14 research outputs found

    Classifying imbalanced data sets using similarity based hierarchical decomposition

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    Classification of data is difficult if the data is imbalanced and classes are overlapping. In recent years, more research has started to focus on classification of imbalanced data since real world data is often skewed. Traditional methods are more successful with classifying the class that has the most samples (majority class) compared to the other classes (minority classes). For the classification of imbalanced data sets, different methods are available, although each has some advantages and shortcomings. In this study, we propose a new hierarchical decomposition method for imbalanced data sets which is different from previously proposed solutions to the class imbalance problem. Additionally, it does not require any data pre-processing step as many other solutions need. The new method is based on clustering and outlier detection. The hierarchy is constructed using the similarity of labeled data subsets at each level of the hierarchy with different levels being built by different data and feature subsets. Clustering is used to partition the data while outlier detection is utilized to detect minority class samples. The comparison of the proposed method with state of art the methods using 20 public imbalanced data sets and 181 synthetic data sets showed that the proposed method׳s classification performance is better than the state of art methods. It is especially successful if the minority class is sparser than the majority class. It has accurate performance even when classes have sub-varieties and minority and majority classes are overlapping. Moreover, its performance is also good when the class imbalance ratio is low, i.e. classes are more imbalanced

    Teknik Resampling untuk Mengatasi Ketidakseimbangan Kelas pada Klasifikasi Penyakit Diabetes Menggunakan C4.5, Random Forest, dan SVM

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    Penderita diabetes di seluruh dunia terus mengalami peningkatan dengan angka kematian sebesar 4,6 juta pada tahun 2011 dan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat secara global menjadi 552 juta pada tahun 2030. Pencegahan Penyakit diabetes mungkin dapat dilakukan secara efektif dengan cara mendeteksinya sejak dini. Data mining dan machine learning terus dikembangkan agar menjadi alat yang handal dalam membangun model komputasi untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit diabetes pada tahap awal. Namun, masalah yang sering dihadapi dalam menganalisis penyakit diabetes ialah masalah ketidakseimbangan class. Kelas yang tidak seimbang membuat model pembelajaran akan sulit melakukan prediksi karena model pembelajaran didominasi oleh instance kelas mayoritas sehingga mengabaikan prediksi kelas minoritas. Pada penelitian ini kami mencoba menganalisa dan mencoba mengatasi masalah ketidakseimbangan kelas dengan menggunakan pendekatan level data yaitu teknik resampling data. Eksperimen ini menggunakan R language dengan library ROSE (version 0.0-4). Dataset Pima Indians dipilih pada penelitian ini karena merupakan salah satu dataset yang mengalami ketidakseimbangan kelas. Model pengklasifikasian pada penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma decision tree C4.5, RF (Random Forest), dan SVM (Support Vector Machines). Dari hasil eksperimen yang dilakukan model klasifikasi SVM dengan teknik resampling yang menggabungkan over dan under-sampling menjadi model yang memiliki performa terbaik dengan nilai AUC (Area Under Curve) sebesar 0.8

    Predicting Louisiana Public High School Dropout through Imbalanced Learning Techniques

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    This study is motivated by the magnitude of the problem of Louisiana high school dropout and its negative impacts on individual and public well-being. Our goal is to predict students who are at risk of high school dropout, by examining Louisiana administrative dataset. Due to the imbalanced nature of the dataset, imbalanced learning techniques including resampling, case weighting, and cost-sensitive learning have been applied to enhance the prediction performance on the rare class. Performance metrics used in this study are F-measure, recall and precision of the rare class. We compare the performance of several machine learning algorithms such as neural networks, decision trees and bagging trees in combination with the imbalanced learning approaches using an administrative dataset of size of 366k+ from Louisiana Department of Education. Experiments show that application of imbalanced learning methods produces good results on recall but decreases precision, whereas base classifiers without regard of imbalanced data handling gives better precision but poor recall. Overall application of imbalanced learning techniques is beneficial, yet more studies are desired to improve precision.Comment: 6 page

    RiskLogitboost Regression for Rare Events in Binary Response: An Econometric Approach

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    A boosting-based machine learning algorithm is presented to model a binary response with large imbalance, i.e., a rare event. The new method (i) reduces the prediction error of the rare class, and (ii) approximates an econometric model that allows interpretability. RiskLogitboost regression includes a weighting mechanism that oversamples or undersamples observations according to their misclassification likelihood and a generalized least squares bias correction strategy to reduce the prediction error. An illustration using a real French third-party liability motor insurance data set is presented. The results show that RiskLogitboost regression improves the rate of detection of rare events compared to some boosting-based and tree-based algorithms and some existing methods designed to treat imbalanced responses

    Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Perspective of Class Imbalance

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the second cause of mortality among women. Early detection is the only rescue to reduce the risk of breast cancer mortality. Traditional methods cannot effectively diagnose tumor since they are based on the assumption of well-balanced dataset.. However, a hybrid method can help to alleviate the two-class imbalance problem existing in the diagnosis of breast cancer and establish a more accurate diagnosis. Material and Methods: The proposed hybrid approach was based on improved Laplacian score (LS) andK-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithms called LS-KNN. An improved LS algorithm was used for obtaining the optimal feature subset. The KNN with automatic K was utilized for classifying the data which guaranteed the effectiveness of the proposed method by reducing the computational effort and making the classification more faster. The effectiveness of LS-KNN was also examined on two biased-representative breast cancer datasets using classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, G-mean, and Matthews correlation coefficient. Results: Applying the proposed algorithm on two breast cancer datasets indicated that the efficiency of the new method was higher than the previously introduced methods. The obtained values of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, G-mean, and Matthews correlation coefficient were 99.27%, 99.12%, 99.51%, 99.42%, respectively. Conclusion: Experimental results showed that the proposed approach worked well with breast cancer datasets and could be a good alternative to the well-known machine learning method

    Improved adaptive semi-unsupervised weighted oversampling (IA-SUWO) using sparsity factor for imbalanced datasets

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    The imbalanced data problem is common in data mining nowadays due to the skewed nature of data, which impact the classification process negatively in machine learning. For preprocessing, oversampling techniques significantly benefitted the imbalanced domain, in which artificial data is generated in minority class to enhance the number of samples and balance the distribution of samples in both classes. However, existing oversampling techniques encounter through overfitting and over-generalization problems which lessen the classifier performance. Although many clustering based oversampling techniques significantly overcome these problems but most of these techniques are not able to produce the appropriate number of synthetic samples in minority clusters. This study proposed an improved Adaptive Semi-unsupervised Weighted Oversampling (IA-SUWO) technique, using the sparsity factor which determine the sparse minority samples in each minority cluster. This technique consider the sparse minority samples which are far from the decision boundary. These samples also carry the important information for learning of minority class, if these samples are also considered for oversampling, imbalance ratio will be more reduce also it could enhance the learnability of the classifiers. The outcomes of the proposed approach have been compared with existing oversampling techniques such as SMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE, Safe-level SMOTE, and standard A-SUWO technique in terms of accuracy. As aforementioned, the comparative analysis revealed that the proposed oversampling approach performance increased in average by 5% from 85% to 90% than the existing comparative techniques

    Classifying Imbalanced Data Sets by a Novel RE-Sample and Cost-Sensitive Stacked Generalization Method

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    Learning with imbalanced data sets is considered as one of the key topics in machine learning community. Stacking ensemble is an efficient algorithm for normal balance data sets. However, stacking ensemble was seldom applied in imbalance data. In this paper, we proposed a novel RE-sample and Cost-Sensitive Stacked Generalization (RECSG) method based on 2-layer learning models. The first step is Level 0 model generalization including data preprocessing and base model training. The second step is Level 1 model generalization involving cost-sensitive classifier and logistic regression algorithm. In the learning phase, preprocessing techniques can be embedded in imbalance data learning methods. In the cost-sensitive algorithm, cost matrix is combined with both data characters and algorithms. In the RECSG method, ensemble algorithm is combined with imbalance data techniques. According to the experiment results obtained with 17 public imbalanced data sets, as indicated by various evaluation metrics (AUC, GeoMean, and AGeoMean), the proposed method showed the better classification performances than other ensemble and single algorithms. The proposed method is especially more efficient when the performance of base classifier is low. All these demonstrated that the proposed method could be applied in the class imbalance problem

    Application of Synthetic Informative Minority Over-Sampling (SIMO) Algorithm Leveraging Support Vector Machine (SVM) On Small Datasets with Class Imbalance

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    Developing predictive models for classification problems considering imbalanced datasets is one of the basic difficulties in data mining and decision-analytics. A classifier’s performance will decline dramatically when applied to an imbalanced dataset. Standard classifiers such as logistic regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM) are appropriate for balanced training sets whereas provides suboptimal classification results when used on unbalanced dataset. Performance metric with prediction accuracy encourages a bias towards the majority class, while the rare instances remain unknown though the model contributes a high overall precision. There are chances where minority instances might be treated as noise and vice versa. (Haixiang et al., 2017). Wide range of Class Imbalanced learning techniques are introduced to overcome the above-mentioned problems, although each has some advantages and shortcomings. This paper provides details on the behavior of a novel imbalanced learning technique Synthetic Informative Minority Over-Sampling (SIMO) Algorithm Leveraging Support Vector Machine (SVM) on small datasets of records less than 200. Base classifiers, Logistic regression and SVM is used to validate the impact of SIMO on classifier’s performance in terms of metrices G-mean and Area Under Curve. A Comparison is derived between SIMO and other algorithms SMOTE, Smote-Borderline, ADAYSN to evaluate performance of SIMO over others