applications.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, 83 reference

    A workshop on the gathering of information for problem formulation

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    Issued as Quarterly progress reports no. [1-5], Proceedings and Final contract report, Project no. G-36-651Papers presented at the Workshop/Symposium on Human Computer Interaction, March 26 and 27, 1981, Atlanta, G

    The design and implementation of the VRPML support environment.

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    Proses pembangunan penslan berkait rapat dengan turutan langkah yang mesti dilakukan oleh jurutera perisian untuk memenuhi matlamat kejuruteraan perisian. Untuk menghasilkan proses yang tepat dan lengkap, proses pembangunan perisian boleh dimodel dan dilari menggunakan bahasa pennodelan (PML) dengan dibantu oleh sistem proses bantuan (PSEE). Software processes relate to the sequences of steps that must be performed by software engineers in order to pursue the goals of software engineering. In order to have an accurate representation and implementation of what the actual steps are, software processes may be modeled and enacted by a process modeling language (PML) and its process support system (called the Process Centered Environments i.e. PSEE)

    Process modelling to support software development under the capability maturity model

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    Un Entorno ALM Flexible y Dirigido por Procesos: El Proyecto Alcuza

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    Recientemente, el concepto de ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) ha surgido como una evolución de los desarrollos previos en integración de herramientas (tool integration) e ingeniería del software centrada en procesos (process–centered software engineering). La experiencia obtenida en el Departamento de Tecnología de Información de Cajasol ha puesto de manifiesto que el hecho de contar con entornos ALM dirigidos por procesos favorece la implantación de metodologías basadas en recomendaciones como CMMI–DEV, y por otro lado también facilita a los desarrolladores la utilización de las correspondientes herramientas de forma coordinada con los procesos prescritos metodológicamente. En su política de mejora de calidad de procesos internos, Cajasol decidió acometer el desarrollo conjunto de una serie de procesos metodológicos acordes al nivel 2 de madurez de CMMI–DEV, junto con un entorno ALM que facilitara su implantación en la entidad, dando lugar al proyecto Alcuza. La decisión de acometer el desarrollo de un sistema tan complejo como un ALM vino motivada por la falta de integración real de las herramientas comerciales disponibles, y por la idea de facilitar la adopción de los procesos metodológicos por parte del personal involucrado al estar soportados directamente por el entorno ALM. En este artículo se describen los problemas que promovieron la decisión de acometer el proyecto Alcuza y las principales características del entorno ALM desarrollado, haciendo especial énfasis en la integración en el mismo de los procesos de desarrollo mediante flujos de trabajo (workflows).Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIN2009-07366Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Junta de Andalucía P07–TIC–2533

    Optimización de operaciones y comunicaciones de red para sistemas de monitorización oceanográfica

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    [ES] Esta tesis se centra en los sistemas de monitoreo oceanográfico y la optimización de sus operaciones, especialmente sus comunicaciones de red. Se han desarrollado tres cuestiones de investigación, centrándolas en el proyecto Mission-oriented autonomous systems with small satellites for maritime sensing, surveillance and communication (MASSIVE). Se han aplicado herramientas de ingeniería de sistemas para comprender los componentes del sistema y sus interfaces. Específicamente, desarrollo de escenarios, análisis N-squared y Documento de Control de Interfaz. Además, se ha destacado el papel de una Interfaz de Usuario en sistemas operativos y se han desarrollado los requisitos de la Interfaz de Usuario para el sistema analizado, así como su primera iteración con Django.[EN] This thesis is concerned about oceanographic monitoring systems and the optimization of their operations, especially their network communications. Three research questions have been discussed, focusing them on the Mission-oriented autonomous systems with small satellites for maritime sensing, surveillance and communication (MASSIVE) system. Systems Engineering tools have been applied to shed an understanding of the system’s constituents and their interfaces. Specifically, scenario development, N-squared analysis, and Interface Control Document. Also, the important role of a User Interface in operational systems has been highlighted and the development of the User Interface requirements as well as the first iteration using Django.Carcelén Ferragut, S. (2020). Optimización de operaciones y comunicaciones de red para sistemas de monitorización oceanográfica. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/161633TFG

    Context-aware Process Management for the Software Engineering Domain

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    Historically, software development projects are challenged with problems concerning budgets, deadlines and the quality of the produced software. Such problems have various causes like the high number of unplanned activities and the operational dynamics present in this domain. Most activities are knowledge-intensive and require collaboration of various actors. Additionally, the produced software is intangible and therefore difficult to measure. Thus, software producers are often insufficiently aware of the state of their source code, while suitable software quality measures are often applied too late in the project lifecycle, if at all. Software development processes are used by the majority of software companies to ensure the quality and reproducibility of their development endeavors. Typically, these processes are abstractly defined utilizing process models. However, they still need to be interpreted by individuals and be manually executed, resulting in governance and compliance issues. The environment is sufficiently dynamic that unforeseen situations can occur due to various events, leading to potential aberrations and process governance issues. Furthermore, as process models are implemented manually without automation support, they impose additional work for the executing humans. Their advantages often remain hidden as aligning the planned process with reality is cumbersome. In response to these problems, this thesis contributes the Context-aware Process Management (CPM) framework. The latter enables holistic and automated support for software engineering projects and their processes. In particular, it provides concepts for extending process management technology to support software engineering process models in their entirety. Furthermore, CPM contributes an approach to integrate the enactment of the process models better with the real-world process by introducing a set of contextual extensions. Various events occurring in the course of the projects can be utilized to improve process support and activities outside the realm of the process models can be covered. That way, the continuously growing divide between the plan and reality that often occurs in software engineering projects can be avoided. Finally, the CPM framework comprises facilities to better connect the software engineering process with other important aspects and areas of software engineering projects. This includes automated process-oriented support for software quality management or software engineering knowledge management. The CPM framework has been validated by a prototypical implementation, various sophisticated scenarios, and its practical application at two software companies