9,167 research outputs found

    Children's Play

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    Avoiding a dystopian future for children's play

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    Describes the conflict between children's freedom to play and the quest for safety and makes recommendations for the future

    Avoiding a dystopian future for children's play

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    Describes the conflict between children's freedom to play and the quest for safety and makes recommendations for the future

    Disadvantaged children's play behavior over the school year in public school preschool classrooms

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the developmental changes in preschool children's play behavior in public school preschool classrooms. From the original four hundred eighty economically disadvantaged children in public pre-kindergarten programs funded by Chapter 1, two hundred eighty three children were used for the final analyses of this study. Children's play behaviors during free play time were observed twice over the school year in their classroom settings using an event sampling method. A series of repeated measures multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) were conducted to test 12 hypotheses. In addition to examining the developmental aspects of play, the findings were also compared with those of previous research studies to determine how public preschool intervention programs contribute to children's play development

    Seven myths about young children and technology

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    Parents and educators tend to have many questions about young children's play with computers and other technologies at home. They can find it difficult to know what is best for children because these toys and products were not around when they were young. Some will tell you that children have an affinity for technology that will be valuable in their future lives. Others think that children should not be playing with technology when they could be playing outside or reading a book

    Monetize children's play

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    Digital consumers today consist of much younger generations compared with that of five years ago. Some mobile applications now target users who are even below four years old, and very often, their parents are customers as well. It is challenging for companies to find suitable monetization models for digital products that are children facing due to legal and ethical limitations. Since the content delivery platform has now expanded to different mobile systems, companies are looking for other business models other than advertising for children's products. Innovation is needed from not only the product development perspective, but also the business creation perspective. Design thinking is regarded as the engine of creativity under the environment of extreme ambiguity. This thesis uses design thinking as the methodology to develop a business model for a digital product. Human centered, prototyping driven and positive towards ambiguity mindset goes throughout the case study. The monetization model developed from this thesis can be used as a tool for companies that focus on children's user experience as well as parent's willingness to pay. It takes into consideration of parenting style and children's usage behaviors. By clustering different types of users, companies can identify their key customers easily, meanwhile tailoring their strategies for different customer clusters. In addition, the business creation journey is generalized in the end of the thesis as "the innovative business design process". It starts from the human-centric angle, takes into account of the contemporary technology development process, and integrates practices from different domains

    Using real-time recognition of human-robot interaction styles for creating adaptive robot behaviour in robot-assisted play

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/ALIFE.2009.4937693This paper presents an application of the Cascaded Information Bottleneck Method for real-time recognition of Human-Robot Interaction styles in robot-assisted play. This method, that we have developed, is implemented here for an adaptive robot that can recognize and adapt to children's play styles in real time. The robot rewards well-balanced interaction styles and encourages children to engage in the interaction. The potential impact of such an adaptive robot in robot-assisted play for children with autism is evaluated through a study conducted with seven children with autism in a school. A statistical analysis of the results shows the positive impact of such an adaptive robot on the children's play styles and on their engagement in the interaction with the robot

    The heritage of Australian children's play and oral tradition

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    The oral traditions of children are rich and varied, and encompass the songs, chants, rhymes, stories, riddles, insults, and lore of the playground. In Australia, though the collection of children's folklore dates from the nineteenth century, it was not until the 1950s that this field of inquiry attracted serious scholarly attention. Since then, there has been an increasingly vigorous interest in the collection and electronic recording of Australian children's verbal and performative play culture by academics, folklorists, and major collecting institutions (Davey 2011; Factor 2011; Darian-Smith 2012). Between 2007 and 2011, the Childhood, Tradition and Change research project conducted the largest nation-wide study of children's games and playground culture to date, resulting in a substantial archive of visual, oral, and written data.Not

    Children's play in Turopolje: the past and the present

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    Igra je aktivnost tipična za period ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Ona predstavlja metodu i odgojnu filozofiju djeteta te dobi. Samim time zauzima najvažnije mjesto u djetetovom životu. Uključuje sva osjetila i trebala bi utjecati na sve aspekte razvoja djeteta: komunikaciju, govor, socijalne vještine, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj motoričkih vještina i dr. Kroz igru možemo prepoznati i regulirati dječje emocionalne potrebe čime se uz ostalo podržava i njegovo samopoštovanje. Igra je jedan od najvažnijih načina učenja i služi i očuvanju kulturne baštine. Dijete kroz igru uči o baštini svojih predaka, o sebi, a istodobno o različitim kulturama, o drugom i drugačijem kao nezamjenjivom izvoru duhovnog bogatstva čovječanstva. Upravo tradicionalnim igrama naših djedova i baka koje prenosimo na najmlađe naraštaje nastavljamo tradiciju i očuvanja tradicionalnih vrijednosti zavičaja.Play is an activity typical for preschoolers. It presents method and educational philosophy of children at that age. She takes the most important place in children life. Play includes all senses and it should affect all aspects of child development: communication, speech, social skills, cognitive development, development of social skills and other. Through play, we can identify and regulate children's emotional needs, which, among other things, supports their self-esteem. Play is one of the most important ways of learning and also serves to preserve cultural heritage. Through play children learns about the heritage of their ancestors, about themselves and at the same time about different cultures, about another and different as an irreplaceable source of the spiritual wealth of humanity. We continue the tradition and preserve the traditional values of our homeland with the traditional games of our grandparents that we pass on to our youngest generations