Software Systems Engineering for Cyber Physical Production Systems


This project solves the problem of easy adaption and usage of CPPS by small scale industries, With this project it has been tried to develop a methodology of requirement engineering for CPPS system and finally the whole system. We have developed the approach right from requirement engineering to mapping into IEC61499 function blocks and then to deployment to a physical devices. This work can be a good foundation and support for scientific communities or industialist to easily implement requirement engineering of a small scale systems for CPPS and thus build a 21st century production system with this and reap its enormous benefits.Cyber physical production systems are the future of production systems not only in europe but in the entire world. It brings with itself huge benefits and popularly attributes to Industry 4.0 also. These are automated systems where physical systems are monitored and controlled by computer based algorithms in real time. Traditional systems have certain disadvantages and are limited in terms of hours of operation as it is governed by manpowers and the type of products that can be produced without making much changes in the production configuration and the speed of production of products. In europe, a lot of research is going on, particularly in germany and in the United states too for upgrading major physical systems and manufacturing systems. Some examples of such systems are smart factory, smart grid, autonomous automobile systems, automatic pilot avionics, robotics systems etc. The main goal of this thesis is to define a set of methodologies for easing the process of implementation of the CPPS(cyber physical production systems) system on small and medium industries so that the adoption rate for such industries can be high. There is no methodology yet particularly for CPPS systems for small and medium industries, although we have methodologies in place for large industries. In order to do so, first study was done for challenges in developing a requirement engineering process in section 3 and how it is different from a typical software system. An approach has been developed based on existing information available on large systems and CPPS and some software engineering frameworks like MODAF and TOGAF. A proposal for the process and some diagrams and tools has been made in section 4. To validate the proposed approach we have taken a synthetic test case of a pizza production system and implemented all the approaches to transform it into a cyber physical production system right from requirement and UML diagrams to the final function block approach. With this set of approaches,there is now a basis for software development methodology for small and medium industries particularly. With these approaches the adoption rate can be really high for such industries bringing out traditional industries more to the 21st century forefront

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