6,566 research outputs found

    Time-delayed feedback control in astrodynamics

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    In this paper we present time-delayed feedback control (TDFC) for the purpose of autonomously driving trajectories of nonlinear systems into periodic orbits. As the generation of periodic orbits is a major component of many problems in astodynamics we propose this method as a useful tool in such applications. To motivate the use of this method we apply it to a number of well known problems in the astrodynamics literature. Firstly, TDFC is applied to control in the chaotic attitude motion of an asymmetric satellite in an elliptical orbit. Secondly, we apply TDFC to the problem of maintaining a spacecraft in a periodic orbit about a body with large ellipticity (such as an asteroid) and finally, we apply TDFC to eliminate the drift between two satellites in low Earth orbits to ensure their relative motion is bounded

    A dynamical systems approach to micro spacecraft autonomy

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    The drive toward reducing the size and mass of spacecraft has put new constraints on the computational resources available for control and decision making algorithms. The aim of this paper is to present alternative methods for decision making algorithms that can be introduced for micro-spacecraft. The motivation behind this work comes from dynamical systems theory. Systems of differential equations can be built to define behaviors which can be manipulated to define an action selection algorithm. These algorithms can be mathematically validated and shown to be computationally efficient, providing robust autonomous control with a modest computational overhead

    Near-Earth Asteroid Satellite Spins Under Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We develop a fourth-order numerical integrator to simulate the coupled spin and orbital motions of two rigid bodies having arbitrary mass distributions under the influence of their mutual gravitational potential. We simulate the dynamics of components in well-characterized binary and triple near-Earth asteroid systems and use surface of section plots to map the possible spin configurations of the satellites. For asynchronous satellites, the analysis reveals large regions of phase space where the spin state of the satellite is chaotic. For synchronous satellites, we show that libration amplitudes can reach detectable values even for moderately elongated shapes. The presence of chaotic regions in the phase space has important consequences for the evolution of binary asteroids. It may substantially increase spin synchronization timescales, explain the observed fraction of asynchronous binaries, delay BYORP-type evolution, and extend the lifetime of binaries. The variations in spin rate due to large librations also affect the analysis and interpretation of lightcurve and radar observations.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Published in A

    Symptoms of complexity in a tourism system

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    Tourism destinations behave as dynamic evolving complex systems, encompassing numerous factors and activities which are interdependent and whose relationships might be highly nonlinear. Traditional research in this field has looked after a linear approach: variables and relationships are monitored in order to forecast future outcomes with simplified models and to derive implications for management organisations. The limitations of this approach have become apparent in many cases, and several authors claim for a new and different attitude. While complex systems ideas are amongst the most promising interdisciplinary research themes emerged in the last few decades, very little has been done so far in the field of tourism. This paper presents a brief overview of the complexity framework as a means to understand structures, characteristics, relationships, and explores the implications and contributions of the complexity literature on tourism systems. The objective is to allow the reader to gain a deeper appreciation of this point of view.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted in Tourism Analysi

    A Decoupled Parameters Estimators for in Nonlinear Systems Fault diagnosis by ANFIS

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    This paper presents a new and efficient Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference Systems approach for satellite’s attitude control systems (ACSs) fault diagnosis. The proposed approach formulates the fault modelling problem of system component into an on-line parameters estimation The learning  ability of the adaptive neural fuzzy inference system allow as to decoupling the effect of each fault from the estimation of the others.  Our solution provides a method to detect, isolate, and estimate various faults in system components, using Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Systems Parameter Estimators (ANFISPEs) that are designed and based on parameterizations related to each class of fault. Each ANFISPE estimates the corresponding unknown Fault Parameter (FP) that is further used for fault detection, isolation and identification purposes. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness of the developed FDI scheme of an ACSs actuators of a 3-axis stabilized satellite.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i2.22

    Indirect neural-enhanced integral sliding mode control for finite-time fault-tolerant attitude tracking of spacecraft

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    In this article, a neural integral sliding mode control strategy is presented for the finite-time fault-tolerant attitude tracking of rigid spacecraft subject to unknown inertia and disturbances. First, an integral sliding mode controller was developed by originally constructing a novel integral sliding mode surface to avoid the singularity problem. Then, the neural network (NN) was embedded into the integral sliding mode controller to compensate the lumped uncertainty and replace the robust switching term. In this way, the chattering phenomenon was significantly suppressed. Particularly, the mechanism of indirect neural approximation was introduced through inequality relaxation. Benefiting from this design, only a single learning parameter was required to be adjusted online, and the computation burden of the proposed controller was extremely reduced. The stability argument showed that the proposed controller could guarantee that the attitude and angular velocity tracking errors were regulated to the minor residual sets around zero in a finite time. It was noteworthy that the proposed controller was not only strongly robust against unknown inertia and disturbances, but also highly insensitive to actuator faults. Finally, the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed control strategy were validated using simulations and comparisons

    Social Dangers of European Integration

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    Integracja europejska jako proces społeczny pozostaje pod wpływem licznych zagrożeń, które w różnym zakresie mogą na nią oddziaływać. Przynajmniej częściowo występują one na płaszczyźnie politycznej - stając się konsekwencją zachodzących procesów ekonomicznych czy psychologicznych. Ewolucja postaw społecznych jednostek może mieć negatywne znaczenie dla europejskich społeczeństw. W niniejszym artykule szczególną uwagę autorzy poświęcają zagrożeniom płynącym z atomizacji, anomii oraz społecznej alienacji. Odniesieniem dla ich oddziaływania jest sfera społeczno-polityczna. Atomizacja może wpływać na poziom uczestnictwa politycznego i doprowadzić do upadku moralnych i społecznych zasad demokracji. Anomia wiąże się z reakcjami adaptacyjnymi, które mogą powodować wycofanie się z istniejących norm i wartości społecznych. Dodatkowo anomia i atomizacja mogą oddziaływać w ramach megatrendów sprawiając, że trudniej adaptować procesy demokratyzacyjne. Mając na uwadze znaczenie aspektu psychologicznego funkcjonowania jednostki w środowisku społecznym, analizie został poddany także problem alienacji społecznej, który w określonych wymiarach może stanowić istotne zagrożenie dla procesów integracji europejskiej.European integration as a social process is endangered by phenomena which can reduce, stop and downgrade this process. They occur, at least partly, out of political intentions. They become a conseąuence of existing processes in the political, industrial and psychosocial spheres. The evolution of social attitudes of an individual can take the wrong direction, and this can result in a negative influence on social systems. In this paper, special attention is placed on a few of them: atomisation, anomie and social alienation, linked to political and social problems. Atomisation can effect political participation and can lead to morał decay of the social rules of democracy. Anomie leads to adaptation reactions, which can cause withdrawal from existing values and social norms. Additionally, stratification of anomie and atomisation in terms of megatrends makes it harder to counteract their results, because the character of these phenomena leads to an indirect relationship with integration. Bearing in mind the importance of psychological functioning of individuals in a changing social environment, the issue of social alienation that at certain levels of intensity can pose a threat to European integration was also analysed

    Video guidance, landing, and imaging systems

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    The adaptive potential of video guidance technology for earth orbital and interplanetary missions was explored. The application of video acquisition, pointing, tracking, and navigation technology was considered to three primary missions: planetary landing, earth resources satellite, and spacecraft rendezvous and docking. It was found that an imaging system can be mechanized to provide a spacecraft or satellite with a considerable amount of adaptability with respect to its environment. It also provides a level of autonomy essential to many future missions and enhances their data gathering ability. The feasibility of an autonomous video guidance system capable of observing a planetary surface during terminal descent and selecting the most acceptable landing site was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory. The techniques developed for acquisition, pointing, and tracking show promise for recognizing and tracking coastlines, rivers, and other constituents of interest. Routines were written and checked for rendezvous, docking, and station-keeping functions

    Improved magnetic charged system search optimization algorithm with application to satellite formation flying

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    This paper is devoted to the implementation and application of an improved version of the metaheuristic algorithm called magnetic charged system search. Some modifications and novelties are introduced and tested. Firstly, the authors’ attempt is to develop a self-adaptive and user-friendly algorithm which can automatically set all the preliminary parameters (such as the numbers of particles, the maximum iterations number) and the internal coefficients. Indeed, some mathematical laws are proposed to set the parameters and many coefficients can dynamically change during the optimization process based on the verification of internal conditions. Secondly, some strategies are suggested to enhance the performances of the proposed algorithm. A chaotic local search is introduced to improve the global best particle of each iteration by exploiting the features of ergodicity and randomness. Moreover, a novel technique is proposed to handle bad-defined boundaries; in fact, the possibility to self-enlarge the boundaries of the optimization variables is considered, allowing to achieve the global optimum even if it is located on the boundaries or outside. The algorithm is tested through some benchmark functions and engineering design problems, showing good results, followed by an application regarding the problem of time-suboptimal manoeuvres for satellite formation flying, where the inverse dynamics technique, together with the B-splines, is employed. This analysis proves the ability of the proposed algorithm to optimize control problems related to space engineering, obtaining better results with respect to more common and used algorithms in literature