82,769 research outputs found

    Collaboration and integration through information technologies in supply chains

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    International audienceSupply chain management encompasses various processes including various conventional logistics activities, and various other processes These processes are supported – to a certain limit – by coordination and integration mechanisms which are long-term strategies that give competitive advantage through overall supply chain efficiency. Information Technology, by the way of collecting, sharing and gathering data, exchanging information, optimising process through package software, is becoming one of the key developments and success of these collaboration strategies. This paper proposes a study to identify the methods used for collaborative works in the supply chain and focuses on some of its areas, as between a company and its suppliers (i.e., inventory sharing) and its customers (i.e., customer demand, forecasting), and also the integration of product information in the value chain

    Web Services for forward integration in international tourism supply chains: A case study of tourism in Thailand

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    International tourism is a highly competitive and information-intensive industry. Customers need volumes of information for decision aids. Moreover, the decision-making processes are quite sensitive to the variables of personal preferences, the tourist industrial ecosystem, the legal regulations and political environments of destinations, the regional or global economic situations, the natural matters, and so on. Hence, the owners of tourism are motivated to upgrade the competitiveness of their businesses with information technologies. This paper intends to design the architecture of Web Services in international tourism, which can contribute to the forward integration in international tourism supply chains. First, the authors conduct an in-depth case study of a regional tour operator in Thailand. In the case study, we examine the strength, weakness, challenges visions, and strategic approaches of international tourism, and their relationships with the information systems in the tourist business. Then, this paper designs the architecture of Web Services in international tourism. The architecture is expected to improve the information transparency through the global tourism supply chain, construct business-to-business collaboration mechanism, provide efficient and effective information to tourists, and consequently contribute to forward integration in international tourism supply chains

    Evaluating the integration of supply chain information systems: A case study

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    Supply chain management (SCM) is the integrated management of business links, information flows and people. It is with this frame of reference that information systems integration from both intra- and inter-organisational levels becomes significant. Enterprise application integration (EAI) has emerged as software technologies to address the issue of integrating the portfolio of SCM components both within organisations and through cross-enterprises. EAI is based on a diversity of integration technologies (e.g. message brokers, ebXML) that differ in the type and level of integration they offer. However, none of these technologies claim to be a panacea to overcoming all integration problems but rather, need to be pieced together to support the linking of diverse applications that often exist within supply chains. In exploring the evaluation of supply chain integration, the authors propose a framework for evaluating the portfolio of integration technologies that are used to unify inter-organisational and intra-organisational information systems. The authors define and classify the permutations of information systems available according to their characteristics and integration requirements. These, classifications of system types are then adopted as part of the evaluation framework and empirically tested within a case study

    An open standard for the exchange of information in the Australian timber sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe business-to-business (B2B) communication and the characteristics of an open standard for electronic communication within the Australian timber and wood products industry. Current issues, future goals and strategies for using business-to-business communication will be considered. From the perspective of the Timber industry sector, this study is important because supply chain efficiency is a key component in an organisation's strategy to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Strong improvement in supply chain performance is possible with improved business-to-business communication which is used both for building trust and providing real time marketing data. Traditional methods such as electronic data interchange (EDI) used to facilitate B2B communication have a number of disadvantages, such as high implementation and running costs and a rigid and inflexible messaging standard. Information and communications technologies (ICT) have supported the emergence of web-based EDI which maintains the advantages of the traditional paradigm while negating the disadvantages. This has been further extended by the advent of the Semantic web which rests on the fundamental idea that web resources should be annotated with semantic markup that captures information about their meaning and facilitates meaningful machine-to-machine communication. This paper provides an ontology using OWL (Web Ontology Language) for the Australian Timber sector that can be used in conjunction with semantic web services to provide effective and cheap B2B communications

    Opportunities for greater Lincolnshire's supply chains: full report

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    A study of the key sector supply chains across Greater Lincolnshire, and identification of barriers and opportuniteis for growth

    The role of supply chain integration in achieving competitive advantage: A study of UK automobile manufacturers

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    The competitive nature of the global automobile industry has resulted in a battle for efficiency and consistency in supply chain management (SCM). For manufacturers, the diversified network of suppliers represents more than just a production system; it is a strategic asset that must be managed, evaluated, and revised in order to attain competitive advantage. One capability that has become an increasingly essential means of alignment and assessment is supply chain integration (SCI). Through such practices, manufacturers create informational capital that is inimitable, yet transferrable, allowing suppliers to participate in a mutually-beneficial system of performance-centred outcomes. From cost reduction to time improvements to quality control, the benefits of SCI extend throughout the supply chain lifecycle, providing firms with improved predictability, flexibility, and responsiveness. Yet in spite of such benefits, key limitations including exposure to risks, supplier failures, or changing competitive conditions may expose manufacturers to a vulnerable position that can severely impact value and performance. The current study summarizes the perspectives and predictions of managers within the automobile industry in the UK, highlighting a dynamic model of interdependency and interpolation that embraces SCI as a strategic resource. Full commitment to integration is critical to achieving improved outcomes and performance; therefore, firms seeking to integrate throughout their extended supply chain must be willing to embrace a less centralized locus of control

    EDI and intelligent agents integration to manage food chains

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    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a type of inter-organizational information system, which permits the automatic and structured communication of data between organizations. Although EDI is used for internal communication, its main application is in facilitating closer collaboration between organizational entities, e.g. suppliers, credit institutions, and transportation carriers. This study illustrates how agent technology can be used to solve real food supply chain inefficiencies and optimise the logistics network. For instance, we explain how agribusiness companies can use agent technology in association with EDI to collect data from retailers, group them into meaningful categories, and then perform different functions. As a result, the distribution chain can be managed more efficiently. Intelligent agents also make available timely data to inventory management resulting in reducing stocks and tied capital. Intelligent agents are adoptive to changes so they are valuable in a dynamic environment where new products or partners have entered into the supply chain. This flexibility gives agent technology a relative advantage which, for pioneer companies, can be a competitive advantage. The study concludes with recommendations and directions for further research

    Agent Technology in Supply Chains and Networks: An exploration of high potential future applications

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    This paper reports on an ongoing research project that\ud is aimed at evaluating how software agents can improve\ud performance of supply chains and networks. To conduct\ud this evaluation, first a framework is developed to classify\ud potential applications of software agents to supply\ud networks. The framework was used in workshop sessions\ud with logistics and information systems experts from\ud industry, software/consultancy and academia to identify\ud promising areas for agents. Based on the framework and\ud the outcome of the workshop sessions, this paper presents\ud promising application areas for the near future and\ud beyond
