1,046 research outputs found

    Overview of the SPMRL 2013 shared task: cross-framework evaluation of parsing morphologically rich languages

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    This paper reports on the first shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages (MRLs). The task features data sets from nine languages, each available both in constituency and dependency annotation. We report on the preparation of the data sets, on the proposed parsing scenarios, and on the evaluation metrics for parsing MRLs given different representation types. We present and analyze parsing results obtained by the task participants, and then provide an analysis and comparison of the parsers across languages and frameworks, reported for gold input as well as more realistic parsing scenarios

    PARSEC: A Constraint-Based Parser for Spoken Language Processing

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    PARSEC (1), a text-based and spoken language processing framework based on the Constraint Dependency Grammar (CDG) developed by Maruyama [26,27], is discussed. The scope of CDG is expanded to allow for the analysis of sentences containing lexically ambiguous words, to allow feature analysis in constraints, and to efficiently process multiple sentence candidates that are likely to arise in spoken language processing. The benefits of the CDG parsing approach are summarized. Additionally, the development CDG grammars using PARSEC grammar writing tools and the implementation of the PARSEC parser for word graphs is discussed. (1) Parallel ARchitecture Sentence Constraine

    Darstellung und stochastische Auflösung von Ambiguität in constraint-basiertem Parsing

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    Diese Arbeit untersucht zwei komplementäre Ansätze zum Umgang mit Mehrdeutigkeiten bei der automatischen Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache. Zunächst werden Methoden vorgestellt, die es erlauben, viele konkurrierende Interpretationen in einer gemeinsamen Datenstruktur kompakt zu repräsentieren. Dann werden Ansätze vorgeschlagen, die verschiedenen Interpretationen mit Hilfe von stochastischen Modellen zu bewerten. Für das dabei auftretende Problem, Wahrscheinlichkeiten von seltenen Ereignissen zu schätzen, die in den Trainingsdaten nicht auftraten, werden neuartige Methoden vorgeschlagen.This thesis investigates two complementary approches to cope with ambiguities in natural language processing. It first presents methods that allow to store many competing interpretations compactly in one shared datastructure. It then suggests approaches to score the different interpretations using stochastic models. This leads to the problem of estimation of probabilities of rare events that have not been observed in the training data, for which novel methods are proposed

    Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages

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    International audienceThis paper reports on the first shared task on statistical parsing of morphologically rich lan- guages (MRLs). The task features data sets from nine languages, each available both in constituency and dependency annotation. We report on the preparation of the data sets, on the proposed parsing scenarios, and on the eval- uation metrics for parsing MRLs given dif- ferent representation types. We present and analyze parsing results obtained by the task participants, and then provide an analysis and comparison of the parsers across languages and frameworks, reported for gold input as well as more realistic parsing scenarios

    Visual language representation for use case evolution and traceability

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    The primary goal of this research is to assist non-technical stakeholders involved in requirements engineering with a comprehensible method for managing changing requirements within a specific domain. An important part of managing evolving requirements over time is to maintain a temporal ordering of the changes and to support traceability of the modifications. This research defines a semi-formal syntactical and semantic definition of such a method using a visual language, RE/TRAC (Requirements Evolution with Traceability), and a supporting formal semantic notation RE/TRAC-SEM. RE/TRAC-SEM is an ontological specification employing a combination of models, including verbal definitions, set theory and a string language specification RE/TRAC-CF. The language RE/TRAC-CF enables the separation of the syntactical description of the visual language from the semantic meaning of the model, permitting varying target representations and taking advantage of existing efficient parsing algorithms for context-free grammars. As an application of the RE/TRAC representation, this research depicts the hierarchical step-wise refinement of UML use case diagrams to demonstrate evolving system requirements. In the current arena of software development, where systems are described using platform independent models (PIMs) which emphasize the front-end design process, requirements and design documents, including the use cases, have become the primary artifacts of the system. Therefore the management of requirements’ evolution has become even more critical in the creation and maintenance of systems

    Object-oriented engineering of visual languages

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    Visual languages are notations that employ graphics (icons, diagrams) to present information in a two or more dimensional space. This work focuses on diagrammatic visual languages, as found in software engineering, and their computer implementations. Implementation means the development of processors to automatically analyze diagrams and the development of graphical editors for constructing the diagrams. We propose a rigorous implementation technique that uses a formal grammar to specify the syntax of a visual language and that uses parsing to automatically analyze the visual sentences generated by the grammar. The theoretical contributions of our work are an original treatment of error handling (error detection, reporting, and recovery) in off-line visual language parsing, and the source-to-source translation of visual languages. We have also substantially extended an existing grammatical model for multidimensional languages, called atomic relational grammars. We have added support for meta-language expressions that denote optional and repetitive right-hand-side elements. We hav

    Formalising Graphical Service Descriptions using SDL

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    It is convenient to describe telecomms services using a graphical notation that is accessible to non-specialists. However, the notation should also have a formal interpretation for rigorous analysis. CRESS (Chisel Representation Employing Systematic Specification) has been developed for this purpose. A brief overview of CRESS is given. It is explained how features (additional services) can be defined in a modular fashion, and automatically combined with a base service. Brief case studies illustrate how the approach has been used to describe services in the IN (Intelligent Network), SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), and IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Finally, it is shown how CRESS diagrams are translated into SDL for automated simulation, validation and implementation