4,216 research outputs found

    Models of everywhere revisited: a technological perspective

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    The concept ‘models of everywhere’ was first introduced in the mid 2000s as a means of reasoning about the environmental science of a place, changing the nature of the underlying modelling process, from one in which general model structures are used to one in which modelling becomes a learning process about specific places, in particular capturing the idiosyncrasies of that place. At one level, this is a straightforward concept, but at another it is a rich multi-dimensional conceptual framework involving the following key dimensions: models of everywhere, models of everything and models at all times, being constantly re-evaluated against the most current evidence. This is a compelling approach with the potential to deal with epistemic uncertainties and nonlinearities. However, the approach has, as yet, not been fully utilised or explored. This paper examines the concept of models of everywhere in the light of recent advances in technology. The paper argues that, when first proposed, technology was a limiting factor but now, with advances in areas such as Internet of Things, cloud computing and data analytics, many of the barriers have been alleviated. Consequently, it is timely to look again at the concept of models of everywhere in practical conditions as part of a trans-disciplinary effort to tackle the remaining research questions. The paper concludes by identifying the key elements of a research agenda that should underpin such experimentation and deployment

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    LazyCtrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers

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    MVControl: Adding Conditional Control to Multi-view Diffusion for Controllable Text-to-3D Generation

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    We introduce MVControl, a novel neural network architecture that enhances existing pre-trained multi-view 2D diffusion models by incorporating additional input conditions, e.g. edge maps. Our approach enables the generation of controllable multi-view images and view-consistent 3D content. To achieve controllable multi-view image generation, we leverage MVDream as our base model, and train a new neural network module as additional plugin for end-to-end task-specific condition learning. To precisely control the shapes and views of generated images, we innovatively propose a new conditioning mechanism that predicts an embedding encapsulating the input spatial and view conditions, which is then injected to the network globally. Once MVControl is trained, score-distillation (SDS) loss based optimization can be performed to generate 3D content, in which process we propose to use a hybrid diffusion prior. The hybrid prior relies on a pre-trained Stable-Diffusion network and our trained MVControl for additional guidance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves robust generalization and enables the controllable generation of high-quality 3D content. Code available at https://github.com/WU-CVGL/MVControl/.Comment: Project page: https://lizhiqi49.github.io/MVControl