552 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial Biology, Cellular Stress and Inflammation in Depression and Suicidality

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    Entering the door to Africa – A qualitative study on the obstacles and facilitators of the southern African market

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    Background Sub-Sahara Africa has seen tremendous economic growth the last years. Between 2001-2011 six of the world’s fastest growing economies were in Sub-Sahara Africa. This makes the region a very attractive market for firms and investors interested in growing their business. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify the key factors that affect growth for firms that are active or planning to become active in the Sub-Sahara region. This thesis aims on highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that exist in the region and further help to bridge over some of the differences that exist in these markets. Delimitations: This thesis will be delimitated to southern Africa. The thesis will however cover questions concerning issues that stretch beyond theses geographical limits as well in order to try to paint as a full picture as possible. Method: The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with 15 persons with extensive insights in the southern African economy. The results from the interviews will be filtered through a theoretical framework that has been constructed based on a thorough literature study. Conclusions: From the interviews four threshold factors could be identified. These were: Culture - Cultural differences is something that is impossible to learn from distance; knowing the culture allows the firm to tailor their offer to the specific market and learn the ways of doing business in the region. Skills – The skillset in the southern African region is very low and there is a scarcity of highly educated people. Planning for this problem is essential to minimize its impact. Financial Capital – There is a scarcity of capital in the southern African region affecting both the demand in the market and the possibility to find funding. Providing creative financing solutions is key. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment - This regulatory system only exist in South Africa with the purpose to change the inequalities that emerged during the apartheid era. BBBEE pervades the entire South African economy and not having a strategy for this will be a huge disadvantage. To overcome most obstacles a firm should use one of two alternative strategies. The first strategy is for firms with limited experience and financial muscle. These firms should joint venture with a more experienced partner in order to gain experience and someone to share risks with. The second strategy is for experienced and financially strong firms. These should engage in direct investment. This allows the firm to more efficiently exploit all the opportunities in the local market and to become embedded in the local culture

    Gender Equality and CO2-Emissions: A Panel Data Study

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    There is an acute need to combat global warming, of which carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the key driver. Climate policy makers so far have assumed that CO2-emissions and gender equality are closely related. However, despite a rapidly growing literature on women and CO2-emissions, no link between gender equality and CO2-emissions has yet been established in economic research. To bridge this gap, this study addresses the question whether gender equality correlates with CO2-emissions and hypothesize that they are negatively correlated. Supported by a theoretical framework based on demand theory, we test the hypothesis by using a two-way fixed effect regression analysis, and panel data for 139 countries over the period of 1995 to 2014. To measure gender equality, the Gender Inequality Index (GII) covering a broader spectrum of gender equality, is used. The results show a significant and negative correlation between gender equality and CO2-emissions, which seems to be driven by developing countries. Our finding supports the belief that gender equality and CO2-emissions are linked and thus contribute to the scientific foundation for climate change policy

    Dissecting lymph node stations into separate specimens during gastrectomy for gastric cancer improves the quality of nodal status evaluation

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    MahasyövĂ€n ainoa kuratiivistavoitteinen hoito on gastrektomia formaalilla imusolmukedissektiolla. Yksi tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ mahasyövĂ€n ennusteeseen vaikuttavista tekijöistĂ€ on sen levinneisyysluokitus. Selvitimme vaikuttaako imusolmukealueiden preparoiminen erillisiin nĂ€ytteisiin tutkittujen imusolmukkeiden lukumÀÀrÀÀn verrattuna ns. en bloc -preparaattiin, ja vaikuttaako tĂ€mĂ€ ennusteeseen. Aineistoon valittiin Meilahden sairaalassa vuosina 2016-2019 leikatut potilaat, joille oli tehty D1- tai D2-imusolmukedissektio distaalisen- tai totaaligastrektomian yhteydessĂ€, yhteensĂ€ 130 potilasta. Kaikille potilaille tehtiin kuratiivistavoitteinen gastrektomia mahalaukun adenokarsinooman vuoksi. Leikkauskertomuksista, patologin lausunnoista, sekĂ€ seurantatiedoista poimittiin relevantit muuttujat. Data analysoitiin IBM SPSS -ohjelmalla (versio 27). Imusolmukkeiden lukumÀÀrĂ€n ja muiden muuttujien vĂ€lisiĂ€ assosiaatioita testattiin Mann-Whitneyn U-testillĂ€, Kruskall-Wallisin testillĂ€ ja χ2 -testillĂ€. P-arvo <0,05 tulkittiin merkitsevĂ€ksi. Coxin regressioanalyysiĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin ennusteeseen vaikuttavien muuttujien tunnistamiseen. Preparoitujen imusolmukealueiden ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ tutkittiin enemmĂ€n imusolmukkeita kuin en-bloc ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ koko kohortissa (mediaani 34,5 vs. 21,0), D1 imusolmukedissektioissa (mediaani 42,0 vs. 15,5), D2 imusolmukedissektioissa (mediaani 34,0 vs. 23,5), totaaleissa gastrektomioissa (mediaani 46,0 vs. 21,5), subtotaaleiss gastrektomioissa (mediaani 32,0 vs. 17,5), avoleikkauksissa (mediaani 34,0 vs. 22,0), ja laparoskooppisissa leikkauksissa (mediaani 35,0 vs. 19,0). Kaikki erot todettiin tilastollisesti merkitseviksi (Mann-Whitneyn U-testin p-arvo kaikissa em. ryhmissĂ€ <0,001). Coxin regressioanalyysissĂ€ ennusteeseen vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi tunnistettiin syövĂ€n levinneisyysluokitus ja imusolmukedissektion laajuus. Imusolmukealueiden preparoiminen erillisiin nĂ€ytteisiin lisÀÀ tutkittujen imusolmukkeiden lukumÀÀrÀÀ, mikĂ€ voi johtaa luotettavampaan N-luokitukseen, ja voi vaikuttaa jatkohoidon valintaan. Coxin regressioanalyysin tulokset vahvistavat aiempien tutkimuksien tuloksia. (204 sanaa

    Reducing Campylobacter jejuni, Enterobacteriaceae and total aerobic bacteria on transport crates for chickens by irradiation with 265-nm ultraviolet light (UV-C LED)

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    It is critical to maintain low levels of microbes in the whole food production chain. Due to high speed of slaughter, lack of time, and structural characteristics of crates, sufficient cleaning and disinfection of crates used for transporting chickens to abattoirs is a challenge. Inadequately cleaned transport crates for broiler chickens caused a major outbreak of campylobacteriosis in Sweden in 2016-2017, when the contaminated crates in-troduced Campylobacter to the chickens during thinning. This study evaluated the antibacterial efficacy of 265nm ultraviolet (UV-C) LED light on artificially contaminated chicken transport crates. In a laboratory study, a transport crate artificially contaminated with Campylobacter and cecum contents was irradiated with 265-nm UV-C light by a continuous LED array in a treatment cabinet. The transport crate was sampled 52 times by cotton swabs before and after UV-C treatment for 1 min (20.4 mJ/cm2) and 3 min (61.2 mJ/cm2). The swab samples were analysed for Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae, and total aerobic bacteria. After irradiation with UV-C LED light for 1 min, a mean reduction in C. jejuni of log 2.0 +/- 0.5 CFU/mL was observed, while after irradiation for 3 min the reduction was log 3.1 +/- 1.0 CFU/mL. The mean reduction in Enterobacteriaceae was log 1.5 +/- 0.3 CFU/mL after 1 min of irradiation and log 1.8 +/- 0.8 CFU/mL after 3 min. The mean reduction in total aerobic bacteria was log 1.4 +/- 0.4 CFU/mL after 1 min of irradiation and log 1.6 +/- 0.5 CFU/mL after 3 min. Significant reductions in bacterial load were observed in all samples after UV-C treatment and extending the treatment time from 1 to 3 min significantly increased the reduction in C. jejuni. However, before implementation of UV-C LED treatment in commercial chicken abattoirs, the irradiation unit would need to be extended and/or the washing procedure before UV-C treatment, to reduce the amount of organic matter on transport crates, would need to be improved

    Tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilu ISA 700 -tilintarkastusstandardin ja uuden tilintarkastuslain vaikutus

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, onko ISA 700 -tilintarkastusstandardilla ja uudella tilintarkastuslailla ollut pienentÀvÀÀ vaikutusta tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilulle. Odotuskuilu on kuilu tilintarkastajien ja tilinpÀÀtösinformaation kÀyttÀjien vÀlillÀ. Se syntyy, kun heidÀn vÀlillÀÀn ei ole yhteisiÀ odotuksia tai nÀkemyksiÀ tilintarkastuksen prosessista. Uusi tilintarkastuslaki astui voimaan 19.8.2017 ja se velvoittaa noudattamaan ISA -tilintarkastusstandardeja. ISA 700 -standardi kÀsittÀÀ tilinpÀÀtöstÀ koskevan lausunnon laatimisen ja kertomuksen antamisen. TÀmÀn tutkielman lÀhtökohtana oli tutkia odotuskuilun esiintymistÀ tilintarkastajien ja tilinpÀÀtösinformaation kÀyttÀjien vÀlillÀ koskien tilintarkastuskertomusta. Aihe on ajankohtainen, koska uusi tilintarkastuslaki on muokannut merkittÀvÀsti tilintarkastuskertomusta. Esimerkiksi tilintarkastajan lausunto on siirretty kertomuksen alkuun. Tutkielman empiria osuus on toteutettu internetkyselyllÀ. LÀhestyin kyselyllÀ kolmea vastaajaryhmÀÀ: tilintarkastajia, Suomessa toimivien yrityksien talousjohtajia (edustivat tilintarkastukseen perehtyneitÀ) ja Vaasan yliopiston opiskelijoita (edustivat tilintarkastukseen perehtymÀttömiÀ). Hypoteesien testaamisessa kÀytin keskiarvomuuttujia, varianssianalyysia sekÀ Post Hoc T -testiÀ. Tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilua on yhÀ olemassa. Tilintarkastajan vastuita tilinpÀÀtöksestÀ ei ole ymmÀrretty vielÀ tarpeeksi hyvin tilintarkastuskertomuksesta. NÀyttÀisi kuitenkin siltÀ, ettÀ yrityksen johdon vastuut tilinpÀÀtöksestÀ on ymmÀrretty melko hyvin uudesta tilintarkastuskertomuksesta. LisÀksi tilintarkastettu tilinpÀÀtös koetaan luotettavaksi niin tilintarkastajien, talousjohtajien kuin opiskelijoiden toimesta. Tilintarkastuskertomukseen kohdistuneet muutokset ovat selkeyttÀneet yrityksen johdon vastuita tilinpÀÀtösinformaation kÀyttÀjille, joten tilintarkastusstandardi- ja laki muutoksilla on saatu pienentÀvÀÀ vaikutusta tilintarkastuksen odotuskuilulle.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Self-responsibilized Wellbeing : Governing the Youth by the OECD’s Wellbeing Policy

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    Hyvinvointi ja sen edistĂ€minen ovat saaneet paljon huomiota viime aikoina. Vaikka hyvinvointi ei poliittisesti ole uusi pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€, tarkoituksenani on argumentoida, ettĂ€ pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€ itsessÀÀn on saanut uusia muotoja ja merkityksiĂ€. Tutkielmassani nĂ€en hyvinvoinnin filosofisena kĂ€sitteenĂ€, jota on vaikeaa kÀÀntÀÀ politiikan kielelle. PÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€ hyvinvointi pitÀÀ sisĂ€llÀÀn normatiivisia ajatuksia ja edellytyksiĂ€ sille, miten lasten ja nuorten tulisi olla ja kĂ€yttĂ€ytyĂ€. Kyseenalaistamalla hyvinvoinnin kĂ€sitettĂ€ avautuu tila tarkastella mitĂ€ todella edistĂ€mme, kun edistĂ€mme hyvinvointia. EsittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ viimeisimpiĂ€ muutoksia hyvinvointivaltiossa, ehdotan hyvinvointivaltion muuttuneen kilpailukyky-yhteiskunnaksi. EsimerkkinĂ€ tĂ€stĂ€ on lasten ja nuorten vastuullistaminen yrittĂ€jĂ€mĂ€isyydestĂ€ ja erilaisten taitojen opettelemisesta, joilla nĂ€hdÀÀn olevan mahdollista kilpailla tulevaisuuden työmarkkinoilla. Ajatus tasa-arvosta ei mahdu kilpailun ajatukseen, jossa ainoastaan parhaimmat palkitaan. TĂ€mĂ€ on vastaan hyvinvointivaltion peruspilareita, minkĂ€ vuoksi kĂ€ytĂ€n kilpailukyky-yhteiskunnan kĂ€sitettĂ€. Tutkielmassani tutkin diskursiivisesti hallinnan nĂ€kökulmasta OECD:n Skills for Social Progress (2015) -raporttia. Tulevaisuuden globaalien haasteiden edessĂ€ OECD:n mukaan myös muilla kuin kognitiivisilla taidoilla on merkitystĂ€ kun pyritÀÀn ‘elĂ€mĂ€n menestykseen’. Kognitiivisilla taidoilla on merkitystĂ€, mutta tutkimani raportin mukaan sosioemotionaalisilla taidoilla on merkitystĂ€ kasvattaessa onnellista ja menestyvÀÀ kansalaista. Kysyn aineistoltani kysymykset: (1) minkĂ€laista subjektiviteettia muodostetaan hyvinvoinnin poliittisessa ohjauksessa sekĂ€ (2) miten hyvinvoinnin poliittista ohjausta oikeutetaan? Tulen ehdottaneeksi, ettĂ€ hyvinvointipolitiikassa diskursiivisesti muodostuva hyvinvointi ei vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ tule edistĂ€neeksi hyvinvointia. EdistĂ€misen sijaan se kontribuoi uusliberaaliin poliittiseen rationaaliin, jossa muodostetaan ahkeraa ja yrittĂ€jĂ€mĂ€istĂ€ subjektiviteettia. En kiellĂ€, etteikö hyvinvointia olisi mahdollista parantaa sosioemotionaalisilla taidoilla, vaan argumentoin hyvinvoinnin ideaalin saavan sen kautta performatiivisen ja ristiriitaisen mÀÀritelmĂ€n. NĂ€en sen kontribuoivan vanhentuneeseen Amerikkalaiseen unelmaan, jossa ‘kovalla työllĂ€ voi menestyÀ’. TĂ€mĂ€ ei ota huomioon monia esteitĂ€, joita elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ ‘menestymisen’ tiellĂ€ on.Wellbeing and its development has gained a remarkable position in welfare policy. Although as an objective for politics it is far from new, I argue, that the objective itself has found new forms and meanings. In my masters dissertation, I see wellbeing as an intrinsically philosophical concept, that when translated to politics takes rather normative forms. Wellbeing as an ideal for education has in itself normative ideas on how children and youths should be and how they should behave. Questioning the concept of wellbeing itself creates a space to examine what do we really improve when improving wellbeing in education and to what ends. By pointing out to the late changes in the welfare state, I suggest that the welfare state has changed to a ‘competitive society’. This, for example, manifests itself as a way of educating children to be self-responsible self-entrepreneurs gaining skills with which to compete in the future labour market. Equality has no space in competition, where only the best are rewarded. This goes against the core values of the welfare state, hence the competitive society. I take to closer examination the OECD report ‘Skills for Social Progress’ (2015), which I analyse discoursively from the point of view of governance. In a future of global challenges, accordinf to the OECD other attributes than cognitive skills will have more meaning in ‘life success’. Cognitive skills are important, but according to the report I have analyzed socioemotional skills have importance in bringing up a ‘happy and successful citizen’. I ask my data the questions (1) what kind of subjectivity takes form for youths in the OECD’s Skills for Social Progress report and (2) how is the developing of wellbeing (socioemotional) skills justified. I argue, that wellbeing as an educational ideal or objective is, instead of actually improving wellbeing, contributing to the neoliberal rationale of creating hard-working, self-entrepreneurial subjectivities. I do not deny that wellbeing could not be improved by these skills, but I argue that wellbeing takes a performative ultra-active form of a way of being. It contributes to the liberal, out-of-date illusion of the American dream ‘work hard and you will succeed’ and does not take into account the various embedded obstacles for ‘life success’

    Effectiveness of Cleaning and Sanitation of Stable Environment and Riding Equipment Following Contamination With Streptococcus equi Subsp. equi

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    Streptococcus equi subsp. equi ( S. equi) is transmitted via contact with infected horses or fomites such as equipment or surfaces of the stable environment. Effective cleaning and sanitation is essential to mini-mize risk of fomite-associated infections. This study assessed the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation of experimentally S. equi contaminated materials and equipment found in stables. Wood, concrete, plas-tic, leather halters, leather gloves and polyester webbing halters were inoculated with a 24-hour culture S. equi laboratory strain. In addition, selected materials were inoculated with a clinical strain of S. equi. Three days post inoculation all materials were sampled for retention of viable S. equi and a subset of each material was cleaned and sanitized. After an additional 2 days all treated and untreated materials were sampled for continued retention of viable S. equi. Separate subsets of contaminated polyester halter material were washed at 40 degrees C with or without drying at 70 degrees C, or washed at 60 degrees C. After cleaning and sanitation, all samples except polyester halters were culture negative. Even before cleaning and sanita-tion leather appears to poorly support survival of S. equi. After washing at 40 degrees C and tumble drying, 14 of 16 halters were culture positive, however culture negative when washed at 60 degrees C. Routine cleaning and sanitation of fomites contaminated with S. equi was generally effective to eliminate viable bacteria. How-ever, survival between materials and strains differed, with leather poorly permissive to S. equi survival even without cleaning, whereas polyester webbing halters retained viable S. equi even after washing at temperatures of 40 degrees C.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Presence of pathogenic bacteria in faeces from dogs fed raw meat-based diets or dry kibble

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    Background Feeding dogs with raw meat-based diets (RMBD) has increased in popularity in recent years. Proponents claim that RMBD is more natural for dogs, because it is what their ancestors (wolves) eat. Opponents claim that RMBD is a health hazard to both humans and animals, with a risk of spreading zoonotic bacteria and resistant bacterial strains.Methods This cross-sectional study investigated differences in bacteria shedding in faeces between dogs fed RMBD and dogs fed dry kibble. Faeces samples from 50 dogs from the same municipality were analysed for the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli, Campylobacter and Salmonella.Results For the 25 dogs fed RMBD, ESBL E coli was isolated from 13 faeces samples, Campylobacter from 12 and Salmonella from 1. For the 25 dogs fed dry kibble, ESBL-producing E coli was isolated from one faeces sample and Campylobacter from four, while Salmonella was not detected.Conclusion There was thus a significant difference in excretion of zoonotic and resistant bacteria in faeces between dogs fed RMBD and dogs fed dry kibble. These results confirm that RMBD can pose a microbiological risk not only for dogs, but also for people handling RMBD and faeces from dogs
