6,936 research outputs found

    An automated pattern recognition system for the quantification of inflammatory cells in hepatitis-C-infected liver biopsies

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    This paper presents an automated system for the quantification of inflammatory cells in hepatitis-C-infected liver biopsies. Initially, features are extracted from colour-corrected biopsy images at positions of interest identified by adaptive thresholding and clump decomposition. A sequential floating search method and principal component analysis are used to reduce dimensionality. Manually annotated training images allow supervised training. The performance of Gaussian parametric and mixture models is compared when used to classify regions as either inflammatory or healthy. The system is optimized using a response surface method that maximises the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. This system is then tested on images previously ranked by a number of observers with varying levels of expertise. These results are compared to the automated system using Spearman rank correlation. Results show that this system can rank 15 test images, with varying degrees of inflammation, in strong agreement with five expert pathologists

    Digital Image Analysis of Vitiligo for Monitoring of Vitiligo Treatment

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    Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary skin disorder characterized by depigmented macules that result from damage to and destruction of epidermal melanocytes. Visually, the vitiligous areas are paler in contrast to normal skin or completely white due to the lack of pigment melanin. The course of vitiligo is unpredictable where the vitiligous skin lesions may remain stable for years before worsening. Vitiligo treatments have two objectives, to arrest disease progression and to re-pigment the vitiligous skin lesions. To monitor the efficacy of the treatment, dermatologists observe the disease directly, or indirectly using digital photos. Currently there is no objective method to determine the efficacy of the vitiligo treatment. Physician's Global Assessment (PGA) scale is the current scoring system used by dermatologists to evaluate the treatment. The scale is based on the degree of repigmentation within lesions over time. This quantitative tool however may not be help to detect slight changes due to treatment as it would still be largely dependent on the human eye and judgment to produce the scorings. In addition, PGA score is also subjective, as it varies with dermatologists. The progression of vitiligo treatment can be very slow and can take more than 6 months. It is observed that dermatologists find it visually hard to determine the areas of skin repigmentation due to this slow progress and as a result the observations are made after a longer time frame. The objective of this research is to develop a tool that enables dermatologists to determine and quantify areas of repigmentation objectively over a shorter time frame during treatment. The approaches towards achieving this objective are based on digital image processing techniques. Skin color is due to the combination of skin histological parameters, namely pigment melanin and haemoglobin. However in digital imaging, color is produced by combining three different spectral bands, namely red, green, and blue (RGB). It is believed that the spatial distribution of melanin and haemoglobin in skin image could be separated. It is found that skin color distribution lies on a two-dimensional melanin-haemoglobin color subspace. In order to determine repigmentation (due to pigment melanin) it is necessary to perform a conversion from RGB skin image to this two-dimensional color subspace. Using principal component analysis (PCA) as a dimensional reduction tool, the two-dimensional subspace can be represented by its first and second principal components. Independent component analysis is employed to convert the twodimensional subspace into a skin image that represents skin areas due to melanin and haemoglobin only. In the skin image that represents skin areas due to melanin, vitiligous skin lesions are identified as skin areas that lack melanin. Segmentation is performed to separate the healthy skin and the vitiligous lesions. The difference in the vitiligous surface areas between skin images before and after treatment will be expressed as a percentage of repigmentation in each vitiligo lesion. This percentage will represent the repigmentation progression of a particular body region. Results of preliminary and pre-clinical trial study show that our vitiligo monitoring system has been able to determine repigmentation progression objectively and thus treatment efficacy on a shorter time cycle. An intensive clinical trial is currently undertaken in Hospital Kuala Lumpur using our developed system. VI

    Automatic human face detection in color images

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    Automatic human face detection in digital image has been an active area of research over the past decade. Among its numerous applications, face detection plays a key role in face recognition system for biometric personal identification, face tracking for intelligent human computer interface (HCI), and face segmentation for object-based video coding. Despite significant progress in the field in recent years, detecting human faces in unconstrained and complex images remains a challenging problem in computer vision. An automatic system that possesses a similar capability as the human vision system in detecting faces is still a far-reaching goal. This thesis focuses on the problem of detecting human laces in color images. Although many early face detection algorithms were designed to work on gray-scale Images, strong evidence exists to suggest face detection can be done more efficiently by taking into account color characteristics of the human face. In this thesis, we present a complete and systematic face detection algorithm that combines the strengths of both analytic and holistic approaches to face detection. The algorithm is developed to detect quasi-frontal faces in complex color Images. This face class, which represents typical detection scenarios in most practical applications of face detection, covers a wide range of face poses Including all in-plane rotations and some out-of-plane rotations. The algorithm is organized into a number of cascading stages including skin region segmentation, face candidate selection, and face verification. In each of these stages, various visual cues are utilized to narrow the search space for faces. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive analysis of skin detection using color pixel classification, and the effects of factors such as the color space, color classification algorithm on segmentation performance. We also propose a novel and efficient face candidate selection technique that is based on color-based eye region detection and a geometric face model. This candidate selection technique eliminates the computation-intensive step of window scanning often employed In holistic face detection, and simplifies the task of detecting rotated faces. Besides various heuristic techniques for face candidate verification, we developface/nonface classifiers based on the naive Bayesian model, and investigate three feature extraction schemes, namely intensity, projection on face subspace and edge-based. Techniques for improving face/nonface classification are also proposed, including bootstrapping, classifier combination and using contextual information. On a test set of face and nonface patterns, the combination of three Bayesian classifiers has a correct detection rate of 98.6% at a false positive rate of 10%. Extensive testing results have shown that the proposed face detector achieves good performance in terms of both detection rate and alignment between the detected faces and the true faces. On a test set of 200 images containing 231 faces taken from the ECU face detection database, the proposed face detector has a correct detection rate of 90.04% and makes 10 false detections. We have found that the proposed face detector is more robust In detecting in-plane rotated laces, compared to existing face detectors. +D2

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    A comprehensive review of fruit and vegetable classification techniques

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    Recent advancements in computer vision have enabled wide-ranging applications in every field of life. One such application area is fresh produce classification, but the classification of fruit and vegetable has proven to be a complex problem and needs to be further developed. Fruit and vegetable classification presents significant challenges due to interclass similarities and irregular intraclass characteristics. Selection of appropriate data acquisition sensors and feature representation approach is also crucial due to the huge diversity of the field. Fruit and vegetable classification methods have been developed for quality assessment and robotic harvesting but the current state-of-the-art has been developed for limited classes and small datasets. The problem is of a multi-dimensional nature and offers significantly hyperdimensional features, which is one of the major challenges with current machine learning approaches. Substantial research has been conducted for the design and analysis of classifiers for hyperdimensional features which require significant computational power to optimise with such features. In recent years numerous machine learning techniques for example, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been exploited with many different feature description methods for fruit and vegetable classification in many real-life applications. This paper presents a critical comparison of different state-of-the-art computer vision methods proposed by researchers for classifying fruit and vegetable

    Camera-Based Heart Rate Extraction in Noisy Environments

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    Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a non-invasive technique that benefits from video to measure vital signs such as the heart rate (HR). In rPPG estimation, noise can introduce artifacts that distort rPPG signal and jeopardize accurate HR measurement. Considering that most rPPG studies occurred in lab-controlled environments, the issue of noise in realistic conditions remains open. This thesis aims to examine the challenges of noise in rPPG estimation in realistic scenarios, specifically investigating the effect of noise arising from illumination variation and motion artifacts on the predicted rPPG HR. To mitigate the impact of noise, a modular rPPG measurement framework, comprising data preprocessing, region of interest, signal extraction, preparation, processing, and HR extraction is developed. The proposed pipeline is tested on the LGI-PPGI-Face-Video-Database public dataset, hosting four different candidates and real-life scenarios. In the RoI module, raw rPPG signals were extracted from the dataset using three machine learning-based face detectors, namely Haarcascade, Dlib, and MediaPipe, in parallel. Subsequently, the collected signals underwent preprocessing, independent component analysis, denoising, and frequency domain conversion for peak detection. Overall, the Dlib face detector leads to the most successful HR for the majority of scenarios. In 50% of all scenarios and candidates, the average predicted HR for Dlib is either in line or very close to the average reference HR. The extracted HRs from the Haarcascade and MediaPipe architectures make up 31.25% and 18.75% of plausible results, respectively. The analysis highlighted the importance of fixated facial landmarks in collecting quality raw data and reducing noise

    A Hybrid Color Space for Skin Detection Using Genetic Algorithm Heuristic Search and Principal Component Analysis Technique

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    Color is one of the most prominent features of an image and used in many skin and face detection applications. Color space transformation is widely used by researchers to improve face and skin detection performance. Despite the substantial research efforts in this area, choosing a proper color space in terms of skin and face classification performance which can address issues like illumination variations, various camera characteristics and diversity in skin color tones has remained an open issue. This research proposes a new three-dimensional hybrid color space termed SKN by employing the Genetic Algorithm heuristic and Principal Component Analysis to find the optimal representation of human skin color in over seventeen existing color spaces. Genetic Algorithm heuristic is used to find the optimal color component combination setup in terms of skin detection accuracy while the Principal Component Analysis projects the optimal Genetic Algorithm solution to a less complex dimension. Pixel wise skin detection was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed color space. We have employed four classifiers including Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Multilayer Perceptron in order to generate the human skin color predictive model. The proposed color space was compared to some existing color spaces and shows superior results in terms of pixel-wise skin detection accuracy. Experimental results show that by using Random Forest classifier, the proposed SKN color space obtained an average F-score and True Positive Rate of 0.953 and False Positive Rate of 0.0482 which outperformed the existing color spaces in terms of pixel wise skin detection accuracy. The results also indicate that among the classifiers used in this study, Random Forest is the most suitable classifier for pixel wise skin detection applications

    Segmentation of images by color features: a survey

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    En este articulo se hace la revisión del estado del arte sobre la segmentación de imagenes de colorImage segmentation is an important stage for object recognition. Many methods have been proposed in the last few years for grayscale and color images. In this paper, we present a deep review of the state of the art on color image segmentation methods; through this paper, we explain the techniques based on edge detection, thresholding, histogram-thresholding, region, feature clustering and neural networks. Because color spaces play a key role in the methods reviewed, we also explain in detail the most commonly color spaces to represent and process colors. In addition, we present some important applications that use the methods of image segmentation reviewed. Finally, a set of metrics frequently used to evaluate quantitatively the segmented images is shown