8 research outputs found

    Face Recognition Based on Statistical Texture Features

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    Facial recognition has attracted the attention of researchers and has been one of the most prominent topics in the fields of image processing and pattern recognition since 1990. This resulted in a very large number of recognition methods and techniques with the aim of increasing the accuracy and robustness of existing systems. Many techniques have been developed to address the challenges and reliable recognition systems have been reached but require considerable processing time, suffer from high memory consumption and are relatively complex. The focus of this paper is on extracting subset of descriptors (less correlated and less calculations) from the co-occurrence matrix with the goal of enhancing the performance of Haralick’s descriptors. Improvements are achieved by adding the image pre-processing and selecting the proper method according to the database problem and by extracting features from image local regions


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    Proses identifikasi tanaman merupakan sebuah proses mencocokkan sebuah tanaman sesuai dengan taksonomi tertentu. Identifikasi dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan herbarium/ahli bot ani atau text book mengenai taksonomi/dendrologi, namun cara tersebut tidak efisien. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode dengan otomatis dapat mengidentifikasi daun tumbuhan obat. Teknologi computer vision dapat digunakan untuk mengenali spesies daun tumbuhan obat menggunakan citra digital. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu GLCM, LBPV dan entropi. Objek yang digunakan adalah citra digital yang telah difokuskan pada daun tumbuhan obat. Hasil akurasi yang dicapai pada fitur GLCM dan LBPV, memiliki empat kelas yang akurasinya mencapai 100% yaitu kelas 1, 2, 6, dan 18 dan ada satu kelas yang akurasinya 35,7% yaitu kelas 14. Hasil penggabungan ini terbukti lebih baik dari hasil klasifikasi fitur GLCM dan LBPV secara terpisah. penggabungan fitur ekstraksi ciri ini dapat membantu meningkatkan akurasi secara keseluruhan. Akurasi rata -rata semula untuk Entropi (7,14%), GLCM (41,27%), dan LBPV (68,65 %), mengalami peningkatan menjadi GLCM+LBPV (80,56%) dan GLCM+LBPV+Entropi (82,41 %)

    Integration of blcm and flbp in low resolution face recognition

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    Face recognition from face image has been a fast-growing topic in biometrics research community and a sizeable number of face recognition techniques based on texture analysis have been developed in the past few years. These techniques work well on grayscale and colour images with very few techniques deal with binary and low resolution image. With binary image becoming the preferred format for low face resolution analysis, there is need for further studies to provide a complete solution for image-based face recognition system with higher accuracy. To overcome the limitation of the existing techniques in extracting distinctive features in low resolution images due to the contrast between the face and background, we proposed a statistical feature analysis technique to fill in the gaps. To achieve this, the proposed technique integrates Binary Level Occurrence Matrix (BLCM) and Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern (FLBP) named BLCM-FLBP to extract global and local features of face from face low resolution images. The purpose of BLCM-FLBP is to distinctively improve performance of edge sharpness between black and white pixels in the binary image and to extract significant data relating to the features of face pattern. Experimental results on Yale and FEI datasets validates the superiority of the proposed technique over the other top-performing feature analysis techniques methods by utilizing different classifier which is Neural network (NN) and Random Forest (RF). The proposed technique achieved performance accuracy of 93.16% (RF), 95.27% (NN) when FEI dataset used, and the accuracy of 94.54% (RF), 93.61% (NN) when Yale.B used. Hence, the proposed technique outperforming other technique such as Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Bag of Word (BOW), Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern (FLBP) respectively and Binary Level Occurrence Matrix (BLCM)

    Local features for visual object matching and video scene detection

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    Local features are important building blocks for many computer vision algorithms such as visual object alignment, object recognition, and content-based image retrieval. Local features are extracted from an image by a local feature detector and then the detected features are encoded using a local feature descriptor. The resulting features based on the descriptors, such as histograms or binary strings, are used in matching to find similar features between objects in images. In this thesis, we deal with two research problem in the context of local features for object detection: we extend the original local feature detector and descriptor performance benchmarks from the wide baseline setting to the intra-class matching; and propose local features for consumer video scene boundary detection. In the intra-class matching, the visual appearance of objects semantic class can be very different (e.g., Harley Davidson and Scooter in the same motorbike class) and making the task more difficult than wide baseline matching. The performance of different local feature detectors and descriptors are evaluated over three different image databases and results for more advance analysis are reported. In the second part of the thesis, we study the use of Bag-of-Words (BoW) in the video scene boundary detection. In literature there have been several approaches to the task exploiting the local features, but based on the author’s knowledge, none of them are practical in an online processing of user videos. We introduce an online BoW based scene boundary detector using a dynamic codebook, study the optimal parameters for the detector and compare our method to the existing methods. Precision and recall curves are used as a performance metric. The goal of this thesis is to find the best local feature detector and descriptor for intra-class matching and develop a novel scene boundary detection method for online applications

    An automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI images based on the modified grey level co-occurrence matrix

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    The development of an automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI scans remains challenging due to high variability and complexity of the brain tumours. Visual examination of MRI scans to diagnose brain tumours is the accepted standard. However due to the large number of MRI slices that are produced for each patient this is becoming a time consuming and slow process that is also prone to errors. This study explores an automated system for the classification and segmentation of brain tumours in MRI scans based on texture feature extraction. The research investigates an appropriate technique for feature extraction and development of a three-dimensional segmentation method. This was achieved by the investigation and integration of several image processing methods that are related to texture features and segmentation of MRI brain scans. First, the MRI brain scans were pre-processed by image enhancement, intensity normalization, background segmentation and correcting the mid-sagittal plane (MSP) of the brain for any possible skewness in the patient’s head. Second, the texture features were extracted using modified grey level co-occurrence matrix (MGLCM) from T2-weighted (T2-w) MRI slices and classified into normal and abnormal using multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP). The texture feature extraction method starts from the standpoint that the human brain structure is approximately symmetric around the MSP of the brain. The extracted features measure the degree of symmetry between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which are used to detect the abnormalities in the brain. This will enable clinicians to reject the MRI brain scans of the patients who have normal brain quickly and focusing on those who have pathological brain features. Finally, the bounding 3D-boxes based genetic algorithm (BBBGA) was used to identify the location of the brain tumour and segments it automatically by using three-dimensional active contour without edge (3DACWE) method. The research was validated using two datasets; a real dataset that was collected from the MRI Unit in Al-Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital in Iraq in 2014 and the standard benchmark multimodal brain tumour segmentation (BRATS 2013) dataset. The experimental results on both datasets proved that the efficacy of the proposed system in the successful classification and segmentation of the brain tumours in MRI scans. The achieved classification accuracies were 97.8% for the collected dataset and 98.6% for the standard dataset. While the segmentation’s Dice scores were 89% for the collected dataset and 89.3% for the standard dataset

    Analyse d’images de documents patrimoniaux : une approche structurelle à base de texture

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    Over the last few years, there has been tremendous growth in digitizing collections of cultural heritage documents. Thus, many challenges and open issues have been raised, such as information retrieval in digital libraries or analyzing page content of historical books. Recently, an important need has emerged which consists in designing a computer-aided characterization and categorization tool, able to index or group historical digitized book pages according to several criteria, mainly the layout structure and/or typographic/graphical characteristics of the historical document image content. Thus, the work conducted in this thesis presents an automatic approach for characterization and categorization of historical book pages. The proposed approach is applicable to a large variety of ancient books. In addition, it does not assume a priori knowledge regarding document image layout and content. It is based on the use of texture and graph algorithms to provide a rich and holistic description of the layout and content of the analyzed book pages to characterize and categorize historical book pages. The categorization is based on the characterization of the digitized page content by texture, shape, geometric and topological descriptors. This characterization is represented by a structural signature. More precisely, the signature-based characterization approach consists of two main stages. The first stage is extracting homogeneous regions. Then, the second one is proposing a graph-based page signature which is based on the extracted homogeneous regions, reflecting its layout and content. Afterwards, by comparing the different obtained graph-based signatures using a graph-matching paradigm, the similarities of digitized historical book page layout and/or content can be deduced. Subsequently, book pages with similar layout and/or content can be categorized and grouped, and a table of contents/summary of the analyzed digitized historical book can be provided automatically. As a consequence, numerous signature-based applications (e.g. information retrieval in digital libraries according to several criteria, page categorization) can be implemented for managing effectively a corpus or collections of books. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed page signature, a detailed experimental evaluation has been conducted in this work for assessing two possible categorization applications, unsupervised page classification and page stream segmentation. In addition, the different steps of the proposed approach have been evaluated on a large variety of historical document images.Les récents progrès dans la numérisation des collections de documents patrimoniaux ont ravivé de nouveaux défis afin de garantir une conservation durable et de fournir un accès plus large aux documents anciens. En parallèle de la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques ou l'analyse du contenu des pages numérisées dans les ouvrages anciens, la caractérisation et la catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens a connu récemment un regain d'intérêt. Les efforts se concentrent autant sur le développement d'outils rapides et automatiques de caractérisation et catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens, capables de classer les pages d'un ouvrage numérisé en fonction de plusieurs critères, notamment la structure des mises en page et/ou les caractéristiques typographiques/graphiques du contenu de ces pages. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une approche permettant la caractérisation et la catégorisation automatiques des pages d'un ouvrage ancien. L'approche proposée se veut indépendante de la structure et du contenu de l'ouvrage analysé. Le principal avantage de ce travail réside dans le fait que l'approche s'affranchit des connaissances préalables, que ce soit concernant le contenu du document ou sa structure. Elle est basée sur une analyse des descripteurs de texture et une représentation structurelle en graphe afin de fournir une description riche permettant une catégorisation à partir du contenu graphique (capturé par la texture) et des mises en page (représentées par des graphes). En effet, cette catégorisation s'appuie sur la caractérisation du contenu de la page numérisée à l'aide d'une analyse des descripteurs de texture, de forme, géométriques et topologiques. Cette caractérisation est définie à l'aide d'une représentation structurelle. Dans le détail, l'approche de catégorisation se décompose en deux étapes principales successives. La première consiste à extraire des régions homogènes. La seconde vise à proposer une signature structurelle à base de texture, sous la forme d'un graphe, construite à partir des régions homogènes extraites et reflétant la structure de la page analysée. Cette signature assure la mise en œuvre de nombreuses applications pour gérer efficacement un corpus ou des collections de livres patrimoniaux (par exemple, la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques en fonction de plusieurs critères, ou la catégorisation des pages d'un même ouvrage). En comparant les différentes signatures structurelles par le biais de la distance d'édition entre graphes, les similitudes entre les pages d'un même ouvrage en termes de leurs mises en page et/ou contenus peuvent être déduites. Ainsi de suite, les pages ayant des mises en page et/ou contenus similaires peuvent être catégorisées, et un résumé/une table des matières de l'ouvrage analysé peut être alors généré automatiquement. Pour illustrer l'efficacité de la signature proposée, une étude expérimentale détaillée a été menée dans ce travail pour évaluer deux applications possibles de catégorisation de pages d'un même ouvrage, la classification non supervisée de pages et la segmentation de flux de pages d'un même ouvrage. En outre, les différentes étapes de l'approche proposée ont donné lieu à des évaluations par le biais d'expérimentations menées sur un large corpus de documents patrimoniaux