125 research outputs found

    Development of Multi-Agent Control Systems using UML/SysML

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    Software framework for the development of context-aware reconfigurable systems

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    In this project we propose a new software framework for the development of context-aware and secure controlling software of distributed reconfigurable systems. Context-awareness is a key feature allowing the adaptation of systems behaviour according to the changing environment. We introduce a new definition of the term “context” for reconfigurable systems then we define a new context modelling and reasoning approach. Afterwards, we define a meta-model of context-aware reconfigurable applications that paves the way to the proposed framework. The proposed framework has a three-layer architecture: reconfiguration, context control, and services layer, where each layer has its well-defined role. We define also a new secure conversation protocol between distributed trustless parts based on the blockchain technology as well as the elliptic curve cryptography. To get better correctness and deployment guarantees of applications models in early development stages, we propose a new UML profile called GR-UML to add new semantics allowing the modelling of probabilistic scenarios running under memory and energy constraints, then we propose a methodology using transformations between the GR-UML, the GR-TNCES Petri nets formalism, and the IEC 61499 function blocks. A software tool implementing the methodology concepts is developed. To show the suitability of the mentioned contributions two case studies (baggage handling system and microgrids) are considered.In diesem Projekt schlagen wir ein Framework für die Entwicklung von kontextbewussten, sicheren Anwendungen von verteilten rekonfigurierbaren Systemen vor. Kontextbewusstheit ist eine Schlüsseleigenschaft, die die Anpassung des Systemverhaltens an die sich ändernde Umgebung ermöglicht. Wir führen eine Definition des Begriffs ``Kontext" für rekonfigurierbare Systeme ein und definieren dann einen Kontextmodellierungs- und Reasoning-Ansatz. Danach definieren wir ein Metamodell für kontextbewusste rekonfigurierbare Anwendungen, das den Weg zum vorgeschlagenen Framework ebnet. Das Framework hat eine dreischichtige Architektur: Rekonfigurations-, Kontextkontroll- und Dienste-Schicht, wobei jede Schicht ihre wohldefinierte Rolle hat. Wir definieren auch ein sicheres Konversationsprotokoll zwischen verteilten Teilen, das auf der Blockchain-Technologie sowie der elliptischen Kurven-Kryptographie basiert. Um bessere Korrektheits- und Einsatzgarantien für Anwendungsmodelle zu erhalten, schlagen wir ein UML-Profil namens GR-UML vor, um Semantik umzufassen, die die Modellierung probabilistischer Szenarien unter Speicher- und Energiebeschränkungen ermöglicht. Dann schlagen wir eine Methodik vor, die Transformationen zwischen GR-UML, dem GR-TNCES-Petrinetz-Formalismus und den IEC 61499-Funktionsblöcken verwendet. Es wird ein Software entwickelt, das die Konzepte der Methodik implementiert. Um die Eignung der genannten Beiträge zu zeigen, werden zwei Fallstudien betrachtet

    Fully-deterministic execution of IEC-61499 models for Distributed Avionics Applications

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    © 2018 by the authors. The development of time-critical Distributed Avionics Applications (DAAs) pushes beyond the limit of existing modeling methodologies to design dependable systems. Aerospace and industrial automation entail high-integrity applications where execution time is essential for dependability. This tempts us to use modeling technologies from one domain in another. The challenge is to demonstrate that they can be effectively used across domains whilst assuring temporally dependable applications. This paper shows that an IEC61499-modeled DAA can satisfy temporal dependability requirements as to end-to-end flow latency when it is properly scheduled and realized in a fully deterministic avionics platform that entails Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) computation along with Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) communication. Outcomes from the execution design of an IEC61499-based DAA model for an IMA-TTP platform are used to check runtime correctness through DAA control stability. IEC 61499 is a modeling standard for industrial automation, and it is meant to facilitate distribution and reconfiguration of applications. The DAA case study is a Distributed Fluid Control System (DFCS) for the Airbus-A380 fuel system. Latency analysis results from timing metrics as well as closed-loop control simulation results are presented. Experimental outcomes suggest that an IEC61499-based DFCS model can achieve desired runtime latency for temporal dependability when executed in an IMA-TTP platform. Concluding remarks and future research direction are also discussed

    A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantics

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    This paper presents a novel ontology-driven software engineering approach for the development of industrial robotics control software. It introduces the ReApp architecture that synthesizes model-driven engineering with semantic technologies to facilitate the development and reuse of ROS-based components and applications. In ReApp, we show how different ontological classification systems for hardware, software, and capabilities help developers in discovering suitable software components for their tasks and in applying them correctly. The proposed model-driven tooling enables developers to work at higher abstraction levels and fosters automatic code generation. It is underpinned by ontologies to minimize discontinuities in the development workflow, with an integrated development environment presenting a seamless interface to the user. First results show the viability and synergy of the selected approach when searching for or developing software with reuse in mind.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2015 (arXiv:1601.00877), Stefan Zander, Georg Heppner, Georg Neugschwandtner, Ramez Awad, Marc Essinger and Nadia Ahmed: A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for ROS using Ontological Semantic

    Software Systems Engineering for Cyber Physical Production Systems

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    This project solves the problem of easy adaption and usage of CPPS by small scale industries, With this project it has been tried to develop a methodology of requirement engineering for CPPS system and finally the whole system. We have developed the approach right from requirement engineering to mapping into IEC61499 function blocks and then to deployment to a physical devices. This work can be a good foundation and support for scientific communities or industialist to easily implement requirement engineering of a small scale systems for CPPS and thus build a 21st century production system with this and reap its enormous benefits.Cyber physical production systems are the future of production systems not only in europe but in the entire world. It brings with itself huge benefits and popularly attributes to Industry 4.0 also. These are automated systems where physical systems are monitored and controlled by computer based algorithms in real time. Traditional systems have certain disadvantages and are limited in terms of hours of operation as it is governed by manpowers and the type of products that can be produced without making much changes in the production configuration and the speed of production of products. In europe, a lot of research is going on, particularly in germany and in the United states too for upgrading major physical systems and manufacturing systems. Some examples of such systems are smart factory, smart grid, autonomous automobile systems, automatic pilot avionics, robotics systems etc. The main goal of this thesis is to define a set of methodologies for easing the process of implementation of the CPPS(cyber physical production systems) system on small and medium industries so that the adoption rate for such industries can be high. There is no methodology yet particularly for CPPS systems for small and medium industries, although we have methodologies in place for large industries. In order to do so, first study was done for challenges in developing a requirement engineering process in section 3 and how it is different from a typical software system. An approach has been developed based on existing information available on large systems and CPPS and some software engineering frameworks like MODAF and TOGAF. A proposal for the process and some diagrams and tools has been made in section 4. To validate the proposed approach we have taken a synthetic test case of a pizza production system and implemented all the approaches to transform it into a cyber physical production system right from requirement and UML diagrams to the final function block approach. With this set of approaches,there is now a basis for software development methodology for small and medium industries particularly. With these approaches the adoption rate can be really high for such industries bringing out traditional industries more to the 21st century forefront

    A Semantic Interoperability Model Based on the IEEE 1451 Family of Standards Applied to the Industry 4.0

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing recently. It is a concept for connecting billions of smart devices through the Internet in different scenarios. One area being developed inside the IoT in industrial automation, which covers Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and industrial communications with an automatic process, emerging the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) concept. Inside the IIoT is developing the concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). That represents the fourth industrial revolution and addresses the use of Internet technologies to improve the production efficiency of intelligent services in smart factories. I4.0 is composed of a combination of objects from the physical world and the digital world that offers dedicated functionality and flexibility inside and outside of an I4.0 network. The I4.0 is composed mainly of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The CPS is the integration of the physical world and its digital world, i.e., the Digital Twin (DT). It is responsible for realising the intelligent cross-link application, which operates in a self-organised and decentralised manner, used by smart factories for value creation. An area where the CPS can be implemented in manufacturing production is developing the Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) concept. CPPS is the implementation of Industry 4.0 and CPS in manufacturing and production, crossing all levels of production between the autonomous and cooperative elements and sub-systems. It is responsible for connecting the virtual space with the physical world, allowing the smart factories to be more intelligent, resulting in better and smart production conditions, increasing productivity, production efficiency, and product quality. The big issue is connecting smart devices with different standards and protocols. About 40% of the benefits of the IoT cannot be achieved without interoperability. This thesis is focused on promoting the interoperability of smart devices (sensors and actuators) inside the IIoT under the I4.0 context. The IEEE 1451 is a family of standards developed to manage transducers. This standard reaches the syntactic level of interoperability inside Industry 4.0. However, Industry 4.0 requires a semantic level of communication not to exchange data ambiguously. A new semantic layer is proposed in this thesis allowing the IEEE 1451 standard to be a complete framework for communication inside the Industry 4.0 to provide an interoperable network interface with users and applications to collect and share the data from the industry field.A Internet das Coisas tem vindo a crescer recentemente. É um conceito que permite conectar bilhões de dispositivos inteligentes através da Internet em diferentes cenários. Uma área que está sendo desenvolvida dentro da Internet das Coisas é a automação industrial, que abrange a comunicação máquina com máquina no processo industrial de forma automática. Essa interligação, representa o conceito da Internet das Coisas Industrial. Dentro da Internet das Coisas Industrial está a desenvolver o conceito de Indústria 4.0 (I4.0). Isso representa a quarta revolução industrial que aborda o uso de tecnologias utilizadas na Internet para melhorar a eficiência da produção de serviços em fábricas inteligentes. A Indústria 4.0 é composta por uma combinação de objetos do mundo físico e do mundo da digital que oferece funcionalidade dedicada e flexibilidade dentro e fora de uma rede da Indústria 4.0. O I4.0 é composto principalmente por Sistemas Ciberfísicos. Os Sistemas Ciberfísicos permitem a integração do mundo físico com seu representante no mundo digital, por meio do Gémeo Digital. Sistemas Ciberfísicos são responsáveis por realizar a aplicação inteligente da ligação cruzada, que opera de forma auto-organizada e descentralizada, utilizada por fábricas inteligentes para criação de valor. Uma área em que o Sistema Ciberfísicos pode ser implementado na produção manufatureira, isso representa o desenvolvimento do conceito Sistemas de Produção Ciberfísicos. Esse sistema é a implementação da Indústria 4.0 e Sistema Ciberfísicos na fabricação e produção. A cruzar todos os níveis desde a produção entre os elementos e subsistemas autónomos e cooperativos. Ele é responsável por conectar o espaço virtual com o mundo físico, permitindo que as fábricas inteligentes sejam mais inteligentes, resultando em condições de produção melhores e inteligentes, aumentando a produtividade, a eficiência da produção e a qualidade do produto. A grande questão é como conectar dispositivos inteligentes com diferentes normas e protocolos. Cerca de 40% dos benefícios da Internet das Coisas não podem ser alcançados sem interoperabilidade. Esta tese está focada em promover a interoperabilidade de dispositivos inteligentes (sensores e atuadores) dentro da Internet das Coisas Industrial no contexto da Indústria 4.0. O IEEE 1451 é uma família de normas desenvolvidos para gerenciar transdutores. Esta norma alcança o nível sintático de interoperabilidade dentro de uma indústria 4.0. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 requer um nível semântico de comunicação para não haver a trocar dados de forma ambígua. Uma nova camada semântica é proposta nesta tese permitindo que a família de normas IEEE 1451 seja um framework completo para comunicação dentro da Indústria 4.0. Permitindo fornecer uma interface de rede interoperável com utilizadores e aplicações para recolher e compartilhar os dados dentro de um ambiente industrial.This thesis was developed at the Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (IML) in the University of Beira Interior and supported by the portuguese project INDTECH 4.0 – Novas tecnologias para fabricação, que tem como objetivo geral a conceção e desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras no contexto da Indústria 4.0/Factories of the Future (FoF), under the number POCI-01-0247-FEDER-026653

    Model-Driven Development of Control Applications: On Modeling Tools, Simulations and Safety

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    Control systems are required in various industrial applications varying from individual machines to manufacturing plants and enterprises. Software applications have an important role as an implementation technology in such systems, which can be based on Distributed Control System (DCS) or Programmable Control System (PLC) platforms, for example. Control applications are computer programs that, with control system hardware, perform control tasks. Control applications are efficient and flexible by nature; however, their development is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts and information from various domains of expertise.This thesis studies the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in control application development. MDD is a software development methodology in which models are used as primary engineering artefacts and processed with both manual work and automated model transformations. The objective of the thesis is to explore whether or not control application development can benefit from MDD and selected technologies enabled by it. The research methodology followed in the thesis is the constructive approach of design science.To answer the research questions, tools are developed for modeling and developing control applications using UML Automation Profile (UML AP) in a model-driven development process. The modeling approach is developed based on open source tools on Eclipse platform. In the approach, modeling concepts are kept extendable. Models can be processed with model transformation techniques that plug in to the tool. The approach takes into account domain requirements related to, for example, re-use of design. According to assessment of industrial applicability of the approach and tools as part of it, they could be used for developing industrial DCS based control applications.Simulation approaches that can be used in conjunction to model-driven development of control applications are presented and compared. Development of a model-in-the-loop simulation support is rationalized to enable the use of simulations early while taking into account the special characteristics of the domain. A simulator integration is developed that transforms UML AP control application models to Modelica Modeling Language (ModelicaML) models, thus enabling closed-loop simulations with ModelicaML models of plants to be controlled. The simulation approach is applied successfully in simulations of machinery applications and process industry processes.Model-driven development of safety applications, which are parts of safety systems, would require taking into account safety standard requirements related to modeling techniques and documentation, for example. Related to this aspect, the thesis focuses on extending the information content of models with aspects that are required for safety applications. The modeling of hazards and their associated risks is supported with fault tree notation. The risk and hazard information is integrated into the development process in order to improve traceability. Automated functions enable generating documentation and performing consistency checks related to the use of standard solutions, for example. When applicable, techniques and notations, such as logic diagrams, have been chosen so that they are intuitive to developers but also comply with recommendations of safety standards

    A system development methodology for embedded applications

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    In recent years, Singapore’s manufacturing sector has contributed more than a quarter of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and has established global leadership positions in several manufacturing areas such as electronics, Information Technology (IT) and industrial automation. The Singapore Economic Review Committee (ERC) recommendation states that “software and embedded systems that drive products are one of the most important technologies for the manufacturing sector. “ With the increasing adoption of automated and intelligent products, embedded systems have emerged as a crucial technology for Singapore. However, the development of embedded applications is not a trivial undertaking as it can usually involve multi-discipline parties and different application platforms. Most embedded application developments use either vendor specific or desktop based methodologies. Vendor specific methodologies constrain the company to rely on the specific vendor's solutions, whereas desktop-based methodologies are not well suited to embedded application development. Therefore, this research aims to develop a standard-based system development methodology for embedded applications. The research programme comprises 5 stages. The first stage reviews the existing system development methodologies for embedded applications. The next stage formulates the proposed conceptual methodology followed by the development of the proof-of-concept tool to demonstrate the merits of the proposed approach. The methodology is then tested and evaluated respectively by using industrial experiments and feedback from a workshop. The final stage refines the methodology based on the feedback and presents the final system development methodology. The research has provided a sound foundation which future research in methodology for embedded applications to develop further.Eng