10 research outputs found

    Model-Driven Design and Development of Flexible Automated Production Control Configurations for Industry 4.0

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    The continuous changes of the market and customer demands have forced modern automation systems to provide stricter Quality of service (QoS) requirements. This work is centered in automation production system flexibility, understood as the ability to shift from one controller configuration to a different one, in the most quick and cost-effective way, without disrupting its normal operation. In the manufacturing field, this allows to deal with non-functional requirements such as assuring control system availability or workload balancing, even in the case of failure of a machine, components, network or controllers. Concretely, this work focuses on flexible applications at production level, using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) as primary controllers. The reconfiguration of the control system is not always possible as it depends on the process state. Thus, an analysis of the system state is necessary to make a decision. In this sense, architectures based on industrial Multi Agent Systems (MAS) have been used to provide this support at runtime. Additionally, the introduction of these mechanisms makes the design and the implementation of the control system more complex. This work aims at supporting the design and development of such flexible automation production systems, through the proposed model-based framework. The framework consists of a set of tools that, based on models, automate the generation of control code extensions that add flexibility to the automation production system, according to industry 4.0 paradigm.This work was financed by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE (grant number RTI2018-096116-B-I00) and by GV/EJ (grant number IT1324-19)

    A model-based approach for supporting flexible automation production systems and an agent-based implementaction

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    158 p.En esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea una arquitectura de gestión genérica y personalizable, capaz de asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de calidad de servicio (QoS) de un sistema de control industrial. Esta arquitectura permite la modificación de los mecanismos de detección y recuperación de los requisitos de QoS en función de diversos tipos de ésta. Como prueba de concepto, la arquitectura de gestión ha sido implementada mediante un middleware basado en sistemas multi-agente. Este middleware proporciona una serie de agentes distribuidos, los cuales se encargan de la monitorización y recuperación de las QoS en caso de su perdida.La incorporación de los mecanismos de reconfiguración incrementa la complejidad de los sistemas de control. Con el fin de facilitar el diseño de estos sistemas, se ha presentado un framework basado en modelos que guía y facilita el diseño de los sistemas de control reconfigurables. Este framework proporciona una serie de herramientas basadas en modelos que permiten la generación automática del código de control del sistema, así como de los mecanismos de monitorización y reconfiguración de los agentes del middleware.La implementación de la arquitectura ha sido validada mediante una serie de escenarios basados en una célula de montaje real

    Formalization and Visualization of an Automatic Production Line

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    Verification and Validation (V&Y) of control software is nowadays assuming great significance in manufacturing systems, for it has been finally understood that a thorough study on this subject could mean a considerable improvement in the efficiency of production processes. For this reason V&V has become a necessity due to the pressures of market demand. Manufacturing companies tend to solve these market pressures by the use of testing. But it is not quite correct, due to the fact that testing is a heuristic methodology and it has not a scientific foundation. This thesis proposes another different methodology –a method consisting in the abstraction of the controlled object in a formal representation, –better known as "formalization". By means of formalization much more system information can be obtained and be used in the improvement of the efficiency of production processes. In this thesis the benefits of formalization are proven by the application of the methodology in a real case. It means that the formalization of a case study will be developed obtaining significant results that will prove their own benefits. After the formalization the system can be subjected to model-checking –where a lot of information can be extracted from. One of the results of this thesis is the obtaining of the state space and the timing diagram of the system. Furthermore in this thesis it is highlighted and exposed one of the possible applications of formal methods –the system simulation in a visual representation

    A model-based approach for supporting flexible automation production systems and an agent-based implementaction

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    158 p.En esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea una arquitectura de gestión genérica y personalizable, capaz de asegurar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de calidad de servicio (QoS) de un sistema de control industrial. Esta arquitectura permite la modificación de los mecanismos de detección y recuperación de los requisitos de QoS en función de diversos tipos de ésta. Como prueba de concepto, la arquitectura de gestión ha sido implementada mediante un middleware basado en sistemas multi-agente. Este middleware proporciona una serie de agentes distribuidos, los cuales se encargan de la monitorización y recuperación de las QoS en caso de su perdida.La incorporación de los mecanismos de reconfiguración incrementa la complejidad de los sistemas de control. Con el fin de facilitar el diseño de estos sistemas, se ha presentado un framework basado en modelos que guía y facilita el diseño de los sistemas de control reconfigurables. Este framework proporciona una serie de herramientas basadas en modelos que permiten la generación automática del código de control del sistema, así como de los mecanismos de monitorización y reconfiguración de los agentes del middleware.La implementación de la arquitectura ha sido validada mediante una serie de escenarios basados en una célula de montaje real

    A new framework for supporting and managing multi-disciplinary system-simulation in a PLM environment

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    In order to keep products and systems attractive to consumers, developers have to do what they can to meet growing customers’ requirements. These requirements could be direct demands of customers but could also be the consequence of other influences such as globalization, customer fragmentation, product portfolio, regulations and so on. In the manufacturing industry, most companies are able to meet these growing requirements with mechatronic and interdisciplinary designed and developed products, which demand the collaboration between different disciplines. For example, the generation of a virtual prototype and its simulation tools of a mechatronic and multi-disciplinary product or system could require the cooperation of multiple departments within a company or between business partners. In a simulation, a virtual prototype is used for testing a product or a system. This virtual prototype and test approach could be used from the early stages of the development process to the end of the product or system lifecycle. Over years, different approaches/systems to generating virtual prototypes and testing have been designed and developed. But these systems have not been properly integrated, although some efforts have been made with limited success. Therefore, the requirement exists to propose and develop new technologies, methods and methodologies for achieving this integration. In addition, the use of simulation tools requires special expertise for the generation of simulation models, plus the formats of product prototypes and simulation data are different for each system. This adds to the requirements of a guideline or framework for implementing the integration of a multi- and inter- disciplinary product design, simulation software and data management during the entire product lifecycle. The main functionality and metadata structures of the new framework have been identified and optimised. The multi-disciplinary simulation data and their collection processes, the existing PLM (product lifecycle management) software and their applications have been analysed. In addition, the inter-disciplinary collaboration between a variety of simulation software has been analysed and evaluated. The new framework integrates the identified and optimised functionality and metadata structures to support and manage multi- and inter-disciplinary simulation in a PLM system environment. It is believed that this project has made 6 contributions to new knowledge generation: (1) the New Conceptual Framework to Enhance the Support and Management of Multi-Disciplinary System-Simulation, (2) the New System-Simulation Oriented and Process Oriented Data Handling Approach, (3) the Enhanced Traceability of System-Simulation to Sources and Represented Products and Functions, (4) the New System-Simulation Derivation Approach, (5) the New Approach for the Synchronisation of System Describing Structures and (6) the Enhanced System-Simulation Result Data Handling Approach. In addition, the new framework would bring significant benefits to each industry it is applied to. They are: (1) the more effective re-use of individual simulation models in system-simulation context, (2) the effective pre-defining and preparing of individual simulation models, (3) the easy and native reviewable system-simulation structures in relation to input-sources, such as products and / or functions, (4) the easy authoring-software independent update of system-simulation-structures, product-structures and function-structures, (5) the effective, distributed and cohesive post-process and interpretation of system-simulation-results, (6) the effective, easy and unique traceability of the data which means cost reductions in documentation and data security, and (7) the greater openness and flexibility in simulation software interactions with the data holding system. Although the proposed and developed conceptual framework has not been implemented (that would require vast resources), it can be expected that the benefits in 7 above will lead to significant advances in the simulation of new product design and development over the whole lifecycle, offering enormous practical value to the manufacturing industry. Due to time and resource constraints as well as the effort that would be involved in the implementation of the proposed new framework, it is clear there are some limitations to this PhD thesis. Five areas have been identified where further work is needed to improve the quality of this project: (1) an expanded industrial sector and product design and development processes, (2) parameter oriented system and production description in the new framework, (3) the improved user interface design of the new framework, (4) the automatic generation of simulation processes and (5) enhancement of the individual simulation models

    Modeling and verification of reconfigurable discrete event control systems

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    Most modern technological systems rely on complicated control technologies, computer technologies, and networked communication technologies. Their dynamic behavior is intricate due to the concurrence and conflict of various signals. Such complex systems are studied as discrete event control systems (DECSs), while the detailed continuous variable processes are abstracted. Dynamic reconfigurable systems are the trend of all future technological systems, such as flight control systems, vehicle electronic systems, and manufacturing systems. In order to meet control requirements continuously, such a dynamic reconfigurable system is able to actively adjust its configuration at runtime by modifying ist components, connections among components and data, while changes are detected in the internal/external execution environment. Model based design methodologies attract wide attention since they can detect system defect earlier, increase system reliability, and decrease time and cost on system development. An accurate, compact, and easy formal model to be analyzed is the first step of model based design methods. Formal verification is an expected effective method to completely check if a designed system meets all requirements and to improve the system design scheme. Considering the potential benefits of Timed Net Condition/Event Systems (TNCESs) in modeling and analyzing reconfigurable systems, this dissertation deals with formal modeling and verification of reconfigurable discrete event control systems (RDECSs) based on them.Die meisten modernen technologischen Systeme benötigen aufwändige Steuerungs-, Rechner- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Aufgrund von Nebenläufigkeit und Konflikten ergibt sich ein kompliziertes dynamisches Verhalten. Derartige komplexe Systeme werden dadurch untersucht, dass man sie als ereignisdiskrete Steuerungssysteme (Discrete Event Control Systems, DECSs) betrachtet und dabei die detaillierten unterlagerten kontinuierlichen Prozesse abstrahiert. Um die Anforderungen an die Steuerung durchgängig erfüllen zu können adaptieren sich dynamische rekonfigurierbare Systeme zur Laufzeit durch Modifikation ihrer Komponenten, deren Verbindungen untereinander und der gespeicherten Daten, sobald Änderungen in der internen oder externen Umgebung festgestellt werden. Beispiele für dynamische Rekonfigurierbare Systeme finden sich in der Luftfahrt, im Automobilbereich aber auch in Fertigungssystemen. Modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit, da sie es erlauben Fehler früher im Entwicklungsprozess aufzudecken und damit zu höherer Systemverfügbarkeit bei verkürzter Entwicklungszeit führen. Ein formales Modell des Systems bildet hierbei den ersten wichtigen Schritt. Durch formale Verifikation kann dieses Modell effektiv und vollständig überprüft und ggf. verbessert werden. Eine geeignete Modellform hierfür sind Timed Net Condition/Event Systems (TNCESs). Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Anwendung von TNCES zur Modellierung und Verifikation rekonfigurierbarer ereignisdiskreter Steuerungssysteme (RDECSs)

    Model-Driven Development of Control Applications: On Modeling Tools, Simulations and Safety

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    Control systems are required in various industrial applications varying from individual machines to manufacturing plants and enterprises. Software applications have an important role as an implementation technology in such systems, which can be based on Distributed Control System (DCS) or Programmable Control System (PLC) platforms, for example. Control applications are computer programs that, with control system hardware, perform control tasks. Control applications are efficient and flexible by nature; however, their development is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts and information from various domains of expertise.This thesis studies the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in control application development. MDD is a software development methodology in which models are used as primary engineering artefacts and processed with both manual work and automated model transformations. The objective of the thesis is to explore whether or not control application development can benefit from MDD and selected technologies enabled by it. The research methodology followed in the thesis is the constructive approach of design science.To answer the research questions, tools are developed for modeling and developing control applications using UML Automation Profile (UML AP) in a model-driven development process. The modeling approach is developed based on open source tools on Eclipse platform. In the approach, modeling concepts are kept extendable. Models can be processed with model transformation techniques that plug in to the tool. The approach takes into account domain requirements related to, for example, re-use of design. According to assessment of industrial applicability of the approach and tools as part of it, they could be used for developing industrial DCS based control applications.Simulation approaches that can be used in conjunction to model-driven development of control applications are presented and compared. Development of a model-in-the-loop simulation support is rationalized to enable the use of simulations early while taking into account the special characteristics of the domain. A simulator integration is developed that transforms UML AP control application models to Modelica Modeling Language (ModelicaML) models, thus enabling closed-loop simulations with ModelicaML models of plants to be controlled. The simulation approach is applied successfully in simulations of machinery applications and process industry processes.Model-driven development of safety applications, which are parts of safety systems, would require taking into account safety standard requirements related to modeling techniques and documentation, for example. Related to this aspect, the thesis focuses on extending the information content of models with aspects that are required for safety applications. The modeling of hazards and their associated risks is supported with fault tree notation. The risk and hazard information is integrated into the development process in order to improve traceability. Automated functions enable generating documentation and performing consistency checks related to the use of standard solutions, for example. When applicable, techniques and notations, such as logic diagrams, have been chosen so that they are intuitive to developers but also comply with recommendations of safety standards

    A new framework for supporting and managing multi-disciplinary system-simulation in a PLM environment

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    In order to keep products and systems attractive to consumers, developers have to do what they can to meet growing customers’ requirements. These requirements could be direct demands of customers but could also be the consequence of other influences such as globalization, customer fragmentation, product portfolio, regulations and so on. In the manufacturing industry, most companies are able to meet these growing requirements with mechatronic and interdisciplinary designed and developed products, which demand the collaboration between different disciplines. For example, the generation of a virtual prototype and its simulation tools of a mechatronic and multi-disciplinary product or system could require the cooperation of multiple departments within a company or between business partners. In a simulation, a virtual prototype is used for testing a product or a system. This virtual prototype and test approach could be used from the early stages of the development process to the end of the product or system lifecycle. Over years, different approaches/systems to generating virtual prototypes and testing have been designed and developed. But these systems have not been properly integrated, although some efforts have been made with limited success. Therefore, the requirement exists to propose and develop new technologies, methods and methodologies for achieving this integration.\ud In addition, the use of simulation tools requires special expertise for the generation of simulation models, plus the formats of product prototypes and simulation data are different for each system. This adds to the requirements of a guideline or framework for implementing the integration of a multi- and inter- disciplinary product design, simulation software and data management during the entire product lifecycle.\ud The main functionality and metadata structures of the new framework have been identified and optimised. The multi-disciplinary simulation data and their collection processes, the existing PLM (product lifecycle management) software and their applications have been analysed. In addition, the inter-disciplinary collaboration between a variety of simulation software has been analysed and evaluated. The new framework integrates the identified and optimised functionality and metadata structures to support and manage multi- and inter-disciplinary simulation in a PLM system environment.\ud It is believed that this project has made 6 contributions to new knowledge generation: (1) the New Conceptual Framework to Enhance the Support and Management of Multi-Disciplinary System-Simulation, (2) the New System-Simulation Oriented and Process Oriented Data Handling Approach, (3) the Enhanced Traceability of System-Simulation to Sources and Represented Products and Functions, (4) the New System-Simulation Derivation Approach, (5) the New Approach for the Synchronisation of System Describing Structures and (6) the Enhanced System-Simulation Result Data Handling Approach.\ud In addition, the new framework would bring significant benefits to each industry it is applied to. They are: (1) the more effective re-use of individual simulation models in system-simulation context, (2) the effective pre-defining and preparing of individual simulation models, (3) the easy and native reviewable system-simulation structures in relation to input-sources, such as products and / or functions, (4) the easy authoring-software independent update of system-simulation-structures, product-structures and function-structures, (5) the effective, distributed and cohesive post-process and interpretation of system-simulation-results, (6) the effective, easy and unique traceability of the data which means cost reductions in documentation and data security, and (7) the greater openness and flexibility in simulation software interactions with the data holding system.\ud Although the proposed and developed conceptual framework has not been implemented (that would require vast resources), it can be expected that the benefits in 7 above will lead to significant advances in the simulation of new product design and development over the whole lifecycle, offering enormous practical value to the manufacturing industry.\ud Due to time and resource constraints as well as the effort that would be involved in the implementation of the proposed new framework, it is clear there are some limitations to this PhD thesis. Five areas have been identified where further work is needed to improve the quality of this project: (1) an expanded industrial sector and product design and development processes, (2) parameter oriented system and production description in the new framework, (3) the improved user interface design of the new framework, (4) the automatic generation of simulation processes and (5) enhancement of the individual simulation models

    Manipulador aéreo con brazos antropomórficos de articulaciones flexibles

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    [Resumen] Este artículo presenta el primer robot manipulador aéreo con dos brazos antropomórficos diseñado para aplicarse en tareas de inspección y mantenimiento en entornos industriales de difícil acceso para operarios humanos. El robot consiste en una plataforma aérea multirrotor equipada con dos brazos antropomórficos ultraligeros, así como el sistema de control integrado de la plataforma y los brazos. Una de las principales características del manipulador es la flexibilidad mecánica proporcionada en todas las articulaciones, lo que aumenta la seguridad en las interacciones físicas con el entorno y la protección del propio robot. Para ello se ha introducido un compacto y simple mecanismo de transmisión por muelle entre el eje del servo y el enlace de salida. La estructura en aluminio de los brazos ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada de forma que los actuadores estén aislados frente a cargas radiales y axiales que los puedan dañar. El manipulador desarrollado ha sido validado a través de experimentos en base fija y en pruebas de vuelo en exteriores.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2014-5983-C2-1-