7 research outputs found

    Conflict-free dynamic route multi-AGV using dijkstra floyd-warshall hybrid algorithm with time windows

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    Autonomous Guided Vehicle is a mobile robot that can move autonomously on a route or lane in an indoor or outdoor environment while performing a series of tasks. Determination of the shortest route on an autonomous guided vehicle is one of the optimization problems in handling conflict-free routes that have an influence on the distribution of goods in the manufacturing industry's warehouse. Pickup and delivery processes in the distribution on AGV goods such as scheduling, shipping, and determining the route of vehicle with short mileage characteristics, is very possible to do simulations with three AGV units. There is a windows time limit on workstations that limits shipping. The problem of determining the route in this study is considered necessary as a multi-vehicle route problem with a time window. This study aims to describe the combination of algorithms written based on dynamic programming to overcome the problem of conflict-free AGV routes using time windows. The combined approach of the Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall algorithm results in the optimization of the closest distance in overcoming conflict-free routes

    Criterios para la planeaci贸n de centros de distribuci贸n. Revisi贸n bibliom茅trica

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    This paper documents the main criteria that have been included for Distribution Centers planning and sizing, through a systematic review; based on the research articles in the SCOPUS bibliographic database. The results obtained show five trends. -The inclusion of automated robots and intelligent forklifts, -the multi-objective distribution centers, -lot sizing, -distribution design or layout, and -planning under uncertainty scenarios. Based on these, important decisions can be made to improve logistics processes, the distribution chain, and the organization鈥檚 profitability.Este art铆culo documenta los principales criterios que se han incluido para la planificaci贸n y dimensionamiento de Centros de Distribuci贸n, mediante una revisi贸n sistem谩tica; a partir de las publicaciones encontradas en la base de datos bibliogr谩fica SCOPUS. Los resultados obtenidos arrojaron cinco tendencias: -La inclusi贸n de robots automatizados y de montacargas inteligentes, -centros de distribuci贸n multiobjetivo, -dise帽o de la distribuci贸n o layout, -el dimensionamiento de lotes y -la planificaci贸n bajo escenarios de incertidumbre. Con base en estos, se pueden tomar decisiones importantes para la mejora de los procesos log铆sticos, la cadena de distribuci贸n y la rentabilidad de la organizaci贸n

    Virtual Structure Based Formation Tracking of Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Optimization Perspective

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    Today, with the increasing development of science and technology, many systems need to be optimized to find the optimal solution of the system. this kind of problem is also called optimization problem. Especially in the formation problem of multi-wheeled mobile robots, the optimization algorithm can help us to find the optimal solution of the formation problem. In this paper, the formation problem of multi-wheeled mobile robots is studied from the point of view of optimization. In order to reduce the complexity of the formation problem, we first put the robots with the same requirements into a group. Then, by using the virtual structure method, the formation problem is reduced to a virtual WMR trajectory tracking problem with placeholders, which describes the expected position of each WMR formation. By using placeholders, you can get the desired track for each WMR. In addition, in order to avoid the collision between multiple WMR in the group, we add an attraction to the trajectory tracking method. Because MWMR in the same team have different attractions, collisions can be easily avoided. Through simulation analysis, it is proved that the optimization model is reasonable and correct. In the last part, the limitations of this model and corresponding suggestions are given

    Collision-Free Route Planning for Multiple AGVs in an Automated Warehouse Based on Collision Classification

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    Development of a fleet management system for industrial automated guided vehicles

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    V sklopu industrije 4.0, ki je poimenovanje za trenuten trend avtomatizacije in izmenjave podatkov v proizvodnih sistemih, velik razvoj do啪ivlja tudi podro膷je samodejno vodenih vozi膷kov (AGV). Znotraj tega magistrskega dela smo zasnovali programsko opremo za krmiljenje sistema tak拧nih vozil. Krmiljenje obsega dodeljevanje nalog, na膷rtovanje poti in 膷asovno usklajevanje poti ve膷 vozil. Implementacija programske opreme sloni na uporabi vozli拧膷nih grafov in metode s 膷asovnimi okni. Programska oprema je bila testirana v simulacijskem okolju za ve膷 razli膷nih velikosti delovnega okolja sistema AGV-jev in ve膷 razli膷nih 拧tevil nalog. Rezultati ka啪ejo, da je programska oprema zadovoljivo hitra in uspe拧na pri na膷rtovanju krmiljenja do 100 nalog, saj lahko te na膷rtuje v 5 sekundah s 100% uspe拧nostjo. Izdelana programska oprema je matemati膷no razumljiva, fleksibilna, skalabilna in modularna in glede na rezultate primerna za prakti膷no uporabo. Razvit algoritem je bil tudi implementiran v obstoje膷e ROS (ang. Robot Operating System) ogrodje.As a part of Industry 4.0, which is the name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing systems, there is a significant development in the field of autonomous guided vehicles (AGV). Within this master thesis, we developed software for control of AGV systems. The control covers dispatching, routing and scheduling of vehicles\u27 tasks. An implementation of the software is based on node graphs and the time-window method. The software was tested in a simulation environment for different scales of the working environment, and a different number of tasks. The results show that the software is sufficiently fast. It can plan up to 100 tasks within 5 seconds with 100% success rate. The result of our work is a mathematically sound, flexible, scalable, and modular solution. According to the results, the solution can be used in real-world cases. The algorithm was also implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework