36,509 research outputs found


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    Autisme merupakan gangguan perkembangan mental pada anak yang mengakibatkan anak sulit melakukan interaksi sosial. Diagnosa autisme biasanya dilakukan oleh seorang ahli tumbuh kembang anak, namun sebenarnya orang tua juga dapat melakukan diagnosa awal kemungkinan autisme pada anak dengan melakukan pengamatan perilaku anak dalam kesehariannya, khususnya cara berkomunikasi, interaksi sosial anak dengan teman seumurnya, serta kemampuan anak dalam berimajinasi. Sistem pakar diagnosa autisme dibangun dengan tujuan untuk membantu orang tua dalam melakukan diagnosa awal kemungkinan gangguan autisme pada anak. Diagnosa dimulai dengan melihat gejala berupa perilaku autisme pada keseharian anak, kemudian memasukkan data gejala yang sesuai ke dalam sistem. Pengetahuan pada sistem direpresentasikan dalam bentuk aturan. Metode penalaran yang digunakan adalah metode runut maju (forward chaining). Keluaran pada sistem berupa jawaban ada tidaknya kemungkinan autisme pada anak dan tingkat kepercayaan pakar terhadap gangguan autisme jika memang anak tersebut mengalami kemungkinan gangguan autisme berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode certainty factor. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil diagnosa pakar di lapangan dengan hasil diagnosa sistem. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 82,85%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini telah bekerja sesuai dengan aturan yang ada, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam upaya mengetahui dan memberikan penanganan dini terhadap perilaku autisme anak.;---Autism is a disorder mental development for children which causes them to making social interaction difficulty. Autism diagnosis is usually done by an expert in child development, but actually parents also could doing early diagnosis about autism probability of children within making examination of child behaviour in daily, especially about the skill of communication, the child’s social interaction with friend his age, and also children ability to imagine something else. Expert system for diagnosis autism was made with the aim to helping parents to doing the early diagnosis about autism probability of children. Diagnosis begins with a look at the symptom like autism behaviour in child's daily activity, and then input the appropriate symptom data into the system. Knowledges of the system are representing into the rule. Reasoning method we used is forward chaining method. Output by the system form of the answer, is there autism probability of children and measure belief of expert toward autism disorder if the child realy have the disorder of autism probability based on the calculation that using certainty factor method. Testing doing by compare between the result of diagnosa by expert in child development and the result of system diagnosa. From this test, it's getting amount of the accurate point about 82,85%, This shows that system has working based on the rule, until it could be the alternative into the effort to knowing and give the early treatment toward autism behaviour of children

    Sistem Pakar Menentukan Jenis Gangguan Perkembangan Anak Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    The age of the child until the age of 10 years is a period of children can absorb and learn all the information obtained quickly. Children developmental disorders can be seen from the way they behave, interact and from daily communication. System analysis activities to observe certain and uncertain events, then document the needs that will be met in the new system. The system that is built is capable of performing calculations for diagnosing disorders in child development using the certainty factor method. The system displays the results of the diagnosis of child development, presentation of the level of confidence in the results of the diagnosis and can display control of the types of developmental disorders in children. Users who have been identified who can use this expert system are general users, users who can diagnose a child's developmental disorders and can see the results of the diagnosis.   &nbsp

    Multi-Agent Cooperation for Particle Accelerator Control

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    We present practical investigations in a real industrial controls environment for justifying theoretical DAI (Distributed Artificial Intelligence) results, and we discuss theoretical aspects of practical investigations for accelerator control and operation. A generalized hypothesis is introduced, based on a unified view of control, monitoring, diagnosis, maintenance and repair tasks leading to a general method of cooperation for expert systems by exchanging hypotheses. This has been tested for task and result sharing cooperation scenarios. Generalized hypotheses also allow us to treat the repetitive diagnosis-recovery cycle as task sharing cooperation. Problems with such a loop or even recursive calls between the different agents are discussed

    Expert System for Diagnosing Early Childhood Developmental Disorders with Certainty Factor Method

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    The purpose of this research is to design and build an expert system to diagnose the type of developmental disorder in children early using the certainty factor method. The method of data collection used in this study is observation, interviews, and library studies. The system was built with the Waterfall System Development Method. The stage of the Waterfall method is analysis, design, coding, and testing. This expert system is built using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The result of this research was to successfully build an expert system to diagnose the type of developmental disorder in children early using the Certainty factor method to facilitate the user in diagnosing developmental disorders in the child quickly, efficiently, and without having to consult a pediatrician

    Fault isolation detection expert (FIDEX). Part 1: Expert system diagnostics for a 30/20 Gigahertz satellite transponder

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    LeRC has recently completed the design of a Ka-band satellite transponder system, as part of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) System. To enhance the reliability of this satellite, NASA funded the University of Akron to explore the application of an expert system to provide the transponder with an autonomous diagnosis capability. The results of this research was the development of a prototype diagnosis expert system called FIDEX (fault-isolation and diagnosis expert). FIDEX is a frame-based expert system that was developed in the NEXPERT Object development environment by Neuron Data, Inc. It is a MicroSoft Windows version 3.0 application, and was designed to operate on an Intel i80386 based personal computer system

    Sex assignment in conditions affecting sex development

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    The newborn infant with atypical genitalia presents a challenging clinical scenario and requires expert input. There have been appreciable advances in our knowledge of the underlying causes that may lead to a mere difference or a more serious disorder of sex development (DSD), the natural history of conditions, as well as the short and long-term complications of these conditions themselves, together with the clinical interventions that are associated with these conditions. With this information, the DSD expert can be more confident when discussing options with the parents of the newborn infant. By working within a multidisciplinary team, the expert should be able to support the family whilst individualising the management plan so that it is also cognizant of the shifts in societal attitudes and expectations around concepts of diversity and openness. It is, therefore, likely that the practice of assigning sex, especially in those cases where sex assignment is unclear on expert assessment, will continue to show temporal, social and geographical variations. It is imperative that clinical data for rare conditions such as these are collected in a standardized format and shared through a common registry so that any evidence that is used for future shifts in practice has a stronger foundation than that which is currently available

    Expert System for Diagnosing Palm Tree Diseases and Pests using Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor

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    A general introduction to pests and diseases of palm oil crops in relation with the business of palm oil cultivation is necessary to increase the productivity of palm oil plantations. Unfortunately, the number of experts and researchers having expertise in palm oil plants are still very small. To overcome this, an expert system is needed to diagnose diseases and pests in palm oil crops. Therefore, this study proposes an expert system for diagnosing palm tree diseases and pests. The diagnosis begins by entering the initial symptoms, then the system will display other related symptoms. Finally, the system will display the diagnosis of the symptoms entered.  This expert system will ease farmers in identifying diseases and pests based on early symptoms; hence, necessary prevention and early treatment of the disease can be accurately conducted

    Rationale for Prolonged Glucocorticoid Use in Pediatric ARDS: What the Adults Can Teach Us.

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    Based on molecular mechanisms and physiologic data, a strong association has been established between dysregulated systemic inflammation and progression of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In ARDS patients, glucocorticoid receptor-mediated downregulation of systemic inflammation is essential to restore homeostasis, decrease morbidity and improve survival and can be significantly enhanced with prolonged low-to-moderate dose glucocorticoid treatment. A large body of evidence supports a strong association between prolonged glucocorticoid treatment-induced downregulation of the inflammatory response and improvement in pulmonary and extrapulmonary physiology. The balance of the available data from eight controlled trials (n = 622) provides consistent strong level of evidence for improving patient-centered outcomes and hospital survival. The sizable increase in mechanical ventilation-free days (weighted mean difference, 6.48 days; CI 95% 2.57-10.38, p < 0.0001) and intensive care unit-free days (weighted mean difference, 7.7 days; 95% CI, 3.13-12.20, p < 0.0001) by day 28 is superior to any investigated intervention in ARDS. For treatment initiated before day 14 of ARDS, the increased in hospital survival (70 vs. 52%, OR 2.41, CI 95% 1.50-3.87, p = 0.0003) translates into a number needed to treat to save one life of 5.5. Importantly, prolonged glucocorticoid treatment is not associated with increased risk for nosocomial infections (22 vs. 27%, OR 0.61, CI 95% 0.35-1.04, p = 0.07). Treatment decisions involve a tradeoff between benefits and risks, as well as costs. This low-cost, highly effective therapy is familiar to every physician and has a low risk profile when secondary prevention measures are implemented
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