22,265 research outputs found

    Broadband Seismic Noise: Classification and Green\u27s Function Estimation

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    This thesis aims at a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variations of the amplitudes as well as the statistical properties of the (urban) seismic noise. A new statistical time series classification is presented which is used to conduct an analysis of the spatial and temporal variations of seismic noise between 8 mHz and 45 Hz in a metropolitan area. Furthermore, it is used to realise data selection approaches for the estimation of Green\u27s functions from seismic noise

    A Scalable Correlator Architecture Based on Modular FPGA Hardware, Reuseable Gateware, and Data Packetization

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    A new generation of radio telescopes is achieving unprecedented levels of sensitivity and resolution, as well as increased agility and field-of-view, by employing high-performance digital signal processing hardware to phase and correlate large numbers of antennas. The computational demands of these imaging systems scale in proportion to BMN^2, where B is the signal bandwidth, M is the number of independent beams, and N is the number of antennas. The specifications of many new arrays lead to demands in excess of tens of PetaOps per second. To meet this challenge, we have developed a general purpose correlator architecture using standard 10-Gbit Ethernet switches to pass data between flexible hardware modules containing Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips. These chips are programmed using open-source signal processing libraries we have developed to be flexible, scalable, and chip-independent. This work reduces the time and cost of implementing a wide range of signal processing systems, with correlators foremost among them,and facilitates upgrading to new generations of processing technology. We present several correlator deployments, including a 16-antenna, 200-MHz bandwidth, 4-bit, full Stokes parameter application deployed on the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization.Comment: Accepted to Publications of the Astronomy Society of the Pacific. 31 pages. v2: corrected typo, v3: corrected Fig. 1

    Analogue VLSI study of temporally asymmetric Hebbian learning

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    Analytical evaluation of tilting proprotor wind tunnel test requirements

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    Specific test requirements related to the wind tunnel testing of the XV-15 advanced tilt rotor research aircraft were determined. The following analytical tools were developed: (1) digital simulation of the XV-15, incorporating a simplified tunnel support model, control system loop, measurement lags, gust disturbances, and sensor noise, (2) specialization of existing data analysis programs to the high order XV-15 dynamical model (transfer function program, a time series analysis program, an advanced maximum likelihood parameter identification program), (3) several auxiliary programs to provide estimates of damping from transfer functions as well as calculations of model decomposition of system response. The following results were discussed: (1) modelling of the aircraft, instrumentation, and controls, (2) results of the rotor/cantilever wing model and coupled wing, (3) examples of data prediction with system identification techniques, and (4) detailed conclusions and recommendations

    Non-invasive vascular assessment using photoplethysmography

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG) has become widely accepted as a valuable clinical tool for performing non-invasive biomedical monitoring. The dominant clinical application of PPG has been pulse oximetry, which uses spectral analysis of the peripheral blood supply to establish haemoglobin saturation. PPG has also found success in screening for venous dysfunction, though to a limited degree. Arterial Disease (AD) is a condition where blood flow in the arteries of the body is reduced,a condition known as ischaernia. Ischaernia can result in pain in the affected areas, such as chest pain for an ischearnic heart, but does not always produce symptoms. The most common form of AD is arteriosclerosis, which affects around 5% of the population over 50 years old. Arteriosclerosis, more commonly known as 'hardening of the arteries' is a condition that results in a gradual thickening, hardening and loss of elasticity in the walls of the arteries, reducing overall blood flow. This thesis investigates the possibility of employing PPG to perform vascular assessment, specifically arterial assessment, in two ways. PPG based perfusion monitoring may allow identification of ischaernia in the periphery. To further investigate this premise, prospective experimental trials are performed, firstly to assess the viability of PPG based perfusion monitoring and culminating in the development of a more objective method for determining ABPI using PPG based vascular assessment. A complex interaction between the heart and the connective vasculature, detected at the measuring site, generates the PPG signal. The haemodynamic properties of the vasculature will affect the shape of the PPG waveform, characterising the PPG signal with the properties of the intermediary vasculature. This thesis investigates the feasibility of deriving quantitative vascular parameters from the PPG signal. A quantitative approach allows direct identification of pathology, simplifying vascular assessment. Both forward and inverse models are developed in order to investigate this topic. Application of the models in prospective experimental trials with both normal subjects and subjects suffering PVD have shown encouraging results. It is concluded that the PPG signal contains information on the connective vasculature of the subject. PPG may be used to perform vascular assessment using either perfusion based techniques, where the magnitude of the PPG signal is of interest, or by directly assessing the connective vasculature using PPG, where the shape of the PPG signal is of interest. it is argued that PPG perfusion based techniques for performing the ABPI diagnosis protocol can offer greater sensitivity to the onset of PAD, compared to more conventional methods. It is speculated that the PPG based ABPI diagnosis protocol could provide enhanced PAD diagnosis, detecting the onset of the disease and allowing a treatmenpt lan to be formed soonert han was possible previously. The determination of quantitative vascular parameters using PPG shape could allow direct vascular diagnosis, reducing subjectivity due to interpretation. The prospective trials investigating PPG shape analysis concentrated on PVD diagnosis, but it is speculated that quantitative PPG shaped based vascular assessment could be a powerful tool in the diagnosis of many vascular based pathological conditions


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    Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) have evolved to a level where it is feasible for digital modems with relatively low data rates to be implemented entirely with software algorithms. With current technology it is still necessary for analogue processing between the RF input and a low frequency IF but, as DSP technology advances, it will become possible to shift the interface between analogue and digital domains ever closer towards the RF input. The software radio concept is a long-term goal which aims to realise software-based digital modems which are completely flexible in terms of operating frequency, bandwidth, modulation format and source coding. The ideal software radio cannot be realised until DSP, Analogue to Digital (A/D) and Digital to Analogue (D/A) technology has advanced sufficiently. Until these advances have been made, it is often necessary to sacrifice optimum performance in order to achieve real-time operation. This Thesis investigates practical real-time algorithms for carrier frequency synchronisation, symbol timing synchronisation, modulation, demodulation and FEC. Included in this work are novel software-based transceivers for continuous-mode transmission, burst-mode transmission, frequency modulation, phase modulation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Ideal applications for this work combine the requirement for flexible baseband signal processing and a relatively low data rate. Suitable applications for this work were identified in low-cost satellite return links, and specifically in asymmetric satellite Internet delivery systems. These systems employ a high-speed (>>2Mbps) DVB channel from service provider to customer and a low-cost, low-speed (32-128 kbps) return channel. This Thesis also discusses asymmetric satellite Internet delivery systems, practical considerations for their implementation and the techniques that are required to map TCP/IP traffic to low-cost satellite return links

    Access Windows by Iris Recognition

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    This project aims to design and develop an iris recognition system for accessing Microsoft Windows. The system is built using digital camera and Pentium 4 with SVGA display adapter. MATLAB ver. 7.0 is used to preprocess the taken images convert the images into code and compare the picture code with the stored database. The project involves two main steps: (1) applying image processing techniques on the picture of an eye for data acquisition. (2)applying Neural Networks techniques for identification .The image processing techniques display the steps for getting a very clear iris image necessary for extracting data from the acquisition of eye image in standard lighting and focusing. In a use of your images, the images are enhanced and segmented into 100 parts. The standard deviation is computed for every part in which the values are used for identification using NN techniques. Locating the iris is done by following the darkness density of the pupil. For all networks, the weights and output values are stored in a text file to be used later in identification. The Backprobagation network succeeded in identification and getting best results because it attained to (False Acceptance Rate = 10% - False Rejection Rate = 10%), while the Linear Associative Memory network attained to (False Acceptance Rate = 20% - False Rejection Rate = 20%
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